KAMP,ALA CITY RO,ADS PROJECT PRELIMINARY AI\D. DETAILED ENGINEERING DE SI GN OF SEI*ECTED ROAD LINKS AI\D JUNCTIONS/INTERSECTI ONS T O IMPROVE MOBILITY IN IGIVIPALA CITY ENYIRONMENTAL A}ID SOCIAL IMPACT STATEMENT VOLUME I: MATN REPORT Submitted by: Kampala Capital City Authority EimI City Hall, Plot 1-3, Apollo Kaggwa Road ;{,i PO BOX 7010 Kampala-Uganda -.+- Tel: +256 204 660000, +256 474 581294 ffiCCA Email: info@kcca. go.ug i(rxPtlI c,[PtTtL crTY LUrtlontrY fe a futt'r Au MARCH 2017 lir$'heirbr* rnrd (t+oikrl .lf.rgt*rr:+1i{[, fhd$fi}ll }*h{fi.* }$d{.* tda "n fl+nrlulr ern: lillllts.l Cmifr rrLEr.uRsmrF+I .hqri$mfi [$, I rillv t li,rr:rdluitnbi Kutru t''r.rnr il.,aai.irr,, LiSl r\ Sps*.ratrrtr I lardrlr ]i lluhqrtr. l,ulnt"rntl Vr,tstld**r Eutih:gix r rt.r r.r rrrr i rr ,, :, '.r11,'i Preliminary and Detailed Engineering Design of Sele cted Road links and Junctions/Intersections to improve mobility in Kampala city: KIIDP' ,ruironmental and sociar rmpact statement March 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS..... I TABLE OF FIGURES VI LIST OF TABLES.. .......VII LIST OF PLATES........ ..... vrII LIST OF ACROIVYIVIS x EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......xII 7. CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 7 1 1.2 Punposs oF rHE ENVTRoNMENTAL AND Socrnl lrrllpncr ASSESSMENT (ESIA) ..,......... 1 1.3 OUECTIVES oF THE ESIA 2 L3.1 GeneralObjective. 2 1.3.2 SpecificObjectives 2 2 1.5 ESIAMrrHoDoLocy...,.......... 4 1.5.1 Literaturereview. .4 1.5.2 Stokeholder Consultotions 1.5.3 Field Baseline Surveys ,4 1.5,4 lmpact Significonce Assessment................. ....................,.....13 2. CHAPTER TWO: PROJECT DESCRIPTION....... ....................16 2.3 JuslFrcATroN FoR THE PRoJEcr 16 2.4 NATURE oF THE PRoJECT 15 2.6 PRoJEcr srATUs ANo ouRATtoN. ....,,....,17 2.7 PRoJEcrLANDREeurREMENTs............... ,......18 18 2,9.1 Project Equipment and materiols inputs ond outputs .......,...,. ..................,.18 2.9.2 Project equipment/Material storage oreos and Workers' accommodotion sites 19 2.9.3 Quorries ond Eorrow Areos......,......, ................79 2.9.4 2.9.s Runoff droinoge outlets ..,.. ........62 Preliminary and Detailed Engineering Design of Selected Road linlcs and Juuctions/Intersections to improve mobility in Kampala City: KIIDP 2 Enuirorunedtal and Social fmpact Statement March 2017 2.9.7 Construction woter sources ...................,.......62 2.9.8 Project 1obour................ 62 2.70 PRoJEcr AcnvtlEs 80 2.10,1 Generol project octivities... .......,................80 2.10.2 Pre-construction octivities.... .....................87 2.L0.2.4 Traffic and other data coilection 81 2.L0.2.5 Relocation of utilities (electric poles, water pipes, etc) .........82 2.10.3 Construction phase 82 Generalearthworks 82 Surfacing 83 2.10.4 Post construction octivities ...............,...,,...84 3. CHAPTER THREE: EXISTING ENITIRONMENTAL AND SOCIO'ECONOMIC CoNDTTIONS OF THE PROJECT AREA....... 85 3.1 PRoJEcr AREA AND GENERAL LAND usE.......... .85 3.2 Bto-pHysrcALANDSocto-EcoNoMTcANDcULTURALENVTRoNMENT., .85 3.2.1 PhysicolEnvironment 85 3.2.1.\ 85 Topography and Geology and soils 85 Hydrology and drainage... 88 91 Noise and Air quality 94 3.2.2 BiologicolEnvironment., 100 100 3,2.3 Socio-economic ond culturol environment 743 143 Population and Demographic Characteristics.,,.,.,..........,. ............,............. 