RODIN / THEMUSEUM OF MODERN ART,NEWYORK ~\ MoMAExh_0721_MasterChecklist CATALOGUE OF THE EXHIBITION April 30 throJlgll September 8,1963 The dates given for each work generally refer to the 3 The Walking Man, Enlarged version. Plaster 1900 tp3.'U",Z original version in plaster. When two dates arc given, (Goldschcider), I905 (Elsen); bronze 1907 (Elsen); the first designates the original plaster, and the second chis cast 1962, no. 6 of 12, S3%" high. "Georges the date of the fmc castingin bronze (which, however, Rudier IFondeur. Paris." (Grappe 3S). Musee may not be that of the cast exhibited). References are Rodin, Paris given to Georges Crappe's catalogue of the Musce 4 St. Johll lite Baptist Prcachillg (St. Jett/I-Baptiste ~1.SS Rodin (r944 edition) whenever the works are listed priJclwl/t). (IS7S-S0). Bronze (IS80), 7S%" high. in that catalogue (although not necessarily in the same "Alexis RudierjFondeur Paris." (Grappe 40). The medium or scale). Certain dates have been revised by Museum of Modern Art, New York. Mrs. Simon Mme Cecile Goldscheider, Curator of the Musco Guggenheim Fund Rodin, Paris and Albert E. Elsen, author of the mono- graph, Rodin, published by The Museum of Modem MONUMENTS An in conjunction with this exhibition. According to Mine Goldscheider, Rodin's accounts have not been 5 Thc Call to Arll1s (L'Appcl aux arlilcs) (La DeJellse). fJ>3.4~O preserved and it is generally not possible to determine (1878). Bronze, 44%" high. "Alexis RodierI ~ the date of the first casting. It is hoped, however, that Pondeur. Paris." (Grappe 42). The Rodin Museum, J~~'1 further study and research now in progress may yield Philadelphia (See note) more accurate dates. The Burghers oJCalais (ISS4-95) Where known, the founders' marks and cast numbers areMoMAExh_0721_MasterChecklist indicated. In dirneusious, height precedes 6 Tire Mighty HalJd (Grallde main crispce). IS84-86 (,'/.'1' \\00 width and depth. Dimensions of drawings give sheer (Elsen). Bronze, rSY/' high. "Alexis Rudier j N J"'i size unless sight measurement is indicated. For the Pondeur. Paris." Jules E. Mastbaum Collection, prints the plate size is given. loaned by Mrs. Jefferson Dickson All works from The Rodin Museum, Philadelphia 7 TIle BJlrghers oj Calais tl.es Bourgeois de Calais). ""."'\"11 (6FiJ1HiJ8 E) tke gifis ofth:c=t::it:8JuIcsE. Mastbaum) arc Plaster 1886-87; bronze 1895 (Elsen), 851//' high !"Ii 01'1\'1 lent by the courtesy of the Commissioners of Fair- incl. base 91%" x 70%" x GY2~ high irreg. "Alexis mount Park and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Rudier." (Crappe 1(7): The Rodin Museum, Phila. 8 Study for one of the Burghers oJ Calais (Pierre de ,,3 ...q,32. Wiessant). by 1886 (Elsen). Bronze, 747/8" high. "Alexis Rudier jf'ondeur. Paris." The Collections SCULPTURE of The Minneapolis Institute of Arts 9 Heroic Head (pierre de Wiessant). by ISS9 (Elsen). ~ "3.4. t, The Walking Mtlll and St. JollII r/lc Baptist Bronze, 32Y4" high. "Alexis Rudicr jfondcur rJ'4o....\'\ 7 Paris." (Grappe I69). The Cleveland Museum of "3.--\'11 I Torso oj a Mall. (IS77-7S?). Bronze (lS93), 20 /8" high. Musec du Petit Palais, Paris Art, Mrs. R. Henry Norweb Collection 103.S'".2lh Tile Hlalkillg Mall (L'HolIIlJle qui marclle).