Louise Lighthouse www.camplouisecircle.com Summer 09 Presidents Message In this Issue: Presidents Message 1 Every year on Mother’s Day, I walk in the Susan Komen Race for the Board Mtg. Minutes 2-4 Cure here in Pittsburgh, PA. It is a perfect way for me to spend my mother’s day; particularly because my mother, Sally, died of breast Camp Up-Date 4 cancer many years ago (she was actually diagnosed when I was still Board Members 5 a camper). Given that my father’s death was the stimulus for my last Website 5 President’s Message, it seemed only right that this message be in Circle Reunion 5 honor of my mother. Points on the Circle 6-9 My mother was a feminist before the Women’s Movement. She Reunion Mementos 9 worked outside of the home when I was growing up and she would When You Care 10 have attended college if her parents had believed in educating girls. Note / Mitzvah Cards 10 She wanted me to go to college, have a career, and not be depen- Polar Bear Splaaaaash 10 dent on someone else to take care of me. In fact, it was my mother’s idea that I go to Camp Louise. She did go to Louise – yet asked her Contact List 11 parents to bring her home after only one day! Despite the fact that Networking/Sponsors 12 Camp was not a good fit for her, she knew that it would be a good thing for me, and she was right. It was at camp that I learned to function more independently, away from my home. It was at camp “Home is where the heart is / that I learned to appreciate what was really important and to stop No matter how the heart lives/ focusing quite so much on what other people thought. It was also at Inside your heart where love is / camp that I had my first taste of the responsibility of a job. Perhaps That’s where you’ve got to make most important, it was at Louise that I learned the value and mean- yourself / At home” ing of friendship. Some of these lessons I only realize in retrospect; “Home is Where The Heart Is” I don’t know how many of them I could have identified at the time. by: Peter, Paul, & Mary I only knew that I was happy at Louise and hated to leave. As I have aged, Circle has provided me with a way to give back for all those wonderful times at Louise. And Circle has continued to connect me with strong, loving women of all ages; some of who I knew from my days at Camp, but many of whom I have met through Reunions or being on the Circle Board. So while becoming active in Circle may have initially felt like a debt or a responsibility, in fact it has been another gift, just as attending camp was in my childhood and ado- lescence. To all the strong women I have met through Camp Louise, I salute you. - Rita “Live the good you have learned here” - Aunt Lillie 2 Summer 09 Lighthouse MINUTES and unit head. The search to fill the Motion: position of Executive Director of Monies raised from Circle “Spluge” CIRCLE BOARD MEETING MIN- Camps Airy & Louise is ongoing. are to be used toward a camper- UTES The impact of the downturn in ship. The motion passed with 1 March 14, 2009 the economy has led to a decision abstention. In attendance: Rita Drapkin (Presi- to maintain the same camp regis- Amy Corbman suggested a Sat- dent), Marcia Kolko, Jane Abraham, tration fee and to offer more camp- urday picnic/barbecue lunch rather Lisa Blatt, Andi Abrams, Leslie Salt- erships. The camp budget will need than a full catered one as a way to ers, Joan Bornstein, Karent Gerton, to be cut in the Special Guests area; save money (and have a change of Lisa Yarmis, Jay Kinney, Amy Corb- Louise will rely instead on its own pace). Bobbie will investigate. man, Rachel Sanderofff, Genevieve staff to provide Special Program- Saturday Night’s Campfire was Conway, Robbin Myerberg, Karen ming. Genevieve Conway suggest- discussed. It was generally agreed Levin, Reesa Pearlman, and Sandy ed that Circle Members be solicited that rather than break into two Bodine to conduct special programming for campfires, we will retain just one, Advisory Board Members in atten- the campers for the last two-week and encourage those who wish to dance: Alicia Berlin and Bobbie session. socialize (rather than sing) to use Miller. Due to the fantastic popularity of the Dining Hall. Volunteer members Non-Board Member in attendance: last summer’s special guests, the of the Board will attempt to mini- Ben Giller Touring Israeli Scouts, the following mize talking during the campfire was made: so that the singer/musicians can I. MINUTES be heard. Rachel Gertz also sug- Meeting called to order and min- Motion: gested that the singer/musicians be utes from September meeting ap- Circle will underwite the one-time miked to ensure audibility. Rachels proved. cost