1 ArcelorMittal Orbit Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London, E20 2SS 0333 800 8099 www.arcelormittalorbit.com Entry without further payment Monday – Friday: 11.00 – 17.00 (last entry: 16.30), Saturday, Sunday & 从伊丽莎白女王奥林匹克公园中英国最高的雕塑——安赛乐米塔尔轨道上欣 school holidays: 10.00 – 18.00 (last entry 17.30). Times are subject to 赏伦敦激动人心的景象。游客可通过两座高速电梯进入观景廊,观看伦敦天 change – please check the website. 际线令人惊叹的全景,包括金丝雀码头、加纳利码头、亚历山大宫,一直延 Stratford 伸到温布利体育场。交互式屏幕和巨型镜子将天际线翻转和扭曲,离地445 步之遥,这些将使得您的体验非常独特。了解更多详情,请访问 Stratford www.arcelormittalorbit.com。 Stratford Normal Entry Price Adult £12.50 Child £7.50 | ZARC004 Thrill-seeker? Ride The Slide at the ArcelorMittal Orbit, the world’s tallest, longest, tunnel slide! On the day of your visit upgrade your ticket to include the newest ride in London for only £5 per person. Please note availability is limited and upgrades for The Slide will be allocated subject to availability, therefore cannot be guaranteed. 2 BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir 105–119 Brentfield Road, Neasden, London NW10 8LD 020 8965 2651 www.londonmandir.baps.org Entry to exhibition, “Understanding Hinduism” without further payment. Daily: 09.00 – 18.00 (last admission: 17.30). BAPS印度教寺庙是伦敦市中心印度传统设计及精致的印度工艺的代表作。 Neasden (Jubilee), Stonebridge Park (Bakerloo), Wembley Park 它采用5,000吨意大利和印度大理石及最精细的保加利亚石灰岩建造而成, (Jubilee) 上面的手工雕刻部分在印度完成,在两年半以前刚在伦敦完成组合。自其于 Bus 206 (daily) from Wembley Park. Bus 224 (daily) from Stonebridge 1995年开放以来,这一知名的朝拜胜地每年吸引游客400,000人以上。来 Park Station 吧,您会惊讶于其复杂精细的雕刻,有机会体验一场传统的印度教祷告仪式 或者了解世界上这一历史最悠久的宗教。 Stonebridge Park Station (20 minutes from Euston mainline) Normal Exhibition Entry Price Adult £2.00 Child £1.50 | ZSHR001 着装要求:不暴露的时尚休闲装;不得身着短裤或长度高于膝盖的短裙。入 场:对所有人全年免费。 3 Bicester Village Shopping Express 50 Pingle Drive, Oxfordshire, OX26 6WD 01869 366 266 www.bicestervillage.com/en/home/ Transfer without further payment For opening times, please visit website: 在比斯特购物村中,探索160多家顶级品牌精品店,每家精品店提供在推荐 www.bicestervillage.com/en/your-visit/opening-hours/ 零售价上最高四折的优惠。通过别致的购物快线®巴士服务可从伦敦市中心 直达比斯特购物村。享受村中的待客之道,包括免提购物和退税服务。美味 Guests get a 10% VIP Discount Card for use at Bicester Village. 的餐饮选择,包含有Soho House&Co和 Le Pain Quotidien餐厅的农家乐 餐厅和咖啡馆,可满足各种口味。有关品牌和开放时间的完整列表,请访问 BicesterVillage.com。 Normal Entry Price Adult £28.00 Child £20.00 | ZBV001 4 Chelsea Physic Garden Swan Walk, (off Royal Hospital Road), London SW3 4HS (Disabled entrance: 66 Royal Hospital Road) 020 7352 5646 www.chelseaphysicgarden.co.uk / [email protected] Entry without further payment Garden & Shop: 3 April – 2 November: Sunday – Friday: 11:00 – 18:00 这座伦敦最古老的植物园坐落于首都的中心,是鲜活历史的美丽绿洲。这里 (or dusk if earlier). Café: 11.00 - 17.00. Last entry: 17.30. Opening times 有多种独特的药用及珍稀植物,还有一座著名的咖啡厅,供应美味的午餐和 can be subject to change. Please check the website for any special events 茶点。这座花园在300多年间都是研究和了解植物及环境的场所,它包括欧 that may be happening and affect our opening times. 洲最古老的岩石花园、维多利亚时代的蕨类植物馆、可食用及实用植物花 园、药用植物花园和世界森林花园。 