147 Land Use and Land Tenure......,..... ........,..... 151 Economic Activities, Income Sources and Emp1oyment..,..,,.,.,,.,.,.. ..........., 151 Settlement Pattern, Nature and Type of Buildings ............. 155 Transport and Communication .............., ,.......,,.,,,,,..........,.157 3,2.3.10 Education 752 Preliminary and Detailed Engineering Design of Selected Road links and Junctions/Intersections to improve mobility in Kampala City: KIIDP 2 Enuironrncntal and Social Impact Statement March 2017 163 164 165 Tourism 155 Security 165 Non-Government Organisations....,...............,, 166 Planned development activities.,,...... L67 Archaeology and cultural resources........ !67 4. CHAPTER FOUR: ANALYSIS OF PROJECT ALTERNATIVES ............... ............. L7 4 4,2,1 No action (No project) scenorio ...................774 4.2.2 Povement moterial options......,.,. ..............,..L74 4,2,3 Moteridlthickness for high order roads... ......177 4.2.4 Traffic Accommodation...... ......179 4,2,5 Road clossificotion for Kayembo rood 1.80 4.2.6 Typicol cross sedions ..781 4,2,7 Geometric design e1ements................. ..........784 4.2,8 Design of Koyemba rood underposs structure...... .............787 4.2,9 Design options for the upgrade of Koyembo Road .........,.,. .....................190 Design option 1: Re-grading Kayemba Road under the Rail Line and Queen's Way...................................191 Design option 2: Re-grading Kayemba Road underthe Rail Line and Queen's Way...................................192 Design option 3: Re-grade Kayemba Road over the railway line and Queen's Way...................................192 4.2,9.4 Design option 4: Re-grade Kayemba Roadtoform an at-grade rail crossingand at-grade intersection on 4.2.10 Bridge design options 198 Bridge structure at New Port Bell Road 198 Bridge structure at Kayemba Road 199 4.2.11 Road lighting design options................... ......................202 5. CHAPTER FIYE: REVIE\T OF LEGAL ANID INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEVORK 204 5,1,1 The Nationol Environment Monogement Policy, 7994 204 5,1,2 The Nationol Woter Policy, 1999 ,,....,.,,.'.204 5,1,3 The Policy on Conservotion ond Monogement of Wetlond Resources, 1995.......................................205 5.1,4 Wildlife Policy, 7999.. 205 5.1,5 Ugonda Gender Policy, 2007.............. 205 5,1,7 The NotionalAIDS Policy (200a) 206 5.1.8 Notional HIV/AIDS Policy ond NotionalStrategic Plon (NSP) 2015/16 - 2019/20........,......................207 5,1.9 Transport Sector Policy ,.,',....,.,,208 5,1.10 Uganda Road Sector Policy Statements, Guidelines ........208 MoWT Guidelines for Mainstreaming Cross-Cutting lssues, 2008.... ........... 208 MoWT General Specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2005... ............. 