k Index 461 Mechanoreceptors, 15 patient history, 284 Melanoma pleomorphic adenoma, 286–290 desmoplastic subtype, 63 polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma, 174–175, 306, histopathology, 381 309, 312 lower lip, 380–381 primary lymphomas, 368 metastases, 62–63, 189 radiation therapy, 328 nodular, 379 sites of, 285 Merkel cell tumors, metastases, 62, 63, 375 staging, 193–196 Mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET), 214 Mixed tumor. See Pleomorphic adenoma(s) Mesenchymal neoplasms, 188 Modified Blair incision, 238, 239 Mesenchymal salivary gland tumors Monomorphic adenoma, 167–169, 290 lymphatic malformations, 398, 400 Monomorphic clear cell tumor, 182 neural tumors, 398, 401, 402 Motion artifacts, 21–22 vascular tumors, 397–398, 397–399 Mouth Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), 208, 209, 209 dry, 141 Metal deposits, brain, 24 ranula, 98, 99, 100 Metallic implants, 21, 22 MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Metalloproteinases, 142 MRS. See Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) Metastases, 189 Mucocele, 97, 99, 114, 412 diagnostic imaging, 62–64, 63 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC), 170–172, 214, 389, distant. See Distant metastases 390, 396, 404 regional. See Regional metastases ADC values, 27 skip, 270 biomarkers, 190, 263 Metastasizing mixed tumor, 182, 289 buccal mucosa, 294 Metastasizing pleomorphic adenoma, 287 children, 297 Methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA), acute bacterial clear cell variant, 383 parotitis, 75, 78, 96 diagnostic imaging, 56, 57 k Microliths, 439 fixed to mandible, 277 k Middle ear, aberrant glands, 438 grading, 171, 255–256, 293, 294 Mikulicz disease, 144–146, 145, 146, 449 histopathology, 272, 291–292, 294, 304 Minor salivary glands, 13 lip, 170, 294, 304 anatomy, for diagnostic imaging, 44–45 minor salivary gland, 56 incisional biopsy, 146 minor salivary gland tumors, 290–297 mucous escape reaction, 98 molecular events, 352 necrotizing sialometaplasia, 448, 448 neck dissection, 297 saliva production, 1 palate, 291–292, 293 sarcoidosis, biopsy, 153, 158 parotid gland, 56, 57, 171, 297 sialolithiasis, 118, 134, 137, 137 with perineural invasion, 304 Sjogren syndrome, 145, 146, 147 radiation therapy, 304, 335, 338 Minor salivary gland tumors, 403–405, 404, 406 sublingual gland, 276 acinic cell adenocarcinoma, 319 submandibular gland, 263 adenoid cystic carcinoma, 56, 57, 284, 301 survival rates, 252, 255, 255 anatomic barriers for surgery, 285–286, 286 treatment, 294 benign vs. malignant, 282, 285 Mucopapillary cysts, 106 canalicular adenoma, 290, 294, 295 Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma. carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma, 287 See MALT lymphoma cervical metastases, 304, 323 Mucosal melanoma, parotid metastases, 380–381 chemotherapy, 328 Mucous escape phenomenon, diagnostic imaging, 50, 51 clear cell carcinoma, 176 Mucous escape reaction differential diagnosis, 284 clinical features, 98–105 epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma, 182, 320 cyst of Blandin and Nuhn’s gland, 105, 108 etiology, 282–284, 285 definition, 97 imaging, 284 treatment, 102–104 incidence, 281, 283 Mucous retention cysts, 97, 105–106, 108, 11 4 incisional biopsy, 146, 284 Mucus-producing