Agenda COUNCIL Date: Monday, 14 December 2015 at 7:00 pm Venue: AKS Lytham Independent School, Clifton Drive South, FY8 1DT Mayor : Councillor Peter Hardy Deputy Mayor : Councillor Heather Speak Leader : Councillor Susan Fazackerley Deputy Leader : Councillor Karen Buckley Councillors Ben Aiken, Christine Akeroyd, Frank Andrews, Tim Ashton, Mark Bamforth, Jan Barker, Keith Beckett ISO, Brenda Blackshaw, Julie Brickles, Maxine Chew, Alan Clayton, Delma Collins, Peter Collins, Michael Cornah, David Donaldson, David Eaves, Trevor Fiddler, Tony Ford JP, Richard Fradley, Gail Goodman JP, Shirley Green, Neil Harvey, Paul Hayhurst, Karen Henshaw JP, Paul Hodgson, Angela Jacques, Cheryl Little, Roger Lloyd, Kiran Mulholland, Barbara Nash, Edward Nash, Graeme Neale, Linda Nulty, Liz Oades, Sandra Pitman, Albert Pounder, Richard Redcliffe, Louis Rigby, Vince Settle, Elaine Silverwood, John Singleton JP, Roger Small, Richard Taylor, Raymond Thomas, Thomas Threlfall, Viv Willder. PROCEDURAL ITEMS: PAGE Declarations of Interest: Declarations of interest, and the responsibility for declaring the same, are matters for elected members. Members are able to 1 obtain advice, in writing, in advance of meetings. This should only be sought via 1 the Council’s Monitoring Officer. However, it should be noted that no advice on interests sought less than one working day prior to any meeting will be provided. Confirmation of Minutes: To confirm the minutes, as previously circulated, of the 2 1 meeting held on 12 October 2015 as a correct record. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 3 Mayor’s Announcements 1 4 Chief Executive’s Communications 1 REPRESENTATIONS: 5 Questions from Members of the Council 3 6 Questions from Members of the Public 4 For procedure to ask a question at a Council meeting see Public Speaking at Council Meetings. DECISION ITEMS: 7 Notice of Motion – Water Contamination 5 - 7 Page 1 of 265 8 Notice of Motion – Development Management Substitutions 8 - 9 9 A Combined Authority for Lancashire 10 - 53 Financial Forecast Update (Including Revenue, Capital &Treasury Management) 10 54 - 80 2015/16 to 2019/20 11 Mid Year Prudential Indicators and Treasury Management Monitoring Report 81 - 93 12 Review of Council Tax Discounts and Premium 2016/17 94 - 100 Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2016/17 Including Grants to Town and Parish 13 101 - 120 Councils 14 Review of Statement of Licensing Policy 121 - 190 15 Review of Statement of Gambling Policy 191 - 228 16 Local Development Scheme 229 - 247 17 Appointment of Independent Persons 248 - 250 18 Members’ Allowances 251 - 263 19 Committee Appointments and Political Balance 264 - 265 Contact: Katharine McDonnell - Telephone: (01253) 658423 – Email: [email protected] The code of conduct for members can be found in the council’s constitution at http://fylde.cmis.uk.com/fylde/DocumentsandInformation/PublicDocumentsandInformation.aspx © Fylde Borough Council copyright 2015 You may re-use this document/publication (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium. You must re-use it accurately and not in a misleading context. The material must be acknowledged as Fylde Borough Council copyright and you must give the title of the source document/publication. Where we have identified any third party copyright material you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. This document/publication is also available on our website at www.fylde.gov.uk Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at the Town Hall, St Annes Road West, St Annes FY8 1LW, or to [email protected]. Page 2 of 265 REPRESENTATIONS ITEM REPORT OF MEETING DATE NO RESOURCES COUNCIL 14 DECEMBER 2015 5 DIRECTORATE QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL PUBLIC ITEM This item is for consideration in the public part of the meeting. SUMMARY No questions have been received from Members of the Council before the requisite deadline, as outlined in Procedural Standing Orders for Council and Committees of Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution, and before the statutory deadline for publication of the agenda. If any questions are received before the deadline, as outlined above, they will be circulated prior to the meeting for members’ information, under separate cover. Any question(s) will be read out during the Council meeting on 14 December 2015 and a response will be given by the Leader of the Council. Page 3 of 265 REPRESENTATIONS ITEM REPORT OF MEETING DATE NO RESOURCES COUNCIL 14 DECEMBER 2015 6 DIRECTORATE QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC PUBLIC ITEM This item is for consideration in the public part of the meeting. SUMMARY No questions have been received from the public before the deadline, as outlined in the Procedural Standing Orders for Council and Committees in Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution, and before the statutory deadline for publication of the agenda. If any questions are received before the deadline, as outlined above, they will be circulated prior to the meeting for members’ information, under separate cover. Any question(s) will be read out