Sloane Square & South Kensington 170 Alight at Chelsea Physic Garden stop. 11, 19, 22, 44, 49, 137, 211, Normal Entry Price Adult £10.50 Child £6.95 | ZCHE002 319, 345, 360, 452 & C1 also stop nearby Victoria or Imperial Wharf Cadogan Pier Please check the website for the full programme of walks, talks, workshops and special events throughout the year. 5 Chislehurst Caves Caveside Close, Old Hill, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 5NL 020 8467 3264 www.chislehurstcaves.co.uk Entry without further payment Wednesday – Sunday: 10.00 – 16.00. Open every day during local school 您的脚下有几英里的神秘历史遗迹。距离伦敦市中心只有一小段路程,就是 holidays, except Christmas & New Year. 赫斯特洞穴了—超过20多英里的黑暗神秘通道,在赫斯特下方的白垩岩深 162, 269 处经手工打造。经验丰富的导游带您进行一个45分钟的灯光之旅,讲述德 鲁伊、罗马和撒克逊人的故事。您会看到在第二次世界大战期间著名的庇护 Chislehurst (30 minutes from Charing Cross) 所隧道、洞穴教堂、德鲁伊的祭坛、鬼屋,以及许多。 请注意旅行团在整点时刻准时离开。 Normal Entry Price Adult £6.00 Child £4.00 | ZCHI001 6 Cutty Sark King William Walk, Greenwich, London SE10 9HT 020 8312 6608 www.rmg.co.uk/cutty-sark Entry without further payment Daily: 10.00 – 17.00 (last admission: 16.15). Closed: 24 – 26 December. 登上世界上仅存的一艘运茶快船,听一听人们讲述在这艘真正的“海洋幸存 The ship operates extended summer opening times and closures may 者”上的生活是什么样子。在卡蒂萨克号闪闪发光的铜制船体下漫步、触摸 apply at times: please check rmg.co.uk/cutty-sark before your visit. 这艘船的原始构造、亲手为这艘船掌舵,感叹11英里长的绳索。这艘具有 177, 180, 188, 199, 286, 380, 386 重大历史意义的帆船建于1869年,曾经是世界上最快的帆船。 Greenwich Normal Entry Price Adult £13.50 Child £7.00 | ZCUT001 Cutty Sark, Greenwich Greenwich Pier Cutty Sark is part of Royal Museums Greenwich, the heart of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Admission to the National Maritime Museum and the Queen’s House are free – London Pass holders gain free entry to the Royal Observatory and Cutty Sark. Charges apply to special exhibitions in the National Maritime Museum. 7 Golden Hinde St Mary Overie Dock, Cathedral Street, London SE1 9DE 020 7403 0123 www.goldenhinde.co.uk Entry without further payment April – September: daily: 10.00 – 18.00. October – February: daily: 10.00 拜访这个活历史博物馆,了解在16世纪的冒险年代,乘着伊丽莎白时代帆 – 17.00. Closed: 24 – 26 December. 船在雄伟的大海上扬帆是什么感觉。探访被整体改造的Francis Drake爵士 的十六世纪旗舰,与船员互动,听他们讲述在金鹿号上生活的故事。 London Bridge (Northern, Jubilee), Monument (Circle, District) 17, 21, 35, 40, 43, 47, 48, 133, 141, 149, 343, 381, 344, 521, N21, N133, Normal Entry Price Adult £5.00 Child £3.00 | ZGHN001 N199, N381, RV1 London Bridge London Bridge City Pier 8 HMS Belfast The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2JH 020 7940 6300 iwm.org.uk Entry without further payment 27 February – 29 October: 10.00 – 18.00 (last admission: 17.00). 30 登上贝尔法斯特号巡洋舰,近距离观看这艘英国著名的战舰内部是如何运作 October – 25 February: 10.00 – 17.00 (last admission: 16.00). 的。勘察全部9层甲板,从曾在诺曼底登陆日开火的枪炮,一直向下,走到 London Bridge (Jubilee, Northern), Tower Hill (Circle, District) 海平面下15英尺的轮机舱。听那些曾在这艘漂浮之城上生活的人们讲述他 们亲身经历的那些充满英勇行为、真诚友情和冒险精神的故事,了解海上生 47, P11, 17, 21, 43, 48, 133, 149, 344, 501, 521, P3 涯。 London Bridge 访问iwm.org.uk 发现更多内容以及订票。 Tower Gateway Tower Pier Normal Entry Price Adult £17.00 Child £8.50 | ZHMS001 Enjoy 10% off in our shops, discount valid on full priced items only, some exceptions apply. Tax free shopping is available to our visitors. 9 Kew Gardens Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB 020 8332 5655 www.kew.org Entry without further payment Gardens, glasshouses & galleries open at 10.00 daily. Closing times vary 离中心伦敦不到30分钟距离,邱园(伦敦最大的联合国教科文组织世界文 – please visit website for details. Kew Gardens is closed on 24 & 25 化遗产)提供独特的外出体验。