YOLUMEN 57 FASCICULUS I 1991 ISSN 0030-5375 ORIENT ALI A CHRISTIANA PERIODICA COMMENTARII DE RE ORIENT ALI AETATIS CHRISTIANAE SACRA ET PROFANA EDITI CURA ET OPERE PONTIFICII INSTITUTI ORIENTALIUM STUDIORUM PONT. INSTITUTUM ORIENTALIUM STUDIORUM PIAZZA SANTA MARIA MAGGIORE, 7 ROMA 1991 SIGLA AASS Acta Sanctorum (Antverpiae et alibi 1643 ss.) AB Analecta Bollandiana ACO Eduardus Schwartz, Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum (Berolini 1914 ss.) AfO Archiv fur Orientforschung Assemani, BO Josephus Simonius Assemanus, Bibliotheca Orientalis Clementino- Vaticana (Roma 1719, 1721, 1725, 1728) (rep. Hildesheim 1975) AOC Archives de 1’Orient Chretien BHG FranIois Halkin, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca (Bruxelles 19573) BHO Paul Peeters, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Orientalis (Bruxelles 1910) BO Bibliotheca Orientalis Brightman Frank Edward Brightman, Liturgies Eastern and Western, I: Eastern Liturgies (Oxford 1896) BSAC Bulletin de la Societe d’Archeologie Copte BV Bogoslovskij Vestnik Byzantion Byzantinische Zeitschrift CCG Corpus Christianorum, Series Graeca (Tumhout 1971 ss.) CCL Corpus Christianorum, Series Lalina (Tumhout 1953 ss.) CerVed Cerkovnye Vedomosti Chr6t Christianskoe Clenie CICO Codex Iuris Canonici Orientalis (Citta del Vaticano 1957-1958) COD Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Decreta (Bologna 19733) ConcR Concilium Florentinum. Documenta et Scriptores voll. I-XI (Roma 1940-1976) , CPG Mauritius Geerard, Clavis Patrum Graecorum (Tumhbut 1974 ss.) CSCO Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium (Louvain 1903 ss.) CSEL Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (Wien 1866 Ss.) CSHB Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantine (Bonn 1828-1897) ClOIDR 6tenija v Imperatorskom ObË7estve Istorii Drevnostej Ross. DACL Dictionnaire d’Archeologie Chretienne et de Liturgie DDC Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique Denz., ROC Henricus Denzinger, Ritus Orientalium... I, II (Wirceburgi 1863- 1864) DHGE Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Geographie Ecclesiastique (Paris 1912 ss) Dmitr Aleksei Dmitrievsku, Opisanie liturgi7eskich rukopisej chra- njaË7ichsja v bibliotekach pravoslavnago \ostoka, I-II (Kiev 1895, 1901) III (Petrograd 1917) DOP Dumbarton Oaks Papers DSp Dictionnaire de Spiritualite DTC Dictionnaire de Theologie Catholi5ue Dz Henricus Denzinger et Adolphus Schónmetzer Enchiridion... symbolorum (Freiburg im Br. 196533) EOr Echos d’Orient FCCO Fonti della Codificazione Canonica Orientale (Citta del Vaticano 1930 ss.) Funk Franciscus Xaverius Funk, Didascalia et Constitutiones Apostolo- rum (Paderborn 1905) GAL Carl Brockelmann, Geschichte der arabischen Literatur I (Weimar 1898) II (Leiden 1912) GAL2 Idem I-II (Leiden, 1943-1949) GALS Idem, Supplementbande I-III (Leiden 1937, 1938, 1942) GAS Fuat Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifltums (Leiden 1968 ss.) GCAL Georg Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, coli. ST 118, 133, 146, 147, 172 (Citta del Vaticano 1944, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953) GCS Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunder- te (Berlin 1897 ss.) Go AR Jacobus Goar, Euchologion sive Rituale graecorum (Venezia 17302 repr. Graz 1960) Grumel, Reg Venance Grumel, RËgestes des Actes du Patriarcal de Constantino- ple (Paris 1932-47) GSL Anton Baumstark, Geschichte der syrischen Literatur (Bonn 1922) HOr Handbuch der Orientalistik (Leiden-Kóln 1952 ss.) Iren Irenikon JSSt Journal of Semitic Studies JTS Journal of Theological Studies LOC Eusebe Renaudot, Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio, 2 vol. (Fran- cofurti 18472) LQF Liturgiegeschichtliche Quellen und Forschungen, deinde Liturgiewis- senscnaftliche Q. u. F. (1957 ss.) ltk Lexikon fur Theologie und Kirche (19572 ss.) Mai, SVNC Angelo Mai, Scriptorum Veterum Nom Collectio 9 voll. (Romae 1825-18381 Mansi Johannes Dominicus Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum nom et amplis- sima collectio (Firenze 1759 ss.) MGH Monumenta Germaniae Historica inde ab anno 500 usque ad an- num 1500 (Hannover 1826 ss.) Mus Le Museon MUSJ Melanges de l’Universite Saint-Joseph (Beyrouth) NRT Nouvelle Revue Theologi5ue OC Oriens Christian us OCA Orientalia Christiana Analecta OCP Orientalia Christiana Periodica OKS Ostkirchliche Studien OLP Orientalia Lovaniensa Periodica OLZ Orientalische Literaturzeitung OS L’Orient Syrien PalSb Palestinskij Sbomik Pauly-Wissowa Paulys Realenzyklopadie der klassischen Altertumswissenschafl Pedalion Ilrid´Xiov zfjI vor)zrjI vrióI zrjI ... r<ov óp0odó^a>v ÊKKlrjoiaI (iv ’A&rjvaiI 1908) PG Jacobus Paulus MignI, Patrologia Graeca (Paris 1857-1866) PL Jacobus Paulus MignI, Patrologia Latina (Paris 1841-1864) PO Patrologia Orientalis (Paris 1903 ss) POC Proche-Orient Chretien PS Patrologia Syriaca, I-III (Paris 1897, 1907, 1927) PSRL Polnoe Sobranie Russkich Letopisej RAC Reallexikon fur Antike und Chnstendum RBK Reallexikon ,zur byzantinischen Kunst REArm Revue des Etudes Armeniennes RByz Reallexikon der Byzantinistik REByz Revue des études Byzantines RechBeyr Recherches publiËes sous la direction de 1'Institut des Lettres Orien- tales de Beyrouth Renaudot, HP Eusebe Renaudot, Historia Patriarcharum Alexandrinorum Jacobi- tarum (Paris 1713) Rhallis-Potlis G. A. Rhallis et M. Potlis, Fmzaypa z<ov deltov Kai iepa>v mvóvajv (êv ABrjmiI, 1852-1859) RHC Recueil des Historiens des Croisades (Paris 1864-1906) RHE Revue d’Histoire Ecclesiasti5ue ROC Revue de 1’Orient Chretien RSBN Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici SC Sources ChrËtiennes (Paris 1941 ss.) ST Studi e Testi (Citta del Vaticano 1900 ss.) SynOr Jean-Baptiste Chabot, Synodicon Oriental ou Recueil des synodes nestoriens (Paris 1902) TKDA Trudy Kievskoy Duchovnoj Akademii TODRL Trudy Otdela Drevnerusskoj Literatury TU Texte und Untersuchungen VC Vigilae Christianae W Vizantijskj Vremennik ZDMG Zeitschrift der deutschen moigenlandischen Gesellschaft ZDPV Zeitschrift des deutschen Palastina-Vereins ëMNP ëumal Ministerstva Narodnago ProsveË7enija ZNTS Zapysky Naukovoho Tovarystva imeny Sev7enka JOSEPH A. MUNITIZ, S.J. Joseph Gili, S.J. (8 IX 1901-15 X 1989) Fr Gill’s links with the Pontifical Oriental Institute seem to have been forged in the Summer of 1934, while he was on supply in St Walburg’s Preston, immediately after fmishing his theology course: ‘I got a letter from RomI welcoming me to the Staff of the Oriental Institute, which I had never heard of before. Nor had I heard a word from the Provincial, Fr Henry Keane, So I wrote to him to ask about it, and stressed that my knowledge of Greek was minimal. He replied that it would be all right, as he understood that the stan- dards in RomI were very low!’