'I""""'-""'1L" 1--I1'iji—I+ * Itili J L'u#H"Ilhh

'I""""'-""'1L" 1--I1'iji—I+ * Itili J L'u#H"Ilhh

%From: 'l-I-'I'l'[email protected] 2Sent: -u.Friday, MayJ1-In-u_|19, 2017 6:43 AM I.To: Jeff.1 Wilson j.Subject: II.J'I-F-ICityof DuPont Critical-'l—-I-IJ——Areas Ordinance _. *Attachments: .-|..CALPORTLAND'S_-..|..|J._-I.-.1PROMISESVS ITS PERFORMANCE.docx;THE-_._.....CONSEQUENCEOF. I’u'f-—II'EIf£ZIJ1—-I'£-'—uIu'TJf—ZDEWATERINGTHEVASHON AQUIFER.docx;WILLRESTORATION ACTIONS PROPOSED -IuIJu-I—I-':I:FIu1I-ASSUREATTAINMENT.docx;EDMOND MARSH FACT-'-u- VS FICTION.docx;u-2 THE'-IIu—_.POWER OFI 'A COMMONH SHARED'I—In'I'I'IIIIVISION.docx Follow up Flagged 'I""""'-""'1l"My name is Don Russell. H-'E!"f-HIH-IIFIK-§We have not met so allow me to introduce myself. I1--I1'IJI—I+am a retired fish biologist andd—l j*an Executive Committee member of the Chambers-Clover Watershed (WRIA—I- 12)I.'jCouncil. Ouru'P'u'EP'—'f|IEIZTICouncil has had a long standing interest—'—fH—-Iff—J—L'—in the restoration of the Sequalitchew Creek watershed——I for the'I'I-‘IIreturn of, and beneficial use by, Coho salmon and Puget Sound Steelhead. These threatened and endangered species once (up until the late 1990s) inhabited this watershed. For the past eight years now I have monitored water quality conditions in the Sequalitchew Creek watershed, provided public comment throughout the Ca|Port|and/Environmental Caucus Memorandum of Understanding, Feasibility Study and 2011 Settlement process, responded to questions posed by concerned citizens about this process, and witnessed Ca|Port|and's heavy handed administration (under constant threat of "protracted |itigation") of this process. Allduring this21-.time the City of DuPont representative,jjjltjjj-—I much to the consternation of many residents, have played little to no role in *determining the outcome of this ongoing process. HavingJ.--|:|-.l.l_|-.__|jJ.I.T.-.|:|..-|..-I.witnessed Ca|Port|and's past manipulation of City representatives (Ca|Port|and wins the City looses):__ and non participationrI—I-I-|-a-|-I-I--I|-I-I-|&r|rI-|-|l-I-|-|.I--.——Ir|-by City representatives over the past eight years in a process that will determine the fate ofr—.rI-—Sequalitchew Creek-_|_||.|—|.|_|and Edmond Marsh many--_..|__|_|.-longtime residents of theI.-I.a|.|__—City of DuPont are pretty upset.,_| Thisr_..j_l_upsetness manifests itself'I—fj-I'I—-'l'—'I—in push back on any apparent appeasement on'EX'I'£'fTI"IfI'Ibehalf of CaIPort|and's quest to dewaterIjfl the VashonZIJZII aquifer so as to-:2I—I-mine gravel under dry'IhhHhconditions in the South Parcel. This'I-j-2 concern is what isITIlIbehind Jthe non supportive behavior of one'ff'I"I'?IJ:ZT'I'fEIof the City's Planning Commission members and likelyZIIIFZIIZIJHZPEJwill be evident by some City Council members. I thoughtI'ZII—I’I'IJIEET—uI'fZI—fIEEu'X'fZ—it might be helpful to provide you some background on why many longtime residents'—'Iffu'IuIIn'?IJof the City of DuPont are suspicious?m? of City staff's motivations inl‘u#h"ILhhthe drafting of the City's Critical Areas Ordinance. Their—I'fI'IfP'fI'IZffIview is that the language of the current'I'I'u'In—TI’TIfI'—'fIZuCAO that prohibits alteration of Class 1 EdmondI'I'I'Zf'IfIMarsh is the onlyI'IfI'Tleverage thatI—Iuthe CityI-F—I?