1 t DOCUMENT RESUME I ED 076 488 r SO 005 915 TITLE Near East and North'Africa: A Selected Functional and Country Bibliography. INSTITUTION Foreign Service (Dept. of State), Washington, D.C. Foreign Service Inst. 1 PUB DATE May 71 NOTE 45p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS *African Culture; African History; Arabs; *Area Studies; Art; Asian History; *Bibliographies; *Developing Nations; Economic Progress; *Foreign Culture; Foreign Relations; Geography; Islamic Culture; Library Collections; Literature; Middle Eastern Studies; Non Western Civilization; Periodicals; Politics IDENTIFIERS *Near East; North Africa ABSTRACT This selected bibliography focuses on the Near East and North Africa. Among the topics covered are: Documentary Collections, History, Politics, and International Relations, Islam and the Islamic World, the Arabs, Geography, Art, Literature, Education and Sociocultural Patterns, and Economics, Labor and Oil. An introduction to the series is in SO 005 913, and SO 005 914-S0 005 919 are related docuthents. ((N) C .; r-r:3t.-7," "7-7-7.7.4.,1",:,r7.,:';<''',:''9,fc,'I70,4-,/r:57:77,. ... .p",--,,,i4.'. 4i? :: ,. ' A 0.'71", ).A, "' ^.A tee wdort1.7. 8Ver..ir,:.^;If 'Y',40,..." D i' 1 eg. mrrirrl e, 3` ii 1-111::;11i 1).44'.444 .te1441!. 881792.0 C13 FOREIGN SERVICEINSTITUTE CENTER FOR AREA AND COUNTRY STUDIES 1-- DEPARTMENT OF STATE NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA A SELECTED FUNCTIONAL AND COUNTRY BIBLIOGRAPHY The Center for Area and Coultry Studies ofthe Foreign Service Institute prepares area bibliographies annuallyfor use in its training programs. In addition to this selected bibliography, the Center publishes bibliographieson Sub-Saharan Africa, the Atlantic Community, Eastern Europe and the U.S.S.R., SouthAsia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Latin America. Primary emphasis in the selection of itemsfor this listing is given to materials in the Institute'slibrary. Preference is accorded to recently published materials inorder to highlight the most up-to-date studies andto ensure a balanced presentation of differing viewpointson an issue. The inclusion or exclusion of an item is in no way to be construedas reflecting the views of the Center. May, 1971 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES .II. PERIODICALS 1 2 III. DOCUMENTARY COLLECTIONS IV. GEOGRAPHY 3 V. HISTORY, POLITICS AND 3 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 4 vVI. ISLAM AND THE ISLAMICWORLD VII. AR2S AND LITERATURE 7 VIII. LUCATION AND SOCIO 10 -CULTURAL PATTERNS 11 IX. ECONOMICS, LABOR ANDOIL 12 X. THE ARABS: GENERAL 15 XI. NORTH AFRICA: GENERAL XII. MOROCCO 17 XIII. ALGERIA 18 XIV. TUNISIA 19 XV. LIBYA 20 XVI. 21 THE UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC(EGYPT) AND THE SUDAN XVII. JORDAN 21 XVIII. LEBANON AND SYRIA 24 XIX. IRAQ: THE KURDS 25 XX. 26 THE ARABIAN PENINSULAAND THE PERSIAN GULF XXI. 27 THE PALESTINE PROBLEMAND ISRAEL 29 XXII. THE OTTOMAN EMPIREAND TURKEY XXIII. IRAN 34 XXIV. GREECE AND CYPRUS 37 XXV. THE UNITED STATES AND 39 THE MIDDLE EAST ANDNORTH AFRICA 41 FOREIGN SERVICEINSTITUTE CENTER FOR AREA AND COUNTRY STUDIES I DEPARTMENT OF STATE NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA A SELECTED FUNCTIONAL AND COUNTRY BIBLIOGRAPHY I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES ALEXANDER-FRUTSCHI, Marian C., ed. Human Resources and Economic Growth: An International Annotated Bibliographyon the Role of Education and Training in Economic and Social Development. Menlo Park, Calif.: Stanford Research Institute, 1963. ALLWORTH, Edward A. Central Asian Publishing and the Rise of Nationalism: An Essay and a List of Publications in the New York Public Libra.a. New York: New York Public Library, 1965. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT. Economic Research Institute. A Cumu- lation of a Selected and Annotated Bibliography of Economic Literature on the Arabic Speaking Countries of the Middle East. Boston: G. K. Hall and Co., 1967. BETHMANN, Erich W. Catalogue Specialized Lending Library on the Middle East and Supplement. Washington: American Friends of the Middle East, 1966. "Bibliography of Periodical Literature," Middle East Journal, 1947-. (quarterly). al-ERIAN, Tahany. References Dealing with the Arab World:A Selected and Annotated List. New York: Organization of Arab Students, 1966. GEDDES, Charles. Islam in Paperback. Denver, Colo.: The American Institute of Islamic Studies, 1969. HANDLEY-TAYLOR, G. Bibliography of Iran. New York: International Publications Service, 1968. HOWARD, Harry N. The Middle East in Paperback. Washington: The Middle East Journal, Summer 1969. SAUVAGET, J. and Cahen, C. Introduction to the History of the Muslim East, A Bibliographical Guide. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1965. 2 SMITH, ReubenW. Islamic Civilization in the MiddleEast: Course Syllabus. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965. UNIVERSITY OFLONDON. School of Oriental and African Studies.A Cumulationof a Selected and Annotated Bibliographyof Economic Literatureon the Arabic Speaking Countries of the Middle East, 1938-1960. Boston: G. K. Hall and Co., 1967. WRIGHT, L.'C. The Middle East: An Annotated Guide to Resource Materials. Greensboro: University of North Carolina at Greensboro,1966. II. PERIODICALS American Universities Field Staff Reports (irregular). 