
5200 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 22, 1973 ORDER FOR RECOGNITION OF SEN­ be cousin, the junior Senator from West DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ATOR ROBERT C. BYRD ON MON­ Virginia (Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD)' for a James N. Gabriel, of Massachusetts, to be DAY period of not to exceed 15 minutes; to be U.S. attorney for the district of Massachu­ Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. I ask unani­ followed by a period for the transaction setts for the term of 4 years, vice Joseph L. mous consent that following the remarks of routine morning business of not to Tauro. exceed 30 minutes, with statements James F. Companion, of West Virginia, to of the distinguished senior Senator from be U.S. attorney for the northern district of Virginia (Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR.) on therein limited to 3 minutes, at the con­ West Virginia for the term of 4 years, vice Monday, his would-be cousin, Mr. RoB­ clusion of which the Senate will proceed Paul C. Camilletti, resigning. ERT C. BYRD, the junior Senator from to the consideration of House Joint Reso­ lution 345, the continuing resolution. IN THE MARINE CORPS West Virginia, the neighboring State just The following-named officers of the Marine over the mountains, be recognized for not I would anticipate that there would Corps for temporary appointment to the to exceed 15 minutes. likely be a rollcall vote--or rollcall grade of major general: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without votes--in connection with that resolu­ Kenneth J. HoughtonJames R. Jones objection, it is so ordered. tion, but as to whether or not the Senate Frank C. Lang Charles D. Mize will complete its consideration of that Robert D. Bohn Norman W. Gourley resolution on Monday, I cannot say. Sen­ Edward J. Miller TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE MORN­ ators may be alerted, however, I repeat, ING BUSINESS ON MONDAY to the likelihood of rollcall votes on Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Monday. CONFIRMATIONS Following the disposition of the con­ I ask unanimous consent that following Executive nominations confirmed by the remarks of the junior Senator from tinuing resolution on Monday or Tues­ day-whenever it may be-the Senate the Senate February 22, 1973: West Virginia on Monday next, there be SECURrrIEs AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION a period for the transaction of routine will return to the consideration of those committee money resolutions which are The following-named persons to be mem­ morning business of not to exceed 30 bers of the Securities and Exchange Com­ minutes, with statements therein limited on the calendar, but which were carried mission for the terms indicated: to 3 uinutes. over today by unanimous consent, to­ John R. Evans, of Utah, for the remainder The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without gether with other committee money reso­ of the term expiring June 5, 1973. · objection, it is so ordered. lutions which are to be reported today Philip A. Loomis, Jr., of California, for from the Committee on Rules and Ad­ the remainder of the term expiring June 5, ministration, they being the resolutions 1974. ORDER FOR CONSIDERATION OF dealing with moneys for the Committee G. Bradford Cook, of Illinois, for the term HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 345, on Foreign Relations and the Committee expiring June 5, 1977. MAKING CONTINUING APPROPRI­ on the Judiciary. U.S. COAST GUARD ATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1973, ON So that is about it, Mr. President. Coast Guard nominations beginning Leon MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Again I say I expect rollcall votes on A. Murphy, to be captain, and ending Thomas L. O'Hara, Jr., to be captain, which nomina­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Mond'ay, and I expect rollcall votes on tions were received by the Senate and ap­ I ask unanimous consent that on Mon­ Tuesday. peared in the Congressional Record on Jan­ day next, at the conclusion of routine uary 12, 1973; and Coast Guard nominations beginning Wil­ morning business, the Senate proceed to ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY AT the consideration of House Joint Reso­ liam D. Harvey, to be captain, and ending 11:30 A.M. Stanley H. Zukowski, to be ensign, which lution 345, the continuing resolution. nominations were received by the Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, and appeared in the Congressional Record on objection, it is so ordered. if there be no further business to come January 16, 1973. before the Senate, I move, in accordance with the previous order, that the Senate NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION stand in adjournment until 11 :30 a.m. on National Oceanic and Atrr.ospheric Ad­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Monday next. ministration nominations beginning David