Cronología de lanzamientos espaciales 1 Cronología de Lanzamientos Espaciales Año 1966 Copyright © 2009 by Eladio Miranda Batlle. All rights reserved. Los textos, imágenes y tablas que se encuentran en esta cronología cuentan con la autorización de sus propietarios para ser publicadas o se hace referencia a la fuente de donde se obtuvieron los mismos. Eladio Miranda Batlle [email protected] Cronología del lanzamiento de misiones espaciales Contenido 1966 Enero 06.01.66 DMSP-3B F5 (OPS 2394) / 31.03.66 DMSP-3B F6 (OPS 0340) 1966- 001X 31.03.66 Luna 10 (E-6S #2) 07.01.66 DMSP 0714 07.01.66 Kosmos 104 (Zenit-2 #28) 19.01.66 KH-7 24 (OPS 7253) Abril OPS 3179 22.01.66 Kosmos 105 (Zenit-2 #29) 06.04.66 Kosmos 114 (Zenit-4 #17) 25.01.66 Kosmos 106 (DS-P1-I #1) 07.04.66 KH-4A 31 (OPS 1612) 08.04.66 Surveyor-SD 3 / Atlas Centaur 8 28.01.66 Transit-O 7 Transit 11 / 08.04.66 OAO 1 31.01.66 Luna 9 (E-6 #12) 19.04.66 KH-7 27 (OPS 0910) 20.04.66 Kosmos 115 (Zenit-2 #32) Febrero 22.04.66 OV3 1 25.04.66 Molniya-1 3 02.02.66 KH-4A 29 (OPS 7291) 26.04.66 Kosmos 116 (DS-P1-Yu #5) 03.02.66 ESSA 1 30.04.66 Luna 1966A 09.02.66 Samos-F3 5 (OPS 1439) /Ferret 8 10.02.66 Kosmos 107 (Zenit-2 #30) Mayo 11.02.66 Kosmos 108 (DS-U1-G #1) 15.02.66 KH-7 25 (OPS 1184) Bluebell 2C (OPS 3011) 04.05.66 1966-002X Bluebell 2S (OPS 3031) 04.05.66 KH-4A 32 (OPS 1508) 17.02.66 Diapason (D 1A) 06.05.66 Kosmos 117 (Zenit-2 #33) 19.02.66 Kosmos 109 (Zenit-4 #15) 11.05.66 Kosmos 118 (Meteor-1 #2) 21.02.66 Kosmos (110) (DS-K-40 #2) 14.05.66 KH-7 28 (OPS 1950) 22.02.66 Kosmos 110 (Voskhod-3KV #3) SSF-B 4 (OPS 6785) 26.02.66 AS-201 15.05.66 Nimbus 2 28.02.66 ESSA 2 17.05.66 Kosmos (119) (Zenit-4 #(18)) 17.05.66 GATV 9 (TDA 5) 17.05.66 Gemini 9 Target A Marzo 19.05.66 Transit-O 9 / Transit 13 24.05.66 KH-4A 33 (OPS 1778) 01.03.66 Kosmos 111 (Luna (10a)) (E-6S #1) 24.05.66 Kosmos 119 (DS-U2-I #1) 09.03.66 KH-4A 30 (OPS 3488) 25.05.66 Explorer 32 (AE B) 16.03.66 GATV 8 (TDA 3) 30.05.66 Surveyor 1 16.03.66 Gemini 8 / Gemini 8 Target 17.03.66 Kosmos 112 (Zenit-2 #31) Junio 18.03.66 KH-7 26 (OPS 0879) NRL-PL 137 (OPS 0974) 01.06.66 ATDA (TDA 4) Gemini 9 Target B 21.03.66 Kosmos 113 (Zenit-4 #16) / 24.03.66 Proton (3) 03.06.66 Gemini 9 03.06.66 KH-7 29 (OPS 1577) 26.03.66 Transit-O 8 Transit 12 / OPS 1856 /KH 7-29 Capsule 27.03.66 Molniya-1 (3) 07.06.66 OGO 3 30.03.66 DMSP(66-026A) 08.06.66 Kosmos 120 (Zenit-2 #34) 30.03.66 OV1 4 08.06.66 ERS 16 OV1 5 (BORE) SPP 28 * Eladio Miranda Batlle Cronología del