-jllzl-I—u'I-I—Iu'jhas left to prevent dewatering of the South Parcel. ShouldIjljlul-II-I1Iu'jdewatering of the South Parcel be_permitted :|-rr-I—I-—I—I-I-—-there will be an adverse environmental impact on-Ir-r—-Irrl-I-I-I-I-.|rI-I-H--1-I-1Kettle wetland (it will be removed), Edmond Marsh, Riparian seeps, a. _l__|.l_-:l.|_|_|-I.significant reduction in Sequalitchew Creek flow, pollution_|.|_a|.|.|—|_.:of Puget Sound Springs and the-.._---__..legacy of a mined out pit (Sequalitchew'fEI'I'fI Village)—TIfZTIfIu'ZI'IEIZIfIfX'f-IffIIT’Iuunsuitable and unsafe for occupancy by either residents or industrial firms. -j-HjYou might find the attached papers useful in understanding why the misplaced push jhback the City Tis receiving on the 'I"I'l|l'Il-|"l'l'i"Il"C'?lIcurrent draft of the Critical Areas Ordinance.:HMy opinion: They?lI|"II'I|!IIIIIl?Ill|.lI|lh|llllIIIuare well written with minor exception. igl-Best regards, ATTACHMENT 56 (CA0 TEXT 6-04) WILLrug RESTORATION|.I.|.-Ina ACTIONSIjf?uf?léilfl-q‘PROPOSED ASSURE ATTAINMENT -l"f"&.-"'OF THE VISION? "I-I-IPreface This'—22'——II--—-Iu'£u'JJ-LITI--I—Ipaper recites the Sequalitchew Creek Restoration Plan’s Vision, examines the extent to'- which-1-I-I--—‘?-I—'-II-rlthe ?ve action elements speci?ed by the 2011' Settlement'-I-1--.l-jlijAgreement as ?eshed out—r|- by the SouthI.-.-.F|_l.|.l_||.I_|.I_|-_..Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group (and_II..-.-—its advisors) _|and publishedI'll"-"H-Z'ljI-j.'Zin the Sequalitchew Creek Watershed Restoration Plan: Publicr—.I'-—.:Review Draft will,I-I if|a.|.I.|._I|.aj|.-I.-.|.|_executed, result in attainment of the Vision. “The"-'-I—':-—Sequalitchew Creek Restoration':I—I'-I--I-I-HPlan will identi?zactionsl—I andrII-I-I-Irjprobable project .-.-|.|.l.r.|._l.|-__|_|..|_|_—__|._|__|:-costs necessary to restore flowsand ecological conditions for native salmonid n'f*'fI—'Ipopulations in the Sequalitchew'ff—'fPu'EIf- Creek Basin. ” TI‘ ,5 ""_':.n.-'-""_What are the requisiteflowsand ecological [i.e., physical, chemical and biological] conditions for native salmonid'*£populations in the Sequalitchew Creek Basin? The -é--1Restoration Plan is silent in regard to providing|.--l.||.--|.-.-|.|.—|-an answer to this question. %r?jhi—What are the jcurrent ?ows and wet and dry season physical, chemical and biological conditionsjl-1‘?-I-IT-II-'1'-'-I""I-I-'-E-|&jhin Edmond Marsh and Sequalitchew Creek? The Restoration Plan is silent in regardju-L-j-—jto providing an answer to this question. Third Question Whatr|.u.I_|_.|__|._.I.||_|_..:|I__|g..—|.|:restoration actions are required to change current ?ows and physical, chemical and_| biologicalrl-11::-jl conditions in the Sequalitchew Creek.:j.II-L111:watershed so as to assure attainment of theI.-.-—..Vision, i.e.,flowsI__|_|..|_|and ecological conditions_|—;.jj....:..-for native salmonia’populations? Rather'-'-I-jjhthan acknowledging the currentfl‘-'d'l'l"'I'l-l'l'I'I'condition of the watershed (answerrI-I-l- to the second1: ...-_|question) J.|I.|.|__|_l.||.