HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, SEMI-WEEKL- TUESDAY JULY a, 1903 Y. (Continued from pass 1) eCV2&!Xji s3ssa - ,, 5) ..niMmiarfiVi'ww-- . ST. PETER'S, ROME. fj I WHERE POPE LEO DIED. I GXi)g ft333S iNoblo Guards and Franciscan penitentiaries are keeping vigil beside the remains, shortly before the rope s death ho said to Cardinal Oreglia: "To will soon seize your Eminence who the reins of supreme AIM fW AKKKCUAIIU v If .power, I confido tlio Churcli in these difficult times." rurL llu Iho College of Cardinals will assemble today to pronounce tho BY HENRY E. HIOHTON. Pontiff dead. Then tho body will bo embalmed and removed to St. Peter's, where j'l will lio in state for several days, finally resting in the The dentil of Pope Leo XIH will ex- - advocated TlntnnQ. n . m. .jr. worklncmen's n,,ni. .Basilica of SJ' John Lateran. cite the sympathy of the civilized ogous to thu guilds of the middle ages, All nations have sent condolences. world, without distinction of race or Tllu Policy of Loo XIU throughout creed. Horn March 2ml, 1S10, his name !lls ,oll,"l;ato was conciliatory und In Cardinal Oreglia, who is likely to be. the next Pope, occupies the was Vlnc.nzo Cionechlno Peed. On his s side, he aermuny post of. Camerlingo, by virtue of which ho is now temporary head of mother was a descendant S and Switzerland. 1IU threw of Cola dl Rleuzt, Ro- - "Is personal the Church. lie is Bishop of Ostia, is 75 years old and was made a the last of the Inlluunco Into Ihu scule, feJ man tribunes. Ho achieved the high- - w,,e" Inul Lavegeile sollcltid from Cardinal just thirty years ago. est honors In scholarship, and was not '! people, of ,. ll,m against the revival of tho slave Few even in the ranks the churcli, are aware that rklk only a remarkable but deep- - trade In Africa. i.v dosed his long Cardinal Oreglia, now the most bitter enemy and the most uncom- ly versed In modern science. He was standing controversy with ,,y Ulsmnrck, promising foe of the Italian Crown Government, began his ecclesiast- made a priest on December 23rd, 1837, "" nmlnolo correspondence with the Ger",a" ical career as chaplain to tho late King Victor Emmanuel, being the and, wtthln a few years, became the J'1'?1 1K"1,0r ot modern times. recognized the French Itenubllc nru! adopted son and nephew of that Count Solnro Delia JEarghcrita, the Apostolic Delegate at Jlenevonto, disclaimed any right of iWerence intimate friend and political adviser of the late King's Charles' whore, at an early age, lie displayed with forum or government, referring to father, t,le Albert. At the timo of tho capture of Eomo by Victor Emmanuel his unconquerable firmness and his ex- - United States as "growing greater tymmt"fSrr-- y.SU.EBitaHwiB'WJP jwVJI ecutlve power, by suppression "ml ".V''1" evcr',,lly-- "Accept the in 1S70, Consignor Oreglia was Papal Nuncio at Lisbon, and he ' tn the ot PHk' brigandage. He was afterwards quu.1- - j'T consTl'tu'ted"".'!!3 brought so much pressure to bear upon Queen Pia of Portugal to in- power elstnTg lied to become the. Nuncio to llrussels among you; submit-wher- duce Rome respect It, nnd bo e hei father, Victor Emmanuel, to restore to the Pope tint his service was punctually dip- - ted to It as representing tho power that tho court of Lisbon finally demanded his recall. lie has two brothers lomatlc nnd wliere ho deeply studied Qom'a rro' God." who occupy high rank in the order of tho Jesuits, and is generally those political and social problems, to atln. Ills, relntlotiM with the United believed to be tho Papal candidate of that powerful order, whose in- which, after his elevation to the Pa-- pacy, wide-sprea- d transigent ideas with regard to the Italian Government ho personifies ho nttracted such modern Ideas In his appreciation of our sacred lie attention. Then he was Bishop of Institutions.PZZXOn the occasion of his moro completely than any other member of the college. If Perugia, for thirty-iw- o yenrs, ho f'eerdotal Jubilee, President. Clevc- - is elected Popontwill bo ,a.case of war to the .knifobetveen churcli when ' was made Cardinal, and, in 1877. us I"' 'I'U'M?a,'lnl ,a',)1,0",. K,ent and stato in Italy. V m " tutlon. ICardlnul Camerlingo lie performed the and in his reply, he declared that liber, Although ho has been given high office by Leo, there has never solemn ceremony of lightly tapping the ty was guaranteed by thnt Instrument, been any liking between Oreglia and the Pope. Leo XIII was perfect- forehead of his predecessor, Plus IX, When Monslgnor Satolll hud been ap- - ly aware of all this, and to those who were behind the scenes at the wlth a silver hummer, nnd olllclally I)oln,C(I "' personal representative, In Vatican there was a good deal of humor in tho occasions when Car- announcing his death, nnd shortly f,?""