CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES-28 DELHI PART II-A GENERAL POPULATION TABLES PART II-B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT V.".BHALLA of the Indian Adminiltrativc Service Director of Consul Operations Delhi. DELHI ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 1981 D.T. DELHI TAHSIL LOCATION CODE IN CIRCLE INDICATES CENSUS TOWN M.T. IoIEHAAULI TAHSIL II NUMBER INDICATES VILLAGE LOCATION CODES D.M.C,' (u1 DELHI MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ~N) N.D.M.C. NEW DELHI MUNICIPAL CO,",IoIITTEE Ealt Of Grtenwlch 7 0 7~ IS Based upon Survey of Indio .ap with the perlll,lIan Of the SUrveyor General of India ClMfI"'~'·IU'II""'I'/W»fI/IJ· IS .,00 UST OF VILLAGES WITH CODE NUl\JBDS NatIIC of Villaae Cede NBJDe of Villaae Code N_of'Viu.,e Code Name of Villa&e Code No. No. No. No· Deflll Tellsll 65. KallXar Khera 131. Mitraon 37. AmbarHai 66· Same Pur· 132. Kllera 38. Toghall Pur 1. Lam Pur 67· Siru Pur 133. Roshan Pura alias 39. Bagrola ,. Bankner 68. Na1lgli Poona Dichaon XJturd· 40· SahuPur ). Bhorgarb 69· Qadi PUT 134. Dindar Pur 41. Shabibad Mohd. Pur of. Kurcni 70· Sa~m Pur Mazra Durar; 135. Kharkhari Nahar', 42. PochanPur 5. Tikri Khurd 71. Badar Pur 136. Smt-ra 43· Dhul Siras 6. Singhola n. Pllr 137. Kair 44. Chhawla 7. Singhu 73· Burari 138· Mundhela Khurd 45. Rewla Kham Pur 139. Muncihela Kalan 8. Hamid PUT 74. Libas Pur I 46. Paprawat 9. Taj Pur Kalan 75. Bhalaswa Jhangir Pur* 14C. lafarpur Kalan 47· Kharlchari latmd 10. Akbar Pur Majra '].6. Badli 141. Khera Dabar 48· Kharkhari Rond 11. Palla 77. NabarPur 142. Sher Pur Deri 49. Pindwala Kalan 143. Ujwa SO. 12· QaHak Pur 78. Pitampura Pindwala Kllurd Sarnas Pur Khalsa 13. .1hangola 79. Yakut Pur 144. 51. Daulat Pur 145. Baqar Garh 52. 14· Suogcr Pur 80. Sahi Pur Hasan Pur Isa Pur 15. Fateh Pur IBt 81. Haider Pur 146. 53· Asalat Pur Khawad 54.' Zind Pur 16. Tigi Pur 81. Shaojat Pur 147. GaziPut Malik Pur Zer Najafgarb. • 55. 17· Bakhtawar Pur 83. Mulc.and Pur 148. Sbikar Pur 18. Bankauli 84· Kamal Pur 149. Darya Pur Khurd 56. Jhatikra 19· Kham Pur 85· 1haroda Mazra Burari ISO. GomanHera 57. Nanak Hcri 20. Shah Pur Garhi 86. Wazirabad lSI. Ihuljhuli 58. Raghu Pur 21. Raza Pur Kalan 87. Oopal Pur 152· Sarang Pur 59. Badhosra 22. Sanolh 88. Iapl PUr (Burari) 153· Dhansa 60. Kangan Heri 23. Gb.oga 119· Saba Pur 154· GhalibPur 61. Bamnali 24. Darya Pur Kalan 90. Baqiabad 155· Raota 1i2. Bhartal 2S. Hareoli 91. Sadat Pur Musalmanan 156. Deorala g3. Nangal Dewat 26. Ochandi 92. Sadat Pur Gujran 64. Bijawasan* 27. Mun,esb Pur 93. Sher Pur 65. Salah Pur 66. Kapas Hera 28. Qutabgarh 94. Garhi Mendu Mellra.1I Te.... 1 29. Katewara 95. Khajoori Khas 67· Sambhalka Malik Pur Kohi alias 30- Bazid Pur Thakran 96. Behari Pur 1. Madan Pur Dabas 6S· RaDgpuri 3J. NanJa1 1)lakraq 97. Qarawal Nagar 2· RalOol Pur 69. Mahipal Pur* -/....32. Sawana'- 98. Dayal Pur 3· Rani KlIera 70. KusumPur 33. Iradat Nagar alias 99. liwan Pur alias lohri Pur 4. Mubarak Pur Dabas 71. Moradabad P.harl Naya Bans 100. Khan Pur Dhani 5, Begum Pur 12. Masud Pur 34. HoJambi Khurd 101. Mustafabad 6. Pooth Kalan 73. Rajolcri· 3'. Holambi Kulan 102. Mit Put -Turk 7. KirJlri Sulcman NaJar 36 Ali Pur· 103. Tukhmir Pur 8. Nithari n· GhitorD! ' IS. Vall:ya Naps 37. Zind Pur 104. Ziauddln Pur -9. Mundka Gadai Pllr 38. Hiranki laff.ralrad~ 10· Tilan, Pur Koda '6. :.06. Babu Par" Rlnhola Sblfi Pur 11. Sultan Pur 39. MoM. Pur RalDZan Pur 11· 78: Chhattarl'ur* 40. Tehri Daulat Pur .f07. Ooo(Pur" 12. Q&d1uf\tddin Nagar ;9. Maidan Gubi Ibrahim Put ~8. MandoU* -po Nan,loi lat· 41. 