v ti DO MEN? BESUEE ED 117 713 Cs 202 464 AUTHOR liopovich, Mark, Comp.; And Others TITLE- Indiana Newspaper History: An Annotated Rihi n h INSTITUTION Sigma Delta ChiMuncie, Ind. RUB-DATZ Pan 74 NOTE 57p. --t EDRS PRICE MF-$0.0 HC-$3.50'Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS *Annotated Bibliographies; Books; Directories; *History; Journalism; Local History; News Media; *Newspapers; Periodicals IDENTIFIERS *Indiana ABSTRACT The purposes of this bibliography are to bring together materials that relate to the history of newspapers in Indiana and to assess, in a general way, the value of the material. The bibliography contains 415 entries, with descriptive annotations, arranged in seven sections: books; special materials; general newspaper histories and lists of publications; periodicals; Indiana histories and related monographs; county histories; and directories, almanacs, and gazetteers. An index of authors and subjects concludes the bibliography. Material was gathered from Indiana and other periodicals, Indiana history books, and Indiana count/ and local histories (masters theses or doctoral. dissertations about Indiana journalism are not included). (JM) ********************************************* *********************** Documents acquired by ERIC in ude many informal unpublished * materials not available from othe sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountrea and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reroductions ERIC makes available * via the ERIC Document ReproductioService (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of th original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are.the best th awl be made from the original. ********************************** 4c4i4***************************4c**** U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALIH, E OUCATI WELFARE NAT IONA OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRO- OUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW Ott OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATION POSITION OR POLICY INDIANA NEWSPAPER HISTORY: An Annotated Bibliography Compiled by Ronald Beathard Graduate Student in Journalism Ball State University Cyndi Lach Publications Director Hobare(Ind.) Senior High School Mark Popovich Assistant Professor of Journalism Ball State University Published by Sigma Delta Chi Department of Journalism Ball State University Muncie, Ind. January, 1974. Copyright 1974 By Mark Popovich PERMISSIONTO REPRODUCE THIS COPY RIGHTED MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY Mark Popovich TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERATING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE NATIONAL IN STITUTE OF EDUCATIONFURTHER REPRO DUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM RE QUIRES PERMISSION OFTHE COPYRIGHT OWNER Introduction This annotated bibliography was conceived for two reasons: 1) to g together materials that relate to the history of newspapers in Indiana, and 2)c assess, in a general way, the value of the material. The compilers feel that bot purposes were fulfilled. Although this bibliography is by no meanst:ompTcT-i hts 4th wino entries. The annotations aredescriptive, rather than ev/pi native. The contents are arranged into eight seatorrs. Gonor-al---Newspapers Histories and Lists of Publications;PeriOdicals; Indiana Histories and Related Monographs County Eistorliii 'Dtreeloffek,Isetrnartacs. °and gazetteers; -and. -an Index of Authors and Subjects. Each entryis numbered consecutively, and both indexes are arranged alphabetically withcorresponding entry numbers, rather than page 'numbers. The efforts of the compilers of this bibliographycentered on Indiana and other periodicals, Indiana history -Woks, and Indiana countyand local histories. No at- tempts were made to lite/hide masterstheses or doctoral dissertations writtenabout Indiana journalism w-Ifich do exist in Indiana'scolleges and universities and those institutions of othgr states. Historical articlesappearing in newspapers. Sunday magazihes or supplements were notincluded. Obitries of journalists, which can not includ- be found in the Indiana HistoryBulletin, or the Indianb Publisher, were ed. Hopefully, these materials will heincluded in a sequel to this present effort. As the crpilers surveyed their work,it was obvious to them that a great deal of ,,,,fneaningful research had been conducted. Thecontributions of two historians, Lo- / gan Esarey and Donald F. Carmony, were ofsignificant proportions. Dr. Esarey, specifically through many newspaperarticles, had been able to place in perspec- tive the role of the press in Indianabefore the 1900s. Dr. Carmony's interest in Indi- articles that are in- ana editors, specifically,has produced a number of magazine valuable to the journalism researcher. Both