?,''',,,1?9,3, lm '"''I'ed " letter to and Bishops In the col-leg- o afterwards was Ills successor. dinal Oreglia was called upon to offer in the name of tho sacred United States, In which he referred to This bald outline brings our wishes and prayers for tho long life, health and happiness of oeforo the natlonnl growth, and to the lc one of most tiuy io which we to bo his holiness, who listened with a twinkle in his eye to these compli- - the fruitful lives seemed tend- er the Inst century, prolonged not only ""'' Jpxpressed his wish that the , Catholic Church should "not onlv shnri. " " Le X'' t Function-- He Wa, the First to Enter St. n x.ars, ,.,,,. and , ,,llt ,,, - to MnK about Oils pros- - 2?l in lmpressiveness, ana which wns nect vo cronliiPKs " II.. i,ti,..i .., eminence, his health was becoming stronger, that lie never felt better J greatest at Its close. It Is not my prov- - of wnnilnjr ngnlnst the turbulence of his tlTJriritl,ho expected ince to discuss In enpae- - "rlle8. while approving or Inwful com-it- y in life, and that to be spared for many years to come. Leo XIII his o WHd WILL MICC.tD most avowed candidacy, the most sup- - or Supreme Pontiff or Splritua. ba S,, ?! ported, the most combated, the moot Head of a great Church that numbers tranquillity of Urn Commonwonlth " to among rivrLJloved, the most hated Tor his outspok- - Its children more than two "obey the law," to "abhor violence" POPE LEO'S LONG CAREER, enness, his 'Intrnnslgence,' his tireless hundred millions or human beings, or nnl to "seek no moro thnr equity and n, his fearless hlghmlnded- - every race and living under every JU8t,J;o At " "till Inter period, David Savlllo Muzzey recently wrote sSs '"""'s's's'''s'"'s's''s'Vs's'sA's'S's''s ness. his .revocable conviction, and his " of government. Nor Is It within oXJJc? amount wvvwwvwvwvw. in "The Outlook:" ,ny onK, were Born at Carplneto, Mnrch- 2, 1810. Implacable and merciless vengeance? Iu''Poso to dwell upon his scholar-- Regents of the New York University Entered college at Rome, 1824. "Who will be the next Pope? Will he 'Ignls ardens' Is the predicted charuo- - shlp' wlllcl1 Wlls deep, brond and thor- - nnd added: "How then enn I complain Gregorian 1S30. of tho Matriculated at University, be a religious devotee like Gregory tor of Leo's successor. The motto 0UKh' ana rankeil among sclent- - Institutions of America? Tho College 1832. fits "n moro I study them, Entered of Noble Ecclesiastics, l!,ts' I,hlloso"llers nnd poets. The ccn- - the more they Appointed Pope 1837. XVI., or an uncompromising martyr Rampolla, though the lire Is on tho please me. I have Domestic Prelate by Gregory XVI,, lral nolnt ot admonlshnd all the Iteferendlnry of Cnurt of Segnatura. March 1C, 1837. like Plus VI., or an astute politician irms nt Or,.Pii.n win if i, m.. f ecular Interest In his people In America to rfrnln from strik- wonuerful carcer is his es, never to Order of Priesthood conrerred, Dec. 31, 1837. like Leo XIII., or n mixture of mili- tho twenty candidates whose claims statesmanship, resort to violence to re- Apostolic delegate 1S37 1941, wnicn navo al- dress a grievance, but to appeal at Benevento, to tarism, bonhomie, and dogged religious have a right to be considered? 'Scire nione wouiu placed him to the Governor ot Spoleto, 1841 1813. law nnd the constitution." to or most, If not quite, nt the heud of the Papal Nuncio 1843 1845. conservatism like Plux IX.? Will It be nerasl' The choice the Pope Is In the This great man In his to- nt Brussels, to illustrious men or the Nineteenth Cen- nttltude Made Archbishop or Perugia, 1846. the Pledrnontese noble Oreglia, hands or the Holy Spirit. The only wards tho secular world, the tury. His grusp ot ' ques- towards the Curdlnnl-Chamberln- the urnlng mass ot Created Cardinal, Dec. 19, 1853. ln of Leo XIII., us word or the Cardinal, ns he kneels In human beings everywhere, was tions of the duy and the luminous In- a practical and a itowerful Made Cardinal Cnmerlengo, July, 1877. Leo (then PeccI) was the Cardlnal- - prayer, with his folded ballot ready to statesman, Elected Pope, February 20, 1878. telligence with which ho treated them und, better than many other great Chamberlaln of IX.? Oreglia deposit on the golden paten over men, comprehended Received Itoman Catholic Hierarchy In Scotland, March 4,' 1878.
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