J» ■ i, J L-, UJ> O'- ' / C , " i ANNEX II INDEX OF CASES REPORTED OR CITED IN THESE VOLUMES (References given in italics arc to reports. References not in italics are to citations. The figures in roman and in arabic figures refer to volumes and pages respectively.) Abbaye Ardcnnc Trial (Trial of Brigadier Kurt~ 111 6 9 ; Meyer). ✓ IV 85, 89, 997-110 5 , ; *X1I 123: ✓ X V 62, ¿4, 106,109, 133 - Ahlbrecht ......................................................... X I 89-90 « Almelo Trial (Trial or Otto Sandrock and 3 others)✓ / 35-45,1 0 6 ; ✓ 11 127; w V 1 0 ; . XI 46,50; . X IV 15 ; * X V 47, 97, 108, 184 Allfuldisch, Hans, and 60 others (sec Mauthausen Concentration Camp case). Altstötter, Josef, and others (sec Justkc Trial) .. Ambcrgcr, Karl (sec Dreierwalde Case) - Armour Packing Company v. United States .. s W 54 - Awochi, Washio ..............................................^Xlll 122-4 ; X V 121 » Back, P e t e r ........................................................ ✓/// 60-1 x Bauer, August ..............................................«'IX 65 v Bauer, Carl, Ernst Schramcck and Herbert Falten*Vlll 15-21; v X V 82 v'Baus, Christian ..............................................s l X 68-71 Becker, Friedrich, and others (sec Flossenberg Concentration Camp Trial) t'Becker, Gustav, and 19 others ........................ JVU 67-73,15 ✓ Belsen Trial (Trial of Josef Kramer and 44 others)..11 1-152;✓ ✓ III 6 3 ,6 6 ,6 9 .7 0 ,7 2 ,7 4 ; ✓ IV 79,86 ; ✓ V 14, 15, 23 ; ✓ IX 66 ; ✓ X 68, 173 ; ✓ XI 9,10,11,71,83; ✓ X V 45, 59, 61, 65, 67, 83, 86, 87, 92, 93, 97, 121. 157. 160, 187, 197 - Benz, Karl, and a n o t h e r ................................. ✓ IX 65 v Bommer, Alois and Anna, and their daughters . * I X 62-6 Brandt, Karl, and 22 others (sec Doctors' Trial) v Bruns, Richard Wilhelm Hermann, and 2 others ✓ /// 15-22 %/VIII 86; yXV 179,200 v Buck, Karl, and 10 others ✓ V 39-44,49. 57, 58, 81 ; ✓ X V 109 ' .'Buch, Willy .. ✓ IX 65 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c7337b/ A N N B X II 211 V' Buhler, Joseph SX 1V ✓Buiy, Albert, and Hafner, Wilhelm *' 23-48 s i n 62-4 IV 39 XIV 128. 129 . XI 62-3; XV 105 11176-80: XV 177, 185 • IV 44 " Coleman v. Tennessee ✓ IV Collins r. McDonald 66 IV 39,44 * Commonwealth v. Jordan .. IV 10 - Cummings v. Missouri ., .* * * ’ S IV 54 ' ^ T™*1(Trial of Weiss, Martin Gottfried and✓ IV 78 : outers) 1 X I 5-17; y x v - Dealy v. United States ........................ 93. 94. 95. •IV 44 “ Diroct Sales Companyvs United States - x 40 Director of Public Prosecutionsv. Beard ." ' III 80 — Doctors’ Trial (Trial of Karl Brandt and 22✓ IV othcn)91-3; ' VI 104 ; 'VII 49, 52, 63 ; XIII 33, 55 ; XV 61. 72. 90, -Donnelly v. United S t a t e s ........................ IV 55 / Dostlcr Case (Trial of General Anton Dostler) / 22-34, 120 III 105. Ill ; IV 78 ; V 22,42 ; VIII 86 ; XI 57; XV 62. 177 - Dover Castle Case I 9-10, 31 ; VIII 8 / Dreicrwalde Case (Trial of Karl Ambcrgcr) ✓ 1 81-7, 107, 1 II 130, 138 ; III 2 2 ; IV 113: XI 5 0 .7 4 ; XV 186 -Dynes v. Hoover IV 39 Eck, Heinz, and 4 others (sec Peleus Trial) pif -Einsatzgruppen Trial (Trial of Otto Ohlendorf and/V III 86. 