CASSEhMY.] The Hon. A. F. GRIFFTH: I think the suggestion is a worth-while one and it will ifpidatur Aintxtg bring the north into line with the rest of the State. I1 cannot see any objection to Wednesday, the 16th September, 1964 it and I support the amendment. CONTENTS Amendment put and passed. Pg Clause, as amended, put and passed. BILLS- Agricultural Products Act Amendment Clauses 26 to 39 put and passed. Bill-Returned -0... 74 Title put and passed. Alsatian Dog Act Amendment BUi-Re- Bill reported with an amendment. turned ............ ......... 974 Anzac Day Act Amendment Bill-Re- turned......... ......... 974 ADMINISTRATION ACT Bush Fires Act Amendment Bill- AMENDMENT BILL Intro. ; Ir........... ......... 970 In Committee Cancer Council of Western Australia Act Amendment Bill-Report .-. 970 The Chairman of Committees (The Hon. Chiropractors Bill-Sr. ... .... ... 970 N. E. Baxter) in the Chair;. The Hon. A. F. Country Areas Water Supply Act Amend- Griffith (Minister for Justice) in charge ment Bill- of the Bill. Intro. ; Ir...........970 Clauses 1 to 11 put and passed. Country Towns Sewerage Act Amendment Bill- Clause 12: Section 140 amended- Intro. ; Ir...........970 Evidence Act Amendment Bill-3r. 970 The Hon. F. J. S. WISE: I am wonder- Justices Act Amendment Bill-Sr. .. 970 ing if the Minister and his officers are Local Courts Act Amendment Bill-Sr... 970 content that the Provisions of this clause Milk Act Amendment Bill-Returned ... 974 will mean that the whole of the pro- Mining Act Amendment Bill (No. 2)- ceedings have been satisfied. Is it likely Receipt ; Ir ... .... 974 there would be anything else outstanding National Trust of Australia (W.A.) Bil- at the time the provision for the grant- Intro. ; 1r. .. 970 ing of probate or administration had been Parks and Reserves Act Amendment Bill- sealed by the court: or would all require- Intro. ; Ir............970 ments have been cleared at that point? Presbyterian Church Acts Amendment The Hon. A. F. GRIFFTH: The notes Billr. ....-. 970 I have in regard to clause 12 state that Sale of Liquor and Tobacco Act Amend- ment Bill-Sr. ...- 970 the proposals in the clause provide for the issue under section 140 of office copy grants MEMBERS' SPEECHES: QUOTATIONS without annexure of copies of relevant FROM UNCORRECTED PROOFS- wills. Section 140 contains requirements Statement by Speaker . 969 concerning records of grants, filing pro- MOTIONS- cedures, and so forth, required to be main- Fire Brigades Act :Disallowance of tained by the master. The proposal Regulation 1O0A . .. 970 contained in clause 12 to enable the copy Milk Act: Disallowance of Amendments to of a grant of probate or administration Regulation 818 .. ... ... .- 974 to be issued under seal, with or without Swan River Reclamation : Suspension of the annexure of a copy of the will, if any, Work .... .... 976 and issued as sufficient evidence of that QUESTIONS ON NOTICE- grant without further proof, has been Dairy Industry Committee of Enquiry: considered by the Chief Justice and the Adoption of Recommendations .... 96 Master of the Supreme Court, Who can see Education- no objections to it. Eastern Goldflelds High School When these administrative changes are Gymnasium Facilities........... 964 being made, the views of the Chief Jus- Oriental Languages :Teaching at tice, judges, or the Master of the Supreme High Schools..... ... 96 Court are, as far as possible, obtained. Electricity Supplies : State Electricity Commission- The Hon. F. J. S. Wise: I was concerned Electricity Supplies for Northern Towns 968 about where this thought originated, but I Power Line Route from Geraldion to am quite happy about it. Northampton................966 Purchase of Electric Power from Ger- Clause put and passed. aldton Town Council........... 968 Clause 12 put and passed. Floods- Title put and passed. Damage to Railways, Bridges, Cul- verts, and Abutments......988 Report Flooding at Harvey- Bill reported, without amendment, and Drainage of High School Grounds 965 the report adopted. Effect of Harvey River Diversion Scheme .. .. .. .. 968 House adjourned at 5.58 p.mn. Weir Wail: Elimination of Danger .. .. .. .. 965 rWednesday. 16 September, 1964.] 983 CONTENTS--continued TRAFFIC ROUTES FOR CITY page QUESTIONS ON NOTICE-continued Proposals and Alternatives Harbour, Fremantle : Presence of Sewage- ... .I Mr. FLETCHER asked the Minister type Bacteria in Water 964 2. for Works: Health-Sale of Poultry and Rabbits: .. What reasonable grounds justify Control by Health Department 967 (1) the expenditure of £8,000,000 to Land South of Mount Gibson Station: 967 provide facilities to handle traffic Survey ... .. 967 into, through, and around the Marketing of Onions Act: Objections to City of Perth when an assumed Proposed Amendments ........ ... 966 large percentage would prefer Pneumnoconlosls Committee : Publication alternative routes to avoid con- of Report .... .. 968 gestion? Police: Motor Vehicles- (2) To cater for this percentage and Regrooving of Worn Tyres.... 