4446 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE APRIL lS By Mr. KEATING: Let Thy mercy be upon us; Thy truth · H. R. 1176. An act ·for the relief of Mr. and H, R. 4223. A ·bill for the relief of Michelina a light unto our feet; and so teach us to Mrs. Leroy Hann; Viavatene Alberti; to the Committee on the H. R. 1280. An act for the relief of Mrs. Judiciary. · number our days that we may apply our Judge E. Estes; By Mr. PHILLIPS of California: hearts unto wisdom, knowing full well H. R. 1286. An act for the relief of Eliza­ H. R. 4224. A bill for the relief of John Irvin then that we shall dwell in the house of beth Rowland; Clifford, Jr.; to the Committee on the Judici­ the Lord forever. We pray· in the spirit . H. R. 1755. An act · to authorize a $100 per ary. and in the name of Him whose life of -capita payment to members of the Red Lake love · and sacrifice made this week holy. Band of Chippewa Indians from the proceeds PETITIONS, ETC. Amen. of the sale of timber and lumber on the Red THE JOURNAL Lake Reservation; Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions H. R. 1959. An act for the relief of the and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk On request of M~. LucAs, and by unan­ county of Allegheny, Pa.; and ref erred as follows: imous consent, the reading of the Jour­ H. R. 1998. An act to amend the act en­ titled "An act to provide for the conveyance 564. By Mr. BOGGS of Delaware: Petition nal of the proceedings of Tuesday, April 12, 1949, was dispensed with. to Pinellas County, State of Florida, of cer­ of woman's Christian Temperance Union of tain public lands herein described," approved Sussex County, Del., containing 45 signa­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE June 17, 1948 (Public Law 666, 80th Cong.), tures, in support of H. R. 2428, a bill to pro­ for the purpose of correcting a land descrip­ hibit the transportation in interstate com­ A message from the House of Repre­ sentatives, by Mr. Swanson. one of its tion therein; merce of advertisements of alcoholic bever­ H. R. 2708. An act for the relief of the legal ages, and for .other purposes; to the Com­ reading clerks, announced that the guardian of Joseph De Souza, Jr.; mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. House had passed a joint resolution <H. J. H. R. 3856. An act to provide for a Com­ 565. Also, petition of Woman's Christian Res: 222) making an additional appro­ mission on Renovation of the Executive Man­ Temperance Union of New Castle County, priation for the Veterans' Administra­ -sion; Del., containing 225 signatures, in support of tion for the fiscal year ending June 30, H.J. Res.186. Joint resolution to extend H. R. 2428, a bill to prohibit the transpor­ the time for use of construction reserve tation in interstate commerce of advertise­ 1949, and for other purposes, in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. funds established under section 311 of the ments of alcoholic beverages, and for other Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended; and purposes; to the Committee on Interstate ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLU- H.J. Res. 212. Joint resolution authorizing and Foreign Commerce. TIONS SIGNED appropriations to the Federal Security Ad­ 566. Also, petition of Woman's Christian ministrator 1n addition to those authorized Temperance Union of Delmar, Del., contain­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore an­ under title V, part 2, of the social Security ing 56 signatures, in support of H. R. 2428, nounced his signature to the fallowing Act, as _ am~nded, to provide for meeti.n.g a bill to prohibit the transport!ttion in in­ enrolled bills and joint resolutions which emergency needs Of crippled children during terstate commerce of advertisements of al­ had previously been signed by the Speak­ the fiscal year ending June 30, 1949. coholic beverages, and for other purposes; er of the House of Representatives: to the Committee on Interstate Foreign Com­ MEETING . OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE merce. H. R. 220. An act to amei.. l section 3 of the ON ECA BILL DURING SENATE SES­ 567. Also, petition of Woman's Christian act entitled "An act to revise the Alaska SIONS-MEMBERS EXCUSED FROM AN­ game law," approved July 1, 1943, as amended Temperance Union of Milton, Del., contain­ (57 Stat. 801); SWERING QUORUM CALLS ing 62 signatures, in support of H. R. 2428, H. R. 555. An act conferring jurisdiction a bill to prohibit the transportation 1n in­ Mr. CONNALLY. Mr. President, I ask upon the District Court of the United States unanimous consent that the Senate terstate commerce of advertisements of al­ for the Northern District of California, coholic beverages, and for other purposes; Northern Division, to hear, determine, and members of