在巨大的温室里深入雨林或穿过十个气候 December only. Kew Palace and the Georgian Kitchens are open daily 带。沿着树顶人行道漫步,探索植物艺术画廊或踏入基尤宫—乔治三世国王 from 1 April – 1 October. 的家。蜂巢是一处突出蜜蜂重要性的装置,大边境行道展现了从春到秋美丽 花簇的缤纷色彩。 Kew Gardens (District, London Overground) – 30 mins from central London Normal Entry Price Adult £17.00 Child £5.00 | ZKEW002 65, 391 Kew Bridge (30 mins from Waterloo) Thames River Boats operates a seasonal service from Westminster Pier to Kew Bridge Pier 伦敦通票(London Pass)持有者应使用维多利亚出口的快速通道获得进入许 可。在礼品商店出示您的伦敦通票(London Pass)可享受10%的折扣。 10 The London Bridge Experience and London Tombs 2-4 Tooley Street, London, SE1 2SY 020 7403 6333 www.thelondonbridgeexperience.com Entry without further payment Monday – Friday: 10.00 – 17.00 (last admission: 17.00), Saturday & 伦敦桥体验与伦敦墓园不是一家博物馆或展览馆——远非如此。它是一种 Sunday: 09.30 – 18.00 (last admission: 18.00). Closed: 25 December. 教育和惊恐的组合。通过穿越伦敦历史的互动之旅,随便说说伦敦桥2000 年的历史,然后,那些更勇敢的游客,则进入墓园,您会在那里体验一个 London Bridge, Monument, Bank, Borough 痛心、可怕、吓人的迷宫。您要斗智斗勇了。 RV1, 21, 35, 40, 43, 47, 48, 78, 133, 149, 381 London Bridge, take Tooley Street exit Normal Entry Price Adult £27.95 Child £22.50 | ZLON007 London Bridge Pier 16岁以下必须有成年人陪同。残疾人通道 – 请到售票处咨询。消费£15.00或 更多时可在礼品商店出示您的伦敦通票(London Pass),获取20%的优 惠。 11 Shakespeare's Globe Exhibition & Theatre Tour 21 New Globe Walk, Bankside, London SE1 9DT 020 7902 1500 www.shakespearesglobe.com Entry without further payment Exhibition: 09.00 – 17.00. Globe Theatre Tours: November – February: 莎士比亚环球剧场是莎士比亚工作过的剧场的重建物,他的众多最伟大的 Monday – Sunday: 09.30 – 16.30. March – October: Monday: 09.30 – 16.30, 戏剧均是为该剧场创作的。展览探索莎士比亚和他生活过的伦敦。带导游 Tuesday – Saturday: 09.30 – 12.00, Sunday: 09.30 – 11.00. Opening times 的剧院之旅揭示剧院重建和运营的故事。门票包含展览的语音讲解——有 are subject to change. Closed: 24 & 25 December. 英语、法语、德语、意大利语、西班牙语、俄语、汉语普通话和日语版本 London Bridge (Northern, Jubilee), Mansion House (Circle, District), St 可供选用。 Paul's (Central) 敦通票(London Pass),您在酒吧和大堂酒吧的食品账单便可获得10% 45, 63, 100 to Blackfriars Bridge. 15, 17 to Cannon Street. 11, 15, 17, 23, 的优惠。 26, 76 to Mansion House. 381 , RV1 to Southwark Street. 344 to Southwark Bridge Road. Normal Entry Price Adult £17.00 Child £10.00 | ZSHA001 London Bridge, Cannon Street, Blackfriars Bankside Pier Please note - we recommend you visit early, between 09.00 – 10.30 to beat the crowd for a better experience. Groups of 15+ must book in advance or will be refused entry. 12 The View from The Shard 32 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9SG 0844 499 7111 (Monday – Friday: 09.00 – 17.30) Entry without further payment www.theviewfromtheshard.com 在800英尺(244米)的高度——相当于伦敦任何其他观景点的近两倍高 Daily: 10.00 – 22.00 (last entry 21.00). Opening times do vary on 度,游客可以体验伦敦市无与伦比的360度景观,晴天时可远眺多达65公 occasion and are subject to change. Please check website before visiting. 里。从我们的69层观景台欣赏首都伦敦的壮丽全景,享用从我们的酒吧购 买的香槟,与爱人在我们的户外景观台欣赏伦敦的著名地标建筑。通过我 London Bridge (Northern and Jubilee) 们的高科技完全交互式数码望远镜和多媒体指南探索伦敦的过去、现在和 43, 48, 141, 149, 521 将来,让游客以前所未有的方式体验整个城市。 London Bridge Normal Entry Price Adult £29.95 Child £24.95 | LONVFS01 London Bridge Present your London Pass to receive 1 glass of Champagne for £10, 20% off retail spends, £7 off the regular price of a premium photo book and free digital photo to all guests who have a picture taken. Children
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