The Little Theatre-On The Square, Sullivan "Central IllinoIs' Only Star Equity MusIc and Drama Theatre" Guy S. Little, Jr. presents 20 TH SEASON Established 1957 Guy S. Little, Jr, presents MICHAEL CALLAN in MEREDITH WILLSON'S "THE MUSIC MAN" Book, Music & Lyrics by: StDry by: MEREDITH MEREDITH WILLSON and WILLSON FRANKLIN LACEY with MELLISS KENWORTHY JOHN KELSO MARTHA LARRIMORE JOHN GALT Janet Peltz Phil Courington Steve Vujovic Robert Swan I Directed by ROBERT BAKER I Choreographed by HELEN BUTLEROFF Musical Direction by BRUCE KIRLE Production Designed by ROBERT D. SOULE Costumes Designed by DAVI D BESS Lighting Designed by Michael Ritoli Production Stage Manager Technical Director Assistant Musical Director Lee Geisel Michael Ritoli Robert Rodgers ENTIRE PRODUCTION UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF MR. LITTLE Cast Conductor JOHN SCOTT Charlie Cowell ......................................•.. STEPHEN ARNOLD Harold Hill MICHAEL CALLAN Mayor Shinn ...................•.......................JOHN KELSO Ewart Dunlop ..........................••........•.... PHIL COURINGTON Oliver Hix ...........................•....•........... WAYNE BAAR Jacey Squires STEVE VUJOVIC Olin Britt .........................•......•..•.......•. ROBERT SWAN Marcellus Washburn JOHN GALT Tommy Djilas ....................•.•................•..JOHN SCOTT Marion Paroo MELLISS KENWORTHY Mrs. Paroo .........................................•.. JANET PELTZ Amaryllis ......•.•.................................... DORLISA MARTIN Winthrop Paroo ............•.........................•. MONTY LeCRONE Eulalie Mackecknie Shine ............•........•........... MARTHA LARRIMORE Zaneeta DEBORAH PENWARDEN Alma Hix JEAN MARIE SCHOLZ Mrs. Squires .............••.................•.......... CHERYL BLAKE Maud Dunlop. ...............•...................... .. ANNA MCNEELY Ethel Toffelmier ......•................................ REGINA LOVE RIVER CITY TOWNPEOPLE-DANCERS: Rodney Reiner, Brian FoWler, Tom Schumacher, Deborah Benjamimov, and Judy Wilson OTHERS: Diane Wallace, Bill Williams, Lance Spitzner, Laurel Roberts, Mark Moran, Laurie Levkowitz CHILDREN'S BAND: Tom Dawson, Heidi Huelskoetter, Lori Baldwin, Kathleen Cobie, Debbie Helton. Joy Helton, Eric Weaver, Karen Baum, Sally Green, Tom Kodd, Susan Moutray, Joey Galt, Ann Owens. ORCHESTRA: Two pianos--Bruce Kirle and Robert Robers: Bass-Marshall Sperry, Percussion­ Glen Fair. THE MUSIC MAN is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International, 119 West 57th St., New York, N.Y. 10019 Shopping for the lady of taste in the atmosphere of grace, space and friendliness. DECATUR CHAMPAIGN SPRINGFIELD Andy Margaret Don Marie Ray Devine Hamilton Ameche Wilson Milland POPULARITY STAR GALLERY AT THE LITTLE THEATRE-ON THE SQUARE Marjorie Edward Everett Vivian Eddie Meredith Lord Horton Vance Bracken MacRae Bruce Annamary John Maruret Robert THE FASH ION SHOP 1 E. JEFFERSON ST SULLIVAN, ILL. PHONE 217-728-4831 A NAME EVERYONE KNOWS . FOR FABULOUS FASHIONS r DRESSES SUITS LINGERIE SPORTSWEAR ACCESSORIES FOR THAT TOTAL LOOK! Little Fashion Shop Downstairs Childrens Wear 10 E. HARRISON SULLIVAN, ILl. WEST OF LITTLE TH EA TRE Homelike Atmosphere TUES., SAT. 6:00·8:00 P.M. For