EDITORIALS: DON'T MISS THE -THAT QUESTION AGAIN MONOGRAM CLUB'S -WHO'S INTERESTED? DANCE HERE TONIGHT -USE A SYSTEM Fublished Weekly by the StU~ents of Wake Forest College Z-538 '4, 1939 Ten Cents Per Copy Vol. XXII. No. 14 WAKE FOREST, N.C., SATURDAY, .• . PRESIDES Phis, Eus Divide PLAYING FOR MONOGRAM CLUB DANCE HERE TON~QHT Miss: Jo's Scene of Founder's Day Monogram- Dance Forensic Honors ·------------------------ Capture Debates, Phis Vanden Dries Plays For Oratory, In Morning Dance Tonight Mter DR.ARTOM DELAYED Convocations · s:c. Game Dr. Camillo Artom, interna­ NECROLOGY IS REAli ADMISSIQN: 49c A COUPLE tionally-known Italian bio­ •· chemist, is expected to arrive Founder's Day, commemorating in Wake Forest within the Tonight· will ~ark the first time the 105th anniversary of the in the history of!Wake Forest Col- next week or two to assume founding of Wake Forest College, . lege that a dane~ open.. to the stu­ his duties as the newly-elect­ was commemorated in two sepa. dent body, has ever been held with- ed professor of biochemistry rate convocations Wednesday and in the sphere coi:nmonly known as in the local school of medi­ Thursday mornings, Feb. 1-2, and the Wake l!'orest College campus. featured inter - society forensic ' Sp-onsored by, the Monogram cine~ contests and the reading of the Clu]l, the frolic · will be held in Dr. Artom is expecting his necrology by Dr. Thurman D. Miss ,Jo Willwns' Cafeteria, and leave from his native land to Kitchin. Robert Helm, Jr., presi­ will begin immediately after the '' be permanent, and thus it is d~nt of the Euzelian society, _pre­ basketball gam~· . between Wake taking him some time to ar­ Shown above is Bobby Helm, sided over the festivities, and Jack Fore£t and the University of Parker, secretary of the Philoma­ range details of his departure. senior from Winston-Salem, who .South Cru:olina .. lltill Vanden Dries as head of the Euzelian Literary thesian society, acted as secretary. and his lads will: supply the music, In the meantime, Doctor Opening the festivities Wednes­ . Bill'Vailden D~ies·and orch-~stra, pictured above, will be on hand tonlght to furnish music while the ·IIfonoi!.-am Club collects King is fulfilling his duties Society, presided at the Found­ day, the Eus defeated the Phis in :i~ the most approved modern styl,!: when monogram clubbers, students, and guests gather in the insignificant; 1;oll of forty-nine in the d~partment of biochem­ er's Day debates and orations the annual Founder's Day debate. Miss Jo Williams' new cafeteria as the letter men sp,onsor. their first Wake Forest dance .. The cents from couples and stags istry, Wednesday and Thursday. Eu debaters, defending the nega­ alike. ·, tive side of the query: "Resolved, local bimd, much this year, is expected to acquit itself admirably. imprpv_~d Smith Young; president of the that the United States should es­ ·Monogram. Club-, announced that tablish an alliance with Great the frolic woulc,l be an informal, Students Risk Life, Limb, Britain," were Robert A. Goldberg, Signs- Barron break affair, and as well as help- of Wilmington, and Bedford W. APO Soon To Go Pan-Hel ing the Mono~am Club, ·would Black, of Kannapolis. The Phis give the students something in the But Nearly 900 Survive were represented by Cyrus John. Pi Kappa Alp~ To Play For Midwinters way of entertainment. It will end son and Ralph Brumet. promptly at midnight. The activities were concluded Local Frateritity !o Be Installed *----------------------- It has been the custom of the on the second day at the convoca­ As National Lodge In .Will Be Biggest·. :'Name Band" Monogram Club to provide some Weaver Plans To tion in the church. Dr. Kitchin April To !'Jay l<'or A Wake Poteat Recital so~t of entertainment every year read the necrology, a list of all to raise necessary funds to give the alumni of Wake Forest who l''orest JJance ' yearly banquets and pay minor Renew Stunt Nite have died since last Founder's Of great local interest in fra­ Is First Concert expenses. Last year the organi­ By GEORGE WATKINS Day, after which the student body ternity circles is the announce­ Wake Forest's bid for bigger zation sponsored a fight night was led in prayer by Dr. Cullom. Meredith Plans To Join With The thermometer outside was ment released· Friday by N. L. which offered several classic ex­ Following this, the inter-society a•Id better school dances culminat­ Latin Professor's Organ Recital hovering about the forty mark and .Britt, that local fraternity Alpha amples of the art of self defense . Wake In Mid-March oratorical contest was held. The ed last week with the· announce­ Initiates Series Of Campus a'neavy overcoat was a darn good J:'i Omega will be installed as a This fall the letter men presented Frolic Phis were winners, and Eugene· •nent of Pan-He! 