88, 9 0 ; -IX 32,,57 ; X 48, 172. 174, 176 ; ✓ XV 88. 110-11, 122, 135. 137, 156, 158. 166, 174-5, 179, 182 v'Eisentraeger, Lothcr.................................. ..... *X iV 8-22 XV 131 V Erb, E d u a r d ........................................................ ^ X V 15 — Esau, Abraham Robert .................................. X V 128-9 Espinosa, J o a q u i n............................................. X V 46 y Essen Lynching Case (Trial of Hcyer, Erich, and 6 88-91/ ; others) II152 ; III 69, 7 6 ; XI 51, 76, 7 7 ; XV 8-9, 51-2, 57, 59, 97 y Falkenhorst, Nickobus vo n...................................•'VIII 9 0 ; 18-30 ^Xll 104, 122 ; 'XV 133 — Fenarese .. .. .. •• •• •• VII 69,71 -Fischer, Ludwik, and others...................................X IV 42-5 ‘ ~ Foerstcr. Albert ............................................. XIV 46 _/FIesch, Gerhard Friedrich E r n........................ s t SV1 111-21) y / X I V 73 ; PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c7337b/ 212 ANNEX II Flick Trial (Trial of Fricdcrich Flick and others).. *^VI4 0 ; */VllI 5 2 ; ^¡X 1-59; ' X 41. 47, 54-6, 57, 60, 64, 67, 146, 157, 160. 161, 166, 170, 172, 174,175,176 ; *^XII 9 5 ,1 1 0 ; ✓ XIII 61 ; ^ X V 19, 24, 56, 58. 59-60. 70. IM , 120. 125-30. 134-8. 152, 156, 166, 171, 172, 183, 185-6 Flcmcnbcrg Concentration Camp Trial (Friedrich .✓ X V47,95 Bccker and others) Fong Yarc Ting v. United S t a t e s........................ II 75, 149 .< Frames. Lucicn .............................................. X V 45 - Fucrstein, Valentin, and others ........................ X V 173 , Gallina..................................................................... VII 69 v Gerbsch, W i l h e l m.............................................. Xlll 131-7; XV 185 Gcrike, Heinrich, and 7 others (see Velpke Children’s Home case). -Goering. Hermann Wilhelm, and 23 others (Trial <11151 ; by the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal) VI4,33,36,37,40-3,63; 65-71, 77, 84-5, 105-10; VII 6, 8, 19-24, 40, 60, 87 ; VIII 20, 52-3 ; IX 5, 16-29 (passim), 33-40 (passim), 44, 47-51, 52, 55-7, 80 ; 5, 3CM0, 43, 48, 54, 57, 58-61, 103-27, 131-3, 145-6, 152-3, 157, 159, 166, 168, 170; XI 17, 61 ; XII 16, 59, 60-2, 64, 66. 67, 71, 87-8,93, 103, 119 ; XIII 4, 28-35, 38. 40, 42, 43, 49-66, 68, 107, 108, 111. 112, 141 ; XIV 4,34-5,41 -2,46,47-8,93,97. 117, 120-2, 136, 142, 143; XV 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17-9, 20, 54, 59, 60, 84, 90, 98, 99. 104, 110, 120, 133, 135-7, 141-4, 148, 150-4, 159, 166, 168, 169, 201-2 v Goeth, Amon Leopold VII 1- 1 0; XIII 113 ; XIV 28, 40 ; XV 122,200 v Golkel, Karl Adam, and 13 others .. ✓ IV 80 ; V 45-53; XV 50-1, 198-9 J Grcifelt Trial (Trial of Ulrich Greifelt and others)✓ IX 35 ,57 ; ✓XI 102; xm 1-69 \ xv122, 123, 161 Greiser, Artur, VII 6, xm 70-117; xiv24, 29, 40, 46 ; xv117, 122-3, 130, 138, 149, 150, 200 Grumpelt, Gerhart (see Scutlled U-Boat Trial) Hadamar Trial (Trial of Alfons Klein and 6 others) i 