Index growth and development, 28–34 Numerics physical examination, 96–97 30-30 isolation rule, 58 Animal Poison Control Center, 158 2004 USDA backyard chicken study, 11 antibiotics deciding when to use, 228 for E. coli, 168 • A • for fowl pox, 174 for infectious coryza, 169 abdomens, 98–99, 119, 125, 143, 219–220 leg and foot issues, 121 accidents link between drugs and food- decreasing egg production, 139 producing animals, 226 fl ock-mate persecution or for mycoplasmosis, 169–170 cannibalism, 151–154 for respiratory illness, 106 housing and environmental dangers, antibodies, 27–28 161–164 antiseptics, 254–256 nutritional disorders, 154–156 APPPA (American Pastured Poultry poisoning, 156–161 Producers Association), 84 predators, 147–151 ascites, 201, 220 skinny chickens, 136 aspergillosis, 198 stunted growth, 134 aspirin, 121, 307 sudden death, 141 Association of Avian Veterinarians, 211 vitamin and mineral defi ciencies, Auburn University Department of 155–156 Poultry Science, 18 adult birds, 58, 143–144, 240 avian encephalomyelitis (AE), advice, from experts, 17, 209–214 131–132, 172 AE (avian encephalomyelitis), avian infl uenza (AI), 103, 119, 131–132, 172 172–173, 280 AI (avian infl uenza), 103, 119, avian intestinal spirochetosis (AIS), 172–173, 280 166–167 air sacs, 22–23 avian leukosis virus (ALV), 177 AIS (avian intestinal spirochetosis), avian TB (tuberculosis), 53, 166–167, 281 166–167 avian veterinarians, 210–211 albendazole, 309 alcohols, 306 aldehydes, 306 • B • all-in, all-out systems, 59 ALV (avian leukosis virus), 177 backyard fl ocks, 9–18, 229–231. See also American AssociationCOPYRIGHTED of Veterinary biosecurity;MATERIAL fl ocks Laboratory Diagnosticians, 214 bacteria American Livestock Breeds diseases caused by, 54, 134, 136, Conservancy, 11 165–171 American Pastured Poultry Producers infections transmitted to people, Association (APPPA), 84 275–276 amino acids, 76–77 physical disinfectants, 66–67 amprolium, 309 signs of infection, 119, 139, 141 anatomy bandages, 126–127, 203, 257–258 body systems, 19–28 bantams, 10, 70, 81 eyes, 113–114 beaks, 95, 125, 250–251 bedbugs, 194 333_9781118444276-bindex.indd3_9781118444276-bindex.indd 311311 112/20/122/20/12 11:35:35 PPMM 312 Chicken Health For Dummies bedding, 70–72 candidiasis, 199, 223, 307 behaviors candling, 124, 287 communication, 42–44 canker, 187 courtship, 45–46 cannibalism, 15, 38, 141, 151–154 daily routine, 36–40 caponization, 253 of fl ocks, 40–42 carbohydrates, nutritional needs, 77 overview, 35 carbon dioxide (CO2) chambers, 263, belly-button problems, 127–128, 141 267–270 biosecurity carcasses, disposal of, 224, 270–272 avian infl uenza, 173 carrier chickens, 52 commercial poultry farms, 54–55 carriers, for transporting birds, 58, 61 evaluating current efforts, 48–50 cataracts, 115–116 fowl pox, 174 catching chickens, 94–95 general discussion, 16 ceca, 25, 221 overview, 47 cecal droppings, 297 planning, 56–62 cecal worms, 184, 186, 309 prevention of disease, 228 CEO (chicken embryo origin) respiratory illness and, 103 vaccines, 230 spread of disease, 50–56 certifi cation tests, 213 biosecuritycenter.org, 104 cervical dislocation, 263–267 birds of prey, 149–150 chicken embryo origin (CEO) blackhead, 187 vaccines, 230 bleach, 67–68, 168, 306 chicken infectious anemia (CIA), 173 bleeding, stopping, 246, 248–249, 255 chicks blinders, 153, 251–252 cervical dislocation, 265 blood circulation, 22–23 communication between siblings, 44 bloom, 30, 284–285 fi rst few weeks of development, 34 blunting spurs, 248–249 incubating eggs, 123–124 body conditions, examining, 96–97, 99 malformations, 125–126 bones, broken, 256–259 medicated starter feed, 299 boric acid, 307 nutritional needs, 78–79 botulism, 119, 157 problems with, 124–132 brain disorders, 118–120, 125, 131 sibling rivalry, 42 breast muscles, 96–97 space allowances, 70 breathing, 22–23, 96, 99 starve-outs, 163–164 breeders, nutritional needs of, 78–79 sudden death, 141–142 Brock, Todd, 37, 64 chiggers, 194 broilers, 10, 59, 78–79, 200–202 chilling processed chickens, 291 brooder pneumonia, 129–130, 198 chlorine, 129, 306–307 Building Chicken Coops For Dummies, choanas, 24 37, 64 choice feeding, 83–84 bumblefoot, 120, 202–203, 300 cholera, 103, 168–169 burial, 270–271 chromosomes, 32 bursae of Fabricius, 28, 222 chronic respiratory disease (CRD), 105, 169–170 CIA (chicken infectious anemia), 173 • C • circulatory systems, 22–23 cleaning and disinfecting (C&D) C&D. See cleaning and disinfecting commercial poultry farms, 55 cages, hospital, 259 diseases transmitted by cleaning calcium, 77–78, 155–156 coops, 278–280 calls, 43–44 disposing of disinfectants, 68–69 camphor, 193, 310 eggs, 284–286 campylobacteriosis, 275–276 isolation areas, 58 333_9781118444276-bindex.indd3_9781118444276-bindex.indd 312312 112/20/122/20/12 