lanzamiento de misiones espaciales 09.06.66 RTS-1 1 IDCSP (14) SECOR 6 (EGRS 6) / MIDAS 10 GGTS 2 ORS 2 27.08.66 Kosmos 128 (Zenit-4 #21) 10.06.66 OV3 4 (PHASR) 16.06.66 IDCSP 1 (OPS 9311) Septiembre IDCSP 2 (OPS 9312) IDCSP 3 (OPS 9313) IDCSP 4 (OPS 9314) 08.09.66 KH-4A 36 (OPS 1703) IDCSP 5 (OPS 9315) 12.09.66 GATV 11 (TDA 6) IDCSP 6 (OPS 9316) 12.09.66 Gemini 11/ Gemini 11 Target IDCSP 7 (OPS 9317) 15.09.66 DMSP-4A F1 (OPS 6026) GGTS 1 16.09.66 KH-7 32 (OPS 1686) 17.06.66 Kosmos 121 (Zenit-4 #18) SSF-B 6 (OPS 6874) 21.06.66 KH-4A 34 (OPS 1599) 16.09.66 Kosmos (129) (Zenit-2 #(34)) 24.06.66 PAGEOS 1 17.09.66 OGCh #51966-088A 25.06.66 Kosmos 122 (Meteor-1 #3) 20.09.66 Surveyor 2 20.09.66 KH-4A 1035 26.09.66 Ohsumi (#1) Lambda 4S-1 Julio 28.09.66 KH-8 2 (OPS 4096) 01.07.66 Explorer 33 (IMP D) 05.07.66 Apollo 203 Octubre 06.07.66 Proton 3 08.07.66 Kosmos 123 (DS-P1-Yu #6) 02.10.66 ESSA 3 12.07.66 KH-7 30 (OPS 1850) 05.10.66 RTS-1 3 13.07.66 OV1 7 SECOR 8 (EGRS 8)/ MIDAS 12 14.07.66 PasComSat (OV1 8) 12.10.66 KH-7 33 (OPS 2055) SPP 33 * KH 7-33 Capsule 14.07.66 Kosmos 124 (Zenit-2 #35) SGLS 1 (OPS 5345) 18.07.66 GATV 10 (TDA 1A) 14.10.66 Kosmos 129 (Zenit-2 #34) 18.07.66 Gemini 10 Gemini 10 Target 20.10.66 Kosmos 130 (Zenit-4 #22) 20.07.66 Kosmos 125 (US-A Test #2) 20.10.66 Molniya-1 4 28.07.66 Kosmos 126 (Zenit-4 #19) 22.10.66 Luna 12 (E-6LF #2) 29.07.66 KH-8 1 (OPS 3014) 26.10.66 Surveyor-SD 4 / Atlas Centaur 9 26.10.66 Intelsat-2 1 Agosto 28.10.66 OV3 2 04.08.66 OV3 3 Noviembre 08.08.66 Kosmos 127 (Zenit-4 #20) 09.08.66 KH-4A 35 (OPS 1545) 02.11.66 KH-7 34 (OPS 2070) 10.08.66 Lunar Orbiter 1 KH 7-34 Capsule 16.08.66 KH-7 31 (OPS 1832) OPS 542 SSF-B 5 (OPS 6810) 1966-074B 4 / 1966-101A 17.08.66 Pioneer 7 02.11.66 OGCh #6 18.08.66 Transit-O 10/ Transit 14 02.11.66 OV4 3 19.08.66 RTS-1 2 OV4 1R SECOR 7 (EGRS 7) MIDAS 11 OV4 1T ORS 1 ERS 15 OV1 6 24.08.66 Luna 11 (E-6LF #1) Gemini B * 25.08.66 AS-202 06.11.66 Lunar Orbiter 2 26.08.66 IDCSP (8) IDCSP 08.11.66 KH-4A 37 (OPS 1866) IDCSP (9) 11.11.66 GATV 12 (TDA 7A) IDCSP (10) 11.11.66 Gemini 12 / Gemini 12 Target IDCSP (11) 12.11.66 Kosmos 131 (Zenit-4 #23) IDCSP (12) 16.11.66 Kosmos (132) (Strela-2 #2) IDCSP (13) 19.11.66 Kosmos 132 (Zenit-2 #35) Eladio Miranda Batlle Cronología del lanzamiento de misiones espaciales 28.11.66 Kosmos 133 (Soyuz-Test #1) 12.12.66 Kosmos 135 (DS-U2-MP #1) 14.12.66 Kosmos (136) (Soyuz-Test #(2)) Diciembre 14.12.66 KH-8 3 (OPS 8968) 14.12.66 Biosat 1 (Bios 1) 03.12.66 