Annual Report 2017-18 Where cultures come alive... Annual Report 2017-18 Where cultures come alive... DITSONG Annual Report 2017 - 18 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS page PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. PUBLIC ENTITY’S GENERAL INFORMATION 5 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS 6 3. FOREWORD BY THE CHAIRPERSON 8 4. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S OVERVIEW 12 5. STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY 18 6. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 19 6.1 Vision 19 6.2 Mission 19 6.3 Values 19 7 LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES 20 7.1 Legislative Mandate 20 7.2 Constitutional Mandate 20 7.3 Other Mandates 21 7.4 Alignment to NDP and MTSF 21 7.5 Alignment to DAC Strategic Goals 21 7.6 Other Relevant Legislation 22 8 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE 23 9. OVERVIEW OF DITSONG Museums 26 9.1 DITSONG: National Museum of Natural History 26 9.2 DITSONG: Tswaing Meteorite Crater 27 9.3 DITSONG: National Museum of Cultural History 27 9.4 DITSONG: Kruger Museum 29 9.5 DITSONG: Pioneer Museum 29 9.6 DITSONG: Willem Prinsloo Agricultural Museum 29 9.7 DITSONG: Sammy Marks Museum 30 9.8 DITSONG: National Museum of Military History 30 PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 1. AUDITOR-GENERAL’S REPORT: PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES 33 2. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS 33 2.1 Service Delivery Environment 33 2.2 Organisational Environment 34 2.3 Key Policy Developments and Legislative Changes 35 2.4 Strategic Outcome-Oriented Goals 35 3. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION BY PROGRAMME 36 3.1 Programme 1: Administration 36 3.2 Programme 2: Business Development 42 3.3 Programme 3: Public Engagement 45 4. REVENUE COLLECTION 47 4.1 Revenue Collection 47 4.2 Capital Investment 47 DITSONG Annual Report 2017 - 18 2 page PART C: GOVERNANCE 1. INTRODUCTION 50 2. PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE 50 3. EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY 50 4. THE ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY BOARD 51 5. RISK MANAGEMENT 55 6. INTERNAL CONTROL UNIT 55 7. INTERNAL AUDIT AND AUDIT COMMITTEE 56 8. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS 57 9. FRAUD AND CORRUPTION 57 10. MINIMISING CONFLICT OF INTEREST 58 11. CODE OF CONDUCT 58 12. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 59 13. COMPANY/BOARD SECRETARY 59 14. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 59 15. AUDIT AND RISK AND INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE REPORT 60 PART D: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1. INTRODUCTION 63 2. HUMAN RESOURCES OVERSIGHT STATISTICS 66 PART E: FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1. REPORT OF THE EXTERNAL AUDITOR 72 2. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 80 Annexures ANNEXURE A 147 DETAILED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2018 ANNEXURE B 149 PUBLICATIONS ANNEXURE C 152 LECTURES AND TALKS DITSONG Annual Report 2017 - 18 3 Part A General Information DITSONG Annual Report 2017 - 18 4 PART A - General Information 1. PUBLIC ENTITY’S GENERAL INFORMATION REGISTERED NAME: DITSONG: Museums of South Africa REGISTRATION NUMBER (if applicable): Not Applicable PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 70 WF Nkomo Street gaMohle Building Pretoria 0002 POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 4197 Pretoria 0001 TELEPHONE NUMBERS: +27 12 492 5744 FAX NUMBER: +27 12 323 6598 EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] WEBSITE ADDRESS: https://www.ditsong.org.za EXTERNAL AUDITORS: Auditor-General of South Africa BANKERS: ABSA COUNCIL SECRETARY: Mr F. Mashilo DITSONG Annual Report 2017 - 18 5 PART A - General Information 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS ABET Adult Basic Education and Training ACH Arts, Culture and Heritage AFS Annual Financial Statements ARIC Audit, Risk and Information Communication Technology AGSA Auditor-General of South Africa ASAPA Association of South African Professional Archaeologists BBBEE Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment CEO Chief Executive Officer CFO Chief Financial Officer CJMC City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Council CNRS Centre National de la Recherché Scientifique CPD Corporation for Public Deposits CTMC City of Tshwane Metropolitan Council DAC Department of Arts and Culture DEAT Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism DIRCO Department of International Relations and Cooperation DKM DITSONG: Kruger Museum DMSA DITSONG: Museums of South Africa DNMCH DITSONG: National Museum of Cultural History DNMMH DITSONG: National Museum of Military History DNMNH DITSONG: National Museum of Natural History DPM DITSONG: Pioneer Museum DPW Department of Public Works DSMM DITSONG: Sammy Marks Museum DTMC DITSONG: Tswaing Meteorite Crater DWPAM DITSONG: Willem Prinsloo Agricultural Museum EE Employment Equity EPWP Extended Public Works Programme ESS Employee Self-Service EXCO Executive Committee FAR Fixed Asset Register GDARD Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development