. Address. "To nromote opportuni­ The Ukrainian Weeklj ties for children and youth 81-83 Grand Streel jersey City 3, N J to realize their full poten­ Tel. HEnderson 4 -0237 tial for і creative life in СВОБОДА SVO ВODA Direct New Y. >rk Citj• Line- freedom und dignity." УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN D AlLy 2 В A rely 7-4125 D. D. Eisenhower Ukrainian N; itional Ass'n The Ukrainian Weekly Section 1 ™HE n del •son 5- 3740 РІК LXVin 4. 226 SECTION TWO SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1961 SECTION TWO No. 226 VOL. LXVIII SOVIET AGENT CONFESSES KILLING BANDERA AND REBET UKRAINIAN NATIONAL RADA MEMBERS OF SHEVCHENKO AS "ENEMIES OF SOVIET REGIME" OPENS ITS SESSION IN MUNICH MEMORIAL COMMITTEE VISIT TOP-XOTCILSOVIETLSECURITY OFFICIAL AWARDS "ORDER OF RED BANNER" TO MURDERER! MUNICH. Germany. Novem-1 depicted the present situation WASHINGTON KARLSRUHE, Germany, No­ ber 17 (Special). On Friday ' of the Ukrainian people behind the Iron vember 17.—The West German evening, the fifth session of' Curtain and outlined WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov- Gregory Kr••': я Ukrainian Attorney General's office said ., ... .... ,••-.'. the tasks and duties of Ukrain- ember 17. Several members sculptor <»n v:fi hen- from Eu- roi today that a former agent of the Ukrainian National Rada :inn s :i„n tUth_e r_fre_ e worldu ..„_«A Bot.h 0f the executive committee of JT was solemnly opened in the spcakwrs welcomed the return Btibji if the visit to the Soviet intelligence service the Shevchenko Memorial Com- has confessed to the murder of auditorium of the German!to the Rada of the Organiza- the Department of the Interior two Ukrainian exile leaders in Museum in this Bavarian capit- , tion of Ukrainian Nationalists mittee of America visited Wiis fl,c selection Of a site for Munich. al. The session, which lasted j under the leadership of Col. Washington, D.C.. to confer the Shev.-henko monument. The four days, was attended by an Andrew Melnyk, which group with T. Sutton Jett, Superin- Original site on Virginia Avc- The office said that agent, impressive number of pro- had withdrawn from the Rada tendent. National Capital Parks nue. eelected by the Committee Bogdan Nikolayevich Stashyn­ mincnt Ukrainian political | several years ago. j Sen-ice, Department of the In- last spring, was hot approved sky, 30, has been held for in­ leaders arid guests. Among the j The agenda of the session in-! tenor. as yet by the Department, in­ vestigation since September 1, former are such veteran U-j eluded several important items '• Those who conferred with asmuch as this area of the na- 1961. He confessed to killing krainian leaders as Dr. Stephen j pertaining to the structure of ; Mr. Jett were Dr. Lev E. Do- tion's capital has been sched- Dr. Lev Rebet, a noted Ukrain­ Wytwytsky. Ivan Bahriany.' the Rada, its overall policies | briansky, Joseph Lesawyer. Dr. tiled for new buildings and ian writer and editor, on Octo­ Mykola Livytskv. Dmytro An-1 and the election of new execu-' Jaroslav Padoch. Ignatius Bil- highways. Although the Com- ber 12. 1957, and Stepan Ban­ drievsky, Dr. Panas FedenkoJ five officers, ; linsky, Anthony Dragan.,as mittee adhered to its original dera, noted Ukrainian nation­ and Dr. Ltibomyr Makanishka All those attending the ses-: well as the members of the choice of site on Virginia Ave- alist leader and underground The session was officially sion were under the strong im- Washington Ukrainian col- nue. nevertheless alternate sites fighter, on October 15, 1959, in o]>ened by Ivan Bahriany. the \ pact of the revelation by the ony- Dr. George Starpsolsky, are under consideration in Munich. For his criminal deeds Alexander N. Shelepin president of the Rada, who in West German Attorney General Miss Nina Margolin. A. Pov- the event the site on Virginia Stashynsky'was awarded the Stepan Bandera Bogdan N. Stashynsky Gave Order to Kill turn introduced Dr. Stephen that a Soviet agent confessed stenko, M. Simiantsev, and Avenue could not be obtained. Order of the Red Banner by Victim of Khrushchev's Confessed KGB Criminal Plot Killer Rebet and Bandera Wytwytsky, President of the! the killing of Stepan Bandera! Alexander N. Shelepin, Khrush­ Ukrainian National Republic in і and Dr. Lev Rebet. two out- chev's closest security aide. UNA Officers Attend Pennsylvania of Alexander N. Shelepin in exile. The latter delivered a I standing Ukrainian exile lead- Stepan Bandera, who since 1959, who was then the head of Ukraine Drops Stalin's Name from lengthy address, in which he ' era. Fraternal Congress the early 30's was one of the the KGB. Cities and 'Rayons' top leaders of the OUN (Or­ After the assassination of Walter Shipka Elected in Ohio PHILADELPHIA, Pa. (Spe- ing 46 fraternal societies, ganization of Ukrainian Na­ Bandera Stashynsky feared that cial).