VOLUME Vili. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C.5 NOVEMBER 3, 18/8. NUMBER 36. take it. As the self-restraint that makes one submit her phe wept and clung to him, and the result was the THE HINGES OF HELL. Bletamorphoses In Masonry. THE CAPITAL, to the unequal distribution of the good things of this signing of the discontinuance and release, with an agreement that they should be married within a few DeWitt Talmage continues tounlook the gates of All things except love change. And love is only PUBLISHED WEEKLY BT world is the result of experience, It follows that months. He told her that he had no money, and she hell, and flashes his lantern's light npon its hinges. lasting while it lasts. So It seems not unnatural that children, as a general thing, cannot be trusted with gave him the mortgage, he says, for the purpose o t He promises, does this pyrotechnic preacher, to dls- THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY .purchasing an outfit tor her and himself. He received differences appear in the ancient and fraternal open pocketbooks, nor accessible orchards, nor con- $2.200 for the mortgage, and paid the greater part of oount Francis Murphy and distance Moody and Sanfcey brotherhood of the Masons, disintegrating the solid 927 D street, Washington, D. e. venient melon patches, nor even tempting hen roosts* it for her benefit, principally to lawyers employed by in the professional line of seml-rellglous civilization. walls of the same. We say generally, for there are exceptions, in good her to defend thé first suft. Mr. Hunt, who had not made any visits lor sometime, reappeared the day He has been having a good time taking in the un- The mutability of Masonry is found in Franoe. In DONN PIATT, EDITOR. little boys', ordinarily too weak physically to be ag- after the release was given, and was again regular in godly city of Gotham, and now regularly mounte- 1771 the Ancient Grand Lodge ot that nation was suc- TERMS: Per year, (including postage,) 83.50; six gressive, and needed in heaven to serve as little his attentions. The only explanation the aunt vouch- banks to " large and enthusiastic audiences "—not ceeded by the Grand Orientptrad twenty-seven years angels. safed to give was that she would receive the attentions months, 81.50; three months, 75 cents—inadvance. of whoever she liked. Jackson told her the house was congregations. later the two were incorporated. Wars, revolutions, Single copies, 5 cents. A child, especially a boy, is a little animal; very not big enough to hold two men, and went away: While Talmage has no doubt been Imposed upon, dynastio changes and the downfall ot dynasties have ÜLUBÖ : Ten oopies to one address, 830 in advance sweet, precious, and all that sort of thing, but an by having many scenes changed upon him from the gone on since then, but the Masonic universality of with one copy free. Twenty copies to one address,835 animal all the same, and as reason develops training Boston Girls. real, he has seen sufficient to be able to give quite a catholic exlstenoe has been unshaken. In advance, with one copy free. Is necessary, and a whip is about the only thing that An amorous pen-driver of the Springfield (Mass.) dashing picture. Here is a specimen of his style in Recently, however, the Gran« Orient deolded on no will reach his inner consciousness. Children are not Republican thus pictures to us the beauties of Boston : describing the "gates of hell:" longer recognizing the existence of a Deity in Masonic born, as was Minerva, from the brain of Jove, full of " The most Interesting possessions of Boston are no THE FIRST GATE. rites. This decision created great excitement In the SOCIAL GOSSIP. wisdom, armed and equipped. They come possessed doubt Its girls. There is no little fun made by the The first gate of hell to be mentioned Is Infamous society wits and the casual letter-writers about the literature. Anthony Comstock seized twenty tons of British circles, and the Grand Lodge of Ireland made of physical vigor only, and with the teaching training Boston girl, her customary Greek and Latin, her blue bad literature and plates and letter-press, and our the first movement, and severed all relations with the The Mother. is a necessity. As jails, penitentiaries and the gal- spectacles and stockings and her cheek-bones. If professor, Coobran of the Polytechnic, poured the aolds Masons of France. The Scotch and English followed A gentleman writing from Norwich, Connecticut, any one has taken these jests seriously let htm turn on the plates until they smoked in the righteous anni- lows are found necessary to restrain men, the rod is suit, and were Indorsed and Imitated