CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA CONVENCIÓN SOBRE EL COMERCIO INTERNACIONAL DE ESPECIES AMENAZADAS DE FAUNA Y FLORA SILVESTRES CONVENTION SUR LE COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL DES ESPECES DE FAUNE ET DE FLORE SAUVAGES MENACEES D'EXTINCTION Sixty-second meeting of the Standing Committee Geneva (Switzerland), 23-27 July 2012 Sexagésimo segunda reunión del Comité Permanente Ginebra (Suiza), 23-27 de julio 2012 Soixante-deuxième session du Comité permanent Genève (Suisse), 23-27 juillet 2012 List of participants / Lista de participantes / Liste des participants (Total: 313) Member / Miembro / Membre AFRICA / ÁFRICA / AFRIQUE Botswana / Botswana / Botswana MACHEME Abednico Department of Wildlife and National Parks P.O. Box 131 GABORONE T: 267 397 14 05 F: 267 391 23 54 E: [email protected] MOJALEMOTHO Charles Department of Wildlife and National Parks P.O. Box 131 GABORONE T: +267 395 30 10; 397 13 49 F: +267 391 23 54 E: [email protected] SEKGOPO Motsereganye Ministry of Environment Wildlife and Tourism Department of Forestry and Range Resources P.O. Bag 00424 GABORONE T: +267 591 06 17 / 631 F: +267 591 06 16 E: [email protected] List of participants / Lista de participantes / Liste des participants (SC62) Printed on 17.08.2012 - page: 1 Botswana / Botswana / Botswana TAOLO Cyril Department of Wildlife and National Parks P.O. Box 131 GABORONE T: +267 319 10 48 F: +267 391 23 54 E: [email protected] Democratic Republic of the Congo / República Democrática del Congo / République démocratique du Congo AMBA NSANGO Clemence Service de la Conservation de la Nature 7ème Rue Limete Q. Industriel n° 17 Commune de Limete KINSHASA-GOMBE E: [email protected] BUSSY EWOSSO Alain Directeur de Cabinet Ministère de l'Environnement KINSHASA E: [email protected] EWONGO MOGUO Donat Conseiller chargé de Recettes Ministère de l'Environnement, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme 15, avenue Papa Iléo (ex-des Cliniques) KINSHASA T: +243 812 35 41 63 E: [email protected] MUAMBA KANDA Léonard Directeur Chef de Service de la Conservation de la Nature 7ème Rue Limete Q. Industriel n° 17 Commune de Limete KINSHASA-GOMBE E: [email protected] NGUMI AMURI Augustin Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN) 13, Avenue des Cliniques, B.P. 868, Kinshasa 1 KINSHASA-GOMBE T: +243 815 11 34 05 E: [email protected] Egypt / Egipto / Egypte FOUDA Moustafa Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) Nature Conservation Sector (NCS) 30, Misr Helwan El-Zyrae Rd P.O. Box 11728 Maadi CAIRO T: +20 (2) 524 87 92 E: [email protected] List of participants / Lista de participantes / Liste des participants (SC62) Printed on 17.08.2012 - page: 2 Egypt / Egipto / Egypte MAHMOUD Fatma Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Head of the Egyptian Management Authority for CITES and Standing Committee Egyptian Wildlife Service Giza Zoo GIZA T: +20 (2) 774 04 44 F: +20 (2) 572 76 12 E: [email protected], [email protected] TOMA Ragy F. General Manager of Wildlife Department General Organization of Veterinary Services CITES Management Authority of Egypt Giza Zoological Garden GIZA, 11211 T: +20 (2) 35 70 19 00 F: +20 (2) 35 70 19 00 E: [email protected] Uganda / Uganda / Ouganda AMANYA Samuel Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) Plot 7, Kira Road Kamwokya P.O. Box 3530 KAMPALA T: +236 414 35 50 00 F: +236 414 34 62 91 E: [email protected] LUTALO James Commissioner for Wildlife Conservation Department of Wildlife Conservation National Focal Point under the CITES Management Authority Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage P.O. Box 4241 Kampala T: +236 414 31 42 21 F: +236 414 34 12 47 E: [email protected] TUMWESIGYE Charles Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) Plot 7, Kira Road, Kamwokya P.O. Box 3530 KAMPALA T: +256 414 35 50 00 F: +256 414 34 62 91 E: [email protected] ASIA / ASIE Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Irán (República Islámica del) / Iran (République islamique d') MOBARAKI Asghar Office of Biodiversity and Wildlife Department of the Environment Pardisan Eco-Park Shahid Hemmat Highway P.O. Box 14155-7383 TEHRAN T: +98 (21) 88 26 92 93 E: [email protected] List of participants / Lista de participantes / Liste des participants (SC62) Printed on 17.08.2012 - page: 3 Japan / Japón / Japon ARAMAKI Marisa Wildlife Division Nature Conservation Bureau Ministry of the Environment 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku TOKYO 100-8975 T: +81 (3) 55 21 82 83 F: +81 (3) 35 81 70 90 E: [email protected] CHIBA Hideyuki Japan Wildlife Research Center 3-10-10 Shitaya, Taito-ku TOKYO 100-8676 T: +81 (3) 58 