lnforrnatidn For Hewlerr-PackardS Value-Added Businesses. August 1987 C' B Introducing the HP PaintJet Color Graphics Printer HEWLETT PACKARD Table of Contents Volume 6, No. 10 14 Desktop PARTNERS WITH HP introducing Gallery 2.0 - Enhanced Graphics Gallery Editor I VAR Dtscount\ Now Ava~lableon HP Drawing Gallery 2.0 - Enhancements in Tracy Wester Remarketed Equ~pment Detail I Refurbtshed Products from HP Now 12 Chart Types with Charting HP Channels is published monthly for Gallery 2.0 Hewlett-Packard's value-added busi- 2 HP's Quality Refurb~shrnentProcess Graphics Gallery 2.0 - A Perfect Partner nesses to provide you with information for Desktop Publishing about HP's products and services to How to Upgrade to the New Gallery 2.0 help you be more successful. PRODUCTNE WS Drawing Gallery Replaces HP Draw Gallery 2.0 Learning Products For further information on any of the Business Computers Selected Software Discontinued on HP 3000. products and services discussed in HP 3 Small Business Computing HP Touchscreen PC. and HP Vectra PC Announc~ngShipments of the HP 250 and HP Vectra Industrial PC and AT&T IWS -a Channels, please contact your HP sales HP 260 Performance Upgrade Comparison rep- Lotus 1-2-3 and Symphony Compatible with 3 Precision Architecture HP Officeshare Networking See back cover for subscription FastLane 3000. Plann~ngfor a Fast, Effic~ent New HP Vectra PC Technical Software information. Migratton Catalog M~grat~onToolset Releases on UB-Delta-4 HP-85 and HP-86 Computers to be Note: Not all HP computer products 4 HP 3000 Discontinued are sold and supported in all countries. Introduc~ngTurboSTORWV for Faster Peripherals Please check with your Local HP sales Backup ofice. HP 3000 MPE V Systems Support 23 Mass Storage HP 7979 and 7980 Tape Drives HP 35401 A Now Supported on HP 1000 Hewlett-Packard does not warrant the New Manual Set Ava~lablefor E- and F-Series accuracy of the information provided in HP MICRO 3000 and MICRO 3000XE HP 7978B and 7974A Tape Drives to Users Remain Available HP Channels and shall not be liable for HP 3000 Senes 111 Trade-In Promot~on Final Call for HP 79 14CT. 7914ST. 794 1 A, any use made of the information con- Remarketed HP 3000 Series 58 Bundle and 7945A Disc Drives tained herein. Information provided in Introduc~ngNetDel~verylV HP 91 21 D and 9 121s Discontinuance HP Channels is subject to change with- New October I Pric~ngfor Office Systems Rescheduled out notice. Order New Release of HP DeskManager 24 Networks before November Pr~ceIncrease HP Officeshare Network Replaced by HP On the cover November Office Product Obsolescence 'WnLAN for PCs -- Plans Announcing the HP 4972A LAN Protocol Resource Shartng PC Backup Availab~l~ty Analyzer kc-..--w---- - -8- ( 25 Printers - - Technical Computers HP Paintlet Color Graphics Printer: A New I1 HP 1000 Solution for PC Professionals Low-Volume HP 1000 Products Removed HP PaintJet Printer Software Matrix Lists from HP Pnce L~st Market Leading Solutions Introduc~ngSnapshoVl000 The RTE-A HP Offers Two Great Graphics Solution Perfonnance Max~m~zingServ~ce Packages Second Editton of HP 1000 A-Ser~es Computer Handbook Available Supplies Contro111000 Removed from HP Pr~ceL~st 28 Supplies 12 HP Precision Architecture1 New Approach to Electronic Forms: iPrint HP-UX HP Direct Order Phone Numbers 811- Graph~csEd~tor Now Ava~lableon HP-UX On August 3, 1987, Hewlett-Packard 12 HP 9000 unveiled the HP PaintJet Color Graphics HP SQL Now Ava~lableon HP 9000 Ser~es300 Printer. Already the product has received an TCPIIP for HP 9000 Senes 500 Now enthusiastic response from the media. 'Ihe Sh~pping 29 Software Packages Available and Wanted Paintlet Color Graphics Printer fills an Updated HP PCDS I. I Manual Set important niche for PC professionals who need high-quality NLQ text and vivid color Personal Computers for graphics. See articles beginning on page 13 Portable Lotus 1-2-3 Upgrade Now Ava~lablefor HP Portable PLUS HP Computer Museum www.hpmuseum.net For research and education purposes only. Please note other related articles in Have your HP sales rep give us a call VAR Dzscou~~sNow this issue. One describes HP's refur- to obtain our current price or if your bishment process, which results in price-sensitive customer needs equip- products being functionally and cos- ment not listed below. metically equivalent to new. Another provides information on a new program i Product No. Description 1 to upgrade any old HP 3000 Series 30. 33. or 111 customers you may have in (~r~t1l/>lil<~r.v 32542RR WP 3000 Series 42 (2 Mbytr. HP's value added resellers of busi- your installed base. Lastly. the remar- 2 GICs) ness systems can now obtain the same keted products available from HP are 32548BR HP 3000 Serics 38 (2 Mbytr\. discount for remarketed products that described. 