10. Neb Sarai Oarbi Khasru 109. Sb.alcai Pur Baramad -r.(. Sultan- Pur Mazra· 42. Saidul Ajalb 43. Mllkb.mel PUT 1I0. Shamas Pur ./ 15. Mu,hol Pur'Khurd U· ~1. Lado Sat.i. 'J ..... Bodb. Pur Bija Pur 1\1. Oharonda Ncemka Banger 16 • Ritba\a n. Tigri· '4 KlIer. Kalan alias Pat par Ganj 17- M,II!lJhol Pur Kalan 45- Dcoll· Kher. Khurd Ill· Kot1a· 18. Garhi Piran ~ 46. ".IS. Raj Pur Khurd 47. Pooth Khurd"' J 13. Ghpronda NeeJllka Khaoar 19. lawala Heri 16. Satberi Sultan Pur Oabaa 114. Chilla Saroda Khll4l1r -:ZOo Nall&loi Bayed· .... 17. ChaD~P Hola ll~. Cbilla Sarod a BaDBer 21· Nilothi 49. Chand PUr :1, Iona Pur Budhan Pur 116. Dallo P\lrll 22, Dastsal so. :9. Dera. 51. Salah Pur 117. 1(01111" 23. Raza Pur Khurd Oharoli 24. Nawada Mazra Hasnal 10. Mapeli ~2. :KhOT J.t 118. 119, Tikri Kailin 25. Malola 'I. Fatell Pur 53. Xhor Punj,llt Shati 504. Chat.au I~O. Nizam Pur Rasid PUr 26. Mirza PIlr '~. ~l. Asola 55. Sonti 121, Saoda '27. linda Pur· 94. tlhahur Pur 56. Oarhi Rindhala 122. Gheora 28. pallri ,~, Koda M.ia!rall 57. La4 Pllr 123, lafar Pur alial Hitan KudJIE 29. Sligar Pur 94. Saidabad II. Xanjhawala 124. Bakarwala -:m. Nasir Pur· 1J7. AJIi .9.· Mohd- 'Pur Majri 12S. Bapraula '31. Palam· iO. Karala 126. Nan,li S~rawali 32. Lohar MIn 98. lait Pur /99. Molar Band· il. Barwala 127. Diehaon ~alan 33. Kakro14 Pur i2. hnali 128. Neelwal 34. Goela Kllurd 100. Mit.., i3. PeIdad Pur BanFr"' 129. JUroda Kalan 35. TIij Pur K.burd ~ 101. Tajpal • If02 PIlI MIad· ... Sahiballad Daulal Pur 130. hrakhPur H- Quta1t .. i«ated as CenSUI Tow. j)REFACE 'there are two parts of this Volume-Part II-A and Part II-B. Part II-A contains the lueneral Population Tables while the Primary Census Abstract which formed the basis of these tables is being published in Part II-B. Part II-A presents five main tables namely the A-series Tables. Each table is preceded by a fly-leaf which elucidates the data contained in tho table. A number of charts & maps h~ve· also been included to illustrate the data. Part 11-B presen~ (he StatelDistrict Primary Censlls Abstract. In addition, Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes is also being presented in this volume. Since there are no Scheduled Tribes recognised as such in the Union Territory of Delhi: Primary Censu& Abstract for Scheduled Tribes is not applicable in the case of Del~i U.T. The draft of this volume was prepared by Shri S. S. S. J aiswal, Deputy Director assisted by Sh. M. L. Sharma, Asstt. Director. My thanks are due to them. Sh. H. P. Sarin, Investigator and Sh. Rajendar Kumar, Computor Prepared the A-series tables and checkf;d them for consistency and correctness. The Primary Census Abstract was- finalised by SIShri Bhoop Narain and