24 09 60 F: +81 (3) 58 24 09 59 E: [email protected] HONDA Yusuke Adviser Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations Office and Other International Organizations at Geneva 3, chemin des Fins Case postale 337 1218 GRAND-SACONNEX T: +41 (0) 22 717 33 24 E: [email protected] IKKATAI Katsuya Director Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku TOKYO 100-8901 T: +81 (3) 35 01 17 23 F: +81 (3) 35 01 09 97 E: [email protected] ITAKURA Kotoha Global Environment Division International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku TOKYO 100-8919 T: +81 (3) 55 01 80 00 F: +81 (3) 55 01 82 44 E: [email protected] KANEKO Yoshio Department of Environmental Policy Faculty Iwate Prefectural University 152-52 Sugo Takizawa Takizawa-mura IWATE-GUN,020-0193 T: +8 (11) 96 94 27 44 F: +8 (11) 96 94 20 01 E: [email protected] List of participants / Lista de participantes / Liste des participants (SC62) Printed on 17.08.2012 - page: 4 Japan / Japón / Japon KOYAMA Fumihiko Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku TOKYO 100-8901 Tokyo 1008901 T: +81 (3) 35 01 17 23 F: +81 (3) 35 01 09 97 E: [email protected] MAEDA Toru Minister Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Geneva 3, chemin des Fins Case postale 337 GENEVE E: [email protected], [email protected] MATSUMOTO Soichi Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku TOKYO,100-8901 T: +81 (3) 35 01 10 89 F: +81 (3) 35 01 67 93 E: [email protected] YAMAUCHI Makoto Assistant Director Resources and Environment Research Division Fisheries Agency Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 1-2-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku TOKYO 100-8907 T: +81 (3) 35 02 84 87 F: +81 (3) 35 02 16 82 E: [email protected] Kuwait / Kuwait / Koweït ALSALEM Shereefa Biodiversity Conservation Department, CITES Managment Authority, Environment Public Authority SAFAT 13104 T: 965 25 42 80 22; Ext: 328 F: 965 25 41 57 03 E: [email protected] CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN / AMÉRICA CENTRAL, DEL SUR Y EL CARIBE / AMÉRIQUE CENTRALE ET DU SUD ET CARAÏBES Colombia / Colombia / Colombie GÓMEZ HOYOS Antonio José Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarollo Territorial Calle 37 N° 8-40, piso 2 BOGOTÁ, D.C. T: +57 (1) 33 24 34 00; Ext. 2405 F: +57 (1) 332 34 54 E: [email protected] List of participants / Lista de participantes / Liste des participants (SC62) Printed on 17.08.2012 - page: 5 Colombia / Colombia / Colombie PEREIRA ARANA Martha Isabel Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Calle 10 N° 5-51 BOGOTÁ, D.C T: +57 (1) 381 40 00; Ext. 1637 F: +57 (1) 381 40 00; Ext. 2533 E: [email protected] VALENCIA Ivan Darío Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarollo Territorial Calle 37 N° 8-40, piso 2 BOGOTÁ, D.C. T: +57 (1) 332 34 00 F: +57 (1) 332 34 54 E: [email protected] Costa Rica / Costa Rica / Costa Rica CALVO DOMINGO José Joaquin Coordinator Nacional de Vida Silvestre Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación Ministerio del Ambiente y Energía Apartado Postal 11.384-1000 SAN JOSÉ T: +506 25 22 65 00; Ext. 312 F: +506 22 56 24 36 E: [email protected] Dominica / Dominica / Dominique PASCAL Lloyd Gabriel Director Environmental Coordinating Unit Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Fisheries Roseau Fisheries Complex Building Dame Mary Eugene Charles Boulevard ROSEAU T: +1 (767) 266 52 56 E: [email protected], [email protected] EUROPE / EUROPA Bulgaria / Bulgaria / Bulgarie VALERI Georgiev Chief Expert National Nature Protection Directorate Biodiversity Division Ministry of Environment and Water 22 Maria Louisa Blvd SOFIA 1000 T: +359 (2) 940 61 51 F: +359 (2) 988 59 13 E: [email protected] United Kingdom / Reino Unido / Royaume-Uni BAXTER Mark Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Zone 1/07c, Temple Quay House 2 The Square Temple Quay BRISTOL BS1 6EB T: 144 (0) 117 372 35 96 F: +44 (0) 117 372 36 32 E: [email protected] List of participants / Lista de participantes / Liste des participants (SC62) Printed on 17.08.2012 - page: 6 United Kingdom / Reino Unido / Royaume-Uni HAMILTON Clare Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) International and EU Legal Team Area 3A Ergon House LONDON, SW1P 2AL T: +44 (203) 258 05 33 E: [email protected] RIGG Caroline UK CITES Management Authority (Licensing) AHVLA (Animal Health & Veterinary Laboratories Agency) Temple Quay House 2 The Square Temple Quay BRISTOL BS1 6EB T: +44 (0) 1173 72 89 73 F: 144 (0) 1173 72 82 06 E: [email protected] SALMON Trevor Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Zone 1/07c, Temple
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