Hipswell Parish Council Minutes – 2017/18 8 May 2017 12 June 2017 11 September 2017 9 October 2017 13 November 2017 8 January 2018 12 February 2018 12 March 2018 HIPSWELL PARISH COUNCIL Meeting of Hipswell Parish Council held on Monday 8th May 2017 in Hipswell Village Hall following the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Council Meeting Parish Councillors: Coun K Mendham (Chairman), Coun D Metcalfe, Coun A Metcalfe, Coun J Burbridge, Coun S Mendham and Coun A Munro County Councillor: C/Coun H Grant District Councillor: D/Coun P Cullen Police: PC Sean Godfrey Clerk: Mrs. Christine Stedman 1. (05.17) Public speaking time There were no members of the public present. 2. (05.17) Apologies Coun S Todd and Coun L Grose 3. (05.17) Declaration of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 4. (05.17) Approval of minutes from March Meeting The minutes were proposed by Coun K Mendham, seconded by Coun A Metcalfe with all in agreement. 5. (05.17) Matters arising There were no matters arising 6. (05.17) Traffic Management Coun D Metcalfe stated that he was very dissatisfied with the length of time it is taking regarding the work being carried out at the White Shops. 7. (05.17) Police Matters Crime From 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017 there were 195 crimes reported in Hipswell Ward. For the same period in 2015/16 there were 158 crimes reported in the ward. Breakdown is as follows: 2015/16 2016/17 Violence 54 67 Theft 45 55 Criminal Damage 27 37 Drugs 11 6 Autocrime 3 8 Burglary 0 1 Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) From 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017 there were 151 incidents reported in Hipswell Ward. For the same period in 2015/16 there were 175 incidents reported. Road Related Incidents These incidents include Drink/Drug Driving and vehicle seizures for documentation offences. From 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017 there were 96 road related incidents in Hipswell Ward. For the same period in 2015/16 there were 83 incidents reported. Project Servator This is a new initiative which although North Yorkshire Police led, it involves the whole community at Catterick Garrison. Project Servator will deploy uniformed and plain clothed officers with specially trained officers together with other resources such as police dog units and Road Policing Group. They will be highly visible and the location, dates and times of the deployments is unpredictable as will be the number of officers and other resources. The aim is to deter, detect and disrupt criminal activity and those with hostile intent. In addition, they will strive to reassure communities and get them ‘on side’ and report all suspicious activity. This is being fully supported by the army at Catterick Garrison and we hope that it will by all other agencies in the area. Army Liaison This is ongoing with good liaison being carried out with Garrison Headquarters and Unit Welfare Officers of all regiments. Police attend regimental functions and coffee mornings in order to promote community reassurance and crime reduction. Road Safety Presentations have been offered to regiments. (1) 7. (05.17) Police Matters cont. School Liaison This is ongoing with primary schools in the parish and Risedale College. Presentations are being given on Consequences, Peer Pressure, ASB, Techniques to Say No and Internet/Cyber Safety. Risedale is actively seeking to enhance its community links and further integrate the school into the community. The Headteacher is open to all ideas and suggestions in doing this. North Yorkshire are setting up Police Cadet Schemes in the county and planning is moving forward for setting up a group in Catterick Garrison. The Headteacher at Risedale has made the school available for the cadet scheme. Richmondshire Safer Homes Project In order to decrease the risk of house burglaries, electronic equipment is available from the police that makes a house look ‘lived in’ whilst occupants are away from their home. The equipment will be loaned out with priority being given to people who are away from their home for a period of time (holiday, deployment etc.) and people who have been victims of a house burglary previously. North Yorkshire Community Messaging This is a free system that allows people to receive the latest crime notifications and community news in their neighbourhoods. People can register on www.nycm.co.uk Contact North Yorkshire Police Please visit our website www.northyorkshire.police.uk for advice regarding Crime Prevention and safety advice. National 24hr non-emergency number 101 - 101 calls cost 15 pence per