A Movement of Many Stories of Women’s Suffrage in South Dakota Liz Almlie • Pierre, South Dakota Big Picture – 1848 Convention 1848 Seneca Falls Convention for Women’s Rights (including but not limited to suffrage) https://www.nps.gov/wori https://www.loc.gov/item/today-in-history/july-19/ Big Picture - NAWSA 1869 Organization of National Woman Suffrage Association 1869 Organization of American Woman Suffrage Association 1890 Merger into National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). Leaders: • Elizabeth Cady Stanton • Susan B. Anthony • Carrie Chapman Catt • Frances Willard • Matilda Joslyn Gage • Anna Howard Shaw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_American_Woman_Suffrage_Association Big Picture – On the Streets https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_American_Woman_Suffrage_Association The Herald-Advance (Milbank SD), March 7, 1913 Big Picture – Success in the West Women Suffrage Before the Amendment, August 1, 1920, Maps Etc., University of South Florida. From Ellsworth D. Foster, ed., The American Educator Vol. 8 (Chicago, IL: Ralph Durham Company, 1921) 3906, of Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman, http://etc.usf.edu/maps/pages/11700/11702/11702.htm Big Picture – 19th Amendment Congress proposed the 19th Amendment on June 4, 1919. Ratification was completed on August 18, 1920. The 19th Amendment became 19th Amendment part of the U.S. Constitution National Archives, via Wikimedia Commons. on August 26, 1920. The amendment's validity was unanimously upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in Leser v. Garnett in 1922. Big Picture – NAWSA to LWV Emma Smith DeVoe [Wittmayer p212] Shortly before the 19th Amendment was ratified, the https://www.lwvwhidbey.org/history.html NAWSA held its last convention and created the League of Women Voters as its successor. It was merged with the National Council of Women Voters, founded by Emma Smith DeVoe on February 14, 1920. Maud Wood Park, former head of the NAWSA's Congressional Committee, became its president. Maud Wood Park [American Woman Suffrage Association, Wikipedia] Suffrage in South Dakota Names of South Dakotans who participated in the suffrage movement? South Dakota Participants Mrs. C.S. Acker (Leola) - Irene G. Adams (Webster) - Laura Alderman (Hurley) – Clara Anderson (Chamberlain) - Hon. C.J. Bach (Hurley) - W.F. Bailey (Faulkton)- Judge A.W. Bangs (Rapid City) - Rev. M. Barker (Huron) - Helen M. Barker (Huron) - Mamie E. Batterbury (Sisseton) – Ida Barnhart (Aurora) - L.F. Baum (Aberdeen) - General W.H.H. Beadle (Madison) - Ellen Chapman Beadle (Madison) - Harriet Bennett (Yankton) - Julius Berkley (Yankton) - Nettie L. Berry (Tyndall) - Rev. H.R. Best (Sioux Falls?) - Hanna V. Best (Miner) - Harriet Bickelhaupt (Aberdeen) - Mae Billinghurst (Pierre) - Mr. Bindford (Jerauld Co.) - Susie Bird (Belle Fourche) - Mary Bird (Clear Lake) - LoElla H. Blank (Wessington Springs) - Marietta M. Bones (Webster) - S.D. Bonsey (Faulkton) - Mary Bonham - Rose Bower (Hot Springs/Rapid City) - Etta Estey Boyce (Sioux Falls) - Jane R. Breeden (Hughes Co.) - Hon. A.R. Brown (Canton) - Rev. J.M. Brown - Emma Brown (Aberdeen) - E.A. Bruce (Yankton) - Martha Bullock - Lizzie Burr (Selby) - Frank