Kosmos 134 (Zenit-4 #24) 19.12.66 Kosmos 136 (Zenit-2 #36) 05.12.66 KH-7 35 (OPS 1890) 19.12.66 Ohsumi (#2) Lambda 4S-2 07.12.66 ATS 1 21.12.66 Kosmos 137 (DS-U2-D #1) 11.12.66 OV1 9 (ERE) 21.12.66 Luna 13 (E-6M #1) OV1 10 29.12.66 Samos-F3 6 (OPS 1584)/ Ferret 9 Eladio Miranda Batlle Cronología del lanzamiento de misiones espaciales Enero 1966 Launch Date: 1966-01-19 Launch Vehicle: Atlas Launch Site: Vandenberg AFB, United States DMSP-3B F5 (OPS 2394) 1966-001X Mass: 2000.0 kg Launch Date: 1966-01-06 Launch Vehicle: Thor Kosmos 105 (Zenit-2 #29) Launch Site: Vandenberg AFB, United States Mass: 130.0 kg Cosmos 105 was a first generation, low resolution Soviet photo surveillance Funding Agency satellite launched from Baikonur Department of Defense-Department of the cosmodrome aboard a Vostok rocket. The Air Force (United States) film capsule was recovered after 8 days Discipline Surveillance and Other Military Launch Date: 1966-01-22 Launch Vehicle: Modified SS-6 (Sapwood) with 1st Generation Upper Stage Launch Site: Tyuratam (Baikonur DMSP 0714 Cosmodrome), U.S.S.R Mass: 4730.0 kg Launch Date: 1966-01-07 Launch Vehicle: Thor Launch Site: Vandenberg AFB, United Kosmos 106 (DS-P1-I #1) States Mass: 130.0 kg Cosmos 106 was a Soviet DS type military satellite launched from Kapustin Yar. DS (Dnepropetrovsk Sputnik) were small Kosmos 104 (Zenit-2 #28) satellites built by Yangel's OKB-586 / KB Yuzhnoye in the Ukraine for launch by the Cosmos 104 was a first generation, low same KB's Kosmos launch vehicles. They resolution Soviet photo surveillance were used for a wide range of military and satellite launched from the Baikonur scientific research and component proving cosmodrome aboard a Vostok rocket. The tests. film capsule was recovered after 8 days. Program not completely met. Spacecraft Launch Date: 1966-01-25 put into incorrect orbit by abnormal function Launch Vehicle: Modified SS-4 (Sandal of second and third stages of booster. IRBM) plus Upper Stage Launch Date: 1966-01-07 Launch Site: Kapustin Yar, U.S.S.R Mass: 325.0 kg Launch Vehicle: Modified SS-6 (Sapwood) with 1st Generation Upper Stage Launch Site: Tyuratam (Baikonur Transit-O 7 / Transit 11 Cosmodrome), U.S.S.R Mass: 4730.0 kg Transit 11 was a US Navy navigation satellite launched by a Scout A rocket. Transit, one of the first operational satellite KH-7 24 (OPS 7253) OPS 3179 systems, was also known as the Navy Navigation Satellite (NNS).
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