DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT Submission to Karnataka Pollution Control Board Parisar Bhavan, church street, Bangalore, Karnataka. Project Establishment of an Integrated Sugar Industry (5000 TCD Sugar Plant, 35 MW Co-Generation Power Plant& 65 KLPD Distillery) Project Proponents M/s. MRN CANE POWER INDIA LIMITED Project Location Kallapur Village-Kulageri Hobli, Badami Taluk, Bagalkot District, KarnatakaState Consultant M/s ULTRA-TECH Environmental Consultancy &Laboratory Unit No. 206,224-225, Jai Commercial Complex, Eastern Express High Way, Opp. Cadbury, Khopat, Thane(West) - 400 601 Accreditation Sl.No 93 of List A of MoEF - O.M. No. J-11013/77/2004/IA II(I) Dt.30.09.2011 Sl.No.153 of List of Consultantants with Accrediation (Rev.18) of Dt.05.03.2014 CONTENTS Sl.No Particulars Page No. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Purpose of Report 2 1.3 Intended Use of this EIA 3 1.4 Identification of the Project 3 1.5 Identification of the Proponent 6 1.6 Location and its importance 7 1.7 Scope of Study (TOR) 12 1.8 Chapter Conclusion 19 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Introduction 20 2.2 Location 23 2.3 Components of Project 30 2.4 Mitigation Measures (Brief) 47 2.5 Assessment of new and untested technology for the 49 risk of technological failure 2.6 Cascading Pollution 51 2.7 Proposed schedule for approval and implementation 51 2.8 Chapter Conclusion 52 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 3.1 Introduction 53 3.2 Material and Method 54 3.3 The Region & Eco-system 57 3.4 Study Area 67 3.5 Air Environment 69 3.6 Noise Environment 71 3.7 Ground Water Environment 72 3.8 Surface Water Environment 74 3.9 Soil Environment 75 3.10 Summary 77 3.11 Land Use 77 3.12 Chapter conclusion 91 4.0 ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND MITIGATION MEASURES 4.1 Introduction 92 4.2 Control Measures 93 4.2.1 Air Environment 93 4.2.2 Emission Control 93 4.2.3 Water Environment 103 4.2.4 Rain Water Harvesting 110 4.2.5 Soil and Biological Environment 111 4.2.6 Solid Waste Management 111 4.2.7 Noise 113 4.3 Traffic Management 114 4.4 Greening Drive 116 4.5 Occupational health care 117 4.6 Measures for minimization 120 4.7 Irreversible and irretrievable commitments of 122 environmental components 4.8 Assessment of Significance of Impacts 123 4.9 Integration 133 4.10 Chapter Conclusion 137 5.0 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES (TECHNOLOGY & SITE) 5.1 Introduction 138 5.2 Alternatives 138 5.3 Product 139 5.4 Raw Material Alternative 139 5.5 Technology Alternatives 139 5.6 Site Alternatives 143 5.7 NO PROJECT Option 145 5.8 Chapter Conclusion 146 6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMME 6.1 Introduction 147 6.2 What will be Monitored 147 6.3 Special Cell and Funds 149 6.4 Stake-holders and Stakes 150 6.5 Action 152 6.6 Success Indicators 154 6.7 Environmental Management Hierarchy 154 6.8 Chapter Conclusion 155 7.0 ADDITIONAL STUDIES 7.1 Public Opinion 156 7.2 Risk Assessment 157 7.3 Disaster Management Plan 158 7.4 Social Impact Assessment 169 7.5 Chapter Conclusion 171 8.0 PROJECT BENEFITS 8.1 Improvements in Physical Structure 172 8.2 Improvements in the Social Structure 173 8.3 Employment Potential 175 8.4 Other tangible Benefits 175 8.5 CSR 176 8.6 Chapter Conclusion 177 9.0 ENVIRONMENTAL COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS 9.1 Introduction 178 9.2 If Recommended in Scoping Stage 178 9.3 Voluntary Submission 178 9.4 Chapter Conclusion 179 10.0 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN 10.1 Need 180 10.2 Objectives 180 10.3 Chapter Conclusion 186 11.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 188 12.0 Consultants Engaged 197 LIST OF TABLES Particulars Page No. 1.1 Proposed Production 1 1.2 Salient feature of the project 9 1.3 ToR Compliance 13 2.1 Justification of Project 20 2.2 Location features of the project site 23 2.3 Land Utilization (Acres) 24 2.4 Proposed Production Details 30 2.5 Raw Materials & products 30 2.6 List of Existing Sugar and Distillery Units in Vicinity 31 2.7 Project Cost Break-up (Rs. in lac) 34 2.8 Bulk Storage Capacity for of Molasses and Alcohol 34 2.9 Funds for Environmental Care 35 2.10 Utilization of Steam and Power 35 2.11 Characteristics & Requirement of Fuels 36 2.12 List of plant-machinery 37 2.13 Energy Balance 41 2.14 Environmental Significance of Process Steps 46 2.15 Mitigation in Brief 47 3.1 Summary of Sampling 54 3.2 List of Plants 60 3.3 List of Birds 62 3.4 Wind speed 65 3.5 Summary of Sampling Station 68 3.6 