menhave been associated with the His- Cottman, tory Department at IndianaUniversity. Other historians like George S. W. W. Woollen, and Herbert Bredemeier,for example, have provided regional im- portance to some of Indiana's newspapers. Yet, even with tile fine work that has beencontributed. much work remains to be done. It is surprising that Indiana, withenough newspapers to rank fifth in the in- dustry in the country and enough population torank 19th among the states, has not prodUced a single book devoted to its newspaperhistory, a fertile topic in a state with such a literary tradition. Few articles canbe found on the economics of the In- diana newspaper industry, the technicalsievelopment of the newspaper industry in Indiana, the industry's role as a social andeconomic force in the state, and the his- tory of industries related to the newspaperbusiness, e.g. photoengraving plants. pa- Of the press in per mills, printing plants.The evolving history and status of freedom Indiana deserves attention. Developmentof various news functions and coverage of events in Indiana has only beenpartially explored. Research on minority publi- cations is sorely needed, and individual, as,well as corporate, minority contribu- 3 4' tions is a fertile area still relatively untapped. Photography,in general, or as it re- lates to the newspaper industry in Indiana; high schooland college publications his- tory; and certainly newspaper history after 1900,are just a few more of the topics that need to be researched. Individual contributionsto the establishment press, above and beyond those of editors, also needto be surveyed. The development of advertising and its role in Indiana's social fabric isanother topic to consider. The _'list is .endless- Andwitcf:LvArsionstdrrc-thocnemspapersarts-justAtrte-f-acet-otilles- tire communications industry in Indiana, the topicsthat need to be explored bogies one's mind. Besides the efforts of the compilers, two graduatejournalism research classes at Bali ilalic...LLniversily_contributcd to-pinpointing-entrieifor-thr bibliogniphy:tess LaCh was responsible for the county histories,not all of which contained newspaper history. Mr. Beathard's major responsibilitieswere concerned with the Indiana I'u bh her and other periodicals. Materialswere viewed at the Indiana State Histor- ical Library, Ball State University, Library of Congress.and libraries in Ohio. fhrcompilers would like to express their gratitudeto the following individuals ho helped in some facet of production of thisbibliography: Jean Singleton, Indi- ana State Library. Frances Toler, Indianapolis. Ind.; Dr. LouisIngelhart, Ball State ersity, and Simone Boehlein, president. undergraduate chapterof Sigma Delta Chi. Ball State University. Three student secretarieshelped prepare the entries many times by typing and arranging: Pat Reed. Teresa Graham.and Marilyn Popo- % ich. Final organization and compilation of the Indexwas the task of Judy Molina, a BSI' undergraduate student. Technical consultantwas Larry Collins, Department' of Journalism, Ball State University. Mark Popovich January, 1974 4 Tableof Contents Books 6 Special Materials 6 General Newspaper Histories and Lists of Publications 7 Periodicals 8 Indiana Histories and Related Monographs 25 County Histories 28 Directories, Almanacs, and Gazetteers 44 Index of Authors and Subjects 45 4.o BIBLIOGRAPHY Books 1. Farmer, James E., 'ed. Dateline:Indiana. Indianapolis: Indianapolis Press Club, 1958. Commemorates the first twenty-fiveyears of the Press Club with articles concerning some of the major news events in Indiana during that perieut_soine-of-the-people-inrnive m those events, and some of the journalists whocovered those events. 2. Green. ViclQr andNIabellIester-By Mrmrs.-:-Serapbook and-Nateboolc aCounty Editor's Family. Pekin,bid.: Banner. Publications, 1952. This husband and wife editorial team recordtheir experiences in Southern Indiana from 1933 to 1952 by reprinting editorial and column clippings contributed by them and their children to their publications. 3. Leibowitz. Irving. My Indiana. Inc., 1964. Englewood-Cliffs. N.J.: Prentice Hall, Written by a journalist, the book discussessome Indiana journalists like Eugene C. Pul- liam. Ernie Pyle and Theodore Dreiser. and some newspapers like the Klan Kourierand Indianapolis News. 4. McMillan, Wheeler. Weeklyon the Wabash. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1969. Recollections of Wheeler McMillan. who was publisherand editor at the age of 21 of the Covington (Ind.) Republican from 1914-1918. 5. Miller, Lee G. The Story of ErniePyle. New York: The Viking Press, 1950. Miller's biography concerns Pyle'syears with Scripps-Howard for the most part, although ..the two opening chapters trace. Pyle's Indianaroots.
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