R. A. Tiwari, Investigators assisted by a team of well trained officials. Smt. Kanwal Bedi, Sr. Stenographer and Sil. N. K. Arora, Jr. Stenographer provided the stenographic assistance. Maps and charts were prepared by Sh. P. S .. Gera, Sr. Artist and other members ot the map unit of this office. Sh. R. K. BhatejSl, Printing Inspector looked after the various stages of printing. All of them deserve my thanks. I may also express my sincere gratitude and thanks to Shri P. Padmanabha, Registrar General, India for his vaiuable. advice at different stages of the work. DELHI V. K. SHALLA July 18, 1983. Director oj Census Operations Delhi. (i) CENSuS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES 28-DELHI List 0/ Publications to be release 1. Part I A Administration Report-Enumeration 2. Part I-B Administration Report-Tabulation • 3. Part II-A General Population Tables 4. Part II-B Primary Census Abstract 5. Part III A & B General Economic Tables 6. Part IVA, B & C Social & Cultural Tables 7. Part V A & B Migration Tables 8. Part VI A & B Fertility Tables 9. Part VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population 10. Part VIn A, B & C Household Tables 11. Part IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes 12. Part X B Survey Report on Selected Towns 13. Part X C Survey Report on Selected Villages 14. Part XI Ethnographic Notes and Special Studies on Scheduled Castes 15. Part XII Census Atlas· I 16. Part XlII-A & B District Census Handbook (iii) SOME BASIC FIGURES CENSUS OF INDIA--198J POPULATION OF UNION TERRITOR Y Total 6,220,406 OF DELHI Males 3,440,081 Females 2,780,325 DECENNIAL POPULATION GROWTH + 53.00 Per cent RATE J 971-1981 PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED Total 18.03 Per cent CASTES POPULATION TO Males 17.98 Per cent TOTAL POPULATION Females 18.09 Per cent DENSITY OF POPULATION 4194 Per Sq. Km. SEX-RATIO 808 Females, per 1,000 Males PROPORTION OF URBAN POPULA­ 92.73 Per cent TION TO TOTAL PO PULATION PROPORTION OF RURAL POPULA­ 7. 27 Per cent TION TO .TOTAL POPULATION LITERACY RATE Total 61 . 54 Per cent Males 68.40 Per cent Females 53.07 Per cent PROPORTION OF MAIN-WORKERS Total 31.93 Per c~nt AND ITS INDUSTRIAL CATEOO- Males 52.47 Per cent RIES TO TOTAL POPULATION Females 6.52 Per c~n t (i) CULTl V ATO RS (I) Total O. 56 Per cent Males 0.94 Per cent Females 0.09 Per cent (ii) AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS(II) Total 0.26 Per cent Males 0.40 Per cent Females 0.08 Per cent (iii) HOUSEHOLD INDUSTR Y(V)(a) Total O. 54 Per cent Males 0.88 Per cent Females O. 11 Per cent tiv) OTHER WORKERS (III, IV, V (b) Total 30 .57 Per cent & VI to IXj Males 50.25 Per cent Females 6.24 Per cent (v) (vi) MARGINAL WORKERS Total 0.26 Percent Males 0.20 Per cent Females 0.32 Per cent NON-WORKERS Total 67.81 Per cent Males 47.33 Per cent Females 93.16 Per cent NUMBER OF VILLAGES Total 231 Inhabited 214 Un-inhabited 17 NUMBER OF OCCUPIED RESIDEN­ 1,092,065 TIAL HOUSES NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS ,211,784 CONTENTS PART n-A GENERAL POPULATION TABLES PAGI! INTRODUCTION .
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