CITY OF LONG BEACH Department of Development Services BUILDING AND SAFETY BUREAU MECHANICAL PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST PROJECT NO.: BMEC DATE: STATUS: PROJECT ADDRESS: WORK DESCRIPTION: INFORMATION APPLICANT’S NAME: TEL. NO.: E-MAIL: FAX. NO.: Your application for a permit, together with plans and specifications, has been examined and you are advised that the issuance of a permit is withheld for the reasons hereinafter set forth. The approval of plans and specifications does not permit the violation of any sections of the Building Code or other local ordinances or state laws. In an effort to streamline the plan review process, please follow the steps outlined below to ensure that there is no delay in processing your application and reviewing your responses to these plan check comments. • Comments with circled item numbers apply to this plan check. • Revised plans and calculations shall incorporate or address all comments marked on the original checked set of plans, calculations, and this plan review checklist. Provide a written response to each comment and show where and how it has been addressed. Identify the sheet number and detail or reference note on the revised plans where the corrections are made. Time spent searching for the corrected items on the revised plans or calculations will delay the review and approval process. Once all comments on the plans, calculations, and this checklist have been addressed, contact the plan check staff to SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT to review the changes made. PLAN REVIEWER: TEL. NO.: ADDRESS: 333 W. OCEAN BLVD., 4TH FLOOR, LONG BEACH, CA 90802 EMAIL: WEBSITE: www.lbds.info INSTRUCTIONS • Should you have any questions or need clarification pertaining to the comments made on your project, you may contact the plan check staff by telephone from 7:30 AM (8:30 AM Wed.) to 4:30 PM (M T W TH F). • Bring the original checked set of plans and calculations along with this checklist, your written response to the appointment meeting. Do not schedule an appointment meeting with the plan check staff until all comments have been addressed. You may also resubmit the plans without a recheck meeting at the 4th floor Development Services Center • We will ensure that the appointment meeting or re-submittal of the plans for recheck will proceed as expeditiously as possible. If an impasse is reached during the appointment meeting, you may request that the plan check supervisor be summoned for a 2nd opinion or to attempt to resolve and/or clarify the matter. • Major revisions to the plans that necessitate additional review time may be subject to re-submittal and additional plan check fees as authorized by Section 18.05.040 of the Long Beach Municipal Code. • Reviewed plans and/or calculations not picked up within 60 days of notice will be discarded. Numbers within the parenthesis ( ) refer to the section of the applicable code. 2013 California Building Code (CBC). Table (T). 2013 California Electrical Code (CEC). 2013 California Plumbing Code (CPC). 2013 California NOTE Mechanical Code (CMC). Long Beach Municipal Code (LBMC). Health and Safety Code (HSC). Mechanical Plan Review Checklist v1 Page 1 of 10 Updated 12/20/2013 www.lbds.info City of Long Beach Department of Development Services – Building and Safety Bureau, Plan Review Division Mechanical PLAN SUBMITTAL 6. Show the occupancy of each area. 1. Each sheet of the construction documents must 7. Show the intended use of each room. bear stamp, wet signature, registration number and expiration date of the Responsible Party. The 8. Show 120 Volt electrical outlets on the plans within Responsible Party is the Registered Mechanical 25 Ft. of all outdoor Mech. Equip. (CMC 309) Engineer, or Licensed Architect, or Licensed Mechanical Contractor (C-20). FURNACES 2. The address of the project and the name/address 1. Provide calculations for the combustion air. Show of the owner are required on the first sheet of the combustion air openings or ducts and sizes on the construction documents. Include the name/address plans. (CMC 701.0) of the registered design professionals and/or consultants on the construction documents where 2. Combustion-air duct shall be of galvanized steel. applicable. (CMC 701.11) 3. Provide the scope of work to be done on cover 3. Dampers are not allowed in combustion-air ducts. sheet. (CMC 701.12) 4. Two final set(s) of construction documents will be 4. Provide an elevation of the furnace: show draft required during permit issuance. Construction hood, vent size and type (E.G. double wall type B documents must be: vent, positive pressure vent etc.), clearances and a. Quality blue or black line drawings with uniform vent termination. (CMC 802) and light background color b. All required documents, wet signed by the 5. The vent shall be double wall type B. (CMC Table Responsible Party, shall be included on the 802.4) plans c. All required documents, wet signed by the 6. The vent shall be positive pressure type. (CMC Responsible Party, in 8-1/2” x 11” format Table 802.4). d. Max. 36” x 48" size with min. 1/8" lettering size e. Provide a complete and accurate Plumbing 7. The vent shall be sized in accordance with CMC Permit application 803.0 and venting tables 803.1.3(1) through 803.1.3(15). Show vent height offsets and diameter 5. Remove all plans, details or notes that do not on the plans. (CMC 803) pertain to the project from the final set of construction documents. 