46-54, 113 ; ii 152; ui 105 ; XI 10,51 ; XV 61, 86, 94 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c7337b/ A N N E X II 213 J Hagendorf, Heinz .. ...................................Xlll 146-3; u t X V 133 / Hangobl, Joseph ............................................. X IV 86-8 X V 82 v- Hans, Oscar (Trial by Norwegian Court) .. V 80,82-93 X V 164 -Hans, Oscar fTrial by British COurt) .. .. X V I, 61, 198 -Hashinoto, C h o g o............................................. X V 43 - Hatada, Minoru, and 2 others ........................ X V 132 -Hatakoyama, Kunito .................................. VII 61 “ Haw k v. Olson ............................................. IV 55 -Hebestreit. Horst ............................................. X V 91 , Hcering, A m o ........................' .. .. XI 11.79-80; XII 105; X V 8, 83, 101 *■ Heithamp, Hans ............................................. X V 47 ^Heyer, Erich, and 6 others (sec Essen Lynching Trial) »'High Command Trial (Trial of Leeb. Wilhelm von, VIII 8 0 ,9 0 ; and others) IX X 109', 141 ; XI 2 .2 9 ; yXll I-127 ; XIV 7,158 ; XV 10. 13, 15, 19, 62, 70. 74-5, 77-8, 100-6, 120,124, 133, 150, 157. 159, 166-7, 171-2, 175-6. 177, 180, 183-4, 187, 189 - Hiranaka,Teruma, and another .. .. .. VII61 -llisakasu, T a n a k a............................................. V 9.66-81; XV 14. 47, 69-70 y/ Hoess, Rudolf Franz F e r d i n a n d ........................ VII II-26, 53 ; XIII 113 ; XIV 28, 40, 4 2 ; ;XV 122, 153. 200 % /Holstein, Franz, and 23 others ........................Vlll 22-33, 85 ; XV 180 _ Holzcr, Robert, and 2 others ....................... V 15-6.21 ; XV 173 - Homma, In re 105. 110, 111. 121 ; II 126. 129 ; III 103, 113 ^/Hostages Trial (Trial of List, Wilhelm, and others)Vlll 14,34-92; 29. 32 ; X 175 : / XII 61,80,84,108, 109,112.115. 116, 119, 122, 125, 126 ; XIV 7, 130-1, 158 ; XV 5-7, 10. II. 14-5. 21-2. 26-7. 47. 71. 75-7. 80-2, 112. 133. 149, 166. 169. 175, 177-80, 184, 188, 197-8 -Hotazo, Artachi ........................................... XI 60 - LG. Farben Trial (Trial of Carl Krauch and others) 9j V 3 ; 39, 49, 57 ; .V 1-63, 160, 161, 163,165. 167, 168, 172, 174, 175, 176 XII 100 XIII 63 XV 9,15. 18.19,55,60.104,120, 125-30, 135, 138-49, 153, 156-7, 166, 171, 185-6 -Ikeba, Toma, and o t h e r s.................................. VH 61 .Imamura, H itoshl............................................. ' » 87 - Imamura, Kazuhiko .. ................................... xi> 101 . isayamn, llarukei, and 7 o t h e r s ........................ 60-5, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77 ; 103 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c7337b/ A N N E X 11 -Jaluit Atoll Case (Trial of Rear-Admiral Nisukc 1 71-9,113; Masuda and 4 others) 1U 60,103 ; V 15.18 ; X I 30. 72, 73 ; XV 8, 14, 139 * Jenaud, Case of .............................................. IV 44,33 j Jcpson, Gustav ........................ • • • < XV 20. 46. 172-3 , Justice Trial (Trial of Josef Altstötter and other»).
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