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413 Index NOTE: Weeds are listed under their latin names, crops under their common names. Individual herbicides are listed under ‘herbicide’ and biocontrol agents under ‘weed biocontrol agents’. For a full list of weed control methods mentioned see under ‘weed control methods’. a Alliaria petiolata 284 herbicide resistance 183, Abutilon theophrasti 77 Allium spp. 390 184, 209 in horticultural crops 362 Alopecurus spp. 7 in horticultual crops 362 in Italy & Spain 71, 362 Alopecurus aequalis 76 in maize 71 seed germination 89 Alopecurus japonicus 76 Amaranthus albus 358 in Switzerland 297 Alopecurus myosuroides 5, Amaranthus blitoides 358 Acacia dealbata 220, 295 75, 121 Amaranthus deflexus 358 Acacia longifolia 228 ACCase resistance 63, 65 Amaranthus hybridus 77 Adonis annua 19 biology 16 in horticultural crops 362 Aethusa cynapium 360 in cereals 11, 67, 68 seed germination 89 agri‐chemical industry 17 climate change 52–5 in tomato 358 Agricultural Development competitive interactions 15, Amaranthus lividus 358 Advisory Service 52–5 Amaranthus palmeri 65, (ADAS) 15, 16, 17 eradication 20 77, 191 agri‐environmental herbicide effects 7, 156, Amaranthus retroflexus 77, 364 schemes 23, 135, 137 157, 166 biocontrol 223–4 Agrostemma githago 1, 3, 123 herbicide resistance 8, 52, in European cereals 69 Agrostis gigantea 15 184, 185, 191, 193, 196–7, in horticultural crops 367 Agrostis stolonifera 19, 393 198, 205–9 in maize 71 Ailanthus altissima 220, 295 in herbicide‐tolerant in tomato crops 358 Aizoaceae 296 crops 10 Amaranthus rudis 65 Albania 296 in horticultural crops 359 Amaranthus tuberculatus 65 Alectra spp. 314, 315 incidence 9, 15 ambrosia see Ambrosia Alertinf software 99 modelling 52–5, 98, 99 artemisiifolia alfalfa see lucerne COPYRIGHTEDnational campaign for MATERIAL Ambrosia artemisiifolia 55, 65, Alismataceae 184 eradication (UK) 15 271–3, 288–9, 295, 302 alkaloids 33 non‐chemical control 5 allergies 272 allelochemicals 251, 252, 329 seed germination 74, 98, 99 in Austria 288 allelopathy 2, 283, 366, seed production 87 biocontrol 220, 228–30, 272 397, 399 in winter wheat 4, 15, 39, in cereals 69 in invasive plants 284–5, 300 52–3, 76 control 272, 289 RNA interference 23 Amaranthaceae 184 distribution 272 selection for in crops 22, Amaranthus spp. 20, 77 EUPHRESCO 288 249, 368 biocontrol 222–4 in France 272, 288, 360 in trap crops 367 in eastern Mediterranean 76 in game cover crops 20 weed suppressive mulches 23 in European cereals 69 in Germany 288 Weed Research: Expanding Horizons, First Edition. Edited by Paul E. Hatcher and Robert J. Froud-Williams. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2017 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 0003112159.INDD 413 5/8/2017 6:18:00 PM 414 Index Ambrosia artemisiifolia (cont’d ) asparagus 356 competition and herbicide glyphosate resistance 65 herbicide use 371, 372, 374 effects 158 in horticultural crops 360 Asteraceae 295, 297, 358, 376 crop rotations 366 in Hungary 10, 69, 75, 288, herbicide resistance 184 herbicides 155–6 360 in horticultural crops 359 organic 248, 395 invasion 271–3 Atriplex patula 13 residues 248 in Italy 229, 288, 360 Australia 221, 228 with Sinapis alba 44 in maize 70–1 Biocontrol Act 1986 234 weed control 103 modelling invasion 55 herbicide‐resistant weeds in Denmark 9–10 pests in 361 weeds 185 yield loss modelling 44 pollen 272–3, 