INVENTORIES OF COLLECTIONS OF ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LEIDEN VOLUME 7 MANUSCRIPTS OR. 6001 – OR. 7000 REGISTERED IN LEIDEN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY IN THE PERIOD BETWEEN MAY 1917 AND 1946 COMPILED BY JAN JUST WITKAM PROFESSOR OF PALEOGRAPHY AND CODICOLOGY OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD IN LEIDEN UNIVERSITY INTERPRES LEGATI WARNERIANI TER LUGT PRESS LEIDEN 2007 © Copyright by Jan Just Witkam & Ter Lugt Press, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2006, 2007. The form and contents of the present inventory are protected by Dutch and international copyright law and database legislation. All use other than within the framework of the law is forbidden and liable to prosecution. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author and the publisher. First electronic publication: 17 September 2006. Latest update: 30 July 2007 Copyright by Jan Just Witkam & Ter Lugt Press, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2006, 2007 2 PREFACE The arrangement of the present volume of the Inventories of Oriental manuscripts in Leiden University Library does not differ in any specific way from the volumes which have been published earlier (vols. 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 20, 22 and 25). For the sake of brevity I refer to my prefaces in those volumes. A few essentials my be repeated here. Not all manuscripts mentioned in the present volume were viewed by autopsy. The sheer number of manuscripts makes this impossible. At a later stage this may be achieved, but trying to achieve this at the present stage of inventorizing would seriously hamper the progress of the present project. When a manuscript was not inspected this can be seen from a simple typographical device. Whenever the indication of the shelf-mark is put between round brackets, I have not, or not extensively or sufficiently, inspected the manuscript, and its entry in the inventory is based mostly or entirely on secondary sources, be they published or not. These have, of course, always been indicated. When the shelf-mark is put between square brackets and preceded by an asterisk, this means that I have had the manuscript in my hands, at least once but probably more often, and that the description contains elements that can only be seen in the original manuscript. Such autopsy does not mean that I am, automatically, the author of all information given under that particular class-mark. The basic elements for each entry of the present inventory are: 1. class-mark, 2. language(s), 3. details of physical description, 4. survey of the contents, 5. provenance, 6. location on the shelf. Depending on the nature of the material, exceptions and divergences are made from this strict arrangement. The collective provenance of a series of manuscripts may be concentrated into a short text, preceding that series, without being repeated under each class-mark. When Dr. P. Voorhoeve in 1946 took over responsibility for the Oriental collections in the Leiden Library he found a great number of as yet unregistered manuscripts in the office of his predecessor, Dr. C. van Arendonk. The latter had not been able to cope with the enormous influx of manuscripts, and more in particular the materials in the Snouck Hurgronje bequest, which entered the Library in 1936. Working away this back log had a high priority for Voorhoeve, but that meant that not all manuscripts were registered in an orderly or in an exact chronological way. I end with an important note. Although the inventories which I am publishing here contain descriptions of public and private collections, which will no doubt profit of the existence of electronic versions of my work, none of my inventories has ever been made at the express insistence or by the specific demand of these institutions. The idea to compile such inventories, the invention of their structure, the acquisition of the necessary information from a multitude of primary and secondary sources, the way of publishing, all this is my idea and my work alone. It is therefore my sole property and I Copyright by Jan Just Witkam & Ter Lugt Press, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2006, 2007 3 assert the moral right of the authorship of form and content of these inventories, with reference, of course, to what I have said elsewhere about the method of compilation. Prof. Jan Just Witkam, Leiden, 29 July 2007 Interpres Legati Warneriani Copyright by Jan Just Witkam & Ter Lugt Press, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2006, 2007 4 INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LEIDEN VOLUME 7 MANUSCRIPTS OR. 6001 – OR. 7000 REGISTERED IN LEIDEN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY IN THE PERIOD BETWEEN MAY 1917 AND 1946 Continuation of the C.A. van Ophuijsen Collection (Or. 5823 - Or. 6121) Collection of, mostly