~1t==~======:=====, BULLETIN NUMBER SEVEN of the In this Issue: FROM MY CAVE NOTEBOOKS By ALEXANDER WETMORE TECHNIQUE OF CAVERN PHOTOGRAPHY By GEORGE F. JACKSON COMPOSITE OBSER VA TIONS ON CAVE LIFE By JAMES H. BENN CACAHUAMILPA CAVE OF MEXICO By VICTOR S. CRAUN • WASHINGTON, D. C. ~-I -~----~ BULLETIN OF THE NATIONAL SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Issue Number Seven December. 1945. 1000 Copies. 88 Pages Published intermittently by The NatioI].al Speleological Society, 510 Star Building, Washington, D. C., at $1.00 per copy. Copyright, 1945, by The National Speleological Society. EDITOR: DON BLOCH 654 Emerson St., Denver 3: Colorado ASSOCIATE EDITORS: DR. R. W. STONE, . DR. MARTIN H. Mm~1A" FLOYD BARL~GA OFFICERS AND COMMiTTEE CHAIRM.EN *WM. J. STEPHENSON *DR. MAR TIN H. MUMA LEROY \VI. FOOTE J. S. PETRIE President Vice-President TreaS1lrer Correspondillg Secretary 7108 Prospect Avenue 1515 N. 32 St. R. D. 1 400 S. Glebe Road Richmond. Va • . Lincoln. Neb. Middlebury. Conn. Arlington. Va. MRS. KATHARINE MUMA FRANK DURR W. S. HILL R ecording Secretary Financial Secretary The NEWSLETTER 1515 N. 32 St. 2005 Kansas Ave. 2714-A Garland Ave. Lincoln. Neb. Richmond. Va. Richmond. Va. Archeology Fauna Hydrology Publicity *ELOYD BARLOGA • JAMES FOWLER DR. ALFRED HAWKINS GEORGE M. BADGER 2600 Nash St. 6420 14th St. 208 Boscaron St. 1333!.f:z Ohio Ave. ArIing~on. Va. Washington, D. C. Winchester, Va. Long Beach, Cal. Records Bibliography ~ Library Finance Mapping ROBERT MORGAN MRS. BETTY BRAY LERoy W. FOOTE E. EARL PORTER 5014 Caledonia Road R. D. 2 R. D. 1 2602-3rd Ave. Richmond, Va. Herndon, Va. Middlebury, Conn. Richmond, Va. Other Board Members Bulletin ~ Publications Flora Memhetship "DR. JO E MORRISON DON BLOCH CARROLL E. Cox *SAM ALL'EN U. S. Nat. Museum 654 Emerson St. 7501 Hopkins Ave. 1226 Wellesley Ave. Washington, D. C. Denver 3, Colo. College Park, Md. Steubenville, O. ·· DR. R . \VI. ' STONE 3115 N. Front St. Commercial Caves Folklore Paleontology Harrisburg, Pa. GORDON CURRY " CLAY PERRY DR. ALFRED BURRILL "Florence \Vlhicley Hoover Co. East Acres Nat. Resources Museum 1630 R St .• N. \VI. N. Canton, O. Pittsfield, Mass. Jefferson City, Mo. \VI ashington. D. C. • George Dare Equipment ~ Safety Formations ~ Mineralogy Photography J599-A Quarrier Sr. *DR. R. J. HOLDEI'; HUGH STABLER ELTON BROWN Charleston 1, \VI. Va. 3719-35th St. Dept. Geology, V.P .. I. 6123 Broad Branch Road Mt. Rainier, Md. Blacksburg, Va. Washington, D. C. ·'Dr. H. \VI. Jackson 'Box 257 Exploration General Geology Programs ~ Activities Blacksburg, Va. WENTWORTH CART.!!I< *DR. CLYDE MALOTT DR. JAMES H. BENN "James Beard 477 Holly Ave. Dept. Geology, U. of Ind. U. S. Nat. Museum 36 Kenwood Ave., N. S. St. Paul, Minn. Bloomington, Ind. Washington, D . C. Pittsburgh, Pa. *1945 Board of Governors CONTENTS LISTED ON OUTSIDE ' BACK COVER . ,,~ .. .. IN THE NEXT ISSUE: Notes on Undeveloped Caves of Virginia, by William M. McGill; Caves of the Sewanee Area, by Henry T. Kirby-Smith; Formations in the Sewanee Area, by Harvey M. Tem­ pleton, Jr.; Portfolio of Carlsbad Cavern Photographs; and Caves of the British Isles, by Frank So­ lari and Robert E. Morgan; etc. PRINTED BY WASHINGTON COLLEGE PRESS, TAKOMA PARK, MARYLAND BULLETIN of the Number Seven December 1945 FROM MY CAVE NOTEBOOKS L'tlIldo Fourtcen cavcs located at varying dis­ By ALEXANDER \'V'ETMORE ':. tanccs from thc town. Mlny of thcsc caves· are unnamed, bur a few ". This ,rtide WlS lCtu,lI y , letter to Robert Morgln, luthor havc local designations. of "C,ves in World History," BulIl'1i1l N U1IIv /'r Fir" of t!l" N ,S,S, Ic s interest seemed so general, however, lnd the d:HJ so c:ncnsivc Ca vcs of Caguana. that its presentation as a special article in this iss ue see med entirely CueVl de bs Golondrinas. warranted. Cueva de 1a Ceiba, on Haciendl Jobo. The list of cavcs clrried in BULLETIl': 5 of rhe Speleo­ Cave on property of Don Gen 'acio T or- logical Society l1:1s bccn intercsting to me, as while nor ll10-ln important cayc for foss il s. a speleologist r hlve visited a good many (;1 \ ' CS, prin­ Ca yc on propcrty of Don Sex ro Llgo. cipall