s VOLAIT (GEORGES). - -- Die Stellung des Alexander von Aphrodisias zur aristotelischen Schlusslehre. [Erdmann, Abhandl. z. Philos. 27.] Halle a.S., 1907. O.S. .108 Erd. VOLANUS (ANDREAS). - -- A.V. libri quinque contra Scargae ... septem missae sacrificiique ejus columnas, et librum 12 artium Zuingliocalvinistarum ... Adiecta est Volani ... adversus A. Possevinum ... defensio ... auctore I. Lasicio. 2 pts. (in 1). Vilnae, 1584. .a, ,2653VoC, VOLATFRRANUS (RAPHAEL). --- Commentariorum urbanorum R.V. octo(2- triginta libri ... Item OEconomicus Xenophotis ab eodem latio donatus. Basileae, 1559 N* 17.43. - -- Cometarior2.Urbanor4r..Li. III -VI. See BLONDUS (F.). Blondi Flavii ... de Roma instaurata libri tres. - -- R.V. Princeps, in quo rei militaris summa continetur. See ONOSANDER. Q ... de optimo imperatore ... VOLAVKA (VOJTÉCH). - -- French paintings and engravings of the XIXth century in Czechoslovakia. (Tr. by R.F. Samsourova, the French resume tr. by E. Fiala.) Prague, 1954. F .75M06-08) Vol. - -- Painting and the painter's brush -work. (Tr. from the Czech by R.F. Samsourova.) Prague, 1954. VOT,BACH (FRITZ) . - -- Gerg Friedrich Händel. [Berühmte Mus. 2.] Berlin, 1898. !Tp.1.43. ADDITIONS VorBACM (wu.THER RICHARD). Adolphe Appia, prophet of the modern theatre; a profile. Middletown, Connecticut [1968.] .792025(494) App. Vol. VOLRACH (WOLFGANG FRITZ). - -- writer of introduction. Altchristliche Mosaiken des IV bis VII Jahrhunderts; Rom, Neapel, Mailand, Ravenna. Geleitwort von R. Huch. [Iris Bücher d. Natur u. Kunst.] Bern, copyright 1943. Fine Art Lib. - -- Early Christian mosaics from the four-alto the seventh centuries; Rome, Naples, Milan, Ravenna. Preface by R. Huch. [Iris Col. Bks.] Lond., copyright 1943. F .72972(45) Vol. --- Early Christian art. Text and notes by W.F.V. Photographs by M. Hirmer. Lond., 1961. F-7at9ez l- - -- Another copy. Fine Art Lib. - -- Elfenbeinarbeiten der Spätantike und des frühen Mittelalters. 2te Aufl. [Römisch- German. Zentralmus. z. Mainz, Kat. 7.] Mainz, 1952. F .7366(401) Vol. - -- Mittelalterliche B- fenbeinarbeiten. 1.-6. Tausend. [Orbis Pictus- - Weltkunst -Bücherei ,84,- -44-x- -- o : [1922.1- - Fine Art Lib-. rviCt --- writer of text. Il Tesoro di San Marco. See TESeit0=1E SAN MARCO. .I_.ssara - -- Mainz und der Mittelrhein in der europäischen Kunstgeschichte; Studien für Wolfgang Fritz Volbach zu seinem 70. Geburtstag. (Hrsg. von F. Gerke.) [Forsch. z. Kunstgesch. u. Christlich. Archäol. Bd. 6.] Mainz, 1966. .7(434)04 Vol. - -- See VITZTHUM VON ECKSTAEDT (BERTOLD GEORG, Graf) and V. (W.F.) - -- and LAFONTAINE- DOSOGNE (JACQUELINE). - -- Byzanz und der christliche Osten. Mit Beiträgen von M. k;hatzidakis ... [Propyläen- Kunstgeschichte, Bd. 3.] Berlin, 1968. F .709 Pro. ADDITIONS 'IO?B1>^7 (WOLFGANG FRITZ). writer of introduction. Altchristliche Mosaiken des IV bis VII Jahrhunderts; Rom, Neapel, Mailand, Ravenna. Geleitwort von R. Huch. LIris Bücher d. Natur. u. Kunst.] Bern, copyright 1943. F .72972(45) Vol. VOLBORTH ( JOHANN CARL). - -- ed. Nova chrestomathia tragica Graeco- Latina ... (In hoc opusculo continentur Aeschyli Choëphorae, Sophoclis Electra, Euripidis Electra, Senecea_ Agamemnon.) Goettingae, 1777. *S.33.58. VOLCAMER. See