RENEGADES The Second Battle Of Wounded Knee Susan L.M. Huck is a graduate of Syra­ and a few lesser pranks. But Justice cuse University , with advanced degrees Department lawyers are not likely to from the University of Michigan and prosecute "vigorously" any of the official Clark University. _ _ ....._ --_ charges. Dr. Huck has taught You see, Russell Means is different. He as a university pro­ is a radical leader, one of those who fessor of both geog­ declared themselves an independent na­ raphy and sociol­ tion at Wounded Knee. He is one of those ogy, lectured before Establishment-supported, Establishment­ academic audiences protected, plastic revolutionaries who can on four contin ents, get away with anything. acted asadvisor to one of the world's lead­ The organization he belongs to, the ing encyclopedias, and is a Contributing so-called "American Indian Movement" Editor to The Review Of The News. hereinafter known as A.LM., has received at least $400,000 in grants from the • SAY , all you citizens out there, federal Office of Economic Opportunity, wouldn't you like a free trip to Washing­ and at least $300,000 from the churches ton to meet with White House officials of the United States, as well as from the and tell them what's bothering you? World Council of Churches. And when Wouldn't you like to be invited into the A.LM. whistles for the press, the press White House to discuss, let us say, the moves in its heavy artillery and proceeds way the federal government has increas­ to make Means and his Hollywooden ingly distorted and ignored the clear Indians with warpaint by Avon into meaning of the Constitution of the Noble Savagesand martyrs to a Cause. United States? Using the methods of "confrontation Pick a topic - any topic. This country politics" as taught by the late Saul is full of citizens who wouldn't mind Alinsky and assorted Communists, and registering some grievances with the Presi­ working in the fruitful vineyards of legal dent's staff. But we never get the oppor­ confusion resulting from generations of tunity; we are never invited. messy legislation and politics which sur­ Perhaps we are just going about it the round the status of the American Indian, wrong way. A.I.M. has been able to fulfill its assigned What you have to do is get yourself role in America's larger Phony Revolu­ charged with larceny, civil disorder, ob­ tion. structing federal officers, burglary, as­ Phony, you say? It looks real enough! sault, arson, unlawful possession of fire­ The results are a revolution, an overturn­ arms, and conspiracy. That's how Russell ing of our entire social system - revolu­ Means got his invitation to the White tionary "justice," revolutionary educa­ House. And, had the Justice Department tion , revolutionary economics, you name tried, it could have added insurrection, it. How can we call it phony? kidnapping , cattle-rustling, auto theft, A genuine revolution is not govern- MAY, 1973 ment-sponsored; George Washington was are being massively deceived, the Indians not on King George's payroll. But A.I.M. are being sold out, which is a lot more received a continuous stream of federal uncomfortable . During the past year, the handouts from its founding in 1968 to Phony Revolution has caused more tribal Wounded Knee II in 1973, and A.I.M. is and family dissension than many thought only one of the smaller terrorist outfits possible. It has disrupted or paralyzed which our federal government has been tribal government. Residents of Pine pleased to subsidize over the years. Ridge have been subjected to renewed Also, a genuine revolution is not gov­ heavy-handedness from those Great White ernment-protected; British authorities Fathers in Washington, in the form of used to award American patriots the "occupation" by three hundred federal Order of the Hempen Necktie , not invita­ marshals and agents and swarms of addi­ tions to Buckingham Palace. By contrast, tional bureaucrats. They have seen A.I.M.'s leaders have been permitted, for A.I.M.'s thugs disrupt their schools, and years on end , to get away with crimes harass and int imidate any Indian who large and small because they are revolu­ speaks against A.I.M. tionaries. "Equal protection of the laws" The Phony Revoluti on came to Pine has been consistently denied to their Ridge in the form of beatings, arson, victims , as we shall see. cattle-rustling, vandalism, burglary, kid­ Similarly, the troops at Valley Forge napping, and plenty of other crimes. did not have the Archbishop of Canter­ What the government-sponsored revolu­ bury running errands and playin g quarter­ tiona ries