Fine Home Cooked Food SUN. & MON. 6:00·2:30 P.M. Doily Luncheon Specials H. * WAYNE JONES - Own&, Steaks - Chops - Chicken ...,,- Banquet & Party Facilities ~eatt 728-7811 ELZY'S FLOWERS and GIFTS 412 SO. HAMILTON ST. SULLIVAN, ILl. 728-7358 MONDAY - SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Flowers For All Occasions Wedding Consultant Imported Gifts 1()e f/<t4t 7~ 76 ?1tak Lqe '8e4ettipd Sullivan Grain Company SEEDS - GRAIN SEED TREATING AND CLEANING 728-7541 S.ttmlg INN Sullivan's NEW Itt" AIR CONDITIONED Itt" FULLY CARPETED Itt" COlOR TV MOTEL Itt" PHONES GEORGE & ElLffN POWElL - MGRS. THE GATEWAY TO LAKE SHElBYVILLE L. W. M eMU L LIN FUNERAL HOME SULLIVAN, ILLINOIS e ~ IN SULLIVAN 728-4309 IN BETHANY 665-3221 IN LOVINCTON 873-4800 ~.c=o. ...:- • :<': Make your night at the theatre even more memorable. Dine first at . _., ~ . Uhe 'Em6assy ~ Guy Little offers you Broadway in the corn country. We offer you dining of equal excel­ lence. We'll also be happy to see you after the matinees Saturday or Sunday. To avoid disap­ pointment call 268-4949 for reservations. Our elegant, re-decorated Ambassador Room is open every night but Monday. Our cozy, discreet Senate Lounge is open every night. Located a half mile west of the I-57 interchange at Arcola - On the way to Sullivan. OUR SPECIALTY - STEAKS!!! We also offer the tastiest, pan fried-to-order chicken, sugar cured ham, seafood, veal cutlets supreme, a lazy Susan of luscious salad dressings and the world's biggest and best baked potato - with butter or sour cream. WE CATER TO PARTIES Comfortable, relaxed living in a rustic lodge atmosphere. HAWTHORNE LODGE OF SULLIVAN 728-4327 HAWTHORNE LODGE OF HILLSBORO 532-6191 H' ,. - ~ About The Staff. .. ~ ROBERT D. SOULE (Scenic Designer) I returns to ullivan for his eighth season as Fo' resw:len~ designer. Audiences will remember I The the st~ikingly beautiful and miraculously workable sets he has designed for THE Woman STUDENT PRINCE. GLAD TIDINGS. Who GEORGE M!. THE MUSIC MAN and over seventy five productions since 1968. For Knows many years he made his home in New York 1'~ City where he designed over thirty theatre Elegance.. r productIOn' a' well as for television and mo"i,·s. Horn in Bushoell. Illinois. he studied at Western Illinois University and the Pasa ~flJJHAl ~ dena Playhouse before becoming a member of the United Scenic Artists union. He has designed for many of the most famous th"atres throughout the country including Sktrr the Coconut Grove in Miami. Sombrero Play I \ 1600 LAKELAND BLVD r hou~e in Phoenix. Casa Manana in Flo Worth. ~ \ ~OUTE 45, SOUTH Westport County Playhouse and the Kenley Players. He went to Edinburg. Scotland to \MATTOON, ILLINOIS f co ordinate designs for the Providence R"pt'rtoire Company's production at the "'~5-1201 Ft'slival. For a number of years. he has "'rv,'d as rl'sident designer at Trinity Square H,'" Thl'alre of Rhode Island. ~~ f -~,. r ;;::::::::: ,. Route 51 Macon, Illinois liThe Most Unique Shop" in Centra/Illinois gifts - jewelry home decor - fashions junior - misses - half sizes ~ It:==H__ou_rs...;;;;:M=o~n=.