-,-*^€>.; ^j^^r IMfi \im^-': • ^VINSTON tastes good—like a cigarette should! • Smokers who go for flavor / AND DRAW/ \ are sure going for Winston! This filter cigarette really THEV TASTE tastes like a cigarette. It's the SO GOOD] filter cigarette that's fun to smoke! New, king-size Winstons are easy-drawing, too! Winston's finer filter works so effectively, yet doesn't flatten the flavor. The full, rich, tobacco flavor comes through to you easily and smoothly. Try Winstons! They taste good — like a cigarette should! S>i^ MVINSTGN iU Qa^-dnrnJiMQ jjSJt&i Qiqa/idittl Sc/iolastk semi-onnual deorance Vol. 96 FEBRUARY 25, 1955 No. 14 Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Mortiturus Founded 1867 Entered as second class matter at Notre Dame, • QUALITY SALE Indiana. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1101, October 3, 1917. Authorized June 23, 1918. Editor MEN'S SUITS, TOPCOATS, OVERCOATS. LAWRENCE J. BREHL Associate and Sports Editor CASHMERE COATS, SPORT COATS PAUL FULLMER Associate Editor FRED C. ECKART including group by ^JOHN ADAMS News ROBERT KAUFMAN .... Assistant News PAUL J. LaFRENIERE Copy CHARLES McKENDRICK 9(iPheB-^reeman Assistant Copy JOSEPH CONNOLLY Features KEN WOODWARD .. Business Manager Society Brand •.. Three-G PETER STURTEVANT Photo Editor JIM FITZGERALD Eagle •.. Burberry • • • British-R ^ Photography Coordinator JIM GULDE Head Photographer JOHN P. DEFANT .. Faculty Moderator Member of Catliolic School Press Association, As­ sociated Collegiate Press. Represented for national advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York City. OFF THE SCHOLASTIC is published weekly during the school year, except during vacation and examina­ tion periods at the University of Notre Dame. Ad­ dress all manuscripts to the Editor, Bo.x 185, Notre Dame, Indiana. :» NEWS STAFF: Joe Accardo, Buck Harriss. Jerrold Hilton, Jack Hough, Francis Hurley, Ed Joyce, l^TOT our entire stock, but an outstonding quality selection David Kubal. James Lenox, Jim Loeffler, James -^ ^ including groups by America's leading clothing makers. McDonald, John McMahon, Joe Mocarski. James Murphy, Arthur Price, Thomas Quinn, Dick Rust, While we do not have every color and pattern in every size, Jim Steintrager, Paul Underkofler, Ray Walsh. SPORTS STAFF: Dave Davin, Bob Early, Kit Eckl, you will find variety and a good choice due to the usual large John Glavin, Jim Goethals, Jack Gueguen, Ray Lescher, Joe Madigan, Bob MdJonald, Joe Norton, Gilbert Stock. Shop evenings a\ Gilbert's — Store hours are and Bob Parnell. 9 A.JM. to 9 P.M. Monday through Saturday. BUSINESS STAFF: Harry Conlon and Loran Sheffer. i^OUR COVER: The Notre Dame man usu­ ally romps through the home football season, Christmas vacation, and even the exam periods wth much gusto. Then the Mardi Gras comes and goes as the last period of hilarity before he settles down to the serious season in the school GILBERT'S year—Lent—and he sees its z-elation to 809-817 S. Michigan St. his student vocation. Photographer John O'Brien catches SOUTH BEND'S LARGEST STORE FOR MEN! the spiritual side of the Notre Dame man on this week's cover. Fish, Steaks, Chops ind Chicken At Prices You Will Appreciate FEBRUARY 25 GRANADA (for one week)—The novel that gained a blood and guts i-ating for its "frank" insight on rugged and seemingly incorrigible Marine life in World War II comes to the screen in Battle Cry, starring Van Heflin, Our Speeiatty Aldo Ray, and Nancy Olson. There is no sugar coating of the "screened" "Chicken In the Rough" events which give this film a tone of authenticity. A character study of some pretty tough subjects. % Golden Brown Fried Chicken COLFAX (through March 3)—Many Rivers to Cross means much mer­ Shoestring Potatoes riment to be mused via perilous terrain and danger-fraught Indian capers. Robert Taylor and Eleanor Parker provide the subjects for the "man-chase" Jug of Honey that provides just about every situation imaginable in the wild, and woolly Hot Buttered Rolls West of that time. Entertaining to say the least. AVON (through March 1)—When two little kids forsake a venture for fl.30 a pet dog for the warm companionship of a small lost child, half the coun­ tryside comes to life thinking the well meaning "rascals" to be The Little Kidnappers. J. Arthur Rank comes through with another heart-warmer for all the old softies. PALACE (through Feb. 28)—Hold your hats, fine people! Judy Canova, Joe Nabieht's the Carolina Cannonhall is coming to town! A weak Timber jack falls flat on its face. Better wake up Clem; he won't wanta be a-missin' Carolina. Restaurant FEBRUARY 26 213 N. Main Open Sunday WASHINGTON HALL (usual times)-^ack Webb and Ben Alexander do a little checking, that's all. Dragnet, bud. FEBRUARY 27 RIVER PARK (through March 1)—There's No Bushiess Like Show Business and Princess of the Nile hit town for re-takes. Tighten your belts, ^^«- boys, it's a long way to Easter. STATE (ditto)—Here's a good one you might have missed originally— ^•^j Vera Cruz Avith B. (the bull) Lancaster. You can stay for The Black Da- \ni9^ kotas if your popcorn doesn't run out. uil# fnoows. MitnlMl for new madiiiw perfoiw^ «ne*. hnmailiate lielivaiy. Spado) MARCH 1 FIELDHOUSE (8 p.m.)