nuss McBfiiDE IIF.ATS TilE 1·/Et.T It's 'Winter Time in Brazil Whllr! Ingham people were to !he prorltwtlnn of SMA hahy Thelngha m Count trying to llnrl ways to i1roop ronol fond. Ills dedlenllon !:1 paying 1 1 '~ lfltit wcPII HLtssell MeBrlrl(! was off. Prurltwtlnn of SMA " Brazil Nr'nely·S1'xth Year, No. 32 M M' I' Tl d A II 1955 4 S just ns hw;y trying to I~elr>p warm. llas douhlcrl 1111 d quality str•nrl· ason, IC 11gan, mrs ay, ugusl , eclions - 26 Paues I!£l II'IIH In Brazil, In t lle midst ard.'l have now real'ill'rl the stand· -------·.;...-------;---:-"'"----------------------------------:-...;...--1 ------------------------..:_- of a eolrl w11ve whkh sent llw ill'fl at the Mnsr111 plant, n plw· men:ur.\' down helnw frem:lnJ.t, nomennn which !1. S. llllhy fonrl 'l'lw merc:ur.v ll!'lttally dipped mnnufncltii'Prs said mlgl1l never below zero, httl Brnzill11ns use n hnppen. County Studies I ccntlgl'llrll! sl'aie. Zero on a It was 1\'h'Brlrle's fourth trip Ingham County Fair ccntlgrndr. t hermometr.r is just to Brn;:il, In lite plant In Cruzerio freezing on Fnhrenlu•it, hut tlwl's nnrl \llf! offir•f!s In Sno Paulo. lie Meridian Plan I !'old PnrHtJ.th In unh(•.ttr>rl httllrl· was thmP wlwn tlw plnnt w11s lngs, anrl IIHII'H the Wll,V most being hull! nnrl the mlllt lnrlusll'Y Bru~ltlan htlsinPss hullrllngs Ill'(', WILH iaundH•rl In rropl;wr• !'offee For Sewage Aid McBrlrle didn't go to Brazil tn ('llitlll(~ on lands too long dr!votrYI Will Start Monday Mcrnhers of 3 eommlttces nf beat the ill'al, nn1· did Ill' mturn to tit!• lwrry. lie W.ts !IH•n• to get rmorltir·tion startrori In tite ~-:Irollm· thn hoard or supervisors are ) to gPI Warm, lie's lllloWn IIH II rlcdkaled man with Wyctl1 Lah· lng nPw plant. 1le W('\ll hnf'il 10 studying a request thut the coun· or·ator!Ps IIH'OJ'fHII'fliPd, rl(!dlr•atl'rl WPCits agn to ltrolp with qttlllity ty srwnsnr a scwnge dlspnsal enntrol. [[(' l'Pttll'nrorl r•ven more plant In Mcrirllnn township. ent ltuslnsllt• tItan lwfnrP. Supervisor Bcrnnrrl Ward nf For Crowded Week l'nwd(•rerl Jmllv fonrl, along Mcrlriian dropped the request In with pnwrh•n•d mtllt prmtU('Prl hy lite lnp of the county honrrl Tues· Exhibi1s !'or Inghnm's 1955 county fair at. Muson m·p fll­ Kessler Waits N("itlf'!l 11nd ntlwr ('rtmpnnies in tiny, Slt,Ving that r:ounty spnnsor· t•eady being placed. The fait· will open Monday lo run G llrnzil, ltm; hr•(•Jt r>llgPrly ltr·r·Ppterl ship sf!r!ms to he tlw only wny out Jays nnd nights. For Answer on by till' rwnjoh•. 'l'ilroy llaVP Inn~-: for the township. lwt'll llf'<'ttstnmrorl In hoiling all Studying the pi'Oposnl llt'e Exhibit space is already at a pt•emiurn, t•cported SP<'I'c­ milk, and mill\ pnwrl(•r J,tives llwm healt It, elm ins and the ways and lnt•y Hm·t·y Spcnny. Automobile and fat·m implement deul­ Home Building 11 hr·l !Pr t ns11nr~ prorlttf't than rnf!ans commit tees. et•s have contt·acted exhibit space l'nt· beyond that tnltt•n In hoiiPrl mill\ for lni>IP usc or for Tl1e state water resource8 com· KPs:,IPI' ( 'nnst l'IH'Iion ('n. nf t•ecenl yeat·s, Spenny t•epot·tcd. All commel'cial spaet• in 1ho llolt will gPt lliro dty ('lllllll'il's hnt<ing nnrl r·ru1ldnr~. mission isFu<·ri an nrder .July 25, an•;wPr MlltHiny night to 11 fli'O· D.tll',\' IH•rrts '"'' lwin1: lm· l!J:ll, telling Meridian officials to brick building has been sold, flS well RS space in a l1iJ: L· pnhl'rl pi!d<ior:P r!Pili In hllilrl :lH prnvPd, not ns m11dt ns In C'nlnm· ahatn the dumping of untreated shaped tent. Open clnss and - -· -- hln anri 1\q.;Pntlna, Mdlnrle n•· scw11gc nnrl septic tanl< effluent hnusr•s In Mnson. IWXI ,VPill'. A 4-H exhibits are ulso 1axing wr>r.l< nr~o tiu• llolt cotnpiliW 1111· JHH'IPrl, hut nntir·ronllly, Ownrrs of In Rr•d Cedar river by June I. JHIIII\I'f!ri Its lntronlion lo r!Pvl'lop hltr·troJHins aw IPnl'lling tiwt llr.lt('!' 10:>4. racilitics, Spenny stated. 2 Schools Vote Snyr!Pr's suhrlivloilln nn tlir! wrst brroPrling along with hl'IIPI' Pare Mer·irllnn reslrlents usc county 'l'hursllay rof this wee!< Is tlw sirl!' of town if IIH• f'it\' wo11irl nf hPrrls ,l'iPirl:; IJPitr!r rPturns, IH• drains for sewers. BcC'uusc the rl!