MYCOLOGICAL 'NEWSLETTER MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA June 1978 Vol.29 No.1 MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA NEWSLETTER Vol . 29. number 1 June 1978 Published twice yearly by the Mycological Society of America Edited by Henry C . Aldrich Department of Microbiology and Cell Science. McCarty Hall University of Florida Gainesville. Florida 32611 CONTENTS Sustaining members of the Mycological Society ....I Symposia. meetings. and forays of interest ..... 4 New mycological research projects ..........5 Courses in mycology .................6 Fungi available for distribution ............7 Fungi wanted .....................7 Identifications ...................8 Publications wanted .................9 Publications for sale. exchange. or giveaway .....10 [ INSERT: AIBS MEETING SCHEDULE AND ABSTRACTS 1 Fellowships and assistantships available ......12 Positions wanted ..................13 Personals ......................13 Miscellaneous ....................17 Comments on a Mycologia book review .........18 Humor (?) ...................... 19 h!embership application blank ............20 Cover by Kathy Erdman SUSTAINING MEMBERS ANALYTAB PRODUCTS Division of Ayerst Laboratories Plainview, New York 11803 AYERST LABORATORIES Division of Ayerst, McKenna & Harriscn Limited 1025 Laurentian Blvd., P. 0. Box 6082 Montreal, Canada H3C 3A7 BBL, DIVISION OF BIOQUEST Division of Becton, Dickinson and Co. Cockeysville, Maryland 21030 BELLCO GLASS, INC. 349 Edrudo Road Vineland, New Jersey 08360 BUTLER COUNTY MUSHROOM FARM West Winfield, Pennsylvania 16062 CALBIOCHEM P.O. Box 12087 San Diego, California 92112 CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY Camden, New Jersey 08101 DIAMOND SHAMROCK CORPORATION T. R. Evans Research Center P. 0. Box 348 Painesville, Ohio 44077 DIFCO LABORATORY PRODUCTS The complete line of microbiological reagents and media P.O. BOX 10.58-A Detroit, Michigan 48232 DUPONT COMPANY, INSTRUMENT PRODUCTS Biomed ical Division Peck's Lane Newtown, Connecticut 06470 FUNK SEEDS INTERNATIONAL A Company of CIBA-GEIGY Corporation Funk's G-Hybrid Corn, Sorghum and Farm Seeds Bloomington, Illinois 61701 GB FERMENTATION INDUSTRIES (Former1y WALLERSTEIN COMPANY) One North Broadway Des Plaines, Illinois 60016 HOFFMAN-LA ROCHE, INC. Pharmaceuticals, vitamins and aromatic chemicals Nutley, New Jersey 07110 LAB-LINE INSTRUMENTS, INC. Designers and manufacturers of instruments for science, industry, research and education since 1898 Melrose Park, Illinois 60160 LANE SCIENCE EQUIPMENT CO. Complete line of museum storage cabinets especially herbarium cabinets--airtight for permanent protection 105 Chambers St. New York, New York 10007 ELI LILLY AND COMPANY Pharmaceuticals, agricultural and industrial products and cosmetics 307 East McCarty, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 MERCK SHARP AND DOHME RESEARCH LABORATORIES Division of Merck & Co., Inc. Rahway, New Jersey 07065 MILES LABORATORIES, INC. Pharmaceutical and chemical research and manufacture Elkhart, Indiana 46514 NEW BRUNSWICK SCIENTIFIC CO., INC. 44 Talmadge Road, P.O. Box 986 Edison, New Jersey 08817 OLYMPUS CORPORATION OF AMERICA Precision Instrument Division Compound and stereo microscopes for research, laboratory and schools with accessories for fluorescence, phase contrast, interference contrast and photomicrography New Hyde Park, New York, 11041 PARKE, DAVIS & COMPANY Research Laboratories Detroit, Michigan 48232 PFIZER, INC. Fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals by means of microorganisms 235 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10017 PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL, INCORPORATED 1206 Mulberry Street Des Moines, Iowa 50308 SCHERING CORPORATION Pharmaceutical manufacturers Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003 G. D. SEARLE & COMPANY Health Care Products and Service P. 0. Box 1045, Skokie, Illinois 60076 SMITH DINE & FRENCH LABORATORIES Prescription medicines and other health care products Division of SmithKline Corporation Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101 TRIARCH INCORPORATED Quality prepared microscope slides, catalog listed or custom prepared to your specifications Ripon, Wisconsin 54971 THE UPJOHN COMPANY Fine pharmaceuticals since 1886 Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001 VELSICOL CHEMICAL CORPORATION Agricultural and Industrial Chemical Products 341 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611 WARNER-LAMBERT RESEARCH INSTITUTE Central Research Affiliate of the Warner-Lambert Company Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950 SYMPOSIA. MEETINGS. AND FORAYS OF INTEREST * Harry Thiers tells us that the 1978 D.E. Stuntz Mycological Foray will be held on the weekend of Dec. 1-3 at the Mendocino Woodlands Camp, the same place where the foray was held in 1971, There will also be a N.A.M.A. foray near there on Thanksgiving weekend. Contact Harry Knighton for information