GDE Gauteng Department of Education GRAP Generally Recognised Accounting Practice HDI Historically Disadvantaged Individual HO Head Office HR Human Resources HRREMCO Human Resources and Remuneration Committee ICT Information and Communications Technology LTE Long Term Evolution DITSONG Annual Report 2017 - 18 6 PART A - General Information MANCO Management Committee MEC Member of Executive Council MMC Members of the Mayoral Committee MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOU Memorandum of Understanding MK Umkhonto we Sizwe MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework NDP National Development Plan NFI Northern Flagship Institution NRF National Research Foundation NSCF Natural Science Collections Facility NSRCP National Scientific Research Collections Platform OHS Occupational Health and Safety PAST Palaeontological Scientific Trust PFMA Public Finance Management Act POQO Later known as Azanian People’s Liberation Army (AZAPO) PPC Parliamentary Portfolio Committee PPE Property Plant and Equipment PPP Public Private Partnership PPPFA Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act PSCGICTPF Public Service Corporate Governance Information and Communication Technology Policy Framework RAMP Repairs and Maintenance Programme RFQ Request for Quotation RPL Recognition of Prior Learning SAASTA South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement SAMA South African Museums Association SANBI South African National Biodiversity Institute SARIR South African Research Infrastructure Roadmap SRAC Sports Recreation Arts and Culture SCM Supply Chain Management SITA State Information Technology Agency SDIP Service Delivery Improvement Plan SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound SMME Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises SRSA Sport and Recreation South Africa TR Treasury Regulations TUT Tshwane University of Technology UKZN University of KwaZulu-Natal UNISA University of South Africa UP University of Pretoria DITSONG Annual Report 2017 - 18 7 3. FOREWORD BY THE CHAIRPERSON Ms K. Rapoo Chairperson of Council Introduction DITSONG, a Sesotho word meaning “a point where cultures converge”, could not be more apt to describe the range and extent of specimens and artefacts that DITSONG: Museums of South Africa houses, both numerically and in diversity. DMSA develops, manages and administers some of the largest and most significant Southern African heritage assets in the fields of fauna, palaeontology, cultural history, anthropology, archaeology and military history. These irreplaceable national heritage assets require constant monitoring to ensure their sustainable and responsible custodianship. High level overview of DMSA strategy and performance DITSONG: Museums of South Africa (DMSA) is a schedule 3A public entity, accountable to the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) and Parliament in terms of financial and performance management, as required by legislation. As an accounting authority, the DMSA Council has fiduciary responsibilities towards the Institution. Council is accountable for the development of a five year Strategic and Annual Performance Plan in line with government’s five-year Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF). It is the Council’s responsibility to ensure that management implements the approved Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plans in line with the annual Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) budgets. The Annual Performance Plan focuses on the implementation of the institution’s Strategic Goals, Strategic Objectives and Key Performance Areas, with clear targets and performance indicators. For the year under review, DMSA met 79% of their performance targets, an improvement of 15% from the previous year. DMSA’s access to collections, research, exhibitions, education and public programmes promotes nation building, social cohesion and raises awareness of South Africa’s diverse history, culture and heritage. This is achieved through the presentation of public and outreach programmes, publications, exhibitions and the empowerment of young graduates. The repositioning of DMSA has presented the institution with an opportunity to deliver transformation objectives DITSONG Annual Report 2017 - 18 8 PART A - General Information such as the fostering of constitutional values and presenting equal opportunities to all South Africans, while ensuring inclusion and redress. In developing the 2017–2021 Strategic Plan, Council and senior management met to reposition the institution. In this regard, Council emphasised the following: 1. An urgent need to implement a comprehensive transformation strategy 2. Maintaining the personnel budget at below 60% over a three-year period 3. Refocussing efforts and agenda towards the core mandate of DMSA 4. Financial sustainability and addressing post retirement obligations 5. A drive towards a clean audit and good governance 6. Collaborations and partnerships with private and public sector 7. A renewed focus on marketing and branding 8. Human capital development and building thought leadership capacity. 9. Enforcement of performance and consequence
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