the program for Monday next is as fol­ The motion was agreed to; and at 3: 56 J. Goehler, to be lieutenant, and ending Jan lows: p.m. the Senate adjourned until Monday, W. McCabe, to be lieutenant, which nomina­ The Senate will convene at 11 :30 a.m. February 26, 1973, at 11 :30 a.m. tions were received by the Senate and ap­ After the two leaders or their designees peared in the Congressional Record on Feb­ ruary 15, 1973. have been recognized under the stand­ (The above nominations were approved ing order, the distinguished senior Sena­ NOMINATIONS subject to the nominees' commitment to tor from Virginia (Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, respond to requests to appear and testify JR.) will be recognized for not to exceed Executive nominations received by the before any duly constituted committee of 15 minutes, to be followed by his would- Senate February 22, 1973: the Senate.) EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS NICOLAUS C ~RNICUS, earth stood unmoving as the center of emy's teachings, Copernicus believed GIANT OF HISTORY the universe. Nicolaus Copernicus boldly that the earth hurtles rapidly through challenged this theory and through his space and that man does not see this studies provided the foundation for mod­ motion because he travels with the earth. HON. JACK F. KEMP ern astronomy and our present day ex­ In pointing out Ptolemy's error, Coper­ OF NEW YORK plorations of space. nicus quoted an ancient poet to the efiect IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Copernicus was born in Torun, Po­ that the shore and the port move away land, on February 19, 1473 and studied from the departing ship, or so it seems to Wednesday, February 21, 1973 mathematics, law, medicine, and astron­ the passenger on the deck of the vessel. Mr. KEMP. Mr. Speaker, this month omy at Cracow, Bologna and . Padua. The passenger is unaware of the ship's we pause to pay tribute to two great lead­ Early in his career, Copernicus noticed motion which is carrying him away and ers of our Nation, George Washington what he considered to be serious defects therefore comes to the conclusion that and Abraham Lincoln, but February also in the Ptolemaic astronomical system the land is receding from him. marks the birthday of another giant of which he had been taught. Unlike those In his book written in 1543, "Concern­ history-Nicolaus Copernicus of Poland. who had gone before him, Copernicus ing the Revolutions of the Celestial Fourteen hundred years before Coper­ challenged 1,400 years of tradition and Spheres," Copernicus demonstrated how nicus' birth in 1473, the astronomer Ptol­ dared to formulate his own astronomical the earth's motions could be used to ex­ emy had formulated the theory that the theory. In direct contradiction to Ptol- plain the motions of other heavenly February 22, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 5201 bodies. This work laid the foundation for the medical school at Padua, Italy, leaving Oddly enough, one of the original Nurem­ Sir Isaac Newton's principle of gravita­ for a time to lecture on astronomy at Rome burg editions is located in the Buffalo Mu­ tion, Galileo's telescopic discoveries and and to take a doctorate in canon law at Fer­ seum of Science rare book collection, and Johannes Kepler's planetary laws. Be­ rara. In 1505 he went back to Poland where this is a puzzle worth unraveling. How did he remained for the rest of his life, spend­ our museum acquire this rare ~ook having a hind today's travel to the moon and our ing the greater part of his time in religious market value of well over $25,000? preparations for future space explora­ duties administering to the sick and in­ Preliminary investigations show that the tion stands the work of Copernicus of digent. book was acquired in the middle •sos by Dr. Poland. During his lifetime, he was best known for Albert Sy, a retired professor of biochemistry During the month of February, Ameri­ a coinage-reform system which he presented at the old University of Buffalo. On his re­ cans of Polish descent and the scientific to the Diet in 1522. However, he devoted an tirement he opened a bookstore on Elinwood community are celebrating the 500th an­ enormous amount of time to astronomy, par­ Avenue. His source is unknown. The book ticularly to the development of the Coper­ was purchased by Chauncey Hamlin and niversary of Nicolaus Copernicus' birth. nician System, which was summed up in a presented as a gift to the Science Museum In my District of Western New York, the book "De Revolutionibus Orbium Coeles­ about 1938. The amounts involved in these Polish community and its many friends tium" (Concerni.ng the Revolutions of the transactions are not known. It is doubtful, have planned an impressive program of Heavenly Bodies) which although completed however, that the true value of the book wai> events at the State University College in 1530, was not published until immediately known at that tim~.
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