REGD.GOA-5 Panaji, 4th February, 1999 (Magha 15, 1920) r SERIES III No. 45 l"""~f\ OFFICIAL~IGAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA SUPPLEMENT GOVERNMENT OF GOA SCHEDULE Survey No. Sub-Div.;";o. Area in Date TIux: Department of Revenue sq. mts. 2 3 -l 5 Office of the Mamlatdar of Bicholim Taluka, 91 4 g75 16-2-1999 10.30 a. m. Bicholim-Goa 150 2 1275 -<10- -<10- 169 5 3075 -<1<>- -<10- In the Court of the Mamlatdar of Bicholim Taluka at Bicholim-Goa Bicholim, 19th January, 1999.- The Mamlatdar. P. R. Borkar. --~-... --- FORM llA Department of Town and Country Planning (See Rule 4) Notice under Section 18C of the Goa, Daman and Diu Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1964 Notification Whereas under Section 18A of the Goa, Daman and Diu Agricultural No. 29!1-3rrCP/99/252 Tenancy Act. 1964 every tenant is deemed to have purchased the land held by him as a tcnant: And whereas the Mamlatdar is required by sub­ Whereas certain changes proposed in the Regional Plan forGoa wefe section (5) of Section 18C to ascertain whether the tenant is willing to published in the following Official Gazettes: purchase the land and. if so. to fix its purchase price. 1. Series m, No. 52, dated 26th March, 1998 (case <It serial Now,. therefore the persons mentioned below, viz.:- No.2). a) A1I tenants who arc deemed to have purchased land in the lnvitingcomments in writing from the public under Section 13 of Goa locality of Surla Village. Town and Country Planning Act, 1974 (Act 21 of 1975) hereinafter referred as the said Act. bJ All landlords of such lands, and And whereas no comments were received from the public and the c) All other persons interested therein. matter was referred to the Goa Town and Country Planning Board for consideration and thereafter Government approval in pursuance of are hereby called upon to appear before the Mamlatdar of Sectio!1 14 of said Act was obtained for the said changes. Bicholim at 10.30 a. JTI. on the date and time sho'i'.'fl against the land in the Schedule appended hereto in which they are respectively Now, therefore in exercise of the powers conferred under Section interested. 15 of the said Act, I, Shri R. N. Ray, Chief Town Planner hereby notify If any person fails to be present before the Mamlatdar at the the said changes in the Regional Plan for Goa as approved by the appointed date and time without suft1cient cause. it will be deemed that Government and further indicate that the copies of the same may be he has nothing to say in the matter and the enquiry will be proceeded inspected in the Oftlce of tile Town and Country Planning Department. within his absence. Old Goa Medical College Complex. Campal, Panaji-Goa. 1134 OFFICIAL GAZETIE - GOVT. Of< GOA ~SE~~~I~E~S~I~IJ~N~(~}._4~5________________________ ~~~U~IPPLEME=='N:~=D====================:4:TI={=F=E:B=R=U:A:R=Y:,:19:9=9 iTEM No.9 Sr. Name of the Published land Proposed Decision of the Board No. applicunt use In th~ land use Applications for challg(~ 0/ use of lafld in thl! Regional Plan of Goa FileNo .. Regional PI~n area applied for Final approval of the Board under Section /3 of the TC.P. Act. Survey No. tutai area of inm2 Villa,gcffsluka the plot in 1112 Sr. Applicant<; name Lund lise Zone/Area Decision of the Board , No. FileNo Sy. shown in the appliedinm2 2 3 4 5 No.lSub-Div. R.P. total area Villugc/Talt:kQ of the pro­ I. London Pilsner, Social Forest Industrial Approved for Industrial perty in m2 -- Brcvcries Pvt. Ltd., 1,72.000 1.72.(xx) Zone for an area of 2 4 5 29/1-3rrCPl736198. 25.000 m2 only. The Sy. No. Ilil. party has to submit a pian I. Soitin Rc')orts Orchard Settlement Approved for SCi.tlcm~nt Morpir!alQuepem indicating the exact area. PVl. Ltd.. 94,2:!O 28.399.50 purpose (lourism Jan area 2911-3fTCPI687197 of 28.000 + 8.429.50 !TI2 PalMji, 27th January, 1999.