the conference· committee to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign render judgment upon the claims of all per­ considering the ECA bill be permitted Commerce. sons for reimbursement for damages and to sit during the. sessions of the Senate, 568. By Mr. HILL: Memorial of the State losses sustained as a result of a flood which ~nd that they be excused from answering of Colorado, petitioning the President of the occurred in December 1937 1n levee district quorum calls, so that the conference may United States to prohibit the importation No. 10, Yuba County, Calif.; proceed. '1'hey are the Senator from of furs from Russia; to tbe Committee on H. R. >-72. An act for the relief of Sylvia· Michigan [Mr. VANDENBERG], the Sen­ Interstate and Foreign Commerce. M. Misetich; ator from Utah [Mr. THOMAS], the Sen­ 569. Also, memorial of the State of Colo­ H. R. 576. An act for the relief of Arthur rado, memorializing the Congress of the G. Robinson; ator from Wisconsin [Mr. WILEY], the United States to enact pending legislation H. R. 581. An act to confer jurisdiction Senator from Georgia [Mr. GEORGE], and for the amendment of the Social Security upon the District Court for the Territory of myself. Act to provide assistance to unemployables; Alaska to hear, determine, and render judg­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The to the Committee on Ways and Means. ment upon the claim, or claims, of Hilda Chair is advised by the Parliamentarian 570. By Mr. TOWE: Petition of 189 resi­ Links and E. J. Ohman, partners, and Fred that conference committees are not in­ dents of Teaneck and West Englewood, N. J., L. Kroesing, all of Anchorage, Alaska;; in H. R. 591. An act for the relief of Mrs. cluded the order of the Senate. urging the repeal of the 20-percent excise tax Mr. LUCAS. Mr. President, I ask on toilet goods; to the Committea on Ways Lucille Davidson; H. R. 592. An act for the relief of Ja~ :.es unanimous consent that the members of and Means. W. Keith; the conference referred to by the Senator H. R. 618. An act for the relief of Eugene from Texas be included. J. Bearman; The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is H. R. 659. An act for the relief of Mrs. Eliz­ there objection? The-Chair hears none, SENATE abeth B. Murphy; H. R. 729. An act for the relief of John J. and it ts so ordered, and, without objec­ tion, the request of the Senator from WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1949 ·o·Ne!l; H. R. 739. An act for the relief of Mary Texas regarding the members of the (Legislative day of Monday, April 11. Jane Harris; conference committee is granted. 1949) H. R. 745. An act for the relief of B. John Mr. CONNALLY~ Mr. President, I also Hanson; ask unanimous consent that following 12 H. R. 1036. An act for the relief of R. C. The Senate met at o'clock meridian, Owen, R. C. Owen, Jr., and Roy Owen; each roll call an announcement be car­ on the expiration of the recess. H. R. 1043. An act for the relief of Mrs. ~1ed in the RECORD to the effect that the Rev. R. Orman Roberts, D. D., pastor, Wesley Berk (formerly Mrs. Ruth Cameron); five Senators I have named, the mem­ Temple Methodist Church, San Fran­ H. R. 1061. An act for the relief of Bernice bers of the conference on the part of the cisco, Calif., offered the following prayer: Green; Senate, are excused from attendance in H. R. 1066. An act for the relief of James the Senate. Eternal God, we affirm our faith that Leon Keaton; The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ Thou art the Good Shepherd and we are H. R. 1094. An act for the relief of Nellie M. out objection, it is so ordered. the sheep of Thy pasture. In the early Clark; morning let the still dews of quietness H. R. 1113. An act for the relief· of James A. CALL OF THE ROLL Stapleton, Ruth Burk, and Mildred Ovren, be upon us. In the heat of the day give copartners, doing business under the name Mr. LUCAS. I suggest the absence of us the shadow of the rock. In the eve­ and style of Stapleton Lumber & Piling Co.; a quorum. ning time lead us beside still waters and H. R. U64. An act for the relief of the - The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The cause us to lie down in green pastures.· estate of H. M. Mccorvey; elerk will call the roll. 1949 ·coN-GRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 4447 The legislative clerk called the rolJ.,..and rand incorporate matters into the RECORD Whereas several nations have recently the following Senators answered to their may be permitted to do so, without prej­ adopted constitutional provisions to facili­ -names: tate their entry into a world federal govern­ udicing the parliamentary situation, and ment by auth9rizing a delegation to such a Aiken Hill Maybank without debate.
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