289, 290 invasive plants 295 barnyard grass see Echinochloa in Russia 229 Lolium rigidum herbicide crus‐galli seed contamination with 302 resistance 187, 200 barren brome see Anisantha seed germination 89, 303 parasitic weeds 323, 324 sterilis SMARTER 229, 288–9 weed prioritisation 278 BASF 17, 341 in Switzerland 64, 229, 272–3, Austria 216, 288, 296, 399 Bayer Code for weeds 76 279, 288, 290, 297, 302 automated cultivation 245–6 Bayer Crop Science 17 in wheat 10 Avena spp. 3 Belgian Biodiversity Ambrosia trifida 65 in European cereals 68 Platform 286 amenity weed control 259–63 herbicide resistance 184, 201 Belgium American willowherb see herbicides 7, 15, 165 aquatic weeds 275 Epilobium ciliatum (see also herbicide Belgian Biodiversity Ammi majus 358, 360 resistance) Platform 286 amphibious bistort see in horticultural crops 359 horticultural crop Polygonum cuspidatum incidence 77 weeds 359–63 Anisantha sterilis 5, 9, 16 in UK 15 invasive plants 275, 296 annual nettle see Urtica urens Avena fatua 77, 122, 124 invasive species website 63 Anthemis spp. 71, 358 in cereals 3 weed biocontrol 226 Anthemis arvensis 68, 359 distribution in Europe 67, Benin 325 Anthriscus sylvestris 300 68, 75 Bermuda-grass see Cynodon antioxidants 355 herbicide effects 7 dactylon Apera spica‐venti 67, 68, 75 herbicide resistance 197 Bern Convention 285 Aperetalia spicae‐venti 75 population diversity 121 Bidens pilosa 77 Aphyllon spp. 315 seed germination 89 Bidens tripartita 360 Apiaceae 295, 358, 360–1 Avena ludoviciana 77 Bifora testiculata 360 APSIM 341 Avena sterilis 3–4, 75 BioChon 224 aquatic weeds 15, 78, 272, 275, in cereals 104 biodiversity 291, 293 distribution in Europe 67, 68 arable weeds 116–35 distribution 78 germination 16 functional biodiversity 116 invasive species 275–6, population modelling 102–3 genetic diversity 117–21 291, 293 AVENA‐PC 104 public interest 136–7 water quality 276 awned canary-grass see Phalaris UN Convention on Biological Arabidopsis thaliana 96 paradoxa Diversity 115 arable crops 19–20 see also Azolla caroliniana 226 biofuels 282, 324 individual crop species Azolla filiculoides 21, 220, 224–6 Biston betularia 282 arbuscular mycorrhizal Azores 293–6 black-currant crop 8 fungi 330 black‐grass see Alopecurus Arceuthobium spp. 314 b myosuroides ArcGIS/ArcView 66, 72–3 Baccharis halimifolia 220 black nightshade see Solanum ARC Unit of Agronomy, Balsaminaceae 296, 297 nigrum Oxford 7, 14, 17 Baltic States agriculture 67, 68 Bonnemaisoniaceae 293 Argentina 227, 399 banana 252 Bonnemaisonia hamifera 293 Arrhenatherum elatius 19 Bangladesh 356 Botanical and Rotational Effects Artemisia vulgaris 360 barley 5, 10 of Genetically Herbicide artichoke 357, 370 breeding for weed Tolerant Crops herbicide use 371, 372, 374 competitiveness 45, 249 (BRIGHT) 17 0003112159.INDD 414 5/8/2017 6:18:00 PM Index 415 Botanical Society of the British c parasitic weeds 319, 324, Isles 9 Cabbage 318, 357, 358, 376 334, 340 bovine enzootic crop rotation 366 steam weeding 370 haematuria 301 flame weeding 370 weed control 368 Boxworth Experimental herbicide use 372, 374 weed flora 358–63 Farm 16 IWM 368 Caryophyllaceae 184 bracken see Pteridium aquilinum CABI catch crops 264 Brassicaceae 151, 171, 297 Fallopia japonica 63 Caucalidon platycarpi 75 herbicide resistance 184 invasive species website Caucalis platycarpos 20, 75 in horticultural crops 63, 287 Caulerpaceae 293 360, 376 weed biocontrol 222, 