6064 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1881. I& Parliament.—Session 1882. authorised by the Bill, at or near the bridge- Hull, Barnsley, and West Riding Junction carrying the Midland Railway over Lund Railway and Dock Company (Huddersfield Hill-lane. and Halifax Extensions and New Dock and (Ib). A Railway, No. Ib, commencing in the Work?)..- township of Shafton and parish of Felkirk,. by a junction with the said Railway No. 1, (New Railways in West Eiding of Yorkshire— authorised by the Act of 1880, at a point New Road at Drax—New Dock—River Wall 200 yards or thereabouts measuring along or Embankment, Cut or Canal, Railway, New the line of the said railway as now in course- Drain, &c., near Company's authorised Dock— of construction in a southerly direction from Stopping up of Footpaths and Roads—Com- the point of commencement, as hereinbefore pulsory Purchase of Lands—Alteration of described, of Railway No. la, to be Mode of Crossing Roads by Railways autho- authorised by the Bill, and terminating in rised by Act of 1880—Dredging and Taking the township of Havercroft-with-Cold- Water from River Humber and Holderness Hiendley and parish of Felkirk by a junction Drain—Relieving Company from Obligation •with the sidings of Monckton Main Colliery to Make Part of Embankment on Eastern at or near to the west side of Lund Hill-lane.. • Boundary, of Corporation Land—Special (Ic.) A Railway, No. Ic, commencing in the Powers to Limited Owners—Sale or Lease of township of Lepton and parish of Kirkheaton, Lands—Lease of Warehouses—Adding Lands and in the township and parish of Kirkburton, ! Reclaimed to adjoining Parishes—Inclusion of or one of the said townships, by a junction Lands to be Acquired with borough of Kings- with Railway No. 1, to be authorised by the ton-upon-Hull and Consequential Provisions Bill, at or near a point on Beldon Brook, —Tolls, &c.—Running Powers from New 200 yards or thereabouts west from the Railway into Doncaster—Working and other • bridge carrying Lepton-lane over the said ; Agreements with other Railway Companies— brook, and terminating in the said township Abandonment of Railway No. Ib, authorised of Lepton by a junction with the .Kirkburton f by Act of 1880 —Provision as to Remuneration, Branch Railway of the London and North ' ' &c., of Directors of Company appointed by Western Railway Company, at or near the Corporation of Hull—Powers (including Sub- occupation bridge over the said branch rail- sc'ription, Construction, Maintenance, &c.) to way at the south end of Fenay-bridge,. Corporations of Hull, Huddersfield. and Station. p Halifax, Trinity House of Hull, and Local and (2.) A Railway No. 2, commencing in the Road Authorities—Further Money Powers— township and parish of Huddersfield by a. Payment of Interest out of Capital—Amend- .junction with Railway No. 1,-tobe autho* ment of Acts). rised by the Bill at or near its point of OTICE is hereby given, that application is ^ termination as hereinbefore described, and N intended to be made to Parliament in the terminating in the township and parish of ensuing session for leave to bring in a Bill for Halifax at a point on the south side Of effecting the purposes, or some of the purposes George-street 15 yards or thereabouts east of following, that is to say: the entrance door to the Union Bank in. To enable the Hull, Barnsley, and West Riding that street. Junction Railway and Dock Company (who are (3.) A Railway No. 3, commencing in the in this Notice referred to as "the Company") to township and parish of Huddersfield By & make and maintain the railways, public carriage junction with Railway No. 1, to be authorised road, dock, river wall or embankment, cut or by the Bill, in the yard or enclosure belonging canal, and other works hereinafter mentioned, or to the Folly Hall Grease Extracting Works at some of them, or some part or parts thereof a point about 22 yards slightly west of north respectively, that is to say: of the westernmost angle of the buildings- A. The 'following railways, all in the West belonging to Folly Hall Mills, and about" 27 Riding of the County of York : yards north-east of the north westernmost (1). A Railway, No. 1, commencing in the angle of Folly Hall Dye Works, and termi- township1 of South Hiendley and parish of nating in the township of Longwood, and Felkirk, by a junction with the Railway No. 1, parish of Huddersfield, by a junction with authorised by "The Hull, Barnsley, and the Huddersh'elcl and Manchester Railway of West Riding Junction Railway and Dock the London and North Western Railway Act, 1880" (in this Notice called "the Act Company at a point 75 yards or thereabouts,, of 1880"), at or near the west side of the measuring along the said railway, in an bridge carrying Sandy Bridge-lane over the easterly direction from the signal cabin said railway as now in course of construction, marked Longwood No. 2, at dr. near the and terminating in