on the N.A.M.A. event, and Harry Thiers for further materials on the Stuntz Foray. * An invitational symposium on several angles and problems of "Maintenance of Fungus Cultures" has been organized by Emory Simmons for the XI1 International Congress of Microbiology, Munich, 3-8 Sept., 1978. Speakers will include R.P. Elander, B. Kirsop, C.P. Kurtzman, P. Mazur, and M.A.A. Schipper. * George Grtmes gave a 3 day course on wild mushroom identifi- cation in Lander, Wyoming, May 12-14. The group attending was so enthusiastic that they formed a new mushroom club. George also included an annoucement about the 5th Annual Aspen Mushroom Conference, August 13-18, 1978, in Colorado. Alexander H. Smith and Harry D. Thiers will be in charge. It is designed for physicians, scientists, amateur and profes- sional mycologists. For details: Beth Israel Hospital, 1601 Lowell Blvd., Denver, CO 80204, or phone 303-825-2190, Ext. 350. * We received a preliminary note to the effect that the 13th International Botanical Congress will be held in Sydney, Australia, in 1981. Anyone interested in receiving future mailings should send their name and address to: Dr. W.J. Cram, Executive Secretary, 13th International Botanical Congress, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. * The Society for Industrial Mycology will meet in Houston, Texas at Rice University, August 13-18, 1978. Alma Dietz has organized an Actinomycete workshop for Aug. 12-13. Further information: Ms. Ann Kulback, Society for Indus- trial Mycology, 1401 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209. * --Roger Goos reports that New England mycologists held a very successful meeting at the University of Rhode Island on April 15, 1978. It drew amateur, professional, applied, and basic mycologists. Another such meeting will be held at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in April, 1979. Contact Howard Bigelow for details. * Sandra Anagnostakis reports that a symposium on American Chestnut Research was held on Jan. 4-5, 1978 in Morgantown, W.V. More than 170 people from 20 states and two foreign countries attended. Proceedings of the meeting are available from Dr. Wm. MacDonald, 528 Brooks Hall, West Virginia University, Ylorgantown, WV 26506. * Orson Miller will lead a N.A.M.A. Foray to Sweden and Fin- land during August, 197'8. Contact Harry Knighton for details. * We have just learned that the Boston Mycological Club conducts forays throughout New England each week from July to October. For more information or membership forms contact: Boston hfycological Club, Patrick Peterson, Treas., 21* Tnman St., Cambridge, MA 02139. * The Second Annual Houston hfushroom Foray will take place in Texas, Nov. 2-5, 1978. Contact Dr. Cynthia Rogers, Houston Baptist University, Dept. of Biology, 7502 Fondren Rd., Houston, TX 77074. * The Judd Memorial Conference on Color Metrics, Sponsored by the Inter-Society Color Council, will be held in Williams- burg, VA, Feb. 11-14, 1979. Contact: S.L. Davidson, N.L. Industries, P.O. Box 700, Hightstown, N. J. 08520. * In conjunction with the Phytopathology meetings, a symposium on the Biology of Sclerotinia will be held Oct 29- Nov. 2, in Tucson, Arizona. Contact George -S. Abawi for additional informat ion, * On Aug. 15-20, 1978, there will be the Third National Ex- hibition of Fungi in Mexico City's Chapultepec Park. Further information: Dr. Lucia Varek, Dept. of Botany, Esc, Nac. Ciencias Biologicas, I.P.N., Apartadu Postal 26-378, Mexico 16, D.F., Mexico. NEW MYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH PROJECTS * Orson Miller and Arthur Linkins are initiating a study of the role of fungi as mycorrhiza formers and in decomposition in tundra in Alaska. * David Griffin is investigating the chemical ecology of Hypoxylon canker. * A monograph of the genus Trichocladium is being prepared by Mary Palm and Elwin Stewart. * The effect of oil shale retort effluent on communities of soil microfungi in Wyoming sagebrush grasslands is being studied by Martha Christensen. * David Largent is working on mycorrhizae of ericaceous shrubs and on mycorrhizal succession in white pines. * In R.L. Gilbertson's lab, Donna Goldstein is doing a cultural study of Inonotus arizonicus. * E.L. Schmidt is working on basidiospore production in vitro and using spore germination to investigate the efficacy of wood preservatives. * A revisionary monograph of the Arachnopezizeae is being prepared by --Dick Korf. * George Grimes says that the Colorado Mycological Society is sponsoring a Front Range & City Mushroom Project in the Fort Collins, Denver, Colo- rado Springs area. They will publish a booklet on fungi of this region. * As part of a project on utilization of crude oil by fungi from tundra soils, Paul Widden is working out the ecology of Trichoderma in forest soils. * A study of mycorrhizae in cultivated crops is underway by -H. -E. Bloss. * The North American Mycological Association
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