227 Caulerpa racemosa 293 Brassica crops 12, 356 Cabomba caroliniana 275 Caulerpa taxifolia 293 herbicides 12 Cactaceae 296 cauliflower 327, 357, 368 herbicide use 372, 374 Calendula arvensis 360 herbicide use 372, 374 Brassica napus 10, 157 Callistemon citrinus 23 celery 365, 366 Braun‐Blanquet 74–6, 129 Callisto 23 hand weeding 371 Brazil 185, 301, 356 callose production 233 intercropping with leeks 249 Brenchley, Winifred 2 Calystegia sepium 222, 337, 358 Centaurea cyanus 1, 20, 123 British Agrochemicals in horticultural crops Centaurea maculosa 283–4 Association 19 361, 364 Centaurea solstitialis 198, 232 broad‐leaved dock see Rumex Camelina sativa var. Centaurea stoebe 284 obtusifolius linicola 123 Centre for Ecology & Hydrology broccoli 357 Cameroon 356 (CEH) 227 herbicide use 371, 372, 374 Campylopus introflexus 295 charlock see Sinapis arvensis Bromus spp. 77 Canada 158, 376 Chenopodiaceae 184 Bromus commutatus 11, 13 ambrosia pollen 272 Chenopodium spp. 77 Bromus diandrus 11, 97, 103 herbicide‐resistant in European cereals 69 Bromus grossus 123 weeds 181, 185 in horticultural crops 362 Bromus interruptus 13 reduced tillage 403 in maize 70–1 Bromus japonicum 77 weed biocontrol 230 Chenopodium album 77 Bromus mollis 13 weed introduction 282 biocontrol 222–3 Bromus secalinus 11 weed species 76 competiton with sugar Bromus sterilis 11, 13 Canadian Pest Management beet 37 Bromus tectorum 77 Regulatory Agency 376 emergence 89, 98 Broomrapes see Orobanche spp.; Canadian pondweed see Elodea in European cereals 68–9 Phelipanche spp. canadensis in Finland 10 Broom’s Barn Experimental Canary Islands 293 herbicide resistance 121, 184 Station 16 Capsella bursa‐pastoris 121 herbicides 7, 156, 157 bruising (weed control) 401 in horticultural crops in herbicide‐tolerant Brussels sprouts 44 360, 364 crops 10 bryophytes 329 seed germination 96 in horticultural crops BTH 327 seeds 121 364, 367 bud‐bank 85, 101, 389–91 soil steaming 261 in maize 13, 70–1, 73 Buddleja davidii 220, Carduelis cannabina 127 modelling 35, 98 283–4, 303 Carolina fanwort see Cabomba seed germination 90 in Switzerland 297 caroliniana in tomato crops 358 buffer strips 136 carotenoids 332 Chenopodium hybridum 77 bulbs 85, 390–1, 392 Carpobrotus edulis 220, 295 Chenopodium murale 358 Bulgaria carrots 11, 357 Chenopodium opulifolium 358 invasive plants 296 crop rotation 366–7 Chenopodium parasitic weeds 319, 327 flame weeding 370 polyspermum 358 perennial weeds 398 hand weeding 371 chickpea crops 247 Bunias orientalis 297 herbicides 8, 12, 340, parasitic weeds 319, 323, 324 burning (weed control) 325 376, 377 chickweed see Stellaria media butterfly bush see Buddleja herbicide use 371, 372, 374 chicory 357, 372, 374 davidii IWM 368 chilies 324, 357 0003112159.INDD 415 5/8/2017 6:18:00 PM 416 Index China Codium fragile 293 strigol 329 herbicide‐resistant Colchicaceae 297 weed loss 1 weeds 185 Colchicum autumnale 297 weed mapping 71 horticultural crop Common Agriculture Policy cotylenol 331 production 355, 356 Reform 20 couch grass see Elymus repens parasitic weed control 327 common groundsel see Senecio Council of Europe 277 weed biocontrol 229, 327 vulgaris cover crops 246, 250–3, 398 see weed regions 76 common purslane see Portulaca also mulches weeds in wheat 76 oleracea and biocontrol 231 chives 365 common sunflower see crop competitiveness 158 Chrysanthemum spp.

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