SHORT COMMUNICATION THE ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF THE POLISH.CZECHAND THE POLISH.SLOVAK FRONTIER A. Krakowiak-Bal Agricultural University of Krakow, Poland of inhabitants and level of their incomes, the The economic potential of communes consists Íirst of all of: the professional activiý environment. The economic potential decides about local job market, level and kind of enterprise as well as condition of natural conversions concerning incrementation of production, economic development of commune or iegion. It stipulates the economic of economic potential of Polish communes lying near the employment and investments.The purpose of ttris articte is the diagnosis Opole Voivodeship, Silesia, Malopolska and Pod- south border. There were arralyredTO^ communes in 5 Provinces: Lower Silesia, the Polish-Slovak border. The communes are, in pre- karpackie. 47 communes lie ai the border with the czech Republic and 23 on chances of the development of these areas, is a uti- vailing amount, rural' mountain communes and less favoureá areas' one of the communes that have similar values ofnatural and lization oftheir geopolitical location, interregional cooperation with neighboring have to mean the border ofwell developing region' cultural heritage and the economic potential. The border ofthe state does not to offer specific level of services and has available an However, the commune in order to be an attractive paÍtner for others, has of communes there were used indicators applicable in adequate economic potential. In order to estimate the economic potential and their potential' pru.ti.. of structurai fund able to approximate the economic condition of regions Communes; Polish-Czech border; Polish-Slovak border border the participation of GENERAL CHARACTERISTIC S Along the Polish-Czech working in industrial and construction sector is formed to 80.1% in Gluszyca commune The analyzed communes occupy surface of 8843 km2 from7.5Yo in Branice and they are inhabited by 851 910 people. The average (Poland:29.2%). the employment in this section are deter- largeness of communes totals 126 km', and the average Changes of conversions which are performing aeňsity of the population l52 people/km2. mined by economic in the limitrophe areas. Despite this' The biggest commune tn analyzed area is Lutowiska from early 90s also where the participation of (Podkarpackie Province)' andthe smallest one is Zawidów on borderland occur communes is predominating and it is (Lower-Silesian Province). employee in industrial sector Cieszyn is characterized by the biggest density of the formed over 50Yo'. 80.1% population. its size totals 126'7 people/km'. Gluszyca 75.9% In this area, the participation ofpopulation in productive Bogatynia Piechowice 70.r% age totals on average 62%o of thewhole population (Table 1)' Zawiďów 59.8% LeŠna 59.0% 5',7.2% THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Mirsk Mieroszów 53.9% 52.0% Job market Nowa Ruda Pietrowice Wielkie 502% border with Slovakia, The disparity of working structure is revealed on However, in communes along the participation of working in industry construction fluc- a Polish part of frontier within the confines of individual to 79-8%o in Jelesna' provinces and communes. tuates from I.5% inKoscielisko Table L Basic characteristics ofresearched communes Density of the The participation ofpopulation tn Population AÍea population productive age (people) G-1 (person/km2) (% ofwhole PoPulation) average total average total average r52 62 All limitrophe communes 8843 126 851 910 189 62 Polish-Czech border 4664 99 622 60r lÍ1 60 Polish-Slovak border 4r79 182 229 309 SCIENTIAAGRICULIURAE BOHEMICA, 38, 200'1 (2): 10G-104 At the border with Slovakia, the participation of em- sector in employment did not su{pass 6% (Fig. 1) and it ployee in industrial sector is lower considerably with the was somewhat superior in communes at the Slovak border Polish-Czech borderland. Majority of communes is char- than at the border with the Czech Republic. acterized by employment in industry lower than 50oÁ. Also the level of unemployment shows the economic The progressing structural changes in national econo- potential of communes. Fig. 2 presents the largeness of my, also in economies of areas lying on the border, they rate of unemployment in all communes and in the region. cause, that changes follow in the structure of employment The highest unemployment ratio characterizes commune of population, on benefit of incrementation of parlicipa- Mirsk (39%) on the order with the Czech Republic. The tion of employment in services. lowest unemployment was shown in tr apsze NiŽne in Ma- On the Polish-Czech borderland, the biggest participa- lopolska Province at the order with Slovakia. The rate of tion of working in service sector is inKarpacz (90%) and unemployment is 4.8% there. Zebrzydowice (89%), and the smallest in Gluszyca It belongs to underline that the statistics captivate only (19.3%), Poland: 48.9%. the largeness of registered unemployment, omitting the In the Polish part