Coach Kelleher Glee Club Sings Interviewed at Town Hall Page 2 Tonight Vol. 13 New York, N. Y., March 10, 1932 No. 18 West Virginia Beaten Bernard O'Connell At Fordnam Debater* GLEE CLUB TO SING AT TOWN HALL THIS Continue Undefeated Wins Fint Prize in EVENING IN NINTH ANNUAL PRESENTATION Oratorial Contest Coman, Dates and Martin in Brilliant Forensic Win Crowley and Tracey Tie for Over Southerners Second Place in Annual Affair Held March 2 The Vanity Debating Team, repre- senting the Council of Debate of Ford- The Annual Oratorical Contest wan ham University and composed of Jobn held In Collins' Auditorium on Wednes- B, coman, '31; Ralph O. Dates, '31, lay evening, March 2, at 8:15 p. m. and Edward A. Martin, 'J4, success- Nine Interesting speakers, skilled in fully defended the negative of the the art of rhetoric and strongly con- proposition, "Resolred: That Capital- vincing in their argumentation, to- ism as a form of economic organisa- gether with the fine music rendered tion Is unsound In principle," In their by the Fordham University Orchestra, debate with a team representing the furnished an appreciative audience Delta Sigma Rho Forensic Society of with a thoroughly enjoyable evening. West Virginia University, at Collins The outcome of the oratorical contest Auditorium, on Thursday evening, was the selection ol Bernard J. O'Con- March 3. nell '32, as the premier speaker ot the The representatives of the Southern evening, second place, ex aequo, be- Institution, John Havener, '33; Charles ing awarded to Patrick J. Crowley '32, Wise, 'S3, and David Glnsburg, '«», and Martin J. Tracey '32. The judges waged a stern" and bitter-light, which of the contest were Edwin A. Kane was to be expected from a veteran '13, A. M., Charles T. Rice '15, LL.B., aggregation of men of high scholastic and Edmond B. Butler, '16, LL.B. standing. SIXTY MEMBERS OF FORDHAM MUSICAL ORGANIZATION The Hon. Edward 8. Dore, LL.D., WHO SING AT TOWN HALL TONIGHT UNDER THE Justice of the Supreme Court of the Mr. O'Connell, in his speech entitled State of New York, acted as Chair- DIRECTION OF DR. FREDERIC JOSLYN. "The Cost of Sentiment," Bpoke on the proposed cancellation of the debts man of the Panel of Judges, while music lovers for many years, will also The Fordham University Glee Club cert. Practice took place last Sun contracted by the Allied Nations with John Lane, 'II, former Ddltor-tn-Chlet be included in the list ot presenta- will present its ninth annual concert, day afternoon, on Tuesday, as Is cus- the United States during the late war. of The RAH aad President of the tions. at the Town Hall, 43rd Street east of tomary, and yesterday at the Town He charged that such a cancellation Council of Debate during the laat This evening's performance is di- Hall. scholastic year, served as the Chair- Broadway, this evening at 8:30. Judg- would only inflict another burden on vided into four groups, one of which Although most of the preparations man of Debate. James P. Warren, ing from the sale of tickets a large will consist of three of the college the depression-struck American peo- A.B., Principal of Bryant High School, this year have been devoted to the ple. Those debts cannot be simply dis- audience is expected to attend the per- songs. During the Interval, between selections which are to be rendered and Chester Gerkln, A.B., LL.B., of formance, which Is one of the outstand- these groups, John F. Murphy, tenor, solved Into thin air. Their payment the University of Indiana, comprised this evening, the usual schedule of con- would ultimately be forced upon the ing events in extra-curricular activi- and Vladimir Svitak, '33, violinist, will certs at various women's colleges have tie other members of the Board of same people who had originally loaned be featured. Mr. Murphy has appeared been continued successfully. Several Judges. ties at Fordham. the money. The program prepared by Dr. Fred- at the Town Hall In the role ot tenor of these presentations will occur after There was a real clash evident in soloist on previous occasions, while the annual concert. Thus far the The title of Mr. Crowley's oration eric T. Joslyn, the director of the club, was the "Rod ot Pharoah." Russia, the Issues presented by both sides features several leading classical com- Mr. Svitak Is playing there tonight College of Mount St. Vincent, Good Mexico and Spain, the speaker assert- and for that reason It was a good positions which have been presented for the first time. Counsel College, Georgian Court Col- ed, are employing all their power and debate. Both factions agreed on theon the concert stage but recently for During the past week, numerous re- lege of Lakewood, New Jersey, and definition of Capitalism and on thethe