SHORT COMMUNICATION Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Andersen–Tawil syndrome Armando Totomoch ‑Serra1,2, Cesar A. Brito ‑Carreón1, Maria de L. Muñoz1, David Cervantes ‑Barragan3, Manlio F. Márquez4 1 Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology, Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV-IPN), Mexico City, Mexico 2 PhD Program in Medical Sciences, University of the Frontier (UFRO), Temuco, Chile 3 Department of Genetics, South Central High Specialty Hospital of Mexican Petroleum (PEMEX), Mexico City, Mexico 4 Department of Cardiac Electrophysiology, National Institute of Cardiology “Ignacio Chávez,” Mexico City, Mexico Introduction Andersen–Tawil syndrome (ATS) genomes, suggested that a large number of poly‑ is a heart rhythm disorder classified as type 7 morphisms in mtDNA may be associated with long QT syndrome and characterized by mus‑ more severe Brugada syndrome. cular, neurological, and skeletal involvement. So Considering that the heart, skeletal muscles, far, mutations in the KCNJ2 (60% of cases) and and the brain use a high number of mitochon‑ KCNJ5 (<1% of cases) genes have been reported dria and that these tissues are essential compo‑ to be the underlying cause of the disease. nents affected in the ATS triad, mtDNA poly‑ In addition to the classic triad of periodic pa‑ morphisms can be expected to partially influ‑ ralysis, ventricular arrhythmias, and mild ‑to‑ ence the disease phenotype. ‑moderate dysmorphism, some case reports also In this article, we present results of our study noted deficits in executive functioning skills, ab‑ aimed to identify higher mtDNA polymorphisms stract reasoning,1 and seizures,2 which indicates in HVR ‑I in 5 patients with ATS. that ATS affects the central nervous system. The clinical variability observed in the heart, Methods Recruitment of participants Five skeletal muscles, and the brain could be a result study subjects together with their 4 mothers and of incomplete penetrance or interaction of mod‑ 3 fathers were enrolled. Based on clinical eval‑ ifier genes, as seen in epilepsy.3 Given the back‑ uation and electrocardiographic examination, ground, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymor‑ all study participants met the diagnostic crite‑ phisms can influence the phenotype by alter‑ ria for ATS and were inhabitants of the states ing the energy demand of the tissues affected of the central and north central regions of Mex‑ in the triad of ATS. ico. Patients 1, 2, and 3 were included owing The human mitochondrial genome includes to the presence of arrhythmia, history of limb 16 569 base pairs (bps). They form a maternally weakness, facial features, and no history of sud‑ Correspondence to: inherited, double ‑stranded, circular DNA chain, den cardiac death. Patient 4 was enrolled be‑ Manlio F. Márquez, MD, Department of Cardiac which encodes 13 polypeptides—components cause of sudden death of her twin sister and Electrophysiology, National of the respiratory chain complexes I, III, IV, and referred to the National Institute of Cardiolo‑ Institute of Cardiology “Ignacio V. This genome is characterized by a high rate of gy (Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia) because Chávez,” Juan Badiano 1, 2 Sección XVI. Tlalpan 14010, mutations, which regularly affect coding sequences. of suspicion of fatal arrhythmia. The ATS phe‑ Ciudad de México, Mexico, The hypervariable sites I and II (HVR ‑I and HVR‑ notype was identified based on the presence of phone: +52 55 55133740, email: ‑II, respectively) are part of the D ‑loop, a triple‑ arrhythmia and long QT syndrome, the analy‑ [email protected] ‑helix structure consisting of 1100 bps, which is sis of the facial phenotype, and history of sud‑ Received: December 10, 2019. Revision accepted: located in mtDNA. The HVR ‑I site (approximate‑ den death in the family. Patient 5 was includ‑ March 31, 2020. ly 400 bps) is the most polymorphic, informative, ed in the study but showed no cardiac involve‑ Published online: April 2, 2020. and mutational hotspot used previously.4 ment. The institutional review board approved Kardiol Pol. 2020; 78 (6): 581-583 doi:10.33963/KP.15274 Regarding heart rhythm disorders, Stoc‑ the study, and the participants provided writ‑ Copyright by the Author(s), 2020 chi et al,5 who sequenced whole mitochondrial ten informed consent. SHORT COMMUNICATION Mitochondrial DNA in Andersen–Tawil syndrome 581 Genomic DNA extraction Five milliliters of whole Polymorphisms in the HVR ‑I site The polymor‑ blood were obtained from each patient, and DNA phisms identified in 250 bps of the HRV ‑I site was extracted using the salting ‑out method. are shown in Supplementary material, Table S1. The DNA integrity was assessed in a 1% aga‑ In the study patients with ATS, 14 polymor‑ rose gel and quantified with the