U S S R EEVES (DLG - 2 4 / C G - 2 4 ) A SSOCIATION May 2009 Volume 2, Issue 3 The Ironman—A Double Ender’s Newsletter Membership Scorebox The Good Frigate Reeves Current 57 Many of us, especially in the early was the USS Chesapeake from the War of years of Reeves life, have heard her de- 1812, shown here before capture by HMS Past Due 30 scribed as a frigate. Indeed, that was a Leopold. The most famous frigate from characterization of her relative size and this era was the USS Constitution. Snail Mail Ad- 227 significance to the fleet. She was a really dresses I had the privilege in 1974 of escort- either big destroyer or a small cruiser. Of ing my father and mother onboard Reeves Email Address 258 course, it all depended upon where you when she was starboard side to Bravo Only stood on the pier when you looked up at Piers. My father‘s first observation from her. the pier, looking bow on, was ―she‘s a Now in the olden days, frigates con- pocket cruiser.‖ Of course, he was a jured up the image of medium-sized sail- WWII veteran and cruisers were a skochie Dues Notice! ing ships. They were somewhere between bit smaller than our ―modern‖ destroy- Please be sure to check ers—although Reeves was a whole lot your mailing label. bigger than my first Fletcher. If it doesn’t say Current It turns out that a modern ―pocket‖ (plus year) above your cruiser is really a light cruiser, of the name at the top of the Brooklyn Class. The displacement is label, you must renew about the same as Reeves although the your annual dues to manning was a whole lot more (must have continue receiving the been all those guns). complete, hardcopy As- sociation newsletter. But, we diverge. Reeves was larger than her nearest competitors and pier- a sloop and a man-of-war—moderately gunned, pretty fast and very maneuver- Inside this issue: able. They were a medium-sized square- rigged warship of the 18th and 19th centu- President’s Message 2 ries. Neat sail boats, I always said. Shipmates’ eMail 3 Probably the most memorable frigate Saving A Ship 4 Reunion Application & Tour Reservations - Insert Reunion San Diego 2009 5 mates—like the Adams class guided mis- In Memorian 5 sile destroyers (USS Cochrane DDG-21 The Water Cooler 6 and USS Stoddard DDG-22 come to mind). From the Deck Log 7 In our modern Navy, the Norfolk Membership Application 8 (DL) class such as USS McCain was more (Continued at Fridates on page 3) P a g e 2 The Ironman — A Double Ender’s Newsletter The President’s Page Memorial Day is an only do that by encouraging our ship- So now we get to the part where we need excellent time to mates to support the reunion. your help to make the October 2009 reun- reflect upon the In conversations with Mike Robertson ion a success. First, let me thank the brotherhood that is (our editor, reunion planner, treasurer, members who have stepped up with reser- the heart of any vet- historian, and conscience) over the past vations and registrations. We appreciate erans group. As a few months, we have discussed every your attention. For everyone else; here nation, we have des- aspect of the upcoming reunion. Every- are a few things that will help. ignated this day to thing appears to be in place, and we are Check out the information on the re- remember the sacri- currently ahead of our schedule on the union - attached at the end of the fices of the veterans that made this coun- things that still have to be accomplished. newsletter. try great. As US Military Veterans, we So the talks have naturally turned to must be very proud of the legacy that our Check your calendar to see if there is member interest in the reunion, and when a way to get away for a few days. brother service members have provided we should expect to see responses rolling us, and make sure we re-dedicate our- in. We are aware of the reality that most Talk it up with your significant other selves to making certain that their sacri- people do not plan Fall get-a-ways until to see if this is an accompanied or fices are never forgotten. This is turning the start of Summer, and that all we have solo tour. out to be a tough role, however, as the to do is patiently wait for reservations and Contact some old shipmates to see if Memorial Day Weekend is touted more commitments to fall into place. I guess you can get them interested. as a long-weekend party, the un-official you could say we are being cautiously start of summer, and a good reason for a Check out the airline prices NOW optimistic that the ball will start rolling a …… travel costs are really down right giant holiday sale…… instead of a point little faster….. Okay, we‘re trying not to in time where we reflect proudly on those now. The airlines are desperate to fill be paranoid, but are getting a little con- seats, so shop around and see what‘s who picked up the tab for our freedom. cerned. How soon we forget! I guess the real out there for the taking. Buying tick- opportunity here is for us to remember – A lot of time and energy has gone into ets now can provide some serious and celebrate- the service men and preparations. The hotel and tour pack- savings over what will be available women that have given their lives for our ages are probably the best we could have later. Even those who plan to use freedom, remind our friends and arranged for the desired location, group frequent flier program miles get better neighbors of the importance of the holi- size, and reasonable per night price. The deals from making reservations early. day, and demand more support for the hotel (Holiday Inn San Diego Bayside) is Make your hotel reservations at the sailors, soldiers, airmen, and marines who very reunion friendly, and has a good Holiday Inn San Diego Bayside. are out there doing the job today. reputation for accommodations and hos- pitality amongst reunion planners. The Select the tours you‘d like to partici- Okay, I‘m off my soapbox and ready to tour packages were considered to offer pate in. focus on the business at hand, which something for everyone (and their wives). Send Mike Robertson a check. fairly brings us back to the unofficial start It balances what we would want to see as Renew your dues. of summer, and to a point which places sailors (USS Midway / 32nd St Naval San Diego on the horizon. The 2009 Base / DDG Tour), and what we would Settle-in and look forward to the reun- Reeves Association Reunion is just a few like to see as tourists (City Tour / Shelter ion in San Diego! months away, and we already have mem- Island / Harbor Dinner Cruise). The tours At the conclusion of my sales pitch, I bers stepping up to be a part of it. Room are, of course, entirely optional. You are offer to everyone my thanks, and apolo- reservations have started trickling in, as encouraged to see the many San Diego gies for the pitch. I hope you all have a well as reservations for tours and events, attractions in any fashion that serves your safe and fun summer. Please take good and even a few checks. There has been a desires and imagination, or to just hang care of yourselves, and we can hope to surprising amount of interest shown so out with friends. The tours are planned see you in October. far, with commitments from some former regardless of the number of participants, COs to attend. so there are no minimum numbers we As we have talked in our previous news- have to meet. Best Regards, letters, the San Diego Reunion is very Of course there is always the Pacific important to the health and future of the Suite at the hotel, which will serve as our Tom Bailey BT2 (84-87) Reeves Association. We are counting on hospitality room throughout the reunion. this reunion to reverse our downward This is probably the best place we‘ll have trend in attendance, and help make the to meet with shipmates, enjoy a few [email protected] Reeves Association Reunions an annual beers, re-tell some classic sea stories, and event that all our members want to attend. find accomplices that are looking for The camaraderie that was enjoyed by something fun to do. everyone at the first two reunions is something we want to build upon. We can Volume 2, Issue 3 P a g e 3 Mail/eMail From Our Shipmates — More on the forward missile house: hope to be able to attend the reunion term “frigate” - MR. I also wrote the In 1985 I reported aboard the in S.D. this year. Our one liberty stop front page article... Reeves in Diego Garcia. As a sea- en-route to Pearl was marred by my being restricted to the ship for five man in 1st Division, my LPOs were We know that life is tough in Wis- BM1 Savage and BM1 West. days.........you can guess what souve- nir I got in Acapulco. consin with long cold and snowy It was in August that the winters. Life is much better in the Bosn' Locker caught fire.
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