the township and parish eastern end of Longwood Station. of Huddersfield, at a point on the south-east The intended Railways Nos. 1, la, Ib, Ic, 2, side of Blacker-road North, at or near the and 3, will be made or pass from, in, through, or junction therewith of St. John's-road. into the parishes, townships, and places following,- (la). A Railway, No. la, commencing in the or some of them, that is to say:—Felkirk,. township of Shafton and parish of Felkirk, Shafton, South Hiendley, Havercroft-with-Cold- by a junction with the Railway No. 1, Hiendley, Havercroft, Royston (parish and town- authorised by the Act of 1880, at or near ship), Notton, Woolley, Chevet, Sandal-Magna, the point at which that railway is shown on Crigglestoue, West Bretton, Silkstone, Thornhill the plans deposited for and referred to in Nether-Shitlington, Midgley Shitlington, Flock- t'he Act of 1880 (in this. Notice referred to ton, Emley (pari.-h and township) Kirkburton* as "the plans of 1880") as intended to cross (parish and township), Highburton, Kirkheaton,. the line of the authorised Midland Railway, Lepton, Dalton, Alinondbury (parish and town- . Royston, and Darfield Branch, and terminat- ship), North Crossland, Lockwood, Huddersfield ing 'in the township of Havercoft-with- (parish and township), Liudley-cum-Quarmby Cold-Hiendley^ -in the said 'parish of Felkirk, (detached), Longwood, Marsh, Fartown, Halifax, .by ,<a junction, with -Railway No. 1, to be (parish and township), Fixby, Elland, Skircoat THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1881. 6065 Elland-cum-Greetland, Southowram, and Greet- Midland Railway at a point 480 yards or land. thereabouts, measuring along the said rail- (4.) A Railway No. 4, commencing in the way in a south-easterly direction from the township of Carlton and parish of Royston southern end of the up passenger platform at by a junction with the Railway No. 1 Cudworth Station. authorised by the Act of 1880, at a point (5.) A Railway No. 5, commencing in the 330 yards or thereabouts, in a north-easterly township and parish of South Kirkby by a direction, measuring along the line of the junction with the Railway No. 1, authorised aaid railway as now in course of construction by the Act of 1880, at a point about 154 from the point where the said railway crosses yards measured along the course of the said the Midland Railway, and passing through or railway as now in course of construction east- into the township of Monk Bretton, in the ward from the. point at which that railway aaid parish of Royston, and terminating in crosses Hague-lane, passing through the the township of Cudworthand said parish of township of North Elmsall, in the said Royston, in a field on the east side of parish of South Kirkby, and terminating in Cud worth stationed at a point about 12 the township and parish of South Kirkby by yards east of the eastern boundary fence of a junction with the West Riding and the Midland Railway, and about 90 yards Grimsby Railway of the Great Northern and south of the gasholder at the said Cudworth Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Rail- Station. way Companies, at a point 134 yards or there- *(4a.) A Railway JNo. 4 a, commencing in the abouts measuring along the said railway in a township of Cudworth, and parish of Royston north-westerly direction from the bridge by a junction with Railway No. 4 to be carrying the said railway over Carr-lane. authorised by the Bill, at or near its point of It is intended by the Bill to take for or in con- termination, as hereinbefore described, and nection with the proposed railway certain lands, terminating in the township of Monk Bretton being, or reputed to be, commons or commonable and parish of Royston by a junction with the lands, of which the following are particulars :— Works for which Name by which the Where the lands Quantity within Estimated quan- the lands will be lands are known. are situate. limits of deviation. tity to be taken. taken. Railway No. 1 Stocks Moor Township of Shit- lington, in the parish of Thorn- hill. 15 acres 3| acres. Railway No. 2 The lands which are waste lands adjoin- ing roads, are not known by any par- ticular name. Township of Skir- coat, in the parish of Halifax l-3rd of an acre. 1-1 Oth of an acre. B.—New road at Drax. to west 850 feet or thereabouts, and in A public carriage road, wholly in the townships breadth, from north to south, 640 feet or of Long Drax and Drax in the parish of thereabouts, and the centre whereof would Drax, in the said West Riding, commencing be intersected by a straight line drawn in a at or near the north fence of Brigg-lane, at direction nearly due south through the centre a point about 6 chains measured along the of the Marfleet New Inn, in the occupation said lane in a westerly direction from the of Samuel Wood, situate on the south side of point at which the Railway No.
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