first time. In addition several hearsals have been held by the Glee the Carroll Club of this city have been vast resources In an attempt to over- burden of proof. The team from arrangements particularly favored by Club in final preparation for the con-entertained by the Glee Club. throw religion. They would complete- Morgantown, however, claimed that ly expel the idea of God from the con- depression was Irremediable under sciousness of their people. This very Capitalism, being the result of the BUSINESS HEADS HAIL CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT MARTIN TRACEY, '32, policy, by which they seek material proet motive, resulting In a disparity success will be, however, the cause or fortune and great suffering on the SHEEHY APPOINTMENTSt. Vincent De Paul Organization WINS STATE CONTEST of their ultimate ruin. Without the part of the poor. Givet Essay Prize. conserving hand of Cod all ventures Mr. Martin was the flrst Fordham StUctti to Rtprtstnt New are doomed to failure. speaker, and after he gave definitions Fwihm Mm Rec*mme*i*4 Mr. Tracey, speaking on "Hitlerism," and the history of the case, he estab- , Political, An announcement has been received described this political system, now lished a complete disjunction between at the Dean's office of the annual prlte becoming prevalent in Germany, as Capitalism and Collectivism. Mr. OMt essay contest to be held by the Par- at Wmtkmgt- reflecting the last ray of hope In Dates then showed that under Capi- ticular Council of the Bronx of the St. the people of this war-ridden country. talism alone there is peaceful produc- John E. Sheehy, '02, President of the Vincent de Paul Society. It has been Martin J. Tracey, '32, Foidham's rop As an attempt to restore the pre-war (Continued on page «) Fordham University Club and flrst the custom of the Council to designate resentative in the National Oratorical Imperialism to Germany, it will reach some special topic of Interest to Cath- Contest sponsored by the Washington vice-president of the Fordham Alumni the same disastrous culmination. olics as the subject of the essays. This Bicentennial Commission, was selected Association, was appointed Sheriff of The speeches of the other contest- year It has chosen one of particular on Saturday evening, March 5, over (Continued on page 8) Edward F. Clark Win New York County on February 29 by Importance, "Ozanam, His Literary Ca- the contestants from thirteen other Governor Roosevelt, Mr. Sheehy was reer." Only students who are mem-colleges In New York State, to repre- Prep School Contest endorsed for the position by many bers of the Conference of St. Vincent sent the State In the finals to be held Five Pliyi Selected men prominent in the world of busi- de Paul of St. John the Almoner ot next month in Washington, D. C. The Fordham University are eligible to State eliminations were held in the For Froth One-Adi ness, among whom were Jamea W. submit essays. Hit* School Orators Gerard, former Ambassador to Ger- auditorium of the Twenty-third Street The rules of the contest are as fol- Building of the College of the City of Bow to Fordhasn Speaker. many; William J. Pedrick, President lows: (1) The essay Is to consist of New York. Mimes Announce Plays for of the Fifth Avenue Association, and about 2.500 words, and must be type- Annual Contest. The All-Bastern Jesuit High School Joseph E. Illdder, publisher of the wrltton; (2) The essays must be hand- Second place went to Abraham S, Oratorical Contest sponsored by Ford- 'Catholic News" and several German ed In at the office of tho Dean by MayOuterman, of Yeshlva College, of New From the fcwenty^ljc scripts sub- liam University, held In Collins Audi- 1, 1932; (3) An assumed namo Is to York City, while Miss Mary Gleason language newspapers. torium last Friday evening, March 4, be signed to the essay, and the writ- of D'Youvllle College, Buffalo, was mitted to the officers of the Mimes and was won unanimously by the represen- Since his graduation from Fordham er's real namo must bo attached to the third. Tho first three competitors re- Mummers by Freshmen interested in Utlve of Fordham Prep., Edward F. Mr. Sheohy has been closely Identified esHay In a Houle<l envelope. The So-ceived mcdulft of gold, silver, and tlm annual Freshman One-Act-Play with Alumni activities. He was re- Clark. The speaker's thoughtful com- ciety has announced that tho prize will bronze, respectively, while all fourteen Contest, five plays were selocted which position and powerful delivery earned cently elected President of tho Ford- bo- a chei'k for twenty-live dollars, vvero awarded honor medals by the will Immodlately go Into rehearsal for him a popular victory.
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