-Sa=t::::::::.9=:3=0=-5=:OO=.JI Phillips 66 Service Stations and Marinas On lake Shelbyville Where Your Dollar To Serve You Better Goes Farther LAKEWAY PACKAGE LIQUOR 728-4613 DISCOUNT PRICES CENTRAL ILLINOIS Complete Hair Styling Group * HAIR 90's * MR. JOHN'S SCHOOL OF 803 N. Broadway - Decatur BEAUTY CULTURE 423-3343 801 N. Broadway. Decatur Individual Design Consultation Ph. 423-8173 Training Centra/Illinois' Top Stylists Angular Precision Cuts Perms & Texturizers *MR. JOHN'S COIFFURES For Blow Dry Styles Decatur: Fairview Plaza 429-1041 Myers Bros. 429-4261 The New Color Looks Maroa: 219 W. Main 794·5011 Hair 90's Cut & Blow Designs Only For The Latest Looks In Fashion In Both Wet Set or Blow Dry Looks­ Natural Perm Creative Color · .' -. : " EVERYTHING IN TRAVEL AIR ... SEA ... RAIL ... TOURS ... DICK BROWN Our Best Wishes To The Little Theatre ON THE SQUARE GENERAL CONTRACTOR DEAN'S FREE Sullivan Greenhouses PLANNINC & ESTIMATINC Phon" 12171728-4321 John W. D..n. P,op. , ..........."y 665-3054 • I I .. * brazier. BRAZIER• BURGERS­ I, FRENCH FRIES - HOT DOGS ..~ SUNDAES - SHAKES 720 WEST. JACKSON SULLIVAN, ILL. PHONE 728·452] LANCASTER DRUG STORE North Side Of Square Sullivan Phone: 728·7388 Your Complete Family Drug Store Distinctive Gifts Hallmark Cards Party Supplies SPENCER FIREARMS, INC. 5 SO. MAIN STREET (ON THE SQUARE) SULLIVAN, ILLINOIS 61951 OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENING 'TIL 8 P.M. - CLOSED SUNDAY MIDWEST HEADQUARTERS FOR THE GALS AND GUYS! FOR AUTHENTIC HANDMADE BLACK POWDER ARMS AMERICAN INDIAN JEWELRY AND SUPPLIES FOR THE MUZZLE LOADING SHOOTER • NAVAJO • PISTOLS • ZUNI • HOPI • RIFLES • SHOTGUNS • KITS WE HANDLE ONL Y THE COMPLETE LINE OF MODERN FINEST QUALITY AUTHENTIC ARMS AND ACCESSORIES PIECES AT FAIR PRICES ~eisuretime Jult it's all here at *~ ~~ of<Decatur 405 EXCiting Rooms Banquet Facil ities to 2100 2 Pools & Saunas Tennis Courts ExerCIse & Game Rooms Nltely Entertainment Fine Dining "Glockenspiel" - Lounge US 36 WEST, DECATUR, ILL. 62522 Phone 217/422-8800 ~ ".-I~ ~ ~ ".-I~ ~'" ~ ,.. t' '"~ '" "'--- t' --- ,.. Keller's RAMADA INN ~r OF EFFINGHAM r 1 ~ O. K. JOBBERS Ir FOR THAT Auto & Implement Supplies r SPECIAL DINNER BEFORE THE THEATRE ~ (OR ANYTIME) r LYNN R. HUNTSBURGER, Owner I~ ! 404 W. Roane St.-Ph. 728-7378 ~ RESTAURANT OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK r 6,00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. SULLIVAN, ILLINOIS ~ (Reservations accepted) ! f~ COCKTAIL LOUNGE OPEN 'TILL MIDNIGHT !:; Rt. 32-33 and I 70-57 1 217·342·2131 f 1 r .c ....-...: r--~ _ __~~ r ~r ~~'" .c .._-.:,..1.;:::::::::::: ~r.._-.:r1.;:::::::::::: ~ ".-I~ ~,. t' ~ ---- ,.. WELCOME TO SULLIVAN AND THE LITTLE THEATRE r SHOP FOR MEN'S & BOY'S r ~ 1 1 CLOTHING AT r ~aMtiet<J",~ f Russell M. Harshman Co. I~ ~ I~ Sullivan, III. Phone 728-7394 f SOUTH SIDE OF THE SQUARE f READY MIX CEMENT ! ~ CONTRACTORS "NA TlONALL Y KNOWN BRANDS" ! ~ r HRS. 8:30 - 5:00, FR!. TILL 8:00 f f ;§[ .c r--~ _ __~'" ~r.._-.:r ;:::::=:::: YOUR SAVINGS HEADQUARTERS -- Serving you since 1908 . .. • Passbook Savings • Savings Certificates Insured to $40,000 by the FSLlC We welcome savings from individuals, clubs, lodges, organizations, credit unions, etc. Postage paid both ways on saving-by-mail. Phone us or stop in our conveniently located office
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