The Denver Catholic Register WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1978 VOL. LIV NO. 6 Colorado's Largest W e e k ly 48 PAGES 25 CENTS PER COPY ■ I POPE Ji N PAUL1 See Twf*nlyj|*age .\»^morial' O' Seetion Inside. I.- 5.* ': Ì Psg« 2 — TH6 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER. W»d.. October 4, 1978 Theresian Convention Reaching Out With Gospel Values W insett & Co. States, f.’anada, the f'hilip- Joseph of Carondelet and the pines, and Australia first .Sister to serve in a state We Mean Selling! Ma/or Superior legislature, will speak Oct. The conference's keynote 29 at a general session at address, on 'Women in Sup­ 9:.30 a m., on "The Gospel port of Women, " will be and Politics: Integrating the Women in Support of niven at a peneral session Vision." Winsett & Co. Women reaehin« out Oct. 27 at 8 |). rn. by Sister Dunn has a master's with (Jo.spel values" is the degree in history and Dominican Sister .lane Abell t .» theme for an international from Houson, a Theresian political .science, and has ti conlerenee to be sponsored and major superior of the taught government and (><■1 27-29 in Denver hy the history m Sacred Heart Congrenation RE AlTOfi riieresians of America of Dominican Sisters. She has been in the The conference, open to Sister Abell, who has .Arizona Htiuse of Represen­ women and men. wfill be held m a s t e r ' s d e n r e e s in tatives since 1974, serving on at the Denver Hilton Hotel. mathematics as well as such committees as The Theresians, foundwl theolony, has been a hinh agriculture, natural Know Your Realtor! in 191)1 by Ms^r Klwimd ('. school teacher and in resources and energy, bank­ Voss in I’ueblo. is an campus ministry work She ing and insurance, and trans­ or^;;mlzation for Christian is a member of the portation women dedicjited to frrowtti Headership Conference of O th er p o I i c 1 1 a I »• x - ■NOL.W WI.NSKTT, BROKER for WINSETT & CO. in s[)irituality. Christian Women Helif>ious and the periences include being a announced that Mr. James J. McCabe has recently joined the com m itm ent. H el in to us D om inican I„ e a d e r s h i [) l)em(K-ratic party prei incl committeewoman and a real estate firm of Winsett & Co. Mr. McCabe was educated in j vocations, and ministry to Conlerenee f others. delegate to the 1972 .National Denver schools: I’resentation, St. Joseph’s and North High In Legislature Democratic Convention School. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business There are now 89 There- Sisti’r Clare Dunn of si.in nrotipt' Ignited .Archbishop Robert E .Administration from the University Tucson, Ariz., a Sister of St Sanchez of Sant a !•'e. eniscopal adviser for the of Denver with a major in r Theresians. will be the .Accounting. \i{( iiitisiiursoiT icK celebrant and givi> the homi Mr. .McCabe has been associated 2IIII .losephiiie Streel ly at a noon Mass ()ct 28 for many years with the Denver Deiner. Cl) 81)211« Archbishop .lames \' (’asey will celebrate a con printing industry. O fficia l ference .Mass at II 30 a m He has an extensive background in on Oct 29 land developments, home and AIM’OINTMKNTS A series of panels and general construction field as a Heveremj .James .1, Costello. S.J , Staff member, action oriented sessions Sticred Heart Retreat House, Sedalia, Colortido throughout the day on Oct 28 corporate financial officer. Reverend Vincent J O'h’laherty, S..J Staff will d e a 1 with t ti e He was also the General Manager member, Sacrini Heart Retreat House, Si'dalia. consciousness-raising of, and of a local major manufacturing firm Colortido. Christian support for, specializing in products for the Reverend Lawrence White, C S V., to be in charge women of ministry to tlie elderly. Cathedral Parish. Denver They will discuss ques­ home building industry, and, chief tions such as: What are the accountant for a cable television .SCHKDULKS life experiences of single, company. ARCHBISHOP JAMES V. CASEY married and Religious Jim and his wife Louise, a special Kriday, Oct. 6, 4 p in — Denver. St Thomas women, and what kinds of Seminary, Concelebratini .M;iss, Opening of School support arc we able and will­ education teacher, have five Year, Dinner to Pollow ing to give them? What is children and live in Christ the King Jim M r( iih Thursday, Oct 12. 11 30 a ni. — Denver, Holiday our understanding of the parish. Inn at the Ainiort, National Conlerenee ol Catholic Christian support needed by Hishops Ad lloc Committee on Evangelization the divorced, battered and Meeting. Concelebrated Mass, luncluHin to follow alcobolic woman'’ Is our CALL JIM ABOUT THESE OUTSTANDING Friday, Oct 13. 