—The Jordan-men start hoopin' them in for F>«» tWivary. pkk-up and Mrviea. the last time on the home court as they go against DePaul. Let's give the ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO. seniors a crowd and game they'll remember. 309 E. Jefferson South Bend PALACE (one day only)—^Don't ask me how they expect to do it, but Phone CE 2-3336 the management is playing host to Gene Autry and his whole barnyard full of stars, including his "hosses" Champion and Little Champ, Pat Burns and that stellar aggregation of songsters, the original Cass County Boys. Reckon Gene's hosses are house-broken? MARCH 2 •^'R.WTURBOJON W WASHINGTON HALL (7:30 p.m.)—Now that the erudite seniors have OPTOMETRIST learned the"secret of how to handle women, they will get-a- chance to learn \9 how to "Find a Woman." Father Hesburgh jvill do the "expostulating" at — OPTICAL REPAIRS — the second lecture of the 1955 Marriage Institute, Tickets may be pur­ chased at the door, A coflFee hour will follow in the Student Center. Frames Repaired, Replaced Broken Lenses Duplicated RIVER PARK (through March 5)—If you want a re-see of a possible "Bring in the Pieces" Academy Award winner, you have it in On the Waterfront, with Marlon — EYES EXAMINED — Brando and Eva Marie Saint. To make the trip out really worthwhile, they've scheduled Phffft to round out the bill. , . and with that closing 207 W. Washington remark, I too say Phffft for another week. Oliver Hotel Phone CE 4-5777 The Scholastic COCA-COLA PRESENTS Enjoy yourself... THIS WEEK'S ntnsh with Coke JOE HARRIS BASKETBALL FORECASTS Night Lights Again Editor: FRIDAY, FEB. 2-5 Some time ago there appeared a letter in the SCHOLASTIC pointing out the rath­ Duquesne over Cincinnati er appai-ent fact that the ND students Missouri over Oklahoma do not support lectui-es, concerts, and UCLA over Southern California various other programs presented by the University and the Student Senate. In SATURDAY, FEB. 26 addition attendance at the various clubs on the campus is poor, especially in the Illinois over Ohio State Engineering School. Iowa over Michigan Navy over Army Without doubt the students themselves Northwestern over Wisconsin are at fault, although part of the blame lies with the University. Many students Notre Dame over DePaul claim they do not have the time to attend Purdue over Indiana these functions and pei-haps for some of Seton Hall over lona College them this is a legitimate excuse. But how do they account for the fact that in (^Qa MONDAY, FEB. 28 many cases it is the students unth the Illinois over Michigan higher averages that do attend these Michigan State over Indiana extra-curricular activities. Surely this Minnesota over Iowa is not due to natural intelligence alone. •OtIlED UNDEJ AUTHOaitT 0# VHt COCA-COl* COMPANY »T Wisconsin over Purdue Being a senior I have noticed that \\ath 12 o'clock lights I can now attend more TUESDAY, MARCH 1 functions than in previous years and still Coca Cola Bottling Go. return to the hall Avith a few hours' Holy Cross over Dartmouth studying time before the University of South Bend Notre Dame over DePaul turns the lights off. I am convinced that if we had one o'clock, or better yet, all night lights, attendance at the extra­ curricular activities would increase greatly. Of course, with all night lights other advantages would result, but this would be one important one. Another policy of the University that discourages ENGINEERS attendance is the many evening examin­ ations that are pennitted. Many criticize the state universities for their so-called policy of mass education, but after at­ Electrical and Mechanical tending Illinois, I would say there are more evening tests on this campus than Representatives of the !^^ at Champaign. ^f# William Yario 209 Alumni Detroit Edison Co. Campus Car Policy Outlined Will be on campus In Reply to Senate Request The University has outlined its pol­ FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1955 icy concerning the admittance of auto­ mobiles to the campus. Contact Placement Office All faculty members with the rank of i>|. instructor, or higher, are permitted to Will also interview Sophomores and Juniors >-^ enter and leave the University grounds at any time. All essential personnel and interested in Summer employment special outside personnel are granted passes which are recognized during working hours.
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