--:-- The Chief Town Planner. R. N. Ray. Sy. No. 4813. corresponding to survey 4811 : (Part), 3413 No. 34/3 is approved pro­ ----+. +-,---- visionally' for Tourism Development. Department of Transport Office of the District Magistrate, North Goa District, Panaji. 27th January, 1999.- Tht~ Chief Town Planner. R. 1>l. Ray. Panaji Notification Notification No. 2911-3199-TCPI278 No. 25/S/TISIMag-98/18 Whereas the Regional Plan for Goa has been published in the Offkial In exercise of the powers conferred on me; under Section 115 & 116 Gazette. Series lll. No. 37 of 11-12-1986 (hercinzfter referred to as "said of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Central Act 59 of 1988) Regional Plan"). read with Government Notification No. S128/89n'Pl'(Part) dated 26-8-1989 and at the request of Executive Engineer. W. D. VII (NI-Ij. And, whereas the Government is of the opinion that revision of thc P. W. D .. Panaji to enable him to take up the work of repairs to the certain provisions of the said Regional Plan is necessary. stretch of road between Panaji and Ribandar on NH 4A and as recommended by the Superintendent of Police (THlffic), Panaji. I And. 'whereas undcr Section 17 oftbeGoaTownandCountry Planning hereby order the diversion/plying of Traffic w.c.f 1-2-i999 to Act. 1974 (hereinafter refclTcd to as the "said Act"). the Govemrnent 15-4-1999 on the said stretch of road as shown herebelow:- has difCi.:t:!d the ChieJ Town Planner to undertake the revision of the I. The tramc proceeding towards Panaji from Ribandar shall be said Regional Plan. allowed to ply on the stretch of Panaji-Ribandar road from 6.00 a. m. to 3.00 p. m. And. whereas the Chief Town Planner has carried out necessary surveys/studies of the concerned areas and referred the proposals to the 2. Similarly traffic proceeding from Ribandar towaf(L~' Panaji Town and Country Planning Board. between 3.00 p. m. to 6.00 p. m. will be diverted from Ribandar via Chimbe1-Merces road. And. whereas the Board in its 84th (adjourned) meeting considered 3. The traffic going from Panaji to Ribandar between 6.00 a. m. the case for therevision and changes needed to be made in the said Regional to 3.00 p. m. shall be diverled from Kadamba Bus Stand via Plan in terms of the Section 12 of the said Act and approved the same. Merces-Chimbel and will come out at Ribandar. Now. rherefore in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 13 4. Similarly the traffic proceedings towards Ribandar from Panaji of the s<'1id Act. the Chief Town Planner hereby notifies the below shall be allowed to ply on the stretch of Ribandar-Panaji road from 3.00 p. m, to 6.00 p. m. mentioned proposed changes in the said Regional Plan fOf information of the persons likely to be affected. thereby and notice is hereby given 5. During the diversion, no vehicles shall be parked on !hat the copies of the maps and notes containing the proposed changes Ribandar -Chimbel-Merces road. are available for the purpose of inspection in the Office of Town and Country Planning Department, Old Goa Medical Coliege Complex, 6. In case of functions or big events like Carnival, Holy, P.W.D. Panaji-Goa. The Collector of North Goa, Panaji (for North Goa Villages) work shall remain closed as per the advice of Traffic Police. and the Collector of South Goa, Margao (for South Goa Villages) and in the Office of respective Mamlatdars for a period of two months with Further in exercise of the powers conferred under the proviSions of effect from date of publication of this Notification in the Official Gazette. the said Act, I also authorise theerectionofTraffic Sign Boards indicatlOg therein diversion/timing for the purpose of regulating the Application for change of use of landjn the Regional Plan for Goa motor vehicular traffic. fQfconsideration of the Town and Country Planning Board under Section 12 of {he Town and Country Planning Act (Provisional approval). Panaji, 28th January. 1999.- The District Magistrate. S. S. Harit. GOVERNMENT PRtNTING PRESS, PANAJI-GOA. PRICE-Rs. 1.00 Ps. .
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