VOLCKAMER. VOLCAMERUS (CHRISTOPHORUS THEOPHILUS). --- See STURMIUS (J.C.) praes. VOLCHOK (B.A.). - -- See SLIV (L.A.) and V. (B.A.) VOLCIUS (MELCHIOR). - -- Rettung der reinen evangelischen Predigt M. Volcii, vom Berüff der Kirchendiener, wider Georgii Pomerii, eines Papistischen Sycophanten aussgesprengten Kehrbesen ... n.p., 1608. r P. 70l4/6. VOLCK (JOANNES JACOBUS). - -- See NELLER (G.C.) praes. VOLCK (WILHELM). - -- ed. See GESENIUS (F.H.W.). Hebräisches und chaldäisches Handwörter- buch über das Alte Testament. 8te Aufl. - -- and 0E,l'TLI (SAMUEL) . - -- Die poetischen Hagiographen (Buch Hiob, Prediger Salomo, Hohelied und Klagelieder). [Strack and Zöckler, Kurzgef. Komm. A. Abtl. 7.] Nördlingen, 1889. Yd. 5. VOLCKAMER (HENRICUS SAMUFT,). - -- Diss. ... de dolore doloris remedio ... Altdorfii Noricorum (1739.) r-x P. 898/17. [Continued overleaf.] A DM Tl ON VOLCANI (BENJAMIN E.). - -- See SIMPSON (TRACY L.) and V. (B.E.) VOLCANIC processes in ore genesis. Proceedings of a joint meeting of thQ Volcanic studies Group of the Geological Society of London and the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy held in London on 21 and 22 January, 1976. `Geol. Soc. of Lond. Special Publ. No. 7.] Lond. L1977.] Geol. Lib. VOLCKAMER (JOHANN GEORG). - -- Flora Noribergensis, sive catalogus plantarum in agro Noribergensi tam sponte nascentium quarr exoticarum ... Noribergae, 1700. *K.21.53. --- Opobalsami Orientalis in theriaces confectionem Rome revocati, examen ... Norimbergae, 161111 *1.33.76/2. - -- Another copy. *I.33.85/2. VOLCKERSHOVEN (CAROLUS FRANCISCUS). - -- Disput. ... de juncturis ossium. Lugd. Bat., 1713. P. 895/9. VOLCKHART (JOHANNES. - -- See BECHMANN (J.V.) praes. VOLCKHEIM (CHRISTFRIED WILHELM). - -- See PLATNER (E.) praes. VOLCKMANN (CONRADUS ALBERTUS). - -- Super illustris Wichmanni aetiologia scabiei quaestiones medice ... [Th.] Trajecti ad Viadrum (1787.) P. 829/23. VOLCKMAR. - -- See also VOLKMAR. VOLCKMAR (HEINRICUS). - -- See BORN (J.) praes. VOLCKMAR (ISAAC ) Baron von Rieden. - -- Bibliotheca Gallo -Svecica, sive, syllabus operum selectorum quibus Gallorum Svecorumq; hac tempestate, belli proferendi, pacis evertendae gtudia publico exhibentur. Erasmus Irenicus [i.e. I.V. ] collegit. Accessit prologus: ad concordiam Germanicam adhortatio. Utopiae, hoc anno [1641 ?] RQ.4.74/6. VOLCKMAR (NICOLAUS). - -- Viertzig Dialogi, oder lustige Arten zu reden. Von allerhand Sachen und Händeln ... in Deutscher und Polnischer Sprach ... Zusammen gebracht ... durch ... N.V. ... Jetzt ... auch die Lateinische Sprache hinzu gesetzt ... durch B. Kannengiessern ... Dantzigk, 1641. f; , Yol. VOLD (GEORGE BRYAN). - -- Theoretical criminology. New York, 1958. Law Lib. - -- Another copy. Law Lib. VOLDER (BURCHERUS DE). - -- prae- s. Disput. philosophica de Deo, quam ... exercitii causa defendendam suscipit M. Eperjesi. Lugd. Bat., 1671. Df.9.138/14. - -- prae- s. Disput. physica de motu prima, quarr ... suscipit V. Baumgartus. Lugd. Bat., VOLtFKOVICH (SEMEN ISA.AKOVICH). - -- CeMeH McaaxoBVr4 130J14xoBYrtr. :ï;cTynvrTe.nbxasi cTaTbsr A.H. be.nono.nbcxoro n A.I. IllepemeBcxoro. Evr6Jrvrorpacxsi cocTaBJIexa O.B. McaxoBovr. MaA. 2oe Aono.nH. [Axa,u,. Hayx C. C. C. P. MaTepvca.nbi x Evro6146.n. C. C. C. P. Cep. Xvim. Hayx, BEL'. 