—Joseph Lesawyer. UNA members of the Fraternal Con- 9. —Ukrainian capital, is to be In one of the most vigorous ian circles. Rotary Internation- tionalists), at first was as­ as a result of his knowledge MOSCOW, November supreme president, and Dr. \ grcss of Pennsylvania. The big steel-producing city of called the "Radyansky District' campaigns ever held in Parma, al. and the Chamber of Corn- sumed to have died in a fall in about both political murders he Ohio. Walter Shipka was sue- merce. Having been an in- Walter Gallan, chairman of the j The invocation before the (meaning Soviet in Ukrainian) UNA Auditin the hallway of one of his many might become a liability to the Stalino in Ukraine changed its essful in being elected as | surance agent "in New York." it I B Committee, took opening of the session was and that the Stalinsky districts art in the Fifth secret hideouts here, but an Soviet security system and in name to Donetsk today. It was Councilman-at-Large. A Dem-' was only natural for him to en-1 P Annual Ses- given by Rev. Henry J. Sagan. of Kerch and Sevastopol in the sion of the autopsy revealed cyanide in his turn he would be liquidated. the first major change of ocratic candidate, along with ter the same business in Ohio Pennsylvania Fra- pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Crimea have each been changed ternal stomach. Stashynsky is married to a names in the mounting cam­ John Bobko for Mayor and where he has met with a great I Congress, which met on Ukrainian Catholic Church in paign that seems to be designed to Leninsky. Nov 13 and 14 1961 at the Cllfton hta At the time of his sudden German girl from East Berlin, Michael Zadereckv for Council-1 deal of success. He also recent-! - - ' ™£S » Pa., and editor to wipe out the memory of death, his associates in Munich and the permission to marry Stalingrad Now Called* man in the 4th Ward. Walter | ly established the Shipka Trav- і Warwick Hotel in Philadelphia, j of The Way, diocesan news- Joseph V. Statin. The charged that he was murdered her was granted to him by Volgograd Shipka was the onlv Ukrainian : el Agencv. which. to6. has meeting was attended by paper of the Philadelphia L* The renaming of Stalino was over 10 in a Moscow-directed plot and Shelepin in April, 1960. To­ LONDON, November ,10 nominated in the May Primary | proved to be a successful ven- ° delegates represent-: krainian Catholic Archdiocese. done by the Presidium of the they discounted suicide. gether they decided to flee to (AP).—The heroic city of Stal­ Election and, therefore, eligible ture. • Ukrainian Supreme SovieL jtt The other Ukrainian leader the West since they had rea­ ingrad, famed fox its gallant to run in.the past genera! dec- Walter and Helen have three Mai. M. R. ROQOWSkv PrOttlOted tO son to believe that talks among said that it acted in accordance resistance to Hitler's armies in was Dr. Rebetv and his death tion on November i. In a field j daughters: Kathy Anh—age 7, j • ** • » themselves, which were not with the wishes of the popula­ World War II, was today in 1957 was attributed to heart tion. of 31 candidates running for, Susan Alice—age 4, and Doria і Lieutenant Colonel in Corps failure. friendly to the Soviet regime, stripped of its historic name various offices, the final count I Michelle ag* 2. They reside at | had been overheard. The new name was chosen and rech.risVened. , . | j showed him running in fifth, 1122 Roekside Road in Parma, I Of Engineers because the area is the center Confession of KGB Agent .: V • The Moscow radio, monitor­ place city-wide. He will take'and all are members of the U-J of the industrial Donets basin. ed here, announced , tliat -tf»e,J office on January 1 for a period | krainian National "Association, j WASHINGTON. D.C The The complete story, as told The confession of the KGB І ^е ^Яу ™ the tenth targest in Presidium of the Supremo-... Set. of two years. Branch No 358. "Zhoda." Department of the Army by the West Gennan Attorney agent Stashynsky to the кщ J the Soviet Union with a popula- viet of the Russian Republic., The City of Parma is the j Walter is the son of Stephen General, is as follows: ing of the two "prominent U-ition of 710.000. Municipal dis- decreed that the city shall largest suburb of Cleveland, j and Stephanie Shipka who. has announced recently that The 30-year-old Soviet citi­ krainian exile leaders was tricts named after Stalin in at henceforth be known as VplgQ-j with a total population of 86.-1 along with his sister Alice, will j Michael R; Rogowsky has been zen, Bogdan Nikolayevich Sta­ widely covered by the West least four Soviet cities have grad, The surrounding Stalin­ OOfl people, and for the past soon be leaving their present promoted to the rank of Lieu­ shynsky, who recently fled European press on Saturday, also been renamed, according grad region will be known as., few years it has been consider­ home in Richmond Hill, New tenant Colonel in the Corps of from the Soviet Union, has con­ November 18, 1961.
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