|_I.and proposing restoration actions that willJ'I-'-Ibring it|.|._..|—.-.|.into compliance with the -I-I-'-||'|—rI|-I-I-uju-jlspeci?c flowsand ecological conditions required to sustainjljl-jjx. a native salmonid population j|.|.r.|._|__J.I:|_-I.(answer to the first question) the Restoration Plan responds.._..|.-J...:.|.l,_-to this question by ?eshing out1---Jju.-.|r.I.—the ?ve action elements speci?ed by the 2011 Settlement|.jJJ..I.-muslinAgreement that assume that ‘—'-ilil--I.l—-I-I-I.-in-I-Fthese ?ve action elements will, if executed, realize the Vision. -"IWhy ShouldE'-——I—l--I-IJ-I-I-I—rI-I:j-:-j-the Plan Set Forth Answers to the First and Second Questions? hasBecause the-2|-I-Ilnrunjnxla-.—I.I.l.—:_answers to the ?rst and second questions provide the foundation and I:|.|.j.J..|——.|.-|._._.:._......|....framework for evaluating the relative merit of all proposed restoration actions being “Therur-_|.Iproposed mining facility-|.—-._|._-__|.|.I.-would continue and reinforcetheIii current nature ofIn-land use—-‘-in the City-I-rlofDuPont.— The"I-inoverall characterrI-I-I-J--III.-jr|.q.I_-.ofthe City would not be ajfected. No developedr|.|—-— uses would_|.|..|:|..p_-...:j-..j,_._._..|be adversely affectedby construction or operation ofthe proposed facility..-I-I-I Future-I-I-|—.-j-I.|--1JIJJa-..|.l.|-..l.._l.|..-uses planned in LID I aajacent to the site are generally compatible with theI._|.|.|._._.—|industrial use proposed. Some|_:_....._futureindustrial uses within:,:..,....1.-portions ofthe reclaimed J-J-—r-2:.area could be limited due toIII.-.r.|.I.proximity to the groundr_|._|.I_|. water table. ”- J.rI-||r.l.|.I|.I_||.|.-In 1994 CalPortland entered into an Agreement|.j|.-I.rI..--|.I-__-with the City of DuPont, et -'al, thatI. -I---I-I-h-I-'|—-rI-Zcontained the following provisions: "Lonebk-3'3Star and WRECO, in cooperationT with Ecology,T agree to placej; educational. signs “"F1-H-éll-r?Ti-jgi-H-?ljraand native vegetation adjacent to the trail in the location ofthe salt marsh to educate the public_qFujuZZIuZ-I-I‘and discourage physical intrusion into the marsh area.” -I-j”WRECOand Lone Star agree to seek .||.-.lno permit in thefuture‘PHto mine... inhi.a manner Ethat A wouldI-Hsignificantly impact theflowofSequalitchew Creek. " Duringu-I. the-:.|1:.p.1|r|.I.|_l.....|:l_|..|__.:|period 2000 through 2006 CalPortland engaged consultants whose assignment was*l'I'I'l"d'l"fl"l-l'l"I'-—'l'f-to conduct studies of the Edmond Marsh/Sequalitchew Creek watershed11-11; and come up with.-...|. a plan that|.|_|.I_Iwould avail CalPortland.|-.l_|.|I. of the unmined_|,.|-..|_...|-I.Vashon aquifer saturated1" (wet)__ gravel—-I-II in 117‘HIacres of--the existing3 360-acre-—ul site as well—Iu-jlapuas the saturated (wet) gravel contained_|—|---:-.,_.—|_'_.j_in 177 acres of a proposed south expansion area. I.|.J........'-._..Both these areas are leased fromI-.- the Weyerhaeuser|rj.1—.|1|a.p.I Real Estate Company. CalPortland.-.-_|.|.I.-.|.|..|_ also intends to mine unsaturatedj'.—IrI-I (dry) gravel fromI-—180-'rI--acres in a-I-I-rj:—lr—.north expansion area that it owns.

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