37.] MocxBa, I966. P.546(4708-085)092 Vol. VOLGER (GEORG CHRISTOPH). - -- See MOSHEIM (J.L. VON) pries. VOLGER (GEORGIUS HENRICUS). - -- Diss. ... de maculis corneae. Gottingae (1778.) P. 1117/30. - -- Another copy. r P. 1118/10. ADDITIONS VOLD (GEORGE BRYAN). - -- Theoretical criminology. New York, 1958. .364 Vol. VOLD (MARJORTF J.). - -- and VOLD (ROBERT D.). - -- Colloid chemistry; the science of large molecules, small particles and surfaces. [Selected Topics in Mod. Chem.] Lond., 1965. Chem. Lib. VOLE( (TOMISLAV). - -- and JARES (STANISLAV). - -- comps. and eds. The history of Czech music in pictures. Praha, 1977. Reid Music Lib. [VOLEYBOL. ] $oJIeïlÓo,II9 CIIOpTLIbHble TAploIH`rI H8. :4ITY. A3wcax ... FIoA peA. 10.C. I'aza.eba. Moca [1979.] P .796325 Vol. VOLGER (WILHELM FRIEDRICH). - -- Leitfaden beim Unterricht in der Länder- und Völkerkunde flir Gymnasien und Bürgerschulen. 15te Aufl. Hannover, 1853. Zz.6.80. - -- Vergleichende Darstellung der alten, mittleren und neuen Geographie ... Hannover, 1837. Zz.6.50. VOLGGENER (JOANNES). - -- See MARSCALCUS (N.). De morte ... Joannis Volggener ... Epitaphium & Carmen. VOLGIN (VYACHESLAV PEIROVICH). --- OKSMAN (YULIAN GRIGOR4EVICH), etc. - -- eds. n o6r_en-i3I r:ayueH:7si I'ep>~exa. (Peu. KOr1I .: Iú.I,.O. oTB. peg.), E.,1.1. OpynbcKasl, H.E . DnbcGepr.) [AKau. Hay( C.C.C.P. ZHCT. ?41/1p0s0vl A.M ropbKoro. ] MocrrBa, I953. .891783 Her. Vol. VOLGO- DONSKAYA ARKEEOLOGICHESKAYA EKSPEDITSIYA. --- yIIbI. Tom I. [AKc^.z. rayK C.C.C.P. AHCT. ^T. :iyribT. iaT. LI 1lccnenosaH:zsl no Apxeon. C.C.C.P. ' 6.] P.ZocKBa. 913(47) Uni. I. OTB. peg. M.H. ApTaMoHos. 1958. voLGYES (IVAN). a bibliography. - -- The Hungarian Soviet Republic, 1919; an evaluation and [Hoover Inst. Bibl. Ser. 43.] Stanford [1970.] Ref. .9(439105)016 Vol. - -- ed. Hungary in revolution, 1918 -19; nine essays. Lincoln, Neb. [1971.] .9(439105) vol. VÖLGYESI (F'ERENC ANDRÁS). with special - -- [Menschen- und Tierhypnose.] Hypnosis of man and animals, in the reference to the development of the brain in the species and individual. 2nd ed. rev. in collaboration with the author by G. Klumbies. Lond. [1966.] .134 Vol. - -- Another copy. Psychol. Lib. VOLHARD (JAKOB). - -- Justus von Liebig. 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1909. R* 2.29-30. VOLHARDUS (JOHANNES FRIDERICUS). - -- resp. See LYSER (W.) pries. VOLIN (LAZAR). II to Khrushchev. - -- A century of Russian abiculture; from Alexander [Harvard Univ. Russ. Res. Center Stud. 63.] Cambridge, Mass., 1970. .33812(4707 -085) Vol. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS VOLGYES (IVAN). - -- ed. The peasantry of Eastern Europe. 2 vols. [Per on Policy Stud. No. 6; Compar. Rural Transformation Ser.] New York. .30135(437 -498) Vol. 1. Roots of rural transformation. [1979.] *** Xerox copy. 2. 20th century developments. [1979.] - -- LONSDALE (RICHARD E.) and AVERY (WILLIAM P.). - -- eds. The process of rural transformation; Eastern Europe, Latin America and Australia. [Pergamon Policy Stud. on Socio -Econ. Development; Compar. Rural Transformation Ser. 3.] New York [1980.] .30927(437-498:8) Vol. VOLIN (LAZAR). --- A century
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