ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) October 2019 Proposed Development of Sustainable Scheduled Waste Treatment Center (SSWTC) at PT1682 Bukit Tagar Sanitary Landfill, Mukim Sungai Tinggi, Daerah Hulu Selangor, Selangor Darul Ehsan for Berjaya Alam Murni Sdn. Bhd. CHAPTER 6 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT 6.0 Introduction This chapter outlines the existing environment concerning the physical environment, land use pattern, socio-economic characteristics and human health conditions in vicinity of the existing Proposed Project site. The information serves as the background or baseline data on various aspects of subject matters in connection with the proposed scheduled waste management facilities. The existing environmental baseline is obtained from primary and secondary sources. Field investigations were carried out to supplement any insufficient of information for the study area. The condition of the existing environment of the project site and within five (5) km radius of surrounding area is further described in this chapter. The compiled data on the existing environment is regarded as ‘baseline’ environmental condition to assess potential environmental changes, if any that may arise during the implementation of SSWTC project. The discussion on existing environment will be based on the physical environment, human environment and baseline environmental quality at the surrounding area of the project site. Information provided on this chapter was gathered through primary and secondary information including site observations and monitoring, socio- economic and health assessment survey, desktop data search, abstraction of information from published reports and related agencies. 6.1 Zone of Study The zone of study is within five (5) km radius from the Proposed Project site called as the Zone of Impact (ZOI). All the sensitive receptors that is located within the ZOI is identified, analysed and reported in the form of five (5) km radius sensitive receptors map as shown in Figure 6.1 and listed in Table 6.1 based on the distance from the Proposed Project site. The identification process is through site visit to the ZOI, reviewing of Hulu Selangor Local Plan 2020, information gathered from engagement with authorities, satellite image by remote sensing and drone as well as Google Earth. The mandatory 5 km ZOI is divided into 0-1 km radius, 1-2 km radius, 2-3 km radius, 3-4 km radius and 4-5 km radius. The Proposed Project site covers a total area of 40 acres, located within the existing Bukit Tagar Sanitary Landfill (BTSL), Mukim Sungai Tinggi, District of Hulu Selangor, Selangor. The site is located ≈15 km from Bukit Beruntung and ≈50 km from Kuala Lumpur City Centre and can be accessed via the North-South Expressway (NSE) (E1), exiting at the Bukit Tagar Toll (Exit 119). An alternative route is via State Road B74 from Bestari Jaya. Report No: AMR.2019.BAM.EIA Revision: 00 Chapter 6 - Existing Environment 6-1 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) October 2019 Proposed Development of Sustainable Scheduled Waste Treatment Center (SSWTC) at PT1682 Bukit Tagar Sanitary Landfill, Mukim Sungai Tinggi, Daerah Hulu Selangor, Selangor Darul Ehsan for Berjaya Alam Murni Sdn. Bhd. LEGEND Proposed SSWTC Boundary Settlement Area Settlement of Bukit Tagar Estate Settlement of Nigel Gardner Settlement of Mary Estate Settlement of Minyak Estate Kg. Sepakat Public Amenities S.J.K (T) Ldg. Mary S.J.K (T) Nigel Gardner Scale: 1:900 m 2,700 m Source: Satellite Image from Malaysia Remote Sensing Agency dated 29th November 2018 Figure 6.1: 5km Radius Map for Sensitive Receptor Report No: AMR.2019.BAM.EIA Revision: 00 Chapter 6 - Existing Environment 6-2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) October 2019 Proposed Development of Sustainable Scheduled Waste Treatment Center (SSWTC) at PT1682 Bukit Tagar Sanitary Landfill, Mukim Sungai Tinggi, Daerah Hulu Selangor, Selangor Darul Ehsan for Berjaya Alam Murni Sdn. Bhd. Table 6.1: Distance of Sensitive Receptors from Proposed Project Site within the ZOI No. Sensitive Receptor Distance Category 2 km – 3 km 1. Kg. Sepakat ≈2.1 km 2. Settlement of Nigel Gardner Estate ≈2.5 km Residential Area 3. Settlemet of Mary Estate ≈2.2 km 4. S.J.K (T) Ldg. Mary ≈2.3 km Public Amenities 5. S.J.K (T) Nigel Gardner ≈2.4 km 4 km – 5 km 1. Settlement of Bukit Tagar Estate ≈4.1 km Residential Area 2. Settlement of Minyak Estate ≈4.7 km The location of Proposed Project site is strategic as it has 500 m buffer zone within the palm oil plantation surrounding the existing BTSL site. The buffer zone will act as a shield to minimise the environmental impact that may occur (if any) during construction and operation stage of the Proposed Project towards the surrounding sensitive receptors. Other than that, there are no sensitive receptors located within 2 km radius. The nearest sensitive receptor, Kg. Sepakat is located approximately 2.3 km to the North-West of Proposed