11:35:35 PPMM Index 313 overview, 63 poultry premises, 305–306 • D • before poultry show, 61 daily routines, 36–40 sanitizing meat processing area Dakin’s solution, 254–256, 307 between birds, 289–290 DE (diatomaceous earth), 193, 310 steps in, 63–68 death, 14–15, 133–134, 140–141, 201, cloacae, 25, 29–31, 45, 221–222 263–264 closed fl ocks, 13–15, 57, 228–229 debeaking, 253 CO2 (carbon dioxide) chambers, 263, decapitation, 263, 269–270 267–270 depopulating, 105, 167 coccidiosis developer diets, 78–79 oocysts, 186 development, 28–34 prevention and treatment, 181–183, deworming, 185–186, 303–304, 309 299, 308–309 diagnostic tests, 104, 108, 143–144, 185, signs of, 130, 134–135, 142 209–217 survival time, 53 diarrhea cockerels, 10, 29, 40 in adult birds, 106–109 colds, 53, 102–106, 169, 304 causes of, 166, 297–298 colibacillosis, 15, 167–168 home remedies, 307 combs, 22, 41, 253 infections transmitted to people, comfortable environments, 63, 69–74 275–276 commercial feed, 13, 56, 82–83, 153 pasty vents, 128–131 commercial fl ocks, 10, 54–55 diatomaceous earth (DE), 193, 310 communication, 42–44 digestive systems, 20, 23–25, 221–222 composting chicken carcasses, 271–272 disaster planning, 74 Composting For Dummies, 272 diseases. See also Marek’s disease conjunctivas, 114–115 avian encephalomyelitis, 131–132, 172 conjunctivitis, 114, 278, 307 avian infl uenza, 172–173 Cooperative Extension System, 212 avian intestinal spirochetosis, 166–167 coops avian TB, 53, 166–167, 281 Building Chicken Coops For Dummies, candidiasis, 199 37, 64 chicken infectious anemia, 173 comfortable environments, 69–70 colibacillosis, 15, 167–168 constructing, 64 fowl cholera, 103, 168–169 designing to prevent pecking, 152–153 fowl pox, 117, 173–175, 229–230, 307 lighting, 138 fowl typhoid, 171 perches, 39–40 fungal infections, 198–200 predator-proof, 150–151 immune system, 26–28 preventing lice and mites, 192 infectious bronchitis, 175 copper sulfate, 199, 307 infectious bursal disease, 175–176 corneas, 114–116 infectious coryza, 53, 102, 169 courtship, 45–46 infectious laryngotracheitis, 176–177, crazy chick disease, 131–132, 156 229–230 CRD (chronic respiratory disease), 105, lymphoid leukosis, 177 169–170 Marek’s disease, 177–179 Cromell, Cathy, 272 methods of spreading, 50–51 crop impaction, 204–205, 295–296 with multiple causes, 200–206 crops, 24, 76, 204–205, 222–223, 295–296 mycoplasmosis, 169–171 crowing, 43, 303 necrotic enteritis, 130, 171 crumbled feed, 82, 159 Newcastle disease, 179–180 cryptosporidiosis, 188 overview, 165, 197 culling, 105, 187 pullorum disease, 124, 171 cuticles, 30, 284–285 333_9781118444276-bindex.indd3_9781118444276-bindex.indd 313313 112/20/122/20/12 11:35:35 PPMM 314 Chicken Health For Dummies diseases (continued) selling, 288 ringworm, 199–200 washing, 284–286 sourcing new birds, 15–16 egg-type chickens, 10 zoonotic, 275–282 electric fences, 151 disinfecting. See cleaning and embryos, 33–34 disinfecting emergency planning, 74 disposal of hazardous materials, 68–69, environmental dangers, 161–164 224, 233, 264, 270–272 EPA (Environmental Protection dizziness, 118–120 Agency), 68–69 documentation, 98–99, 228 Epsom salts, 120, 203, 307 droopy birds, 92–93 erysipeloid, 280–281 droppings, 106–109, 216–217, 297–298 Escherichia coli organisms (E. coli), drugs. See medications 167–168 dry cleaning, 65, 285 esophagi, 24–25, 221–223 dry ice, for euthanasia, 269–270 euthanasia, 261–264, 270–272 dual-purpose chickens, 10, 78 expert advice, 17, 209–214 dubbing, 253 exsanguination, 263, 269–270 ductus deferentes, 31 extension agents, 212–213 dustbathing, 37, 193, 310 extension.org, 213 extra-label drug use, 16, 226–227, 302 eyedrops, 235–236 • E • eyes, 21, 113–116, 125, 178, 307 E. coli (Escherichia coli organisms), eyeworms, 114, 184–185 167–168 earlobes, removing, 253 • F • ears, 21 eating, 13, 23–25, 38, 72–73 FARAD (Food Animal Residue egg discard times, 109 Avoidance Databank), 227 egg laying farmer’s lung, 279–280 daily routines, 36–37 fats, nutritional needs, 77 decreasing production, 111, 137–140 fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome, 15, determining factors, 28–29 143, 154, 220 fi ndings of physical examinations, 99 favus, 199, 278 hen’s role, 29–30 FDA (U.S. Food and Drug molting patterns and, 22 Administration), 227 nutritional needs, 78–79 feather pecking, 38, 81, 117, 152 reproductive process after mating, 32 feathers rooster’s role, 31, 41 general discussion, 20–22 space allowances, 70 loss of, 116–117, 296 withdrawal times, 227 physical examination, 97, 99 egg peritonitis, 119, 143, 168, 220, 307 preening and dustbathing, 37 egg-binding, 109–111 trimming wings, 244–245 egg-eating hens, 304 fecal-oral route, 276 eggs feed abnormal, 37, 111–113, 175 for different life stages,
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