y in search of bats and othcr crcatlln:s , This San Juan RegionCucva de Fari; ncar Pueblo \'iejo-im­ moves me to after yeu the fo ll owing inforn1:1 rion on portln t for bats. caves in Puerto Rica which I note is omittd in your Cucn de Trujillo Alto- :I good b:lt recent list from tI·,c West Indies, cave. Dr. H. E. Anthony, in his "Mammals of Porto Rico, Piedr:1 dc Ia Cueva, O ld Loiza, home of Living and Extinct," publishcd in thc S~ientific Survcy Noctilio. of Port~ Rico and thc Virgin Isbnds, Volumc 9, Part 1, Quebradillas Two nameless caves. by the New York Academy of Scicnces, 1925, pp. 9 Ll(eS Cucva dc Pajita. and 10 gives the following information. Corozal Cueva dc Corozal-a b:H cave. LIST OF CAVES WHERE MATERIAL \ 'V'AS COLLECTED i\'lcrovis Thirteen ca YC S visited, eighr of rhem San German Cavc of Monte Grandc. nameless . Two Caves :It PCi10S Lejos. C ue\'a Lucerl. One unnamed cave. ClIcn de Achatillo. Only bats and a vcry fe\\' scraps of Cueva de Miguel. Isolobodon sec ured at Sln Germari. Cueva Clara- an important, cave. Cabo Raja Shell-mounds only; fragments of Iso lo- C ue va dc Catedral-:lI1 imporr3nt C:I\'e. bodon. Cayey An unnamed cave with many bats. Circlllll stallces be)'olld aliI' cO lltrol ba l"l' cOlllbilll d 10 "/Jill/V' BlIlIl'lill N lllllb('/" Sl'n 'lI lat c ill 1l1Iblicatio ll . It is to he boll N{ tbat ' t/x I"alll ,(: alld illtnl'st of t/x COII/{'lIl s, b01L'(,I '('/", will sO lll l'wbat lIIa/~1' 1111 for tbat facl, Alld for slI ch incougmities liS 11111.1' /)(' fall lid, bere 1I.lId Ibere, dlle to f/x \\7 Ill' ba~ ' ill!:!. terlllilllltl'd wbill' t/JI' IJIII,li­ r ation /l'a s ill l,rl'ss-bal'l' a good grill lit tbelll witb 1I S, ill tbe /woll'ledgr tbat , tbll ll/' God, it is all 0 1'(,1' , TI)(· EDITOR BULLETIN S EVE i':, N, S. S. [1 ] Page 2 B U L LET ' N N U :- 1 13 E It S EVE N T o summan zc res ults, it might be statcd t hat th e AGUAS BUENAS Utuado and thc Morov is regic ns wcre by all odds t hc J anuary 12, 19 12 richcst in foss il-bcaring caves. Bats were most :lbu ndant and varicd in spccics in t he Sa n J uan region . I n all , some The ca\'e was abou t two h u ndred feet above a va ll ey 54 ca ves wcre cx p lorcd. and ill a c li ff of w hite limcstone. T he ri ver t hat h ad fonned it was not run ning a lit in t he v al le y hav ing I am ~ i v in g you also t he enclosed information from fou nd a lower exi t. T hc cave itse lf was d ry as it my notcbooks regarding certain caves tlut I h ave v isited d raincd below, and I had hard work at fi rst to get enough m y elf on t hat is land. watcr for m y acct ylene li gh t. T herc were a number of long galle ri cs connected by narrdw passa geways. O ne CUEVA DE MOLLFULLEDA wa s so sm all t hat T could just w ri ggle t h rough by lyin g lEAR TRUJILLO ALTO, PU ERT O RICO dow n. Ba ts were common h ere bu t they were a II of one December 26, 19 11 specics, ArtibclI S ja lll ai cc lI sis. I sh ot about t hirty-scvcn T he CI V(' had a small opening in the sid e of the hill and a ll told ;Ind coul d ha vc gotten any n um ber of othcrs. descended almost vcrticall y for twen t y feet or m orc. A r T hey h llng sing ly or in bunches head down from t he the entrance was a rath cr large, well-lighted chambcr roof, and getting t hem w it h t he acctylenc li gh t was w ith dark lanes going off on ei ther sidc. The ceili ng was an easy m attcr as it t h rcw a brigh t circlc of li gh t from ten to t hi rty-five feet high, and h ad sm all c ircula r show ing everything . openings a f oot across and :t. foot or m ore deep, perfec tl y I n one pool of water i found a large crab t hat was cylindrical in shape. A sj:ream of water flowed t h ro u ~ h eating a b3t and t hough t it worthw hi le ta king as it was and t he tota l length was perhaps 200 feet; H eit hcr end in t he decpes t portion far from any li g h t. It h ad t he were c hanibcrs which were partia ll y open abovc. bat in t hc water and had eaten about half of it. It was well able to c li mb and might poss ibl y ha\'c capturcd the Immed iatcly on cntering I noti ced t he pec u li ar muskv animal itsclf.
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