AUGUST 2013 PRIORITY NUMBER 1: IRONWORKER SAFETY Bennett Steel Sets Safety Goal 4 In Memory of Our Fallen Brothers 8 Ironworkers on the Health Side 10 Iron Worker Members Make a Difference 15 15328_IWAug13.indd 1 8/13/13 6:17 AM 1750 New York Ave., N.W., Suite 400 Washington, D.C. 20006 p (202) 383-4800 www.ironworkers.org [email protected] INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS Volume 113 | AUGUST 2013 | Number 7 WTEAL R WISE JAY HURLEY General President Third General Vice President Suite 400 191 Old Colony Avenue, 1750 New York Avenue, NW P.O. Box 96 Washington, DC 20006 S. Boston, MA 02127 p (202) 383-4810 p (617) 268-2382 f (202) 638-4856 f (617) 268-1394 FE E ATUR S JOSEPH HUNT JOE STANDLEY General President Emeritus Fourth General Vice President 4 Bennett Steel Sets Safety Goal Suite 400 1660 San Pablo Avenue, Suite C 1750 New York Avenue, NW Pinole, CA 94564 Washington, DC 20006 p (510) 724-9277 7 In Memory of Our Fallen Brothers p (202) 383-4845 f (510) 724-1345 f (202) 638-4856 10 Ironworkers on the Health Side MARVIN RAGSDALE ERIC DEAN Fifth General Vice President General Secretary 3003 Dawn Drive 12 Iron Workers Pursue Safe and Consistent OSHA Standards Suite 400 Suite 104 1750 New York Avenue, NW Georgetown, TX 78628 Washington, DC 20006 p (512) 868-5596 15 Iron Worker Members Make a Difference p (202) 383-4820 f (512) 868-0823 f (202) 347-2319 19 Commitment to Safety DARRELL LABOUCAN EDWARD C. MCHUGH Sixth General Vice President General Treasurer #8-205 Chatelain Drive 20 TAUC Craftsperson of the Year Suite 400 St. Albert, Alberta T8N 5A4 1750 New York Avenue, NW Canada Washington, DC 20006 p (780) 459-3389 Signs for Lynch 21 p (202) 383-4830 f (780) 459-3308 f (202) 383-6483 RON PIKSA RICHARD WARD Seventh General Vice President First General Vice President 10828 Grevelly Lake Boulevard, SW A DEP RTMENTS 5964 Dayton Boulevard Suite 212 Chattanooga, TN 37415 Lakewood, WA 98499 p (423) 870-1982 p (253) 984-0514 22 TechConnect f (423) 876-0774 f (253) 984-0533 EDWARD J. WALSH RONALD C. GLADNEY Departmental Reports 23 Second General Vice President General Counsel 505 White Plains Road Hartnett Gladney Hetterman, L.L.C. 27 IMPACT Suite 200 4399 Laclede Avenue Tarrytown, NY 10591 St. Louis, MO 63108 p (914) 332-4430 p (314) 531-1054 28 Lifetime Honorary Members f (914) 332-4431 f (314) 531-1131 Headquarters Office: (202) 383-4868 29 Official Monthly Record Headquarters Fax (202) 638-4856 THE SKY’S THE LIMIT AUGUST 2013 On the Cover INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENTS Apprenticeship and Training Ironworkers Political The Iron Workers International with p (202) 383-4870 Action League Priority Number 1: its owner and contractor partners f (202) 347-5256 p (202) 383-4805 Ironworker f (202) 347-3569 Safety continue to pursue Zero Fatalities Computer Department p (202) 383-4886 LU/DC Staff Retirement and with their See Something – Say f (202) 383-4895 Shopmen’s Pension Fund Something campaign. Earlier this p (202) 383-4874 Davis Bacon Office f (202) 628-6469 year, Bennett Steel Inc. set an p (202) 834-9855 f (202) 393-0273 Magazine admirable goal of pursuing one p (202) 383-4842 Bennett Steel Sets Safety Goal 4 Department of Canadian Affairs In Memory of Our Fallen Brothers 8 million man-hours with zero injuries. Ironworkers on the Health Side 10 p (780) 459-3389 Mailroom Iron Worker Members Make a Difference 15 f (780) 459-3308 p (202) 383-4855 f (202) 638-1038 15328_IWAug13.indd 1 8/9/13 11:28 AM Department of Ornamental, Architectural & Miscellaneous Maintenance and Jurisdiction EDITOR: Scott Malley, 1750 New York Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 | ASSA IST NT to the Editor: Nancy Folks Metals (DOAMM) p (202) 383-4860 p (630) 238-1003 f (202) 347-1496 THE IRONWORKER f (630) 238-1006 ISSN:0021163X Published monthly, except for a combined June/July issue, for $15.00 per year by the International Organizing Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers, 1750 New York Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. Department of Reinforcing p (202) 383-4851 20006. Preferred periodicals postage paid at Washington, D.C. and additional mailing offices. Printed on union-made paper. Ironworkers f (202) 347-1496 Postmasters: Send change of address to Ironworker, 1750 New York Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 p (866) 336-9163 f (386) 736-9618 Safety Canada Agreement Number 40009549. p (202) 383-4829 f (202) 383-6490 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE International Association of Bridge, Shop Department p (202) 383-4846 Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers f (202) 783-3230 15328_IWAug13.indd 