2 GIG) they are accustomed to receiving on 315584R HP 3000 Series 58 (3 Mbytcs. their purchases of new products. Effec- 2 GIG) tive mid-July 1987, all remarketed 8.s.\ori<~.\ products offered by HP's Finance and Series 4X. 5X I Mbyte Remarketing Division (FRD) are autho- Memory rized for sai under the 'OEM' discount Series hX, 7X I Mbytr fvlemory schedules on the A- l and A- I V pur- Hewlett-Packard obtains used equip- chase agreements as well as 'LEVAR' ment from a number of sources includ- 3001 8AR ADCC. Main discounts (A-3L schedule). This means ing trade-in programs, demo and loaner 300 1 YAR ADCC. Extender that you can now obtain HP 3000s, inventory, and products returned at the 30240AK SNA Link peripherals, memory, interface cards, end of leases. The result is a cross sec- 3025 I AR BSC Link and related products for your customers tion of HP's product offerings. How- 3017 1 AR Point-to-Po~ntModem Link at the same discounted price as new ever. si!pply can be limited, especially 32 187AK X.25 Link if products have been recently intro- products. HP will even offer demo llisc. tlt-ilu>.\ development discounts on selected duced. The products described in the 7933HR 304-Mbytc disc drive equipment. following table are those that are usu- 7Y35HR 304-Mbyte disc drive ally available within a reasonable time 7945AK 55-Mbyte di\c drive frame. Remarketed equipment is available at 'lir/)rr1ri1.r.s prices 10 to 40 percent less than new. Call tor availability Historically, HP has used this second All of these products are fully refur- bished. so they are functionally and 7io-tniriol\ citltl PC,) tier pricing to win in price-sensitive 4571 IER Enhanced HP Portable PLUS sales situations. The remarketed option cosmetically equivalent to new. The ~ithn~ode~n has been used to win new HP cost for HP support for these products others Call fbr availability is also the same as the comparable new customers against DEC. IBM. Bur- Prit~~et.v roughs. Wang, and other competitors. product. 2932AR 200 ~psprinter The price savings and high-quality 2934AK 200 cps printer refurbished products have helped close 2563AR 300 lp~nprintel deals when a customer's equipment Ploffrr~ needs exceed his budget or when we 7586BR Drafting plotter compete against HP used equipment 7585BR Drafting plotter vendors. 7580BR Drafting plottcr 7440AR Worktation plotter Normal VAR discounts on remar- 7550AR Workstation plotter keted equipment are being offered in 7475AR Workstation plotter recognition of your increasing impor- tance to HP in recruiting and maintain- 7470AK Workstation plotter ing new customers. We want to make sure that you have all the tools to make you. and HP. successful. UALITY EFURBISHMENT ROCESS The result of the refurbishment pro- HP's Q R P cess is a product that is cosmetically and functionally equivalent to new. The goal of Hewlett Packard's refur- inspected and repaired. as necessary. Because of this. refurbished products bishment process is to assure that your Most importantly. the product is func- are sold with the same terms and condi- customer receives products that meet tionally updated (e.g. ROM replace- tions as a new product. This means that HP's standards of excellence in terms of ment. mechanical component upgrades. your customer gets the same warranty quality, reliability. functionality, and etc.) based on HP's service organiza- and eligibility for service at the same safety. Our remanufactured products tion notes and information obtained price as new. without any trial period or look like new, and are functionally from the original manufacturing extra service inspections. It also means equivalent to new. division. that HP pays for freight and insurance. 7i.51 - Remanutactured products are as well as site preparation and installa- The refurbishment process is con>- tested to assure mechanical and elec- tion, when included with the new prod- prised of four steps: tronic compliance with HP standards uct. Most importantly, the product is Each unit is tested on a standalone backed by the Hewlett-Packard Iric,oming In.sprc,rion - Age. condi- bask. and within the context of a Company. tion. and remanufacturing requirements system. are determined, and parts for the unit are ordered fincrl a.\;\etnh/y - Repainted or replacement exterior panels are attached A.s.sc~r,~h/y- Exterior panels are and the unit prepared for shipment. removed. accumulated dust blown out, and board connections and wiring are Ordering information 4526 l AH HP 250lHP 260 Perfomlance Upgrade. Includes a high- speed CPU board. I-Mbyte 32480.4 + 42B* FastLane 3000 RAM, OS 8.08 software on tape cartridge. user- 32480A + 42C FastLane 3000: System documentation updates.
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