(IS77-7S). Studies for the MOl/tIll/CIJt to Balzac (IS92-95) Bronze, 33%" high. "Alexis Rudier jFondeur. 4 Paris. " (Grappe 3S). Collection Edward Steichen, to Head. Terra cotta, 9% n high. The Metropolitan" 3. 5L West Redding, Conn. Museum of Art, Rogers Ftmd, 19I2 N"I (.>\.>11 fI I I Rudicr /FondcUI Paris." (Grappe 25S)· Musec II Head. Wax, 81/ n high. Collection Mme Marcel "s.~C\., 4 Rodin, Paris N'ic"'l Pollak, Paris 24 Despair. Marble, 12" high x 22Ys" wide x 16% "t."1S01 .3.4.0&12 Head. Plaster, 7%" high. Margit Chanin, Lrd., deep. City Art Museum of St. Louis New York 25 MOl/riling I (Premieres FllIlcrailles). (1900). Bronze,~I~ ~ 3.1-1. 81 3 Head. Bronze, 7% 1/ high. "Alexis Rudier jFondeur. 1 1 Paris." The Joseph H. Hirshhorn Collection 24 /4" high x 20%" wide x 14 /4" deep. Signed "A Rodin /No. 1." Oalerie Jean de Ruaz, Paris ~ 3. .<C\A\b14 Bust. Bronze, r81J2"high. "Alexis Rudier Pondeur. 26 The Muse (La Muse). after 1900 (Elsen). MarbleJ-3.S3.q H. Paris." The Joseph Hirshhorn Collection 1 19Y4" high x 231/ " wide x 17 /2" deep. Signed left 15 Nude Figure. Bronze, 161/8" high. "Georges 8 .:5.':t'-" side "A rna muse/A. Rodin." World House Gal- Rudier JFondeur, Paris." Collection Helen Frank- leries, New York cnthaler, New York . 27 TI,e Secret (Le Secret). (1910). Marble, 35" high.(,.3..o.~ I" 3.S3( 16 Nude Figure. Bronze (this cast 1957). 501j/' high. (Grappe 415). Musee Rodin, Paris "Georges Rudier fFolldeur. Paris." (Grappe 267)· Collection Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wurtzburger, THE GATES OF HELL courtesy The Baltimore Museum of Art AND ITS DERIVATIONS 29.S~' 17 MO/ll.III1wt to Balzac. (1897; tills cast 1954)· Bronze, 28 Maquccte for Tire Gates of Hell. (1880). Terra~ ..li"lZ N" III n high. "Rudier jFondeur Paris." (Grappe 289)· cotta, 391/2" high x 25# wide x 7%" deep (irreg.). The Museum of Modem Art, New York. Pre- sented in memory of Curt Valentin by his friends. (c.f. Grappe 53). Peridot Gallery, New York 29 Adam, or The Creation. of Mall (Le Premier 1IOII1IliC JUo3."MS' or La Creation de (,holllme). (1880). Bronze, 77//N'I(,'t'li SYMBOLIC SUBJECTS high. "Alexis Rudier/Fondeur Paris." (Grappe 47). MoMAExh_0721_MasterChecklist The Age of Bronze (L'Age d'airain). (r876). Bronze, The Rodin Museum, Philadelphia 70" high. (Alexis Rodier). (Grappe 36). The Rodin 30 Seated MaIL (Holl/me awoupi), study for The"3. ..."~ Museum, Philadelphia Thinker (Le Penseurs. (by 1880). Terra cotta, 9%#p.t"f ,"~.4"" 19 The Eartb (La 7ene). (1884). Bronze (this cast high. Musee Rodin, Paris I962), 181/4" high x 44%" long x IS" deep. 31 Study for The Thinker. (1880). Bronze, 14% "(r3l~al "Georges Rudier Fondeur Paris." (Grappe roy). high. "Alexis Rudier /Fondeur. Paris." (Grappe 55, Musee Rodin, Paris 56). Collection Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Maslen, 15. '3.A,.'S"S" 20 The Martyr. (La Martyre). 18S4 (Goldscheidcr). Minneapolis Bronze, 16%" high x 61%" long x 3S" deep. 32 The Three Sliodes (Les Trois olJlbres). (1880). En-~I.~ (Grappe 146). The Metropolitan Museum of Art. larged version, c. 1902 (Goldschei.der). Bronze, Gift of Watson B. Dickerman, 1913 741/4" high incl. base 71" x 30" x c.r" high "Alexis C."'S.