'President ''Hap" Concerts Here Lhing to have a1·ound you, but in- chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha, na- the "grid-graph," a play-by-play Worrell, of Bristol, Tenn, was ~·ucker of the acquisition of Blue side Wait Hall 534 students sweat- tionaLfl·at, on April 7-8. · description of the Wake li'orest. Plans a1·e now under way for a ed and swore and struggled their named the best orator entering the .o1ll'!'On .and his band, nationally­ An organ recital by Dr. Hubert APO's going national leaves on­ V. 11{, I. football game. This is stunt night to be sponsored by ways through. divers lines and contest. 1'he titles of the orations M. Poteat in the Wake Forest the first time thl..t the club has ev· ly one local lodge on the. campus, .mown dance favorites, to provide the Wake Forest athletic associa- conferences in the matriculation given were: Phis-Eugene Wor­ Baptist Church, Monday even~, er sponsored a dance. Chi Tau.. N. L. Britt will be..in­ music ior. the mid-winter ball, ' tion under the direction of Coach melee last Tuesday. rell, ''Liberty that Enslaves;" H. sta}led as president of the new January 16, inaugurated a new se- Miss JQ Williams, owner and Kelly Bailey, "The Nation's Num­ t~•·ooably to be held· in the Raleigh Jim Weaver, athletic director. The uproar had subsided some­ ries of Wake Forest concerts to be operator of the cafe, has given chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha, with Last year was the first year this what by Wednesday, and by Thurs­ ber One Problem;" Euzelians-­ Bill Euatler vice-president, Craw­ "''emol'la! Auditorium during the presented under the auspices of the club permission to hold the .,eek end of :fub. 24-26. · event did not take place on the day it actually became possible to G. Thomas Lumpkin, "The Pro­ ford Townsend secretary,. and a newly organized group of mu­ affair in her building, She has BalTon's band is the biggest campus, and it was greatly get to see Registrar Grady S. Pat. gressive Constitution;" D. Palmer "Butch" Clark treasurer. Profes. sically-minded students and facul­ missed. This enwrtainment is Brooks, "The Undeclared War on ·'name band" ~ver to play for a ty members. (Please turn tO back page) terson-provided, of course, you sor M. J. Hagood will continue in being planned for the week end of had at least four hours to spare America." his capacity as faculty adviser. Wake Fo~st d~nce, and coming in Playing five numbers originally seqllen~e to thft spring formals of composed· !or orcjl.estral rendition, ============= March 17, provided there is no and came equipped with shin Set Precedent ' The .11ati()nal: fraterni~y boasts · ~ · ~~ · · conflict. with Pan-Hellenic or any last year, . 'it1is expected to defi­ Dr.. Poteat . produced, by 78 chapters in' the' nation, includ­ skillfut STUDENT~. IN 'WRECK other school activities. Definite gu~n·ds, brass knucks, .and a grim Prio1· to this year the Founder's ing groups in the Carolinas at N. nitely mark 1the beginning of a use of manuals, stops; and pedals, determination. n.ew era in campus social func· announcements will be made as Day celebration and activities C. State, Davidson, Duke, Univer­ many of the· effects . of full or­ to the date in the next issue of But on Tuesday! On Tuesday, have been in the form of an even­ tions. Barron features the "sweet (Special to Old Gold and Black) mark you well, Mr. Patterson was sity of North Carolina, Presbyte­ chestration. ing program. Due to the regis­ •• type" of music, much like that of Dr. Poteat's rendition of "Les Old Gold and Black. the busiest man in all these Unit- rian College, and the University of Six Wake Forest students It was announced that Meredith tration for second semester's work Sammy Kaye or Kay Kyser, and Preludes," by Franz Liszt, was ed States--the busiest, that is, South .Carolina. ·were injured about 8 o'clock and the basketball game with has recently filled engagements generally acclaimed as one of the College students will be invited with the possible exceptions of Pi Kappa Alpha, which has a last night when a car driven North Carolina University on at the Hotel Edison in New York finest of the entire program. to take part in the acth·ity, and President Kitchin, Bursar Earn­ ··- total of approximately 19,000 by Paul Sowers, student, also a large delegation of students Tuesday night, the festivities were anJ the Hotel Houston in Hous­ Handling each stop individually, shaw, and Deans Bryan, Car­ members, was founded at the crashed into another driven will be invited from the sister divided into two parts and convo­ ton, 1'exas, and has played within and using a rather small organ­ penter, and Stansbury (not to be­ University of Virginia in 1868 as by.
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