Analysis Result for Air monitoring of 10 km radius area around 70 Project Site 3.7 Noise quality data 71 3.8 Ground water Stations 73 3.9 Surface water Quality data 75 3.10 Soil sampling data 76 3.11 Land use pattern in study zone 77 3.12 Heritage details 90 4.1 National Ambient Air Quality Standards, 2009, in ug/m3 93 4.2 Emission Control Equipments 93 4.3 Operating parameters of boiler (with APC Measures) 94 4.4 Data on Ambient Air Quality 99 4.5 Mixing height table 100 4.6 Predicted Ground Level Concentration 101 4.7 Resultant Concentrations Due To Incremental GLC's 101 4.8 Water Budgeting 104 4.9 Solid Waste per day 112 4.10 Summary of Hazardous waste 113 4.11 Minimization Efforts 120 4.12 Potential Impacts 122 4.13 Impact Attributes 123 4.14 Yardstick for Mark – Giving 132 4.15 Impact Matrix 132 4.16 Yard-Stick for Ranking 133 4.17 Integration Consideration 134 4.18 Attribute Ranking 136 6.1 Summary of Sampling 147 6.2 ETP units operation and monitoring 148 6.3 ETP Units Maintenance Monitoring 148 6.4 Environment Management Cell 149 6.5 Job of Environment Management Cell 149 6.6 Funds for Environmental Care 150 6.7 Environmental Ramification Points 150 6.8 Interface- This New Industry’s Administration 152 6.9 Monitoring Schedule 153 7.1 Work Environment Care 158 7.2 Organization Chart 159 10.1 Consent Compliance 183 12.1 List of Functional Area Expert 198 12.2 Laboratory Details 199 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. Particulars Page No. no 1.1 EIA-Users 3 1.2 Planning Programme 13 2.1 Old Methods 21 2.2 New Methods 21 2.3 Bagalkot Map (Political) with Rail and Road Network 26 2.4 Google Map of the Project Site 27 2.5 Toposheet with 10 Km study Area 27 2.6 Project Layout 28 2.7 Flow Diagram of Distillery Process 41 2.8 Flow Diagram of Sugar Process 44 2.9 Flow Diagram of Co-Gen. power Plant Process 46 3.1 Wind Rose 66 3.2 Topographical Map of the Study Area around Projects 69 Site 4.1 Mitigation logic 92 4.2 Flow Chart for waste water treatment 96 5.1 Simplified Flow Diagram 140 6.1 Structures 155 LIST OF ANNEXURES Sl. No Particulars 1. TOR Copy of MoEF 2. Plant Layout drawings 3. Company Registration Letter 4. (IEM) with Govt of India 5. Single window clearance obtained to draw water from Malaprabha river, vide 25th State from High Level clearance Committee Government of Karnataka dated 14/07/11 approved 6. Land purchase documents 7. Drainage Map of the study area 8. Land Use/ Land cover of the study area 9. Satellite Imagery 10. Digital Elevation Map 11. Contour Map of the study area 12. Air Quality Modelling studies CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION Contents of this Chapter shall be: Purpose of the Report, Identification of Project & Project proponent, Brief description of nature, size, location of the Project and its importance to the region and to the country, Scope of the study or TOR. 1.1 Introduction M/s. M R N Cane Power India Ltd., is an agro based Company with a proposal to manufacture sugar, power and allied products. The company proposes to establish 5000 TCD sugar, 35 MW cogeneration power plant and 65 KLPD molasses based distillery at Kallapur village, Kulageri Hobli, Badami Taluk, Bagalkot, Karnataka, hereafter referred as This Industry TI for brevity. The sugar unit generates large quantities byproducts viz. bagasse, molasses and press mud. To be economically and environmentally sustainable it is necessary for the sugar industries to convert these by-products into value-added products, and hence this is done. The plant is a new establishment. The raw material, molasses and bagasse generated from the sugar plant will be utilized in the proposed distillery and power plant, respectively. EC proposal was made on 17th December 2014, as per Notification 2006. Thus, Table No. 1.1: Proposed Production Details Sl. No Product Unit Schedule Category Production 1 Crystalline Sugar Plant 5000 TCD 5(j) B 2 Co-gen power 35 MW 1 (d) B 3 Alcohol Distillery 65 KLPD 5(g) A The Notification no. S. O. 1533 promulgated on 14th September 2006 has categorized, ≥ 5000 TCD sugar under category-B of schedule 5(j), 35 MW Co-gen under category-B of schedule 1(d) and 65 KLPD distillery based on molasses is categorized under Category–A Schedule 5 (g). MoEF, New Delhi has considered the proposal in the 32nd EAC meeting dated 20th -21st January, 2015. A letter prescribing 49 -point TOR Scoping dated 31st March 2015 (including both A & B categories of Industry as above) was received and accordingly draft EIA is prepared.
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