~c..1.21 Thollght (La Pcusee) (Camille Claudel). (ISS6). Rudier." (Grappe 59). The City of San Francisco Marble, 291J2" high x 17" wide x IS" deep. 33 Caryatid (La Cariatide fombee portaHt sa pjerre).c.~.I()' (Grappe 16S). Musee Rodin, Paris before 1881). Bronze, 171/8"high. "Alexis Rudier / ,,3.. .,.".., 22 The Efemal Idol (L'Etemelle idole). (1889). Bronze, Fondeur Paris." (Grappe 63). Jules E. Mastbaum 3 Collection, loaned by Mrs. Jeffcrson Dickson 28 /4" high x 23%" wide x 14%" deep. "Alexis Rudier /Fondeur Paris." (Grappe 241). Galerie Jean 34 Tile Kiss (Le Baiser). 1880-82 (Elsen). Bronze,.,3:-1" de Ruaz, Paris 33%" high. "Alexis Rudier /Fondeur. Paris." ,,1. """].23 Large Head of Iris (Crosse tefe d'Iris). (189D-91). (Grappe 166). GalerieJean de Ruaz, Paris Bronze (this cast 1962), 231J4" high. "Georges 35 FI/git All/or. 1880-82 (Elsen). Bronze, 14%" high xr,3.5ct 19% n long. "Alexis Rudier fFondeur. Paris." 46 La Toilette de VelllJs. (before 1886). Bronze, 183A" ("3.4O,Q (Grappe 174). The California Palace of the Legion high. "Alexis RudierjFondeur. Paris." (Crappe of Honor-Spreckels Collection 159). Galerie jcan de Ruaz, Paris k"3.4f836 The Prodigal 5011 (L'EIIJaflt prodigl/e). 1880-82 47 A1Jariee and Lust (L'Avarice et la lllxurl.'). (before e 3. ~S7 t N~Q"'\'\ (Elsen). Bronze, 54" h.igh. "Georges Rudierj 1887). Plaster, 8%" high x 21" long x 17%" deep. N1CoIJI'l Fondeur. Paris." (Grappe 210). Allen Memorial (Grappe 175). Private collection, Paris Art Museum, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio c."'3A9\ 37 Eve. (r881). Bronze. 66" high. "Alexis Rudier". BATHERS AND DANCERS 1\l,\c•.d1 (Grappe 65). TIle Rodin Museum, Philadelphia D (,~.~~1l38 Head of Sorrow (The de fa dOlllellr). (1882). Bronze 48 The Juggler (Le JOllgleur). (1892-95). Bronze'3.53 (remodeled 1905), 9%" high. "Alexis Rudier I (c. 1909), II1j4" high. "Georges Rudier Fondeur, Fondeur Paris," (Grappe 76). Yale University Art Paris." (Grappe 389). Collection Mr. and Mrs. 6 3 ...<1 01 I Gallery, New Haven. Gift of Mrs. Patrick Dinehart Erwin D. Swann, New York / Ic.3.~I~39 Torso oj AdCle (Torso a'AJClr). (1882). Bronze, 49 Bather I (Baigllellse). (c. 1900). Terra cotta, 18%" 6%" high x 16%" long x 7%" deep. "A. Rudier, high. Collection Corntesse de Billy, Paris 1 Fondeur, Paris." (Grappe 77). Collection Mr. and 50 Bather II. (c. 1900). Terra cotta, 18 /4" high. Col_"3Ao5" Mrs. Bruce B. Dayton, Minneapolis Iection Comtesse de Billy, Paris 51 Bather III. (c. 1900). Terra cotta, 17%" high. Col-" 3.~bb &3.Slo 40 Mall with Broken Nosc-small version (Lc Petit lecrion Comresse de Billy, Paris Homme all IICZ CtlSsc). (1882). Bronze, 5" high. 52 Bather IV. (c. 1900). Terra cotta, 193//' high. Col-t.3.40'l .~"Alexis'Rudier jFolldcur Paris." (Grappe 78). The lecrion Comtesse de Billy, Paris California Palace of the Legion of Honor- 53 Femme all crabe. Bronze, 8%/1 high. "Rudier j (,3.0'\01\'1 Spreckels Collection Pondeur Paris." The Joseph H. Hirshhorn Col- Crouc!lillgMoMAExh_0721_MasterChecklist Woman (Fell/me accrollpie).
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