(]) The remote preparation for this appointment began while he was a boy at Leeds Catholic College (run by the Jesuits), where he studied Latin and Greek, though on joining the Society of Jesus (7 IX 1918) he admitted, ‘I can read Latin, but though I have studied Greek, I don’t think I could read it, to be understood or at all fluently’(2). He resumed the study of Greek in 1920 and matricu- lated at London University, taking the Intermediate examination in 1921, and then fitting in the studies necessary for a B.A. (extemal pass degree in five subjects) while also studying the first two years of the Jesuit philosophy course (1923-25). His third year (1925-26) was spent at the Gregorian in RomI, his first contact with that city, and brought him a Ph. D. During theology (1929-33) he studied a little morI New Testament Greek with Fr Cuthbert Lattey, but had few illusions as to his knowledge of the Greek language. Once appointed to the Orientale, he decided to begin with the study of Modem Greek and went off to Athens (1934-36), where he taught himself (■) Interview with John Coventry for Letters and Notices (private publ., British Jesuits) 89 (1988), pp. 375-381. An obituary appeared in the 1990 vol., pp. 54-61. (2)‘Little Life’, Gili papers, Brit. Prov. Archives. OCP 57 (1991) 5-10 6 Joseph A. Munitiz, S.J. both demotic and katharevousa. He retumed to London (passing through the Orientale for the first time) in 1936, and read for the BA Honours course in Latin and Greek, benefitting from the in- spired teaching of Norman Baynes and beginning a life-long friend- ship. A fellow student in those years was Joan Hussey, later Profes- sor Hussey, who became another faithful friend. Throughout all these years Gili had given constant signs of the sharp intuition and tenacity that were to prove formidable assets in his life as a scho¬ lar. Between them Gili and Baynes had agreed that he write a Ph.D. thesis on ‘the development of the Greek language in the first eight centuries, as judged by hagiographical writings’, and when Gili re¬ tumed to the Orientale and began teaching Greek in 1938, he duti- fully began work ‘on this appalling thesis which I had chosen: it was very dulT(3). Excitement was soon to be provided. Gili hap- pened to be in England when war broke out, but he madI his way back to RomI for the start of the academic year, and in 1940 pub- lished his first scholarly article, a spin-off from his doctoral work(4). In the same year, the General sent him back to England with the mission to spread news about the persecution of the Catholic Church in the Third Reich, which Gili did in collaboration with the Minis- try of Information. There followed a bewildering succession of loca- tions: teaching classics in Preston and supervising the games for the boys (‘the first XI didn’t win many matches’), joining the R.A.F. in London as a war chaplain in November, and sailing round the Cape, so that he found himself back in Greece in 1941 (5). Then six months of hair-raising adventures on the mainland and in Crete before the British forces withdrew to Egypt. Later Gili served on various home bases, being sent out to Germany only after the end of the war, ‘when things were very fluid and I didn’t manage to leam any German’ (a constant regret to him). He was demobbed in Sep- tember 1946 and retumed to the Orientale in October to pick up the shattered remnants of his academic career after six years absence. (3) Interview, 5uoted above (notI 1). (4) The Life of Stephen the Younger by Stephen the Deacon: Debts and Loans, OCP 6 (1940), pp. 114-139. (5) J. Gill, Six Months in the Life of an Amateur Chaplain, Letters and Notices 87 (1985), pp.
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