Index Page numbers in italics refer to Figures. Page numbers in bold refer to Tables. Abbotabad Formation 112, 117 Baghanwala Formation 149, 150 Abu Mahara Group Baghewala well 19, 64, 65, 124, 127, 136, 147, 148 age of volcaniclastics 232 Baharaich Formation 21, 23, 42 microfossil assemblage 15, 254–255, 258 Baikal–Muya complex 180 stratigraphy 152, 153, 155, 156, 253 Baikal–Vitam fold-and-thrust belt 180–181, 181 acritarchs, Neoproterozoic diversity 251 Baikalian orogeny 179 Adhi well 124, 127 Balwan Limestone 76,83 Afghan Plate 2, 6–11, 124 Banda well 30 Agaleeva well 187 Bandar Kas Gypsum Member 113 Akoda Mahadev Sandstone 67 Banganapalli Quartzite 70 Aksu Group 165, 165, 166 Bap Boulder Bed 133, 146–147 Aldan Shield 179, 181 Baran High 64, 65 Amadeus Basin 21 Barguzin microcontinent 180, 181, 185 Amar Collision 15 Bari Shale 67 Anabar Shield 179 Bastar Basin 20, 59, 60, 70, 71 Andola Subgroup 278 Basuhari Sandstone 67, 69 Angara-Kan terrane 180, 181 Baykit Anticlise 2, 3, 178, 179, 183, 185, 186 Angara-Kotul Rift Basin 179, 182 hydrocarbon potential 191, 195–196 Angara-Lena Step 2, 3, 178, 179, 182, 183, 189 Bela Ophiolite 125 hydrocarbon potential 191, 193–194 Beltina 277 Anhydrite 238 Bhagawar Shale 67 Ara Evaporites 15, 239, 239–241 Bhagewala well 124 age 232 Bhagwanpura Limestone 67 composition 238 Bhander Formation 21, 24, 76, 91, 92 Ara Formation 233, 234 Bhander Limestone Member 80, 81 Ara Group 15, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 234, 235, 253, 253 Bhander Sandstone (Upper and Lower) Members 67,81 hydrocarbons 242–243 Upper Bhander Sandstone microfossil assemblage 257, 259, 259 cements 97, 102–103 stratigraphy 233 clay matrix 107 Ara (South Oman) salt Basin 2, 15, 151, 152, 156, 157, iron oxide 98, 107 234, 239, 243, 252 silica 97–98, 104–106 Ara Stringer Carbonate 19 compaction 94 Arabian Plate 2,14–15 diagenesis 108–109 Arabian Platform facies analysis 94, 95, 96, 97 Constituent terrane 231 grain contacts 95–97, 99–101 cross-section 232 mineralogy 94 geology map 231 outcrop area 93 location 230 porosity study salt basins 236 methods of analysis 92, 94 Arabian Shield results 107–108 constituent terranes 230–231 Bhander Group 64, 66, 67, 75, 76, 80–82, 82–83, 87, geology map 231 91, 92 location 230 Bhawal well 124 salt basins 236 Bhima–Kaladgi Basin 20 aragonite seas 239 Bhima Basin 6, 59, 60, 278, 279 Arangi Shale Formation 24, 67, 92 basin fill Aravalli Formation 64, 65 biostratigraphy 280 Aravalli Group 67 geochronology 278–280 Aravalli Platform 2 stratigraphy 278 Aravalli–Delhi Group 20 Pc–C fossil evidence 277 Aravalli–Delhi orogenic belt 91 Bhima Group 277 Archaeofavosina 280 biostratigraphy 280, 289, 291 Arumberia 140 fossil systematics Asan Sandstone 67 biological affinities 287, 289 Athel silicilyte play 19, 154 Pararenicola 286, 288 Australia 21 Protoarenicola 283–285 Awatage Formation 165, 169, 170 Sinosabelidites 281–283 Ayan Formation 190 taphonomy 289 296 INDEX Bhima Group (Continued) Central Angara terrane 180, 181, 182 geochronology 278–280 Central Crystalline Zone of Himalayas 201, 202, 203, stratigraphy 278 205, 206 Bhima–Kaladagi Basin 27,72 Central Iranian Plate 124 Bijaigarh Shale 67, 92 Chadobets Uplift 185 Bijawar