967 anticipated increase in vehicles, Speed Limits and Braking Efficiency 965 will he recommend- Public Buildings at Kalgoorlie : Provision (a) building a bridge from Point of Water Cooling System 964 Walter to Point Resolution Railways- with portion of the £8,000,000 Fremantie Railway Bridge-Double mentioned in (1); Standard Gauge Tracks : Simul- (b) using the remainder for pro- taneous Use... .. 964 viding a less elaborate scheme Standard Gauge Railway :Closure of associated with the Narrows West Midland Subway ... .. 967 Bridge? Buperphosphat- Difference between Western Aus- Mr. WI-LD replied: tralian and Victorian Products.. 967 (1) The Mitchell Freeway Project is Establishment of Inland Works ..I 967 the first stage of the implementa- Swimming Pools: Number Subsidised by tion of the scheme for freeways Government and Location 968 embodied in the region plan which will ultimately require the expen- Theatre In Western Australia- diture of many millions of pounds Elizabethan Theatre Trust Represent- Because ative :Appointment of Professor spread over many years. Alexander........... 968 the City of Perth is the centre of .. 968 the region and of the system of Financial Assistance... .... radial roads, the first need is to Traffic- Provide traffic capacity at the Railway Crossing Fund Account centre to which most traffic is Credits and Expenditure 964 directed- Traffic Routes for City Proposals and Alternatives .. 963 (2) (a) and (b) No. PNEUMOCONIOSIS COMMITTEE The SPEAKER (Mr. Hearman) took Publication of Report the Chair at 4.30 p.m., and read Prayers. 3. Mr. EVANS asked the Minister rep- resenting the Minister for Mines: QUESTIONS ON NOTICE (1) Is he now able to indicate when the report of the committee which ORIENTAL LANGUAGES inquired into pneumoconiosis will Teaching at High Schools be made available for public perusal? 1.Mr. DlUNN asked the Minister for (2) Would he please give an assur- Education: ance that this report will be made (1) What plans, if any, are envisaged public before his second reading to have oriental languages taught speech introducing the Govern- as normal subjects in high schools? ment promised Workers' Com- (2) If the answer is "nil," could this pensation Act Amendment Bill so matter be investigated with a as to afford ample opportunity to view to having it implemented at the persons most concerned. an early date? namely workers, within the mean- ing of the Workers' Compensation Mr. NALDER (for Mr. Lewis) replied: Act, to study the contents of the (1) None at present. amending Bill in the light of the contents of the committee re- (2) Japanese and Malay are taught port? as extracurricular subjects aftLer normal school hours in four high Mr. BOVELL rep~lied: schools, If the demand increases (1) and (2) The report was tabled in this will be expanded. both Houses today. [ASSEMBLY.] EASTERN GOLDFIELDS HIGH Mr. COURT replied: SCHOOL (1) Installation has not yet been Gymnasium Facilities effected. 4. Mr. EVANS asked the Minister for (2) Yes. Two units will be Installed- Education: one on the ground floor and one on the first floor-before summer (1) Does he realise that Eastern Gold- commences. fields High School still lacks its own complete gynmnasium facili- ties? FREMANTLE RAILWAY BRIDGE (2) Does he not agree that a high Double Standard Gauge Tracks: school of this status, as a unit In Simultaneous Use the "centralised" scheme of edu- 6. Mr. TONKIN asked the Minister for cation on which our educational Railways: authorities pride themselves, should not suffer in departmental Will it be practicable for both set~s supplied facilities in comparison of standard gauge track on the with other units of comparable new Fremantle railway bridge to stature within the be used simultaneously with com- same scheme? plete safety, irrespective of the (3) If the answer to (2) is a quall- position of the two trains on the fled 'Yes," is the Education De- bridge when they are passing each partment policy in respect of im- other? provements to other existing high schools and the building of new Mr. COURT replied: high schools in the metropolitan Yes. and certain other country dis- tricts consistently shaped and FREMANTLE HARBOUR effected by this same qualifica- tion in the matter of providing Presence of Sewage-type Bacteria in gymnasium facilities? Water (4) What priority has the provision of 7. Mr. TONKIN asked the Minister for gymnasium facilities at Eastern Works: Ooldfields High School on the (1) Following the reported statement listed work (other than the pro- on the 23rd March last by the vision of essential classrooms) yet Public Health Commissioner that, to be executed by the department? "Water samples taken from the (5) Could he Please give an estimate harbour near the Frenmantle bridge when it could be reasonably ex- contained sewage-type bacteria" pected full gymnasium facilities did the Fremantle Harbour Trust will be provided at Eastern Gold- make its own investigations in fields High School? accordance with the reported stated intention of the trust as Mr.
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