12 :10 p in. Denver. Holiday Inn knowledge of economics, REAL ESTATE VALUES. at the .Airport. Closing of Evangelization Conference. political systems an social Lunchi'on services adequate to effect Gospel-valued changes in BISHOP C.EORGE R, EVANS GOHA LARGE FAMILY? six'iety'’ HUTCHINSON HGTS. HIGH AND MIGHTY Monday. t)ct. 9, 7:30 p in, — Denver. St Rose of 6 BEDROOMS NEW LISTING STORY BOOK LIFE STYLE Lima Parish, Concelebrated Mass and Confirmation W rap-up Looking for something Immaculate ranch on Home In Cherry Hills. ,\ wrap-up session on different on the Inside? a Thursday. Oct 12, 8 a.m. — Denver, Catholic Privacy with panoramic Consider this 6 year old cul-de-sac, 3 bdrms.. 2 Pastoral Center. Colorado Council of Churches, Ex­ conference projections and M tn. view. 5 bdrm s., 4 Tri-Level in Pine Valley baths. tastefully ecutive Meeting tbe annual business meeting, baths, 2 car attached owned by one ol Denver's decorated Priced at lust in addition to a leadership $61.750. Thursday. Oct 12, 12 Noon — Denver, Catholic renowned authors. Priced garage. Just $325,000. Pastoral Center. Pro Life Commission Meeting workshop for state and dis­ at just $87.900 trict directors, presidents, chaplains, and mixlerators 4734 S. WILLOW The Denver Catholic Register will be held on Oct 29. HAVE YOUR CAKE MTN. VIEW PERRY PARK F’ersons interested in at­ and eat it too! Mom's 6277 S. JOSEPHINE WAY SENTINEL ROCK CONDO t tie Most Reverend Jarnes V Casey. D D Publisher tending the conference may house at Dad's price is your dream house 3 2 b d rm s ., 2V. baths, 2 car plus 1 bdrm s., IV« baths. Rev C B W oodneh Editor obtain more information on Excellent location near attached garage. Linus Riordnn Associate Editor Denver Tech Center. 2 lull finished bsmi. A li Incredible view ol Jim Pierson Business Manager registration and the meeting fireplaces, immediate terms $59.500. mountains. $69.950. Trank Verchiarelli Advertising Director from Marie Dyer, 233-2782; occupancy $87,900. .tames Fiedler. Richard Tucker Editorial Stall Mary Smaldone, 477-0677: or Mark Kiryluk Stall Photographer from pastors. William Radovich Circulation Please direct all inquiries regarding changes ol address, sub­ scriptions. etc to the Circulation Ollice Denver Catholic Register. 200 Josephine Street, Denver. 80206 Phone 388- 4411 Ext 270 Respect Life M^nsett & Co. S Editorial ollices located at 200 Josephine Denver 80206 Mass Oct. 8 ** I ttiii t'.iunifih 7’o Know ... Sniall ICmnifih Tit C.ari-" S ubscrip tions S3 50 per year Bishop George R Evans Foreign countries including Philippines. S7 00 per year will celebrate Mass at the Rl Rev Matthew J Smith, Ph D . Founding Editor Register System ol Catholic Newspapers 1913-1960 Cathedral of the Im­ 6000 East Evans Avenue 758-8813 maculate Conception at 10 .An Equal Housing Opportunity Flealtor ■*'- Edited'in Donver. Colorado, Printed weekly except last week of a m. Sunday, Oct. 8. to mark December by Community Publications Second class postage paid at Denver. Colorado. Published by the Archdiocese ot Denver Respect Life Month. ____ SALES APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED - THE p^NV£R CATHOUP PEGISTEH, Wed.. October 4, 1978 - Page 3 Pope John Paul Left Us a Challenge By Linus Riordan But so often death comes to them suddenly and they are “Because he liked m e.” by themselves without even the solace of the last This was the answer that a small girl gave as she anointing. came out of the Cathedral after attending Mass for Pope I remember speaking to a priest about this. And his John Paul when a TV reporter asked her why she liked the Pope. reply was simple; “Our Lord wants to be alone with them. He wants to share that moment with no one else.” The girl expressed the feeling of the all those who .And so Our Lord must have wanted to be alone with John were saddened by the Pope's sudden death. They had Paul. The mystery of that moment will not be revealed in come to look upon him as a spiritual father. this life. In the few short days that John Paul was Pontiff he We can ponder the mystery of the Pope's death which had changed the whole thrust of the Church. seems untimely to us. It is not given to us to understand With his smiling care for everyone, he opened hearts the ways of God. As Archbishop Casey said on a TV and gave fresh hope. He seemed to be the modern exam­ interview, for most the first reaction to John Paul’s death ple of the Good Shepherd who is Christ. There was great was annoyance at God that he had dared to take the Pope promise that his Pontificate would be a healing force and from us.
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