Group 20, 67 Chagqing gas province 26 Bijawar synclise 22 Chail Group 204, 205, 206 Bijaygargh black shale 23 Chail thrust 203, 205 Bijnot well 124 Chaman Fault 124 Bikaner–Nagaur Basin 2, 10, 19, 20, 21, 29, 59, 60 Chaman–Moqur Fault 124 cross-section 63 Chambal Valley Vindhyans petroleum system 8, 20, exploration history 61 21, 25 hydrocarbon shows 62 generation–migration–entrapment model 52–53 map 62 geochemistry 50 setting 61 hydrocarbon shows 50–51 Bikaner-Nagaur petroleum system 56 reservoir rocks 51 hydrocarbon shows 54 seal rocks 51 reservoir rocks 55 source rocks 51–52 source rocks 56 trap types 51 tectonic setting 53–54 Chandi Formation 72 trap types 55 Chandrapur Group 71, 72 Bilara Dolomite Formation 5, 62, 63, 64, 65, 87, 118, Chaporidah Shale 72 119, 120 Charkaria Shale 67, 69 reservoir characteristics 120 Chemostratigraphy, Krol Formation 272 Bilara Group 77, 78, 84–85, 132, 235 Chhattisgarh Basin 6, 20, 27, 59, 60,71–72 Bilaspur thrust 203, 205 map 72 Billianwala Salt Member 113 stratigraphy 71–72 Binota Shale 67 Chhattisgarh Supergroup 71 Birmania Basin 77, 86–87 China Bisiankanet thrust 203, 205 hydrocarbon provinces 26, 32 Blaini Formation diamictites 204, 266, 272 Neoproterozoic fossil evidence 277 lithostratigraphy 267–268, 267, 268 Tarim Basin 2, 15–16, 32, 163 bloedite 238 basement 165 Bouguer anomaly data, Vindhyan Basin 64, 65, 68 evolution 169, 171 brine chemistry 238–239 hydrocarbon prospectivity 172–173 bromine, concentration in Ara evaporites 239 map 164 Buah Formation 15, 152, 153, 154, 156, 233, 234, 239, stratigraphy 165–169 240, 253, 254, 257 Tarim block 24, 163 Buaigarh Shale 67 origin 163–165 Bundelkhand massif (granites/gneisses) 20, 21, 25, 64, 66, Chistyakov Formation 186 67, 78, 91 Chitravati Basin 34 Bundi Hill Sandstone 67, 76, 83, 87 Chitravati Formation 35 Bysykhtakh field 191 Chitravati Group 71 Chopan Formation 67 d13C, Chorhat Sandstone 92 excursions 15, 141, 145–146 Chur thrust 203 Bhima Group 280 Churaria 277, 280 Huqf Supergroup 251, 254 Cis-Patom Trough 1–2, 4, 178, 179, 183, 189 Krol Formation 273 hydrocarbon potential 190, 192 Ganga Basin hydrocarbons 39 Cis-Sayan Synclise 178, 179, 182, 183, 185, 189 calcite seas 239 hydrocarbon potential 190, 194–195 Cambrian Period, base defined 232 Cis–Sayan–Yenisey Synclise 3 cap rocks see seal rocks Cloudina 239, 242, 251 carbonaceous compression fossils of Bhima Group Cryogenian Period 111, 112, 232 biostratigraphy 280, 289, 291 Abu Mahara Group fossil systematics age of volcaniclastics 232 biological affinities 287, 289 microfossil assemblage 15, 254–255, 258 Pararenicola 286, 288 stratigraphy 152, 153, 155, 156, 253 Protoarenicola 283–285 Blaini Formation diamictites 204, 266, 272 Sinosabelidites 281–283 lithostratigraphy 267–268, 267, 268 taphonomy 289 Cuddapah Basin 7, 14, 19, 20, 27, 59, 60,70 carnallite 238, 239 geotectonic elements 34 cathodoluminescence petrography 272 map 71 Ceno-Tethys 24 stratigraphy 71 INDEX 297 Cuddapah Petroleum System 34 Fahud Salt Basin 15, 151, 152, 155, 234, 252 Cuddapah Superbasin 2, 6–7, 19, 20, 20, 21,36 Fara Formation 232, 233, 234 sub-basins 27,34 Fawn Limestone 92 Cuddapah Supergroup, seal rocks 34–35 Fiq Formation 152, 153 Cuddapah