M. Byrne - Clarence M. Caldwell - Rev. A.E. Carhart (Hurley) - Mrs. Dell Carter (Sisseton) - W.C. Cavanagh (Yankton) - Joan Clark (Hayti) - Lucy Colman (Lemmon) - Anna G. Conklin (Brookings) - Mrs. Elmer Cook (Huron) - Mrs. C.N. Cooper (Lemmon) - Mary E. Cowlson - S.H. Cranmer (Aberdeen) - Emma A. Crammer (Aberdeen) - G.L. Crisp (Yankton) - May Crosback (Watertown) - Stella Crosley - Rev. J.M. Crown (Sioux Falls) - Nellie Cummings (Aberdeen) - Alice Lorraine Daly (Madison) - Emma Smith DeVoe (Huron) - J.H. DeVoe (Huron) - C.H. Dillon (Yankton) - William F. Doolittle (Sioux Falls) - R.E. Dowdell - Mrs. C.H. Dye (Madison) - Alonzo J. Edgerton (Sioux Falls) - Adolph Ewert (Pierre) - Carrie Ewert (Pierre) - Dr. Mary Noyes Farr (Pierre) - Gov. Faulk - Sarah Fewins (Aberdeen) - Edith Medbury Fitch (Hurley) - G.W. Fitch (Yankton) - Rev. William Fielder - Dema Flavin (Sturgis) - Mary Fitts (Madison) - Clara Freeland (Jerauld Co.) - Helen Gage (Aberdeen) - Harry L. Gandy - Josephine Gerber (Worthing) - Jenny Gifford (Canton) - Mr. Goodfellow (Brookings) - Harriet Grant (Huron) - Mamie Gunderson (Vermillion) - Father Robert Haire (Aberdeen) - Nettie C. Hall, M.D. (Wessington Springs) - Rebecca Hager (Madison/Aberdeen) - Rev. C.E. Hager (Madison/Aberdeen) - H.M. Hammond (Yankton) - Sophia M. Harden (Huron) - Anna Harden (Flandreau) - T.A. Harmon (Yankton) - Jeanette Herreid (Aberdeen) - Mary Herrick (Ipswich) - Luella Hill (DeSmet) - Emma Hill (Parker) - T.J. Hill (Hurley) - Mrs. W.J. Hill (Gann Valley) - Ruth B. Hipple (Pierre) - Clara Hoffman - J.A. Hohf (Yankton) - Rev G.M. House - C.H. Howard (Sully Co.) - Gus Howard (Sully Co.) - Lulu Howard (Sully Co.) - Mrs. Howells - Cassie R. Hoyt (Hughes Co.) - Lillie Hubbell (Madison) - Mrs. S.W. Huntington (Lemmon) - Mrs. C.C. King - Rev. Abi Huntley (Wessington Springs) - O.P. Hull (Crow Twp) - Irene Ide (Webster) - Ruby Jackson (Ipswich) - Florence Jeffries (Fort Pierre) - E.S. Johnson (Yankton) - Philena Everett Johnson (Highmore) - Lydia B. Johnson (Ft. Pierre) - Ida Jorgenson (Sisseton) - Eugene Karr (Yankton) - Sarah E. Kimball - Mrs. George W. King - Malena Kively (Sisseton) - Margaret Kreger (Watertown) - L.C. Kroh (Yankton) - Belle A. Leavitt (Sioux Falls) - Rosella Lemmon (Lemmon) - Jessie D. Lewis (Mitchell) - Vinnie Lien (Sisseton) - L.A. Lindstrom (Yankton) - Greg M. Livingston (Pierre) - Henry L. Loucks - W.C. Lusk (Yankton) - Rev. Henrietta Lyman (Pierre) - C.H. Lugg - R.M. McClure (Sully Co.) - Rev. J.J. McIntire (Hurley) - O.J. Marshall (Jerauld Co.) - F.L. Mease (Madison) - Mrs. Frank Meyer - Josephine Miller - Eva K. Mohr (Alexandria) - H.S. Monser - Gideon Moody - E.M. Morehouse (Yankton) - Mrs. Mosher (Hot Springs) - Eva C. Myers (Canistota) - Sarah A. Near (Hurley) - Rev. F.H. Newton (Hurley) - Mrs. L.C. Olson - Helen Olson (Milbank) - Mrs. Osgood - Joel W. Parker (Sioux Falls) - Mattie Parker (Sisseton) - Edna Payne (Sanborn Co.) - Pearle Penfield (Flandreau) - Nina D. Pettigrew (Belle Fourche) - Senator Richard F. Pettigrew (Sioux Falls) - Leba Peshokova - Alice M. Alt Pickler (Faulkton) - John A. Pickler (Faulkton) - Hattie Pickles (Clark) - Etta Potter (Lead) - Mrs. Powell (Hot Springs) - Rev. Katherine Powell (Custer) - Mamie I. Pyle (Huron) - Samuel