call from mobile or landline, regardless of length of call Call ‘Crimestoppers’ anonymously on 0800 555 111 IN AN EMERGENCY OR WHERE A CRIME IS IN PROGRESS ALWAYS CALL 999 Contact Details: PC 1726 Sean Godfrey [email protected] PCSO 6602 Eric Corfield [email protected] 8. (05.17) County matters C/Coun Grant reported the following to the parish council: There has been little in terms of meetings at County Hall. C/Coun Grant has been re-elected as the County Councillor for the next 4 years and looks forward to serving the community. C/Coun Grant is awaiting confirmation of which committees she will be sitting on at County. The double yellow lining is due to take place shortly she is informed and will be pursuing this with Area 1 as a matter of urgency. At the LGA (London) she has been allocated a full board place on People and Places Programme Board. Coun D Metcalfe asked if C/Coun Grant would take up with Highways the matter of the grass verge by the new build at Anvil House which the builders had left in an unsatisfactory state and needed to be put back to the original state. The Garrison Area Partnership Meeting will be held on 31st May – venue to be confirmed. 9. (05.17) District matters D/Coun Cullen stated that there had been no meetings held by the RDC recently but he brought along to the meeting a feedback report regarding the Corporate Peer Challenge which had been held in November 2016. There will be a follow-up visit made within the next 2 years and another review will be commissioned before 2021. The chairman commented that the fly tipping was still happening and D/Coun Cullen said he would get in touch with the Environmental Health Dept. regarding this. Also, she asked about the re-cycling of cardboard as she had seen some black bins locally which contained cardboard. D/Coun Cullen said that it was very difficult to stop this as to date no process to re-cycle cardboard was available other than at the various places throughout the area and not a part of the regular fortnightly collections. Coun D Metcalfe asked whether D/Coun Cullen would ask for the dog warden to visit the playing field between 5 and 7pm as at the moment this is being used to walk dogs despite the notice at the gate stating no dogs allowed. He pointed out that this is a playing field used by children and should not be used to exercise dogs. Coun D Metcalfe asked if D/Coun Cullen would ask the RDC to trim back the branches and the grass verge in the snicket leading from Wandesford Grove. (2) 9. (05.17) District Matters cont. D/Coun Grose, although not at the meeting had emailed the clerk asking about the possibility of a litter pick in the parish starting with Coronation Park. It was felt that this could be an issue with Health and Safety and also was pointed out that Coronation Park is part of Scotton Parish but is actually looked after by MOD. 10. (05.17) Burial Board Matters Coun D Metcalfe informed the parish council that the Burial Board were to fell an ash tree within the cemetery site also they are arranging to have the other two trees pruned at the same time. Coun A Metcalfe is now doing the litter picking on her own as the person who used to help is ill. 11. (05.17) Risk assessment – completion of monthly form The monthly form was duly completed. 12. (05.17) Water running down Hall Lane Coun D Metcalfe reported that the water draining through the wall at the side of the Village Green was still gathering on the Lane and in the winter, could prove to be very hazardous if it froze. C/Coun Grant would speak to Highways and arrange a meeting with Coun D Metcalfe and any other councillors who wished to attend to address this concern. 13. (05.17) Cleaning and Re-marking of the Tennis Court The chairman had received a letter from a resident, which she had passed to the clerk, the letter asking if the parish council could arrange for the Tennis Court to be re-marked as it is very popular with people from the area. The clerk had contacted Richmond Tennis Club to ask for any contacts that they might have who could carry out this work. The one lead she had received she followed up and had obtained a price of around £1600 plus VAT. This was felt to be a bit high and the clerk was asked to contact Richmond School, Darlington Borough Council and North Yorkshire County Council to ask if any of them had a local contact which could be a little cheaper. In the meantime, she had contacted the grass cutter who would clean and tidy the court for £40. Until further enquiries could be made the clerk was asked to accept the price of £40 and have the court tidied.
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