by the Canadian says: saunterer down Tremont street, some fine afternoon, hilation. But still there Is much that the law cannot necessary to control children, that, the poet truly said, and be converted. There is worse food tor maiden reach, and it is scattered on your parlor tables and in Masons and some of the lodges in this country. " About three years ago J. De Trailord Blaokstone, are parents of the men. charms than baked beans and paradigms, and the east your family libraries, and your ohildren read It after son of Lorenzo Blackstone, the wealthiest resident of winds make the roses bloom and the eyes brighten. they retire at night, the gas-burner swingin&r as near The Grand Orient of France have now ottered a this city, and a nephew of T. B. Blaokstone, president Crim. Con. of a Village. There is no street in America like Tremont street for to the pillow as it is possible. Much of the literature proposition to their brothers in Great Britain and of the Chicago and Alton railroad, was married to the best American types of beauty. Anything volup is under the title of scientific information. One book America to meet tn council in Paris and reverse this Miss Liillle (Jsborne, who was playing in the Park The annals of a Western village, done by a pen of tuous or flamboyant, or on the other hand anything agent took one of these Infernal books, glossed with Theater in New York city. Mr. Blackstone, the hus- Dickens or Balzac, would be charming to read. It is blanched and etiolated, one seldom sees among these scientific nomenclature, and sold more than one hun- action, and are determined, if the Anglo-Saxon lodges band, took up his residence in an elegant house in girls ; but the fine, expressive, meaning-full of face, dred copies in one hotel in one day, and sold them all refuse to rescind their resolution, or refuse to attend the most aristocratic quarter of the city. A beautiful a little world in Itself, and develops, as provincial life with serious gray eyes, the outlook of a free, thought to women. boy was born, which is now about two years old. The ever does, all sorts of queer, quaint characters. ' We rul spirit, and the elegant, light, trim figure, dressed the proposed convention, to issue a declaratlsn of in- It is appalling that men and women who might get couple lived unhappily, and last winter Mr. Black- are told that character develops in accordance with with skilled grace and not to the extremity of fash- dependence, and assume power and exercise It, by vir- stone obtained a divorce from his wife, who then went Ion—these are common ornaments of that promenade. from family physicians all the healthiul lntormation tue of their separate seal, in the creation of branch to New York oity to live With her stepiather, Mr. Kid- its surroundings. Thus the mountaineers are long- There are not a few examples of what might be colled needed, and without any contamination, should wade der, who has occasionally visited her child in its Nor- legged and restless; the Inhabitants of the plain, fat, the 'aristocratic' type in Boston streets. Young chin deep through accursed literature for What Is lodges in the United Kingdom and in the United ' wich home since the separation. About a week ago women who look the inheritors of culture and family called useful knowledge, and that publishing-houses States. the divorced wife visited Norwich, and took the child lazy and conservative. All of which goes to prove traditions—and yet this is misleading. They may be that hoped to be called decent should lend their and its nurse to ride in her carriage. This morning that we are more dependent upon physical develop- all that, for there are a few old families left in Boston presses to suoh infamy. Father and mother, be not This convention will be one of the most interesting she arrived in this city in company with three men, ment than on the mental or moral. Or rather, to and thereabouts, notwithstanding the foreign domina- deceived with the words "medical work." Nine tenths ever held in the history of the world, as upon its re- one of whom Is her stepfather, a nd the others reputed tion. But they are almost as likely to be daughters of such books are from the caverns of the pit, though sults pivots the continued existence or certain de- New York detectives. This afternoon, in a driving state it more accurately, the mental and moral de- of the people—the first lrufts of democratic culture, they seem irom the New York and Philadelphia rain storm, she was driven with her escorts in a hack pends moro on the physical surroundings than aught Instead of the crown of generations." publishing-houses.
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