during the Council meeting on 14 December 2015 and a response will be given by the Leader of the Council. Page 4 of 265 DECISION ITEM ITEM REPORT OF MEETING DATE NO RESOURCES COUNCIL 14 DECEMBER 2015 7 DIRECTORATE NOTICE OF MOTION – WATER CONTAMINATION PUBLIC ITEM This item is for consideration in the public part of the meeting. SUMMARY Notice of motion is a procedure that allows members of the council to ask the council to discuss any matter for which the Council has a responsibility or which affects the Fylde area. Any member of the council can give written notice to the Director of Resources of a motion that they wish to move. The Director will publish the motion on the council’s website and arrange for it to be placed on the agenda of the next available ordinary council meeting. The motion will be debated at council subject to it being moved and seconded. RECOMMENDATION To consider the Notice of Motion received on 25 August 2015, as amended at Council on 12 October 2015. CORPORATE PRIORITIES To Promote the Enhancement of The To Encourage Cohesive Communities Natural & Built Environment (Place) (People) To Promote a Thriving Economy To Meet Expectations of our Customers √ (Prosperity) (Performance) SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS DECISIONS Council – 12 October 2015 - It was agreed to defer the amended notice of motion for further consideration. Page 5 of 265 The Motion 1. The following Notice of Motion was received: “That this Council is concerned by the recent Cryptosporidium contamination to our water supply and the measures taken to deal with it.” The Notice of Motion was duly proposed by Councillor Elizabeth Oades. It was amended by Councillor Linda Nulty with the addition of the following words; “We would therefore request that Fylde Borough Council instructs the Chief Executive write to the Prime Minister, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Minister for Energy and Climate Change, drawing their attention to the inadequacy of regulation in major industries, particularly in the light of the fourteenth round of onshore oil and gas licence awards covering much of England. We also request that central government puts in place rigorous, independent, regulatory and inspection regimes for all industries which affect public health above all improved purification of domestic water supplies and the treatment and disposal of contaminated waste water.” 2. At the Council meeting held on 12 October 2015 it was agreed to defer the consideration of the amended motion to the next Council meeting on 14 December 2015, and therefore the amended motion, set out in full below, is referred to this meeting for full debate. “That this Council is concerned by the recent Cryptosporidium contamination to our water supply and the measures taken to deal with it. We would therefore request that Fylde Borough Council instructs the Chief Executive write to the Prime Minister, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Minister for Energy and Climate Change, drawing their attention to the inadequacy of regulation in major industries, particularly in the light of the fourteenth round of onshore oil and gas licence awards covering much of England. We also request that central government puts in place rigorous, independent, regulatory and inspection regimes for all industries which affect public health above all improved purification of domestic water supplies and the treatment and disposal of contaminated waste water.” Standing Orders 3. Part 4 (Rules of Procedure), Standing Order 12 (Motions) of the council Constitution details the procedural requirements of handling a Notice of Motion. IMPLICATIONS Finance None arising directly from this report. Legal None arising directly from this report. Community Safety None arising directly from this report. Human Rights and Equalities None arising directly from this report. Sustainability and Environmental Impact None arising directly from this report. Health & Safety and Risk Management None arising directly from this report. Page 6 of 265 LEAD AUTHOR TEL DATE DOC ID Tracy Morrison 01253 658521 2/12/15 LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS Name of document Date Where available for inspection Notification from Councillor 25 August 2015 Public Documents - Notice of Motion Oades Council Constitution Public Documents - Constitution Page 7 of 265 DECISION ITEM ITEM REPORT OF MEETING DATE NO RESOURCES COUNCIL 14 DECEMBER 2015 8 DIRECTORATE NOTICE OF MOTION – DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SUBSTITUTIONS PUBLIC ITEM This item is for consideration in the public part of the meeting. SUMMARY Notice of motion is a procedure that allows members of the council to ask the council to discuss any matter for which the Council has a responsibility or which affects the Fylde area. Any member of the council can give written notice to the Director of Resources of a motion that they wish to move. The Director will publish the motion on the council’s website and arrange for it to be placed on the agenda of the next available ordinary council meeting.
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