A. Ramsey (Woonsocket) - Luella A. Ramsey (Woonsocket) - Arthur Reetz (Yankton) - Mable Rewman (Deadwood) - Grace Richards (Huron) – Sarah A. Richards (Pukwana)- Clara Richey - M.S. Robinson (Hurley) - Lila Robinson (Aberdeen) - Mayor H.J. Rock (Aberdeen) - Mrs. Rodenbour (Lemmon) - Frank M. Rood - Mrs. L.E. Safford (Milbank) - Marguerite Karcher Sahr (Pierre) - Alma Sasse - Mayor Saults (Belle Fourche) - Minnie E. Sheldon (Sioux Falls) - E.A. Sherman (Sioux Falls) - C.G. Sherwood - Mrs. Smart (Wessington Springs) - Senator H.P. Smith (Lake Co.) - Mrs. W.L. Smith (Madison) - Rilla Smith (Deadwood) - Anna R. Simmons (Huron) - Ida Stadie - Sen. Sterling - Mrs. R.E.H. Stevens - F.V. Stevens (Yankton) - May Stevens (Redfield) - Dr. Edward Taylor (Huron) - Dorothy Taylor (Huron) - Mrs. Taylor (Sioux Falls) - Josephine Taylor (Huron) - Mr. Teasdale (Alpena Twp) - Susan and Judge D.C. Thomas (Watertown) - Mrs. W.J. Thomas (Sisseton) - Mary Thomas (White Lake) - Mrs. Thomberg (Kidder) - Cicely J. Tinsley (Deadwood) - Tore Tiegen (Sioux Falls) - Mrs. A.D. Tinsley (Minnehaha County) - F.T. Tofflemire (Jerauld Co.) - Maud Tollefson - Alice Tollefson (Elk Point) - Eva Trow (Madison) – Agnes Turner (Sisseton) - Gov. R.S. Vessey (Wessington Springs) - John Wade (Aberdeen) - Gertrude Walker (Brule) - Mrs. O.J. Ward (Huron) - Alonzo Wardall (Huron) - Elizabeth “Libby” Wardall - Mrs. C.C. Warren (Rapid City) - Mrs. Glenn Waters (Miller)- Gertrude Watkins - Julia Welch - Sadie Weller (Mitchell) - Myra Weller (Mitchell) - Charles S. Whiting (Pierre) - Eleanor Whiting (Pierre) - Mrs. S.V. Wilson - Rev. Eliza Wilkes (Sioux Falls) - Jean Wilkinson (Faulkton) - Mrs. K.B. Williams (Howard) - William Williamson - A.L. Wyman (Yankton) - Mrs. F.G. Young (Madison) - Rev. T.H. Youngman (Woonsocket) Suffrage in Dakota Territory 1872 Dakota had been close to full suffrage before “there were “Women professed to men enough to go round to be disappointed” fill the offices,” but lost 7 to 6. [Kingsbury, History of Dakota Territory v.1 (1915), [Yankton Press & Dakotaian (SD) November 12, 508-509] 1884] SHSND 0389-53 Territorial Capital, Riverside Park, Yankton https://www.ndstudies.gov/content/creating-territorial-capital Suffrage in Dakota Territory 1883 NWSA sent co-founder Matilda Joslyn Gage to lecture in Dakota. [Reed (1958), 6-8.] AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2018 SD Historical Society Press http://www.sdhsf.org/ Special Projects: 100th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage Suffrage in Dakota Territory Marietta M. Bones represented Dakota at the 1882 NWSA convention in Omaha. Bones started the first local suffrage association in the territory in Webster in 1885, though she stayed primarily concerned with the issue of prohibition. https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Woman_of _the_Century/Marietta_M._Bones “The wide distances between towns and the sparsely settled country make our people comparative strangers to each other. We lack organization; the country is too new.” -- Marietta Bones [Wittmayer 202] Suffrage in Dakota Territory 1885 John Pickler introduced a suffrage bill in the territorial House of Representatives in
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