Project site. Within 1 km – 3 km radius, the major land use within this ZOI comprises of oil palm plantation. The rest of the sensitive receptors is scattered to the east side of the Proposed Project site. Settlement of Nigel Gardner Estate is located 2.6 km to the North-East of the Project site while Settlement of Mary Estate is located 2.4 km to the South-East of Proposed Project site. Settlement of Bukit Tagar Estate and Settlement of Minyak Estate is also taken into consideration in this assessment although it is located slightly far from the Proposed Project site that is within 4 km – 5 km in radius. Figure 6.2 shows the SSWTC boundary within the aerial drone photo shown in blue dotted line. The Proposed Project site topography is generally undulating with ground levels ranging from Road Level (RL) 26m to RL 70m from the southern to northern side. The highest peak is located near the northern perimeter. Meanwhile, the lowest level areas are located towards the south next to the existing access road along the southern perimeter of the site, these areas are also the old sedimentation pond areas, which were used during the construction of Phase 1 and 2 of the BTSL cells. The east and west side are having lower peaks at approximately RL 49m and RL 50m, respectively. An advanced cell has already undergone safe closure and is now being utilised to collect methane from landfill gas. Methane is the main ingredient in natural gas. Because it can be captured from landfills, it can be burned to produce electricity at the Renewable Energy Centre (REC) under Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) program of Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA). Report No: AMR.2019.BAM.EIA Revision: 00 Chapter 6 - Existing Environment 6-3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) October 2019 Proposed Development of Sustainable Scheduled Waste Treatment Center (SSWTC) at PT1682 Bukit Tagar Sanitary Landfill, Mukim Sungai Tinggi, Daerah Hulu Selangor, Selangor Darul Ehsan for Berjaya Alam Murni Sdn. Bhd. Phase 1 and 2 BTSL Advance Cell Source: Drone Image taken on 29th January 2019 Figure 6.2: SSWTC Boundary within the Aerial Drone Photo shown in Blue Dotted Line 6.2 Physical Environment 6.2.1 Geology Regional Geology The geology of the regional area is characterised by recent alluvial deposits and prequarternary bedrock. The recent alluvial deposits are river alluvium and coastal deposit. Tin is found in the river alluvium. The coastal alluvium cover most of the country’s westline; extending from north to south of Batang Berjuntai. The prequarternary rocks are the most abundant geological formation over the area and can be described as comprising two (2) series; i.e. the calcareous series and the arenaceous series. The Calcareous Series comprise of limestone, phyllite, schist and shale with rare bands of mica- quartz schist, fine grained quartzite and chert. The rocks are also folded and foliated and dip moderately mostly between 45O to vertical (Roe, F.W. (1953)). Limestone was encountered at one of the soil investigation point outside the footprint area, which is located at the western entrance from the road state route B74 (Batang Berjuntai – Sg. Tengi). The Arenaceous Series are generally found over undulating country terrain as can be seen at the proposed landfill site and also over the proposed access road alignment. Rock types comprise of quartzite, quartz schist, mica schist, phyllite and shale. The rocks are generally folded and average inclination between 20O and 45O. Report No: AMR.2019.BAM.EIA Revision: 00 Chapter 6 - Existing Environment 6-4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) October 2019 Proposed Development of Sustainable Scheduled Waste Treatment Center (SSWTC) at PT1682 Bukit Tagar Sanitary Landfill, Mukim Sungai Tinggi, Daerah Hulu Selangor, Selangor Darul Ehsan for Berjaya Alam Murni Sdn. Bhd. The recent alluvial deposits are generally defined by the river and coastal alluvium. Coast alluvium is the most widespread deposit over the area; extending from the north to south of Batang Berjuntai. At the lowest alluvium beds, which are characterised by gravel and sand with minor clayey composition, tin deposit is found within them. Above the alluvial deposit are the superficial swamp deposits or peaty soil. Geology of Bukit Tagar Sanitary Landfill Area Geology of the proposed development area is characterised by two rock types, namely alluvial and hard rock. The alluvial deposit is generally formed by young alluvial deposit while hard rock is formed by the prequarternary deposit. Occurence of young alluvial deposit in the Proposed Project area is very limited and is mostly encountered in the stream channels. Source of deposition material is generally from in-situ. Some of the material is very recent, indicating sediment yield from soil erosion of the surrounding areas as the result of land development for the cultivation of oil palm.
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