Abstracts of Journals Received in the Library Jan-Mar 2011 Journals Abstracted Miscellanea Mycologica – No 98, Nov 2010 Mycobiology – Vol 38(3) September 2010 Mykologicke Liste – No 113, 2010 Mykologicke Liste – No 114, 2010 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde - Vol. 88, No. 3, 15 June 2010 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde - Vol. 88, No 6, 15 December 2010 Mycological Research Information about recent issues (including free access to contents lists and abstracts of published papers) can be found on the Elsevier web site at www.elsevier.com/locate/mycres Miscellanea Mycologica – No 98, Nov 2010 Abstractor – Anne Andrews Wuillbaut J-J (pp.4-48) Brief note introducing series of colour photos of species found during the 2010 fungus season showing, Russula integra (also on p. 8), Lactarius salmonicolor (also on p.16), L. intermedius, Cortinarius elegantior, Tremiscus helvelloides, Tricholoma terreum, Inocybe corydalina, Russula firmula, Lactarius pallidus,Entoloma catalaunicum, Russula nana, Lactarius intermedius, Cudonia circinans, Ganoderma carnosum, Lentinellus cochleatus, Sarcodon imbricatus, Mutinus caninus, Lactarius pterosporus, Russula lepida, R. “artesiana” (also on p. 21),Tricholoma sejunctum, Amanita phalloides, Cantharellus amethysteus, Cortinarius violaceus, Lactarius evosmus, L.pyrogalus, Russula ochroflavescens, Lactarius fuliginosus, |Chlorociboria aeruginascens, Lycoperdon echinaceum, Amanita pantherina, Lyophyllum conglobatum, Inocybe cookei, Aureoboletus gentilis, Cortinarius subvirentophyllus, C. purpurascens, C. cf eucaeruleus, Tricholoma saponaceum, C. cynobasalis (also on p.32), Lactarius subumbonatus, Boletus cf pinophilus, Agrocybe rivulosa, Tricholoma ustaloides, Pseudohydnum gelatinosum, Ramaria stricta, Lactarius chrysorrheus, Cyathus striatus, Russula azurea, R. viscida var. chlorantha, R. viscida, R. cyanoxantha, var. peltereaui, R. persicina, Lycoperdon cf umbrinum, Amanita phalloides (also on p.43), Entoloma lividum, Lactarius zonarius, L. luridus, Tricholoma sejunctum, Micromphale foetidum, Hygrophorus russula, Lactarius citriolens, Cortinarius cotoneus, C.balteatocumatilis, C. subturbinatus, C. rufoolivaceus, Xerula pudens.Some habitat photos are included. Mycobiology – Vol 38(3) September 2010 Abstractor – Anne Andrews Barseghyan G S & Wasser S P (pp. 159-165) [English] Report of study of hypogeous fungi in Israel, previously poorly known. A brief review of taxonomic history, including results of molecular studies concludes that 3 families, Pyronemataceae, Pezizaceae and Tuberaceae are represented. Species recorded are Hydnocystis piligera, Terfezia arena, T, oligosperma, Termania africana, Tuber asa and T. nitidum. T. asa is new to Israel. Detailed descriptions of each species are given with information about habitat and distribution. Illustrated with a distribution map and b/w photos. (27 refs.) Kang PD et al. (pp. 180-1830 [English] A study to find which silkworm variety was most suitable for synnemata production of Isaria tenuipes concluded that variety Hachojam gave the best results. Illustrated with b/w photos. (10 refs.) Alam N, Amin R, Khair A & Lee T S (pp. 184-188) [English] A study to compare the influence of different types and levels of supplement on the commercial cultivation of Calocybe indica, the Milky White Mushroom concluded that 30% maize powder gave the highest yield and biological efficiency. Illustrated with tables and graphs. (23 refs.) Jo W-S et al (pp.195-202) [English] Report of study to establish the best culture conditions for mycelial growth of Coriolus versicolor which is widely used medicinally in Korea. Illustrated with tables and colour photos. (19 refs.) Park H & Ka K-H (pp. 203-205) [English] Tricholoma matsutake is a popular edible mushroom in east Asia which is difficult to grow commercially because it is mycorrhizal with Pinus densiflora. A study was carried out to establish how far spores dispersed from the fruiting body. 95% if spores dropped within 1m. of the fruit body, nevertheless more than 50 million spores were dropped more than 5 m. away, the total number produced b y a fruiting body being estimated at 5 billion. (11 refs.) Joshi Y, Koh Y J & Hur J S (pp.219-221) [English] Brief descriptions of three lichen species new to South Korea, Rhizocarpon alpicola, R. grande, and R. lavatum. A key to these species is included. Illustrated with b/w photos. (18 refs.) Joshi Y, Koh Y J & Hur J S (pp. 222-224) [English] Description of 2 lichen species new to S Korea, Buellia nashiii and B. badia. A key to Buellia species in S Korea is included. Illustrated with b/w photos. (6 refs.) Mykologicke Liste – No 113, 2010 Abstractor – Anne Andrews Cizec K, (pp. 1-8) [Czech] Continuation of a series on the Tomentelloid fungi of the |Czech Republic and Slovakia. A detailed description of the rare Tomentella ochraceo- olivacea is followed by a discussion of its taxonomic position. The author considers it a well defined species in subgenus Alytosporium, in Section Brunneolae and that it should be legally protected in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Illustrated