366 Madison Avenue, New York. International Journal of Middle East Studies (quarterly).The Middle East Studies Association, New York University,New York. The Middle East Journal (quarterly). The Middle East Institute, 1760 N Street, N.W., Washington,D.C. The Middle East Forum (quarterly). The American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. The Maghreb Digest (quarterly). Middle East and North Africa Program, School of International Relations, Universityof Southern California, Los Angeles, California. Middle Eastern Affairs (monthly). Council for Middle Eastern Affairs, New York. Middle East Economic Surva (weekly). Middle East Economic Survey, P. O. Box 1224, Beirut, Lebanon. The New Middle East (monthly). 68 Fleet Street, LcWdon, EC4. III. DOCUMENTARY COLLECTIONS AGWANI, M. S. The Lebanese Crisis 1958: A Documentary Record. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1965. Dustur: A Survey of the Constitutions of the Arab and MuslimStates. Reprint and with added material from the second editionof the Encyclopedia of Islam. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1966. EAYRS, James. The Commonwealth of Suez: A Documentary Survey 1956-1957. New York:Oxford University Press, 1964. 3 HUREWITZ, Jacob C. Diplomacy in the Near and MiddleEast. Vol. 1, 1935-1914; Vol. 2, 1914-1956. Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1956. KHALIDI, Walid and Ibish,Yusuf. Arab Political Documents 1963. Beirut: AmericanoUnivetsity.of.Betr0t, 1964: KHALIL, Muhammad. The Arab States and the ArabLeague. 2 vols. Beirut: Kliayat Book and PublishingCo., 1962. MAGNUS, Ralph H. Documents on the Middle East. Washington: American Enterprise Institute for PublicPolicy Research, 1969. al-MARAYTI, Abid A. Middle Eastern Constitutions andElectoral Laws. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1968. MILLER, Helen Hill. Constitutions, Electoral LawsTreaties of States in the Near and Middle East. Durham: Duke University Press, 1953. SARAN, P., ed. Persian Documents. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1968. U.S. CONGRESS.House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Relations. The Continuing Near East Crisis. 91st Congress, 1st Session. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office,1969. U.S. CONGRESS. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. A Select Chronology and Background DocumentsRelating to the Middle East. 91st Congress, 1st Session. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1969. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. The Suez Problem, July 26-September 22,1956: A Documentary Publication.Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1956. United States Policy in the MiddleEast, September 1956- June 1957: Documents. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1957. United States Policy in the NearEast Crisis. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office,1967. IV. GEOGRAPHY ASHBEL, D. Climate of the Great Rift: Arava, Dead Sea, Jordan Valley. Jerusalem: Hebrew University Press, 1966. BECKINGHAM, C. F. Atlas of the Arab World and the MiddleEast. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1960. CRESSEY, George. Crossroads: Land and Life in Southwest Asia. New York: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1962, ECONOMIST INTELLIGENCE UNIT, LTD. The Middle East and North Africa. London: Oxford University Press, 1964. KINGSBURY, Robert C. and Pounds, Norman J. G. An Atlas of Middle Eastern Affairs. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1964. LONGRIGG, Stephen H. The Middle East: A Social Geography. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., 1963. V. HISTORY, POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ABU JABER, Kamel S. The Arab Ba'th Socialist Party: History, Ideology, and Organization. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1966. AGWANI, M. S. Communism in the Arab East. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1970. ANDERSON, M. S. The Eastern Question. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1966. ARMAJANI, Yahya. Middle East: Past and Present. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1969. BARKER, A. J. The Bastard War: The Mesopotamian Campaign, 1914-1918. New York: Dial Press, 1967. BE'ERI, Eliezer. Army Officers in Arab Politics and Society. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1970. BEN-AMI, Aharon. Social Change in a Hostile Environment: The Crusader's Kingdom of Jerusalem. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969. BINDER, Leonard. The Ideological Revolution in the Middle East. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1964. BISHAI, Wilson B. Islamic History of the Middle East. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1968. BOTTERO, Jean et al. The Near East: The Early Civilizations. New York: Delacorte Press, 1967. BROWN, Leon Carl, trans. 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