•adllne for entry of open elas3 ngrPP to Install r·r•rlltill Improve• ~ald. (•ounty anrl not the township or exhibits. By F'riclay fair officials To Join Mason, mcnts. Wyeth lllll'rnatiotlltl !111~ :J Sl'fl sewage dbtrlcts owns the drains, will !<now exactly how much AI 11 sppr·ial nli'Piinr: tli'IWI'Ptl nnttf' opPI'ntions with henri· Supcl·visor Ward ~aiel, sewagl! dis· space will he required fm· both J(pssiPI' l'l'fll'l'fH'IlilllivPs, City AI· qllartPrs in Sao l'llulo. In llfirlilion J1flsnl bonds Issued by the town· open class and H·I displays. 3 Others Pend tornr.y llownrrl M!'C'ownn allfi to SMi\ offlr·ps, lalorll'ltloriPs anrl ship can no! be Mold. Residents So Jar more than 200 sheep Councllm;n, Hil·lwrrl ~InrTIS, Cnrl· nffi('f'S o[ WyPih pPnll·iilin anrl of Meridian have paid 70'/, of the have been entered In open clnss Two primary sf'! toni rlist rirt~ ton [{pssh•r nslwrl tltnl tiH• r·lty W,Yf'lh pliartna('!'Uiiml plnnts am cost nf drains, Supervisor Ward competition. Beef animals num· this wee II vntcrl tn llliii!'X wil h build 11 hind< top 1n;Jd in tit I' s11h tlwrP. f'tiiZPI'in, wlwn• SMA is arldcri, and therefore can not af· • her ncar!> 30, dillry, 40; hog~. Mason and votes are sl'IH'duled division. J{psslror ar~n·Pd to huilrl m;triP, Is I 110 milros 11wn~·. fnrd to install a nf!W sewer sys· :19; anrl hot·ses, a rlwinrlllng 10. In 2 others. tlw ('ttl'h and >!lttlr!l' 1111<1 sirhwall< Mtll'h o[ the cquipmPnt In till! lr.m and huilcl a disposal plant, However, many of the 4-1-! horses amt inslail WIJ!Pr nnrl sr•wror S"rV· Cnt;:r•rin p\11nt Is of stainless too. will he entered In open cinss com· By a vote of 2fi·1 Mnnrlll,\' ni({ll: ices unriPI' IIH• prr.sPnl stthrllvl· :,tpr•l, Mf'!lridro said, and tlw in· As explained hy Supervisor petition, according to M. H. the Weill> district rledrlrorl t11 jnin srnn · ilrrilll~ltce r~twt!'· systPill, lr.rior of til!' hllilrlln~-: itM•If is of Ward, the plan calls for a bond Aver·y, county agricuituml agent. Mason. At Wallcrs Monrill.\' ntgltl whitro t tiP with tPrri!Z7.0 rtonrs. issue of $500,000 against the erect· the vnte tn nnnex to Milson \\'fl~ Morris sdirl · The 4-H program has also been CouncilnH'II HPrnnnl ('1\ri,V 11nrl nrazilinn (•r•nnomy Is hnsr.d nn it of the county with the town· 29·8. <'off!'P, M•·l1rirJ(• snirl. lin was in ship paying buck the money from expanded this year, Avery said. Robert l'liilllp~ \WII' sr•lif'flllicrl In Votes on annex;rtion an• sf'!Jr>rl· Hrni'.il 2 yPars ilgo when frcr.zlnr, water and sewer rental revenue. More youngsters than ever hr!fore attend tlw Thtll'~rin~' nir:ht mrPt · uteri at Grelton in Aurrlill'' lhi; did (•ausro rlamiiJ.:P, 11llliough !I The Initial installation would will be at the fair shnwlng live· lng, hill rlirln't. MorTis s;drl ltr• stock, crop and craft exhibits. Thursday night, at Nkhnls In net· hnpPs ann! ltPt' •·nmmi II r.r• 1111'PI i ng Wits f11r from IJPing as extensive sr.rve a district of about 4 square hi next Thursday night. Augu~t as was rPpr,rlcd, lif' said. The miles, the supervisor said. Commercial exhibitors have 18, and Harper In Aurr•llus Turs­ !'lin ill' lll'l'llllgr•rl hrfm (' t lw l'f'J.:ll· jumped to 50 and more are sign· lar ('Ollnf'il 1111'Piing Mnnr\ny frr•f'Zf' las! month (•it hrr didn't rio Boundaries would be East Lnn· rlay, Augus1 23. itS mtlf'i1 !lillnilg!' ;1s tlw previous sing anrl Michigan State on the ing up fol' space every di!y, In all ~ inslarwes r('(Jtlr.sls wc>J'" nlgl1t. nnr. l1ro roxplilinf'ri, or llw carr.v· west, Saginaw street on the Spcnny said. Some exhibitors will Kr~slpr· will gr•t his . flltHWPI' filed for amwxatlon anrl t!U' ~In· nwr of last ,VI'Itr·'s r•rnp will more north, Red Ccdat• river on the have to show their wares fmm Monday night on how fnr I tw dly n~-:t ('('ri smaller tents outside of the main son board of educatinn tfl will gn ill rfpv('!nping tlw sl!hrli· than nffsf!l thr. Inss to frpezing. south and a half-mile cast of exhibition areas, he added. accept annexation if votrod. ThP. vision, aef'rlrrllm: to Morris. Until lasl wP.elt's fn•r.zc, McBride Parl1 Lalte road on the east.
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