of an evening’s performance from the above mentioned variety Gertz and Sanderoff will duplicate II. TREASURES’S REPORT troupe. songbooks prior to the reunion to Reesa Pearlman reviewed the The motion was passed un-ani- encourage more singing. report with the Board members. mously. Andi will draft a Circle Reunion She added that a correction on the Amy Corbman suggested that the Announcement and send it around Reunion Scholarship Fund would be troupe be introduced to the camp for others to adapt for their own sent out at a later date to incorpo- by a circle member(s) as a “CIRCLE marketing attempts. She requested rate a recent change. PRODUCTION.” A discussion about that others let her know if they are III. CAMP UPDATE using Circle funds to support a doing additional marketing. Sand- Alicia reported some physical campership resulted in general eroff volunteered to do a Facebook changes that will be made up at agreement that camp programming announcement. camp. The honorary bricks will be (or projects such as this that affect HOUSING moved to an area across from the the entire camp) should take prece- Karen anticipates there will be Post Office with an enclosure added. dence over camperships. Minutes contued from page 2 Archery and volleyball areas will be IV. COMMITTEE REPORTS plenty of room, especially with the moved, and the renovation of the REUNION guestrooms available in the newly White House has been completed. Andi Abrams announced the dates renovated White House. In addition, after a long hiatus, the for the 2009 Circle Reunion as Sep- MEMENTOS Nature Department will return to tember 11-13, 2009. Lisa Blatt reported on 2 new ideas: camp, bringing along two goats and Lisa Yarmis proposed a fund- BPA-free water bottles and window chicken eggs. A small condominium raising idea – later dubbed the clings for cars. There was general will be built for the goat. “Spluge.” – in which participants agreement to allow Lisa to explore Alicia also reported that counsel- would pay $25 and seek donations both ideas. or staffing for Louise is complete from supporters to ride the water – with a wait list. The following slide into the frigid waters of the administrative positions are still swimming pool. open: Athletics head, and a division continued on page 3 Lighthouse Summer 09 3 MEMBERSHIP information. The following Circle members have LOUISE LIGHTHOUSE DIRECTORY been nominated to the Board: Robbin suggested that the handling Henry passed along (through Rita) Jessie Choate, Andi Snyder, Lisa of the Louise Lighthouse be shifted the thought that there might not Gerton, Sammy Holtz, Molly Levin, over to Mark at the printing depart- be a strong need for an updated Jessica Katz ment of the JCC as both a cost directory; Sanderoff will query the Any nominees who wish to re- and time-cutting maneuver. Her membership from the web. Some move their names from consider- financial breakdown indicated that members of the Board stated that it ation should contact Karen Gerton. he can perform file maintenance, would be useful for them, so Robbin (Note that the deadline for nomina- print, fold, affix labels, and mail will research the costs of printing. tions is the close of the July Board the newsletter more efficiently and meeting.) Nominees were reminded HISTORY DAY to write SHORT bios for dissemina- cheaper than she. Scheduled for July 25th. Rachel Sanderoff has more than tion at the Reunion Circle Meeting. 400 Circle member names with TOURS OPEN HOUSE email addresses; 36 members have Bobbie and Alicia agreed that rather Sandy Bodine reported on the responded to Robbin that they than using Circle volunteers who planned projects for the upcom- would like to receive their newslet- may not be up on current camp ing Open House on May 2nd. They ter via the mail. policies and practices, tours should include assisting on the preparation be led by very recent or current of a home for the goats during the Motion: employees assigned by the camp “Handling of the Louise Lighthouse summer, honorary bricks’ reloca- office. As a result “Tours” will no tion, and flower enhancement. will shift to Mark. The motion longer be a standing committee. passed with 1 abstention Volunteers are needed for these Human Resources projects. Motion: Sanderoff volunteered to handle Bake Sale The choice of paper for the news- this function on the web listserve. Amy Corbman reported that this letter will be left to Robbin and WEBSITE year’s bake sale was successful Mark’s discretion, based on paper Sanderoff announced that she will Karen Gerton stated an objec- availability and photo visibility.
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