adenopapillary carcinoma, 177 mucoepidermoid carcinoma, 56, 290–297 Multi-leaf collimator (MLC), 339, 341 neck dissection, 304, 304, 323 Multiple-row detector CT (MDCT), 18 k k 462 Index Multiple sclerosis, MRI DWI, 26 submandibular gland tumors, 404 Multiplicative effect measures, 164 Nerve expander, 416 Mumps, 48, 74 Nerve grafts, 416 complications, 94 Nerves, donor, 416 viral, 90 Neural network analysis, 28 Mural nodules, 50 Neural tumors, 363, 365, 366, 398, 401, 402 Musicians, barotrauma, 432 Neurilemmomas, 365 Mycobacterial disease Neurofibroma, 59, 365 adenitis, 121, 122 Neurofibromatosis, 365 nontuberculous, 90, 93 Neurogenic tumors, diagnostic imaging, 59, 60, 61, 61 tuberculous, 49, 53, 90 Neutron radiation, 345 Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, 90 Nicotine, effect on BAT uptake, 34 Mycobacterium Kansasii, 90 Nodal irradiation, 337 Mycobacterium scrofulaceum, 90 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 372, 372, 373 Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 90 parotid gland, 187, 373 Mylohyoid boutonniere, 44 sublingual gland, 372 Mylohyoid line, 11 Non-neoplastic salivary gland lesions Mylohyoid muscle, discontinuities, 101–102 bacterial sialadenitis, 392, 393, 394, 394–395 Myocarditis, mumps, 94 inflammatory and infectious diseases, 390, 390 Myoepithelial carcinoma, 185–186 mucous escape reaction, 390–391, 391, 392 Myoepithelial cells, 14–15, 145 Nutritional disturbances, and sialadenosis, 156 Myoepithelial islands, benign lymphoepithelial lesion, 187 Myoepithelioma, 169 Obturator Myxoid liposarcoma, 366 definitive, 315 –317, 324–327 immediate, 312, 315 –317, 315–318, 324–327 Nagasaki, 233, 282 Omega face lift incision, 244 Nasal cartilage, sarcoidosis, 153, 153 parotidectomy, 242–244 Nasal cavity tumors, 196–197, 281 k shotgun wound, 411 k Nasopharynx Oncocytes, 56 metastases from, 381 Oncocytoma, 56, 168, 179, 448 tumors of, 281 Oncocytosis, 448 National Cancer Institute (NCI), 165 Oral cancer, 281 Neck salivary biomarkers, 441 aberrant glands, 438 tumor staging, 193–196 CT scan, 18, 19 Oral motor therapy, 445 soft tissue window, 20 Oral mucosa, 44 Neck carcinomas, 203 Orofacial regulation therapy, 445 Neck dissection, 270, 272 adenoid cystic carcinomas, 344 Oropharynx, metastases from, 381 adjuvant radiation, 337 Orthodontic brackets, 72 124 elective nodal irradiation, 337 Osteoma, mandible, 121, metastatic squamous cell carcinoma, 377 Otic ganglion, 8 minor salivary gland tumors, 304, 304, 323 mucoepidermoid carcinoma, 297 Palatal glands, 13 occult nodal disease, 335 Palatal stent, 287, 298 and radiation/chemo-radiation, 218 Palate. See also Hard palate; Soft palate radical, nodular melanoma, 379 mucoceles, 99 supraomohyoid, 275, 276 necrotizing sialometaplasia, 448, 448 type 1 modified radical, 270, 275, 275, 277–278 tumors, 281 Necrotizing sialometaplasia, minor salivary glands, 448, 448 adenoid cystic carcinoma, 301 Neoplasia, 203 bony involvement, 285 Neoplastic salivary gland disease carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma, 287 epithelial tumors, 396 cupping out, 285, 287, 290 mesenchymal tumors, 396–402, 397–402 epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma, 320 minor salivary gland tumors, 403–405, 404, 406 incisional biopsy, 285 parotid tumors, 403, 404 lesion evaluation, 284 