Malay, Minangkabau and Batak manuscripts, brought together by Professor C.A. van Ophuijsen (1854-1917). Presented to the library by his widow in May 1917. See on C.A. van Ophuijsen’s life and work C. Snouck Hurgronje, ‘Levensbericht van C.A. van Ophuijsen’, in Verspreide geschriften 6 (1927), pp. 421-434 (reprinted from Levensberichten van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leiden 1916-1917, Leiden 1917, pp. 87 ff.). Or. 6901, below, is most probably also from his collection. See for the collection of MSS of his father, J.A.W. van Ophuijsen, Or. 12.123 - Or. 12.282, below. Or. 6001 Malay, paper, 28 ff., Latin script, copied by Soetan Ibrahim (?) at Padang, exercise book. Pada menjatakan toeroen mandi anak di Padang. The text, ff. 1v-8r, deals with the ceremony of bathing babies. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 267, No. 686, where there is an erroneous reference to Or. 6000. Text from T. Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 268 (No. 607), was used for the present description. ¶ See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 266, No. 678, where there is an erroneous reference to Or. 6001. This should be to Or. 6002, below. (in Mal. 1197) Or. 6002 Malay, paper, 28 ff., Latin script, copied by Soetan Sarif, exercise book. Dari hal orang kawin di Kota-Gedang. The text, ff. 1v-27v, deals with marriage ceremonies at Kota Gedang. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 266, No. 678, where there is an erroneous reference to Or. 6001. Text in T. Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 269 (No. 608), was used for the present description. ¶ See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 267, No. 686, where there is an erroneous reference to Or. 6002. This should be to Or. 6003, below. (in Mal. 1197) Or. 6003 Malay, paper, 18 ff., Latin script, dated 4 September 1896, copied by Pada Soetan and Arif at Sijunjung, exercise book. Dari hal anak perampoean sedjak beroemoer lima tahoen sampai beranak saorang di Copyright by Jan Just Witkam & Ter Lugt Press, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2006, 2007 5 negeri Sidjoendjoeng. The text, ff. 1v-9r, describes customs relating to girls from their fifth year up to their first confinement. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 267, No. 686, where there is an erroneous reference to Or. 6002. Text from T. Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 269 (No. 609), was used for the present description. ¶ See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 266, No. 679, where there is an erroneous reference to Or. 6003. This should be to Or. 6004, below. (in Mal. 1197) Or. 6004 Malay, paper, 20 ff., Latin script, copied by Soetan Ibrahim, exercise book. Pada menjatakan orang kawin di Padang. The text, ff. 1v-12v, deals with marriage ceremonies at Padang. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 266, No. 679, where there is an erroneous reference to Or. 6003. Text from T. Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 269 (No. 610), was used for the present description. ¶ See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 266, No. 681, where there is an erroneous reference to Or. 6004. This should be to Or. 6005, below. (in Mal. 1197) Or. 6005 Malay, paper, 28 ff., Latin script, copied by Soetan Sarif, exercise book. Dari hal orang beranak di Kota-Gedang. The text, ff. 1v-13v, deals with ceremonies around confinement at Kota Gedang. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 266, No. 681, where there is an erroneous reference to Or. 6004. Text from T. Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 269 (No. 611), was used for the present description. ¶ See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 266, No. 682, where there is an erroneous reference to Or. 6005. This should be to Or. 6006, below. (in Mal. 1197) Or. 6006 Malay, paper, 18 ff., Latin script, copied by a teacher, exercise book. Adat perempuan beranak di Matua. The text, ff. 1v-11r, deals with ceremonies in Matua, from pregnancy to the ceremonial bathing of the baby. It is a sequel to the text in Or. 6007, below. It is divided into: - 1. Adat perampoean hamil didalam negeri Matoea - 2. Dari hal memboeboerkan perampoean hamil' - 3. Dari hal perampoean bersalin - 4. Dari hal membawa anak toeroen mandi. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 266, No. 682, where there is an erroneous reference to Or. 6005. Text from T. Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 270 (No. 612), was used for the present description. ¶ See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 266, No. 680, where there is an erroneous reference to Or. 6006. This should be to Or. 6007, below. (in Mal. 1197) Copyright by Jan Just Witkam & Ter Lugt Press, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2006, 2007 6 Or.
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