of borderland with Slovakia, there hidden unemployment. Considerably, the greatest percent- were less people working in services sector in JeleŠna age of population remains without work. According to the (19.1%), during which the highest participation is charac- statistic data, the average participation of working in the terized in: Krempna (98.8%)' Košcielisko (93.6%),Bu- whole researched region has amounted to 14%o. Howevel kowina Tatrzafiska (92.1%), Lipnica V/ielka (92.2%). the ratio ofprofessional activity has totaled 5OoÁ average The role of service sector should grow in the structure in all 70 communes. On the Polish-Czech border - 50%, of the employment at industrial sector cost. The task of and on the Polish-Slovak 49'Yo. Polish government is determination of essential conditions enabling creation of new work-places in service sector, within the substitution of work-places lost in industrial and The structure ofsectorial €conomv agricultural sectors. On limitrophe areas it is important to take up the activ- It is difficult to indicate u p..ao-iru,ing sectoral struc- ity that suppofts the development of small and medium ture of enterprises situated on the limitrophe areas. The enterprises. enterprises include i.e.: plants of healy indushy, energy ln districts, where the development is predominated by sector and also trade, production oftissue, clothing, indus- the industry the problem of diminishing work-places try, ceramic, production of drink and nutritive articles. number is connected with a necessity of re-expansion of In general in 2004 in the limitrophy areas there were degraded agricultural areas. functioning 76 602 companies. Among these 95oÁ were That requires a great investment. The implementation private enterprises (72 426), atd 4167 were incorporated of principle of sustainable development seems to be par- in public sector (Fig. 3). ticularly important. Among the companies of public sector on the Czech Sectoral structure of employment indicates that inhab- border predominating is activiý related to attendance of itants of analyzed region find employment also in section: real estate (59.1% of incorporated enterprises) and the agriculture and forestry. The highest participation ofwork- educational activity (22.6%). ing in this sector was in commune Cisna (54.30Á), lying In the private sector predominates are: commerce and on the border with Slovakia (Poland 21 .9%). On average, repairs (34.8%), and the attendance of real estate (13.7% in researched communes, the participation of agricultural of the whole incorporated private concem). 100% 90% 80% 70% tr Agricultural sector D lndustrial sector 60% o Senice sector 50% 40% 30% 10% 0% Fig. 1. Working according to Czech border Slovak border economies sectors (2004) SCIENTIAAGRICULIURAE BOHEMICA, 3 8, 2007 (2): I 00-1 04 Fig. 2. The unemployment ratlo 16% 12% 8% 4% 0% Czech border Slovak border were Somewhat otherwise is formed the structure of activ- age, has totaled 127 in researched region. Its values at the Czech border to ity at the Slovak border. lt ís presented in Fig. 4. fluctuated from 51 in Krzanowice In the public sector predominate enterprises dealing 299 inZakopane (border with Slovakia). with educational activity (50.3%), however, among the The average value for the communes at the border with private concerns prevailing are: trade, repairing, hotel the Czech Republic was 129 and at the Slovak border 123. high economic trade and gastronomy. The investment index shows also the The enterprises in limitrophy communes act mainly in potential ofanalyzed region. It expresses participation of in general expenses of commune. For the sphere ,,commerce and repair " (30,2yo of enterprises). capital expenditures (for Besides, the often taken activities are: the whole region the average value is totaled 9|oÁ the Slovak-boňer 84oÁ). - attendance of real estate 143% Czech-border 94oÁ, and for - building 9.r% industrial processing 9.1% AND CONCLUSIONS - hotels and restaurants 8.0% THE RECAPITULATION - transpoft 7 .80/o The average índex of the enterprise, that shows the The present disparity of the Polish border and limitro- to develop- amount of private firms per 1000 people in the productive phy areas are inscribed in the greatest degree 60.0% 50.0% 40.0o/o 30.0% 20.0o/o 10.0% 0.0% roÁ ď "rď' Fig. 3. The economic ac- . ^\' tiviý in communes on tŠ^Š" Polish-Czech border ac- cordingto type and owner- ship sectors SCIENTIAAGRiCULTURAE BOHEMICA, 38, 2007 (2) Fig.4. The economic ac- 60.0% tivity in communes on Polish-Slovak border ac- cording to the kind and 50.0% ownership sectors 40.0% 30.0% 20.0o/o 10.0%o _šo .o\ r(o ^9ó . ^\' .p1'1Ťr:$$$5:'}::'""-s ('Š'^Š" ment processes in Poland, but also in some degree to de- can be also the base of development of new economic velopment processes of the neighbor countries. function. The economic potential on border with Czech Repub- Unfortunately, the one of weaknesses of the system of lic is little distinguished fiom the border with Slovakia.
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