E1046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 23, 2018 his successful high tunnel gardening tech- with constituents, conducted legislative re- At 4:18 PM, the craft settled down at an niques. He enjoyed working with the youth of search and learned a great deal about the angle of no more than four or five degrees on White Hill Church and Haven Acres Boys and United States Congress. I know they all have the right side of the Moon as seen from Earth. Girls Club teaching raised-bed gardening. He especially bright futures ahead of them and I From Tranquility Base, Armstrong imme- was a member of the Lee County Master Gar- look forward to seeing them build their pro- diately radioed Mission Control: ‘‘Houston, the dener’s Association and the Mississippi Minor- spective careers. Eagle has landed.’’ ity Farmers Alliance. He was a former 4–H All four of these impeccable interns have At 10:56 PM, Armstrong put his left foot to volunteer and Red Cross volunteer. made plans to continue their educational ca- the Moon. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me reers throughout the United States. I am cer- It was the first time in history that man has in recognizing Mr. William Clayton ‘‘W.C.’’ tain they will continue in their great success ever stepped on anything that has not existed Tucker for his dedication to serving others. and I wish them all the best in their future en- on or originated from Earth. f deavors. Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to recog- ‘‘That’s one small step for a man, one giant nize Delaney Devine, Will Sherman, Hayden leap for mankind,’’ Armstrong radioed. HONORING DENNIS GOTT’S LIFE Smith, and Jordanne Stobbs-Vergara for their Mr. Speaker, we gather here today not only AND INDUCTION TO THE MIS- service this summer. to chronicle the extraordinary voyage of Apollo SOURI GROCERS ASSOCIATION f 11, but also to remember the efforts of thou- HALL OF FAME sands of America’s brightest who stretched IN RECOGNITION OF 49TH ANNI- the bounds of human imagination with this ac- VERSARY OF THE FIRST APOLLO complishment. HON. JASON SMITH MOON LANDING, A SMALL STEP I am tremendously proud to say Houston’s OF MISSOURI FOR MAN BUT A GIANT LEAP very own Johnson Space Center, then named IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FOR MANKIND Manned Space Center, was pivotal in guiding Monday, July 23, 2018 the spaceships Columbia and Eagle to their Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE place in history. today to honor the late Dennis Gott of Salem, OF TEXAS Even after the Gemini and Apollo Missions, Missouri for being inducted posthumously into IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Houston has been the international hub of the Missouri Grocers Association Hall of Monday, July 23, 2018 manned space flight ever since. Fame. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Johnson Space Center scientists, engineers, Dennis was President and co-owner of recognition of the 49th anniversary of the first astronauts and other staff members have Town & Country Supermarkets and co-owner Apollo Moon landing. been tasked with controlling flights from and board member of Town and Country On July 20, 1969, the spaceship was a long Skylab and the Apollo-Soyuz missions through Banks. He is the second Gott family member way from home. the Shuttle program and beyond. to be awarded this honor. His father Wayne Blasting off from Cape Kennedy four days Johnson Space Center is the training base Gott founded Town & Country Supermarkets prior, Commander Neil Armstrong, Command and home for our nation’s astronauts and the in Salem in 1962 and was inducted to the Mis- Module Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Mod- site of Mission Control, where a talented cadre souri Grocers Hall of Fame in 2012. ule Pilot Edwin ‘‘Buzz’’ Aldrin had been hurled of flight controllers monitors the work of our Dennis began working at Town and Country from the cosmic shores of our orbit at an es- women and men in space. in the 1970s and took over as President and cape velocity of 24,200 miles per hour. Mr. Speaker, I remind this body that the CEO in 1999. Under his leadership, Town and With them were cameras, scientific instru- American space flight program is not merely a Country expanded to 21 locations in south ments, and the now famous three-by-five foot collection of scientific achievements. central Missouri, each one known for friendly U.S. flag to be planted on the surface of the I celebrate the legacy of Mary Jackson, customer service and active community in- Moon. NASA’s first black female engineer who joined volvement. They also carried two other U.S. flags—to the Langley Research Center in Hampton, Vir- Dennis loved the grocery store business, be brought back and flown over the houses of ginia in 1958. and he loved his family and community. He Congress—the flags of the 50 States, the Dis- Her pioneering work not only contributed im- was a member of the First Baptist Church of trict of Columbia and U.S. territories, the mensely to the success of the Mercury space Salem and served on the boards of Harris United Nations flag, as well as those of 136 program—the predecessor to Gemini and Baking Company and the Salem Airport Au- foreign countries. Apollo—but also to influenced the hiring and thority. His untimely passing in 2016 shook my But what they carried that fateful day was promotion of women and people of color in hometown of Salem and he is missed dearly. more than a collection of instruments and na- NASA’s science, engineering, and mathe- For his outstanding career and legacy as a tional symbols. matics careers. They carried the faith of mankind—of going loving family man devoted to his community, it Not only African American women were in- where no human had gone before. volved, but also men and women of all races is my pleasure to recognize Dennis Gott be- They also carried courage—not only the and trades—White, Hispanic, Asian, and Na- fore the United States House of Representa- courage that is the absence of fear, but rather tive American engineers, physicists, manufac- tives. the resolute determination to fulfill the national turers, mathematicians, physicians, divers, f destiny. And more than courage they carried hope— sailors, and thousands more. RECOGNIZING DELANEY DEVINE, Armstrong and Aldrin may have walked on WILL SHERMAN, HAYDEN SMITH, that despite the bloodshed and weapons of mass destruction that defined the Cold War, the moon, but all of America was with them in AND JORDANNE STOBBS- spirit. VERGARA humanity could stand together with bated breath for this new, brave step into the future. I celebrate the legacy of President John On the afternoon of July 20, at 3:08 PM Kennedy, who in 1961 in my home city of HON. MIKE COFFMAN Eastern, more than 200,000 miles away from Houston declared to the world that ‘‘We OF COLORADO Earth, Aldrin and Armstrong fired the lunar choose to go to the moon within the decade IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES module’s descent engine for the first time. and do the other things, not because they are easy but because they are hard.’’ Monday, July 23, 2018 While Armstrong flew the landing craft, Aldrin gave him altitude readings: ‘‘Seven hun- I invoke the words of astronomer and writer Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to dred and fifty feet, coming down at 23 degrees Carl Sagan, who eloquently wrote on the recognize Delaney Devine, Will Sherman, . 700 feet, 21 down . 400 feet, down at scope and audacity of the President’s procla- Hayden Smith, and Jordanne Stobbs-Vergara nine . Got the shadow out there . 75 mation: for their hard work and dedication to the peo- feet, things looking good . Lights on . ‘‘The Moon was a metaphor for the unattain- ple of Colorado’s Sixth District as interns in Picking up some dust . 30 feet, 2 1/2 down able: ‘You might as well ask for the Moon,’ my Washington, D.C. office for the summer of . Faint shadow . Four forward. Four they used to say. For most of our history, we the 115th Congress, Second Session. forward, drifting to the right a little . Con- had no idea what it was. The work of these young professionals has tact light. Okay, engine stop.’’ ‘‘We would use rockets not yet designed been nothing short of exemplary. During their When the 68-inch probes beneath three of and alloys not yet conceived, navigation and time in my office, Delaney, Will, Hayden, and the spacecraft’s four footpads touched down, docking schemes not yet devised, in order to Jordanne served as tour guides, interacted Armstrong shut off the ship’s engine. send a man to a world not yet explored—not VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Jul 24, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23JY8.018 E23JYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS.
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