pediatric vs. adult populations, 395, 395 mucoepidermoid carcinoma, 291–292, 293 k k Index 463 pleomorphic adenoma, 286–287, 288–289 adjacent structures, 39, 40 polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma, 174–175, density, 21, 40 309 normal scan, 37 Panda sign, 53 deep (medial) surface, 4 Panoramic radiographs, sialolithiasis, 71 embryology, 2 Papillary adenocarcinoma, 177 external carotid artery, 6 Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum. See Warthin tumor facial nerve, 3, 4–5, 40 Papillotomy, 126 fascia, 4 Parainfluenza virus, 94 fistulas, 409, 410, 412, 432 Paramyxovirus gadolinium contrast, 40 acute sialadenitis, 48 HIV infection and, 107 mumps, 94 hypoplasia, 437–438 Paranasal sinuses, tumor staging, 196 imaging, 39–42 Parapharyngeal space (PPS), 39 incisional biopsy, 146, 149, 149–150, 150 giant ranula, 51 infectious process, 72 growth of soft palate tumors into, 286, 288 lymph nodes, 6 pleomorphic adenoma, 241, 246 metastases, 62–63 Parasympathetic innervation squamous cell carcinoma, 375, 377, 378 salivary glands, 8, 9 lymphoepithelial cysts, 50 submandibular gland, 12 metastases to, 189 Parasympathetic secretomotor nerve supply, parotid, 8 milking, 73, 75 Parkinson’s disease, reduced saliva production, 443 MRI Parotid cysts, 234 STIR image, 26, 40 HIV-associated, 106–108, 109 –112, 110, 112, 11 3 –11 4 T1 image, 40 Parotid duct, 3, 3, 4, 7–8, 20, 40 mucous retention cysts, 105–106, 108, 11 4 lacrimal probe, 130 mumps, 92 ligation, for drooling, 447 mycobacterial disease, 90 k obstruction, 424 nerve supply to, 8 k repair, 424, 425 pediatric, 40 sialoliths, 131 penetrating injuries, algorithm, 431 strictures, 130 PET, 37 surface markings, 8 radioiodine damage, 431 Parotidectomy, 110, 130 retromandibular vein, 6, 7 for chronic bacterial parotitis, 84–85 saliva composition, 11 8 face lift approach, 236, 238, 239–241 saliva production, 2 first branchial cleft anomalies, 441, 442 sarcoidosis, 53, 153, 154 for Frey syndrome, 418, 419 sialadenitis, 69, 72, 96 hollowing, 420 sialadenosis, 156, 159 mycobacterial disease, 93 biopsy, 158, 159 nodular melanoma, 379 sialoceles, 412, 412, 414, 415, 432 pleomorphic adenoma, 237 gunshot wound, 414, 415 primary desmoid melanoma, 371 sialolithiasis, 118–119, 128, 130–132, 130–132 Parotid emphysema, 432 sialolithotomy, 131, 133–134 Parotid gland, 3, 335, 340, 342 sialoliths, CT scan, 51, 52, 133 acini, 13–15 Sjogren syndrome, 143, 144, 147 acute bacterial parotitis. See Acute bacterial parotitis standardized uptake value (SUV), 36 (ABP) superficial surface, 4 anatomy, 2, 2–4, 3, 4, 39–42 traumatic fistulas, 410 associated structures, 3, 4 ultrasound, 30, 40 auriculotemporal nerve, 5–6 vascular lesions, 47 blunt trauma, algorithm, 432 Parotid gland tumors bony features related to, 2, 2 acinic cell carcinoma, 173–174 borders of, 3–4 angiosarcoma, 366, 368 branchial cleft cysts, 440, 443 deep lobe, 240, 247, 250 capsule, 2–4 diagnosis chronic inflammatory changes, 49 differential, 234 CT fine needle aspiration biopsy, 234–236, 238 k k 464 Index Parotid gland tumors (continued) lymphoma, 62 history, 233–234 pleomorphic adenoma, 244, 249, 250, 251, 252 imaging, 234 Warthin, 235, 252 physical examination, 234 Parotid tumors, 403, 404 distant metastases, 382, 382, 383
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