B.L.KHAMIDULLIN “HISTORY AND CULTURE OF THE KRYASHEN TATARS (16TH–20TH CENTURIES)” (KAZAN: INSTITUTE OF HISTORY, TATARSTAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2017. – 960 P., ILL.): REVIEW Bulat Lironovich Khamidullin, Institute of Tatar Encyclopedia and Regional Studies, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 8 Puskin Str,. Каzаn, 420111, Russian Federation, [email protected]. In December 2017, the Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences successfully pre- sented a new collective monograph “History and Culture of the Kryashen Tatars (16th–20th centuries)”. The book is dedicated to the history and culture of the Kryashen Tatars, an ethno-confessional com- munity of Tatars. The work was carried out in the largest humanitarian research centre in the Republic of Tatarstan, Sh. Mardzhani Institute of History, under the supervision of the Member of the Academy of Sciences, Dr. R. S. Khakimov. All leading experts in the area of Kryashen studies in Russia took part in the work: historians, ethnographers, philologists, art historians and folklorists of Kazan, Mos- cow, St. Petersburg and Chelyabinsk. The authors of the monograph conducted profound research, thus, the publication of this book will make a significant contribution to the popularization of the his- torical and cultural heritage of the Kryashen Tatars. The book can be used not only for academic pur- poses, but also for the provision of methodological guidance in the development of national and con- fessional policies in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation, but addressing the issues of interfaith and interethnic relations. Key words: Tatars, Kryashen Tatars, Kryashens, Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, monograph, ethnogenesis, social and cultural development, ethno-confessional community. The work “History and Culture of the Krya- their identity. Under the circumstances this book shen Tatars (16th–20th centuries)” is a collective can play a positive role in the construction of an scientific monograph dedicated to the history and objective historical picture of the past of the repre- culture of the Kryashen Tatars, an ethno- sentatives of the ethno-confessional community in confessional community1 of Tatars. The work was the Tatar historical discourse. The publication of carried out in the largest research centre of the hu- the monograph “History and Culture of the Krya- manitarian profile in the Republic of Tatarstan, Sh. shen Tatars (16th–20th centuries)” is viewed espe- Mardzhani Institute of History, under the general cially significant as there are still a number of editorship of academician R. S. Khakimov. All works that give a distorted view of the origin of the leading experts on the Kryashen problem in Russia Kryashens and completely deny the role of the took part in the work: historians, ethnographers, Tatar component in their ethnogenesis. Recently, philologists, art historians and folklorists of Kazan, there have been a certain politicization of the Moscow, St. Petersburg and Chelyabinsk. Kryashen issue, attempts to introduce historical Until recently, in connection with a variety of myths, thus not only reflecting but imposing a sub- objective and subjective reasons, the history and jective view of the past on representatives of this the culture of the Kryashen Tatars were hardly ever ethno-confessional group. The publication of the studied. There were historiographical gaps in their collective scientific monograph undoubtedly con- ethnogenesis, ethnic history, educational move- tributes to elimination of subjective views and is ment, cultural and religious institutions, publica- viewed by the author as an argument to place the tion of written sources, etc. At the same time, the Kryashens as an integral part of the Tatar nation. relevance of the topic to the history of Tatarstan is The publication of the collective monograph on hard to overestimate. Today we can observe the this problem has a great academic and educational growth of ethnocultural and social activity of significance. Studying the historical and cultural Kryashen Tatars, the search for the foundations of heritage of the Kryashen Tatars is to increase awareness of the past of the multinational popula- 1 tion of the Volga-Ural region, the complex ethno- The Kryshen Tatars are viewed as “an ethno- cultural processes taking place among the non- confessional community of the Tatar people” in the summary and the text of the book under study. Russian peoples of the Kazan region under the in- 188 TATARICA: REVIEWS fluence of the Russian Orthodox Church and reli- ties of the baptized Tatars among elite military of- gious policy of the state. The scientific and practi- ficers of the Moscow state in the 16th–17th centu- cal significance of the topic is determined by the ries. It shows the role of Tatar baptized generations fact that the results obtained can be used to popu- in political and military events in Russia, gives the larize the historical and cultural heritage of the genealogies of a number of Russian aristocratic Kryashen Tatars as a common Tatar heritage, pro- families of Tatar origin. vide