want is control of the Oglala master for them. On the other hand, Sioux tribe and the tribe 's sizable reser­ A.I.M.'s rabble at Wounded Knee found vation in southwestern South Dakota. the National Council of Churches very The bosses of A.I.M. demand the scrap­ useful that way. Then too, in a genuine ping of the tribal Constitution and the revolution, the Establishment propaganda removal of elected trib al officials; A.I.M. apparatus is mobilized against the rebels. wants white Washington officials to go With A.I.M., as we shall see, television back to the days of the " paper chiefs" by and the press have willingly prostituted clearing the way for Russell Means and themselves on behalf of A.I.M. A.I.M. to grab control. This is what the Finally, government forces are not "negotiations" have been about. This is norm ally employed to protect anti-gov­ why federal officials have been protecting ernment revolutionaries from duly­ A.I.M.sters from tribal authorities for constituted local authorities. Yet the over a month ... at a cost to taxp ayers of function of the federal marshals and several million dollars. F.B.I. agents at Wounded Knee was to The duly-elected Tribal Council has prevent the elected tribal government of repeatedly - by a vote of fourteen to two the Oglala Sioux from dealing with an - asked the federal government to evict invading horde ofcriminal outsiders! the A.I.M. invaders from its reservation. As we examine in greater detail the It even offered to do the job itself, noting relations between the federal government, that only about twenty of the Indians the religious bureaucracies, the mass holding Wounded Knee were Oglala Sioux media, and A.I.M., the Phony Revoluti on - and that half of the invaders were will look as ugly and false as a painted social welfare workers financed by federal hag in the cruel light of day. funds. The government cowered behind The leading victims of the A.I.M. caper its barricades. Tribal leaders, naturally at Wounded Knee are the Oglala Sioux of opposed to A.I.M., can see the sellout the Pine Ridge reservation in South coming. If you were an unsophisticated Dakota. While other Americans elsewhere reservation Indian , whom might y ou vote 2 AMERICAN OPINION Communist agent lona Andronov of New Times of Moscow (right) was for several days the guest at Wound­ ed Knee of A.LM. terrorist Dennis Banks. The New Times quotes Banks NEW as sending greetings back to Moscow "to those whose sympathy we so greatly prize." The official Moscow journal explained that Senator TIMES TOWARDSTHEWORLD CONGRESS OF PEACE FORCES George McGovern had not been per­ 1~ So vi e t-Ira nian C o-o p er o Ho n _ O utlow U se of For ce and Nuc lear We a po ns .The Blo c k Le d g er sonally more helpful to the A.I.M. MARCH I n ) terrorists because he "will soon be seeking Senate re-election." But the SOUTH DAKOTA, Senator had his man there, working for the revolutionaries. He was Bish­ U.S.A. op James Armstrong (below right), " ~~ '~~~?,' .: :. ~..,,, a radical who headed the National Committee of Religious Leaders for McGovern. With Armstrong (L to R) are top A.I.M. toughs Russell Means, Dennis Banks, and Carter Camp. To­ gether with A.I.M.'s Clyde Belle­ court, these men share a total of 42 criminal convictions. Means has a long string of arrests dating back to 1957, including theft and mugging. Those not loyal to him at Wounded Knee (spies, he called them) would be "shot be­ fore a firing squad." Banks is a paroled burglar with fift een criminal convictions. Camp has a record similar to Means. Bellecourt is a much-convicted burglar and armed robber. MA Y, 1973 3 for? The old familiar faces of your Scenic at eight p.m., headed for Rapid elected leaders who have been ignored, City. At 8:15, eight miles west of Scenic, brushed aside, and stepped on by every­ a car was reported ablaze at the side of one from federal officials and bishops on the road. Leo Wilcox, an Oglala Sioux down to hippies, common burglars, and who dared to fight for his people, had lying newsmen? Or the bold con men been burned alive! invoking the name of Crazy Horse, pre­ When we spoke to his widow, a deter­ tending to hold the feds at bay, and mined woman who shares Leo's views on "winning" an open door at the White A.I.M., she showed us a plastic sandwich House? bag which contained his recoverable per­ Nevertheless, thoughtful and intelli­ sonal effects - only soot-blackened met­ gent Oglala Sioux such as Eugene Rooks, al, a ring, a car key, and a watch stopped Johnson Holy Rock, and many others, at 8:25.
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