208 The Uganda National Culture Policy 2006...... ........,............209 EIA Guidelines for Road Sub-Sector, 2008 209 5.2,1 The Constitution of the Republic of Ugondo .... ..................209 5,2,2 The National Environment Act, Cop 753 210 Preliminary and Detailed Engineering Design of Selected Road links and Junctions/Iutersections to imp.ove mobility in Kampala Ciry: KIIDP 2 Enuiroamental aad Social Impact Statement March 2017 s,2,3 5.2.4 5.2,5 5.2.6 The Survey Act 7964. .213 5.2.7 The Roads Act,7964 .274 5,2.8 The Access to Roads Act, 7965.............. .274 5,2.9 The Lond Acquisition Act, 1.965...... .214 5.2,10 The Historical ond Monuments Act, 7967 .275 5.2.11 The Occupotionol Sofety ond Health Act,2005 215 5.2.12 The Workers Compensotion Act, 2000... .....,....,............216 5,2.13 Petroleum Act, Cap 749 216 5.2.14 5.2.15 5.2.16 5.2.17 The Public Heolth Act, 1964. .217 5.2,18 Employment Act No 6, 2005 .218 5.2.19 The Penal Code Act...... .219 5.2.20 The Children's Act,7997 (CAP 59).............. .219 5.3 NATIoNAL REGULAToRy FRarraE woRr .2L9 5.3.1 Notionol Environment (Noise Stondords ond Control) Regulations,2003 .,........... .219 5.3.2 The Notionol Environment (Woste Manogement) Regulations, 7999.......,..... .........,....227 5.3.3 The Notionol Environment (Wetlonds, River Eanks ond lakeshores Manogement) Regulotion S.l No. 2/2000.227 5.3.4 The Notional Environment (Minimum Stondards for Dischorge of Effluents into Woter or Lond) 5,3.5 The Nationol Environment (Control of Smoking in Public Ploces), Regulotions 2004 ........,,.........,......222 5.3.6 The Environment lmpact Assessment regulotions, 1998 ............. ............223 5.3,7 The National Environment Audit Regulations, 2006........ ..,...,.........,.......223 5.3,8 The Woter (Woste Dischorge) Regulations, 1998.............. ...,,.................224 5.3,9 Woter Resources Regulotions, Sl No. 33/7998 ....,,............224 5,3.10 The Guidelines for Environmentol lmpact Assessment in Ugondo ......224 5,3,11 The Environmentol Audit Guidelines for Ugonda, 7999 ............. .........224 5.3,12 The Droft Nationol Air Quolity Stondords, 2006....... .....225 5.3.13 Ugondo Stondard Drinking (potoble)woter............ ......226 5,3,14 Employment (Sexuol Harossment) Regulations,2012 (5.1. 2072 No. 15) .......,,,.................,...,........227 5.4 MULTILATERAL AGREEMENTS 5.4.1 Convention for the Sofeguording of the lntangible Cultural Heritoge, 2003 ,....,...,.,.....227 5,4.2 UNESCO World Heritage Convention, 7972.,,........,., .,,......228 5.4,3 Rio Declaration (or Agendo 21).......,......... ..,,,............,.......228 5.4.4 The Convention on Biologicoldiversity 1992 (CBD) .,.........229 5.4,5 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Orgonic Pollutonts,.... ...,.......,.,..,....229 5.4.6 The Convention concerning the Protection of the World Culturol and Notural Heritoge (World Heritoge 5.4,7 The Africon Convention on the Conservotion of Nature and Naturol Resources, 7958 .....,...........,.....230 5.4.8 Strotegic Approoch to lnternotionol Chemicols Manogement,2006 ...,...,.... ................237 5,4,9 The United Notions Fromework Convention on Climote change (UNFCCC), 7992.............................,.23L 5.5 INTERNATToNAL /orveloRuerur nARTNERs REeutnEverurs aND GUtDELtNEs ......,...,...232 lV Preliminary and Detailed Eagineering Design of Selected Road links andJunctions/fntelsections to improve mobility in Kampala city: KIIDP ' ,nuitonmentar and sociar rmpact statement March 2017 5.5.1 Africon Development Bank Operotionol Sofeguards 232 Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01) 232 lnvoluntary Resettlement (OP 4.12) ......233 Natural Habitats (OP 4.04) World Bank guidelines on vulnerable people ...........
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