2 8/13/13 6:17 AM 1750 New York Ave., N.W., Suite 400 Washington, D.C. 20006 Safety is Our Top Priority p (202) 383-4800 www.ironworkers.org [email protected] AFETY. Some of you may think that safety in the trades, to respond quickly to Syou’ve heard enough about safety any safety issue. But as is true with any and you get it. But until every ironwork- success we may have, it is our members er returns home safe every day, until who deliver. You recognized the personal every ironworker thinks safety first ev- loss we all suffer and your responsibility ery moment and until every ironworker as a union brother or sister to do all you watches out for his brothers and sisters can to make sure injuries do not happen. at every opportunity, we will continue to Most importantly, you have refused to press safety as our number one priority; accept a loss of life as a condition of em- because it is about you, about your fami- ployment and took a personal obligation ly and quite literally, about life and death. to look out for each other. WALTER WISE General President First, let me thank you for your great We significantly outperform our efforts in safety awareness that have sig- competition because of our training, nificantly reduced the fatal tragedies we commitment and inherent rights and have experienced. From 2007 through protections to say something when you 2011, an average of 17.5 of our broth- see something that presents a danger to ers died each year. The industry average you or your co-workers. is 30.3 deaths per 100,000 ironwork- ers. Since we made the commitment to Most importantly, you have refused to accept a eliminate injuries in 2012, loss of life was reduced to seven in 2012 and six dur- loss of life as a condition of employment and took ing the first seven months of 2013. Your determination is saving lives, but as you a personal obligation to look out for each other. read the memorial pages and think of the men who died and the families and friends who are grieving their terrible loss, ZERO is the only acceptable num- Ironworkers talk about a variety of ber. With your help, it will be reached. topics every day while on the job. Make Safety is not only the top priority of safety a part of every conversation. Let ironworkers, but also of our contractor your brother and sister ironworker know partners and of the facility owners where you’ve got their back. That’s brotherhood. we and our contractors are employed. We continue to vigorously pursue The difference you have made is being regulatory solutions to protect all workers recognized and acknowledged. At a re- and build on our safety partnerships with cent TAUC (The Association of Union our contractors and owners, but there is Contractors) meeting where I appeared no better place to gather ideas for elimi- before a panel of owner representatives nating injuries than from the experiences from a variety of industries, they com- of the men and women who face the chal- plimented ironworkers’ attitudes and lenges of our trade day in and day out. I compliance for the positive change they am inviting you, my brothers and sisters, have seen on their jobsites’ safety re- to send me your ideas to deliver and pro- AUGUST cords. They inquired as to what we had mote safety to International Headquarters done to bring about this change. Yes, our or [email protected]. union made safety a top priority with the Thank you for helping to build our support of our contractor partners and great union. 2013 resources from IMPACT and the Na- tional Training Fund. And yes, we have | Steve Rank, the best executive director of 3 15328_IWAug13_X.indd 3 8/14/13 7:05 PM Bennett Steel Inc. Pursues OnE MILLION MAN-HOURS withZERO INJURIES ennett Steel Inc. has set a sig- In May 2013, Dave Bennett of’ to help build those numbers. I nificant goal—one million sent a memorandum to all com- tried to imagine the pace of a proj- Bman-hours with zero inju- pany personnel expressing his de- ect that would allow for multiple ries. Dave Bennett, owner and pres- cision to move forward on a plan crafts working with zero injuries for ident of Bennett Steel Inc., which is to achieve “1,000,000 zero injury one million employee hours.” headquartered in Sapulpa, Okla., man-hours” for all field, shop and After Bennett’s more introspec- is proud to be a union contractor crane operations. Bennett’s deci- tive and critical thought, he began since 1980. Bennett Steel specializes sion was prompted after reading to ask different questions, like: in steel erection, steel fabrication, the April issue of The Ironworker º How did they do it? crane rental and safe rooms.
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