Superpetroleum System 35, 36 fossil and microfossil assemblages Cuddapah synclise 20, 22 Bhima Group 277 Cumbum Shales 35 systematics Pararenicloa 286, 288 Dagshai Formation 204 Protoarenicola 283–285 Damantha Group 117 (Is it Samantha or Damantha, his Sinosabelidites 281–283 previous pub. use Samantha, but in this Huqf Supergroup vol. he has used Damantha, A. Jamil) methods of analysis 254 Danilova Regional Horizon 189, 190, 191 results 254 Darbula well 124 Abu Mahara Group 254–255 Deccan Trap-Concealed Vindhayans 9, 25, 29,53 Ara Group 257, 259 Delhi orogeny 37 Nafun Group 255–257 Delhi Supergroup 131, 133 results discussed 259–261 Deoband Formation 24, 67, 92 Marwar Supergroup 78 Deonar Porcellanite 67 Vindhyan Supergroup 76 Desu Formation 234, 235 Dhahir borehole 255, 255 Ganauli well 40 Dhanapa Dolomite 78,85 Gandak depression 30, 37, 38, 43, 45 Dhanapa Formation 133, 140, 143 Ganga Valley see Vindhyan Ganga Valley Dhandraul Quartzite 67, 92 Ganga Valley petroleum system 7–8, 19, 21, 25, 30–31, Dhandraul Sandstone 67 36, 39, 41, 42 Dharamsala Group 202, 203, 206 generation 39 Dhermund well 124 geochemistry 39–40 Dholpura Shale 76,83 geotechnical elements 37–39 Dial well 124, 127 hydrocarbon shows 40–41 diamictite, Blaini Formation 204, 266, 272 Mesoproterozoic–Neoproterozoic petroleum system lithostratigraphy 267–268, 267, 268 generation–migration–entrapment model diapirism, Persian Gulf Basin 235 43–44 Dobchur well 187 geotechnical elements 37–39 Domarkhoka Quartzite 67 reservoirs 41 Doran Granite 233 source rocks 43 Doushantuo Formation 252 subsidence history 44–45 traps 41, 43 East Angara terrane 180, 181, 182 Ordovician–Silurian petroleum system 44–45 East Nahan thrust 203, 205 Siwalik Cenozoic petroleum system 45 East Vindhyan Basin see Vindhyan Son Valley Ganurgarh Shale 24, 67, 76, 81, 82 Ediacaran Period 111, 112, 232, 251 Garhwal syncline 266 strata Gaskiers glaciation 254 Krol Formation 202, 204, 266 generation–migration–entrapment models chemostratigraphy 272 Chambal Valley Vindhyans 52–53 diagenesis 271–272 Cuddapah system 36 facies 268–271 Ganga Valley 43, 45 stratigraphy 265–267 Son Valley Vindhyans 49–50 Nafun Group 15, 152, 153, 155, 156, 234, 253 geochemistry, Ganga Basin hydrocarbons 39 age of 232 Germinosphaera 255, 255, 256, 256, 257, microfossil assemblage 255–257 258, 259 stratigraphy 233 Ghaba Salt Basin 15, 151, 152, 155, 234, 252 Qegebulake Formation 165, 167, 168 Ghadir Manqil Formation 15, 156, 253 Salt Range Formation 112, 113, 115, 116, Ghaghar Sandstone 67 149, 233 Ghubrah Formation 152, 153 composition 238 Ghudun Basin 236 petroleum system elements 158 Girbhakar Formation 133, 139, 140, 142 sedimentology 243–244 Girbhakar Sandstone Member 113, 119 stratigraphy 149–150, 149 Giri thrust 203 compared with Oman and Rajasthan 157–160 Gondwana supercontinent 21, 24, 26, 135 Sugaitebulake Formation 165, 167, 168, 171 assembly 31, 160, 244–245 Enisey Ridge 179, 180, 181, 182, 185, 190 Infracambrian petroleum systems 19 Eocambrian, defined 235 Gotan Formation 133, 140 Erinpura Granite 131, 133 Gotan Limestone 78,85 evaporite chemistry 238–239 Govindgarh Sandstone 67, 76 298 INDEX Granomarginata 280
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