8. The vent termination shall be at least 5 feet above the vent collar. (CMC 802.6.2.1) 9. Vents shall extend above the roof and shall GENERAL REQUIREMENTS HVAC terminate in a vent cap. Termination point shall be 1. Plans shall bear the wet stamp with license number at least 3 feet above any forced air inlet into the and signature of an architect, mechanical engineer building located within 10 feet. (CMC 311.3) or C-20 licensed contractor (Chap. 7, Div. 3, Business and Professional Code, Art. 2, Sec. 10. Provide manufacturer brochure showing venting 6735.4)(Chap. 7, Div. 3, Business and Professional criteria for condensing furnaces. Code, Art. 2, Sec. 6735.4) 11. Vents shall not extend into or pass through ducts or 2. Show job address on plans. plenums. (CMC 602.1) 3. Plans shall be clearly legible, and at a scale no 12. Specify on the plans according to which table of smaller than 1/8 inch per foot. CMC Table 803.1.3 (1) through 803.1.3(15) the venting system has been designed. 4. Show equipment schedule on the plans. 5. Show roof access. Mechanical Plan Review Checklist v1 Page 2 of 10 Updated 12/20/2013 www.lbds.info City of Long Beach Department of Development Services – Building and Safety Bureau, Plan Review Division Mechanical AIR CONDITIONING in the main supply air duct of each air moving system. (CMC 608.1) 1. Show primary condensate drain piping on the mechanical plans. Include piping material and sizes 8. When duct type smoke detectors are proposed on the mechanical plans. Condensate piping shall show on the plans that the duct smoke detectors be sized in accordance with CMC Table 312.3. will be supervised by the building fire detection or (CMC 312.1) alarm system when the building is equipped with such system. (CMC 608) 2. Condensate waste shall connect indirectly to the 9. Show all fire and smoke rated walls and ceilings on drainage system through an air gap or air break to plans. (CBC 705 through 711) properly trapped and vented receptors, dry wells, or the tailpiece of a plumbing fixture. (CMC 312.6) 10. Verify with the Building Plan Check approved architectural plans all requirements for fire 3. Show secondary condensate drain (watertight pan) resistance-rated assemblies on this project. Please for cooling coils installed above the ceiling or in provide with the mechanical resubmittal, one copy furred spaces. The secondary drain shall terminate of the Building Plan Check approved architectural in a readily observable location such as outdoors plans for or a copy of the architectural plans that above a door or window or indoors above a lav or include all corrections addressed that are required shower. Show secondary condensate pans, by the Building Plan Check Division. condensate piping size and termination at a location where it can be readily observed. (CMC 11. Verify the resubmitted mechanical plans thoroughly 312.2) address all required fire protection measures (if any) for mechanical duct penetrations and air 4. Where condensate waste from air conditioning coils transfer openings through fire-resistance rated discharges by direct connection to a lavatory construction as determined by the approved tailpiece or to an approved accessible inlet on a architectural plans. Where there will be any bathtub overflow, the connection shall be located in mechanical duct penetrations of, or air transfer an area controlled by the same person controlling openings through any fire resistance rated the air-conditioned space. (CMC 213.5) assemblies; including but not limited to, fire barriers, fire partitions, exterior walls, shafts, 5. Show on plan duct materials and gauges. Materials horizontal assemblies, corridors etc., indicate on and gauges shall be per ANSI SMACNA 006-2006 the mechanical plans any required fire dampers, HVAC Duct Construction Standards. (CMC 602.1) fire/smoke dampers, ceiling radiation dampers, shafts or other approved protection methods as 6. The Heating and cooling duct system should be applicable in accordance with the requirements of sized in accordance with one of the recognized CBC 717 through 717.6.2.1. Show the specific methods of ASHRAE, ACCA or other approved locations for all protection methods on the plans.
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