with b/w drawings of microscopic features. (8 refs.) Holec J & Kriz M (pp. 8-13) [Czech] Description of Entoloma zuccherellii, a small lignicolous fungus with violet-blue stipe and almost globose spores, which was first found in 2007 and again in 2010. The second record is described here and a discussion of its variability, ecology and taxonomy follows. Illustrated with b/w drawings of microscopic features and a colour photo on the front cover. (8 refs.) Pouzar Z & Kotlaba F (pp.14-19) [Czech] Account of two species of Dendrothele from specimens in Herbarium PRM. D. acerina is very common in Bohemia occurring mostly on Acer campestre but also on a variety of other broad-leaved trees. D. commixta is much rarer in Bohemia and is found only on oak. Illustrated with a colour photo of D. commixta on the back cover.(5 refs.) Kotlaba F, Pouzar Z & Kout J (pp. 20-22) [Czech] Account of Daedaleopsis tricolor which is a rare species in the Czech Republic though it is much commoner in some neighbouring countries. Illustrated with a colour photo on the back cover. (9 refs.) Pesicova K (pp.23-27) [Czech] This article summarises the current information on endophytic fungi on temperate zone fruit trees. (22 refs.) Chlebicka M (pp. 27-30) [Czech] Article on Dr M Svrcek on the occasion of his 85th birthday. Mykologicke Liste – No 114, 2010 Abstractor – Anne Andrews Bizek K (pp. 1-9) [Czech] This continuation of a series on the Tomentelloid fungi of the |Czech Republic and Slovakia treats Pseudotomentella flavovirens, The author found chlamydospores in this species for the first time although they had previously been observed in other Pseudotomentella and Tomentella species. These spores are described and the conditions which give rise to them are discussed. Other lesser known characters of the species are described and it is suggested that chlamydospores may in time be found in other Tomentelloid species. Illustrated with b/w drawings. (15 refs.) Antonin V & Kominkova S (pp. 9-14) [Czech] Account of five new collections from the Czech Republic of Mycena adscendens which has not hitherto been mentioned in Czech literature. Ways in which the caulocystidia observed differ from descriptions in the literature are discussed, along with the possible distribution of the species in the Czech Republic. It is suggested that it is probably overlooked rather than rare. Illustrated with colour photos of f/b (on front and back covers) and b/w drawings of microscopic characters. (15 refs.) Adamcikova K, Juhasova G, Kobza M & Ondruskova E (pp.23-24) Report of a study to record the occurrence of Cryphonectria parasitica, the causal agent of Chestnut blight disease, on trees other than Castanea sp. Seven chestnut/oak forests were investigated and C. parasitica was found in four of them on Quercus robur and Q. petraea as well as on Castanea. The fungus appeared to be identical on oak and chestnut though cankers developed more slowly on oak. Various authors (pp.24-64) [Czech/English] Abstracts of papers presented to a micromycology workshop held in 2010, mainly concerning agricultural or forestry pathogens. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde Vol. 88, No. 3, 15 June 2010 In German (some articles in French & Italian) Abstractor – Ray Tantram Rofler U; Ardüser H. (p. 90-91, 92) [also in French p. 92-93, 90] Fungus of the month (5) is Haasiella splendidissimum, a first collection for Switzerland in 1995. This species has 4-spored basidia and no clamp connections so differs from H. venustissima with its 2- spored basidia and clamps. The collection is described together with its location at the side of a new road, and close to Spruce woodland. Difficulties in identification were resolved by Moser (1983), which describes the two species in this genus. A colour plate shows this bright orange species, with decurrent gills, and line drawings illustrate the fruitbody and micro features. A bibliography is included. Mordasini E. [Original in Italian p. 93-94, 95] (In German p. 95-96, 94) Fungus of the month (6) is Melogramma spiniferum, a small Ascomycete on Beech, found for the first time in a Nature Reserve at Onsernonetal. The fungus was examined from an exsiccate of a collection from dry, undecayed Beech bark on a fallen trunk. The fungus is described. Its fruitbodies grow beneath the bark, and the stroma forms an uneven cushion. There are eight allantoid spores in the ascus. This species is closely related to Diatrypella quercina and Eutypella scoparia. Only two species in the genus Melogramma have been found in Switzerland. Reasons for this identification are discussed. Two colour plates show the fruitbody, and photomicrographs the ascus and a spore. Lit refs are included. Flammer R. (p. 97-99) [also in French p/ 100-101, 98-99] Periscope 28 discusses histoplasmosis, a fungal infection carried by bats, mice, rats, dogs, pigeons, poultry and man. Here a dimorphic fungus changes in the body from an ascomycete to a yeast, and conidial mycelia persist in the soil and excreta of e.g. bat caves, where dust containing conidia can be inhaled into the lungs.
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