NanoDrop 2000 phisms were found and compared with the Cam‑ Spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, bridge reference sequence. A significant differ‑ Waltham, Massachusetts, United States) by mea‑ ence (P = 0.04) was found between patients and suring the ratio of absorbance at 260 nm and 280 their healthy fathers after comparing polymor‑ nm (approximately 1.8 accepted as appropriate). phism distribution. Concordance was seen be‑ tween the T16189C polymorphisms in 3 patients Genotyping nuclear DNA Genetic testing for and the C16223T, C16290T, and G16319A poly‑ ATS verification was sponsored in 1 patient and morphisms in 2 individuals. performed with the use of massive parallel se‑ quencing for the KCNJ2, CACNA1C, and KCNQ1 Multidimensional scaling plot A multidimen‑ genes, provided by Sistemas Genómicos (Va‑ sional scaling plot (Supplementary material, lencia, Spain). In the remaining 4 patients with Figure S1) was established to identify an ances‑ ATS, DNA was analyzed by Sanger sequencing tral relationship among patients and fathers in‑ for the KCNJ2 gene, including all exons and in‑ cluded in the study. It showed that the mtDNA tron / exon borders. When ATS was identified, sequences of the study patients and their fathers cascade genetic screening was performed in were dispersed and no relationship was found the relatives who could participate in the study. among them. However, we observed a slight clus‑ tering between Patient 1 (p.Ser136Phe) and Pa‑ Genotyping mitochondrial DNA In order to iden‑ tient 4 (p Arg218Trp). The distance between tify polymorphic positions in patients with ATS, their places of origin was approximately 340 the HVR ‑I region of mtDNA (400 bps) was am‑ kilometers, and the ancestral relationship was plified and sequenced by the Sanger method us‑ unclear owing to lack of longer mitochondri‑ ing the 5’‑ATACACCAGTCTTGTAAACC‑3’ and al DNA sequences. The polymorphisms iden‑ 5’‑CACGGAGGATGGTGGTCAAG‑3’ primers. tified in the mothers were similar to those in All the sequences obtained were aligned, and the study patients. polymorphisms were identified using the DnaSP The prevalence of ATS is unknown because 5.10.1 (Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, of the limited number of patients diagnosed Spain) and MEGA 4.0 (Center of Evolutionary worldwide. Fortunately, in the last 10 years, Functional Genomics Biodesign Institute, Ar‑ a growing number of cases with their clinical izona State University, Arizona, United States) characteristics have been reported in the litera‑ software. ture. Considering the high density of mitochon‑ dria in the heart, the brain, and skeletal mus‑ Statistical analysis Genotype frequencies cles, we studied the HVR ‑I site (which is high‑ were estimated by direct counting and distri‑ ly polymorphic) located in the mitochondrial bution. Categorical variables were analyzed us‑ genome to identify mtDNA polymorphisms in ing the Fisher exact or χ2 tests and performed ATS and compare them with mtDNA polymor‑ with the R software, version 3.6.3 (R Founda‑ phisms in patients’ fathers who could take part tion for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). in the study. The results obtained were in line A P value less than 0.05 was considered signif‑ with previous studies, in which complete mito‑ icant. A 2‑dimensional scaling plot was drawn chondrial genomes were sequenced in patients with the RStudio Desktop 1.2.5033 (RStudio, with Brugada syndrome and more polymor‑ Inc., Boston, Massachusetts, United States) phisms were found.5 The difference in the distri‑ software using data from 250 bps of the HVR‑ bution of mtDNA polymorphisms may be indic‑ ‑I region and the Kimura 2‑parameter distance ative of a haplotype having more significant ef‑ values obtained from the sequences (based on fects on the synthesis of mitochondrial proteins. transition and transversion substitution rates), Of note, the diagnosis of ATS without cardi‑ which summarized genetic distances between ac abnormalities remains a challenge. The fam‑ the study patients and their fathers. The Cam‑ ily history of sudden death in some patients bridge Reference Sequence was used as a refer‑ with ATS highlights the need for further stud‑ ence sequence in this study (GenBank number, ies on the KCNJ2 gene mutations in the context NC_012920.1). of modifying factors and the necessity to use cardioverter ‑defibrillators in this population.6,7 Results and discussion Genetic testing Five Altered protein synthesis in mitochondria, be‑ study participants were identified as carrying ing a consequence of polymorphisms in specific the following mutations located in the KCNJ2 sites, may affect mitochondrial biogenesis lead‑ gene: p.Ser136Phe (Patient 1), p.Gly144Ala (Pa‑ ing to the decreased effectiveness
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