methodological guidance for the development The second chapter “Interfaith Relations in the of national and confessional policies in the Repub- Volga-Ural Region and the Christian Enlighten- lic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation, to ment of the Tatars in the 18th Century” (authors – write dissertations, manuals and monographs on Faizulkhak Islaev and Radik Iskhakov) covers the the history of the Tatars and other peoples of the period of the 18th century, which became a new Volga-Ural region, to address the issues of inter- stage in the history of the Kryashens. At that time, faith and interethnic relations. a community was formed of the Tatars converted This work is the first comprehensive academic to Orthodoxy during the socio-economic and con- research devoted to the formation and historical fessional politics of Peter I and activities of the development of the Tatars in the period from the New Covert Office. A separate part of the chapter second half of the 16th century to the end of the is devoted to the development of confessional edu- 20th century. The work reveals the main stages of cation among baptized Tatars in the 18th century. the formation of their ethno-confessional identity The third chapter, “Ethnosocial Processes and original traditional culture, shows the special among the Kryashens in the Second Half of the role of the religious factor in their consolidation. 16th and Early 20th Centuries” (written by Radik The monograph consists of a preface, a histo- Iskhakov, Damir Iskhakov, Rustem Aminov and riographical review, seven chapters, an appendix Irek Atnagulov), represents consolidation proc- and a reference. esses among baptized Tatars and formation of a The section “Historiography and Sources” stable Kryashen identity. The factors influencing gives a detailed analysis of literature, documents this phenomenon and the results are analyzed. An and materials on the history and culture of the important place is given to the problem of forma- Kryashens of the 16th–20th centuries. The author of tion of ethnoterritorial communities of the the section (Radik Iskhakov) shows the study of Kryashens and the reasons for the variability of certain aspects of the history of the Kryashens, as their ethnic history and folk culture. The authors well as historical gaps that require further explora- separately present the materials on the genesis of tion. The section guides the reader and researchers identities and demographic development of the through the variety of pre-revolutionary, Soviet Nagaibaks, distinguished from the bulk of the and modern historiography, archival and published Kryashens by the territory of residence (the South documents on the topic under study. Ural), their social status (belonging to the Cossack The first chapter of the book “Christian class) and the ethnonym rooted in their ethnic con- Enlightenment and Formation of Communities of sciousness. “New Converts” in the Russian State in the 16th- The fourth chapter “Religious (Orthodox) In- 17th Centuries” (written by Ildus Zagidullin and stitutions and the Enlightenment Movement of the Andrei Belyakov) is a profound analysis of the Kryashens in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries” early history of the ancestors of the Kryashens. (the author – Radik Iskhakov) highlights the key This section consists of two parts. The first part event in the history of the Kryashens that is the de- emphasizes the religious policy of the Moscow velopment of the religious and educational move- State in the 16th–17th centuries in the Middle Volga ment in the Modern period among the representa- region. It also provides the analysis of the course tives of this community. Through the work of Or- and the results of the Christianization of Tatars and thodox missionaries, in the 19th – early 20th centu- other non-Russian peoples of the region, the for- ries the Kryashens had their own written language mation of communities of “new converts” – the in Cyrillic script, a network of primary and secon- ancestors of the modern Kryashens. Using a wide dary specialized schools teaching in the Tatar lan- range of sources, the authors show the settlement guage, cultural mobilization was taking place, a structure of “new converts”, migration processes stratum of spiritual and secular intelligentsia was among them, and the role of the state in their sepa- emerging, which became the cultural elite of the ration from Muslim Tatars. The second part fo- society. The introduction of N. I. Ilminsky’s sys- cuses on the history of the formation of communi- tem led to an increase in the influence of Ortho- 189 B.L.KHAMIDULLIN doxy among the Kryashens, and their cultural and cant increase in their social and ethno-cultural religious organizations based on the church institu- movement is noted. tions were created. As a result of these processes, The seventh chapter (authors – Radik Iskha- the formation of a “high” culture began, and the kov, Nailya Almeeva, Gennady Makarov, Svetlana Kryashens became full subjects of world civiliza- Suslova, Yulduz Mukhametshin and Flera Bayazi- tion.
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